• Israel returns mutilated bodies of Palestinians killed in Gaza

    From D. Ray@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 1 01:57:55 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.republicans, alt.politics.democrats XPost: soc.culture.judaism

    Hamas accused Israel on 27 December of mutilating and harvesting the organs
    of Palestinians killed by the Israeli army during ground operations in

    The accusation came after Tel Aviv handed over the bodies of 80 dead Palestinians, returning them to Gaza via Kerem Shalom (Karam Salem)

    The remains were returned by truck through the crossing, after having been taken from Gaza and stored in Israel.

    Israel delivered “the bodies of about 80 Palestinian martyrs today in the city of Rafah … [the bodies] are in a state of decomposition and difficult
    to recognize,” Hamas said in a statement on 26 December.

    The bodies were “from different areas” in Gaza, Hamas said, adding that it was clear Israel “tampered with these bodies.”

    “Many cases revealed that organs were stolen from the bodies of these martyrs,” the statement added.

    “What the enemy did can only be described as a war crime, a heinous crime, and a blatant violation of the sanctity and dignity of the dead.”



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