• Yikes ! Trump Looking/Acting OLD/BURNT Lately

    From 57e.1283@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 16 22:44:52 2024
    XPost: alt.elections, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans


    'Worn out' Trump, 77, sparks health fears despite resounding
    Iowa win as he fights to stay out of prison, save his business
    and win the White House

    Visibly had a hard time walking straight and appeared to be
    dragging his leg

    . . .

    I've commented on this before.

    Trump may have great force of personality, but
    he is NOT immortal. He's notably fatter and
    older since the last election. The Dems have
    contributed some to this, but sheer age has
    done the rest.

    He also tends to 'wander' in his speech more
    than years back, can't seem to focus on a
    given theme for more than 30 seconds. Contrast
    with his first State Of The Union address - the
    one delivered well enough to spark the Dems
    campaign of destruction.

    I'd still rather have Trump as the next POTUS
    than any of the Wokie party however ... that
    group HAS to be stripped of power for the
    Future Of America. Actually, they are rapidly
    falling out of favor all by their own hand ...
    too much fanatical/insane BS too often ........

    Now I'm gonna rec Haley as The Candidate. I think
    she can WIN - and get the needed cross-over votes
    to do so (and by enough so the Dems can't cheat).
    Trump can't do that. DeSantis probably can't either.
    Maybe it IS time for a "Madame President" ... but
    Haley would be a LOT more worthy than HRC !

    There ARE good roles for both Trump and DeSantis
    in a future GOP administration. Both have useful
    things to offer. Trump can be the "MAGA Yoda" and
    DeSantis can grow his personality while helping
    stamp out "Woke" fanaticism so he'll be a better
    future candidate.

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