• Science Jumps Ahead Again - Implies Toxic Stuff on Enceladus = Life

    From 56g.1183@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 23 23:15:27 2023
    XPost: alt.science, alt.astronomy, soc.culture


    Scientists have known that the giant plume of ice grains and
    water vapor spewing from Saturn’s moon Enceladus is rich with
    organic compounds, some of which are important for life as we
    know it. Now, scientists analyzing data from NASA’s Cassini
    mission are taking the evidence for habitability a step
    further: They’ve found strong confirmation of hydrogen
    cyanide, a molecule that is key to the origin of life.

    The researchers also uncovered evidence that the ocean,
    which is hiding below the moon’s icy outer shell and supplies
    the plume, holds a powerful source of chemical energy.
    Unidentified until now, the energy source is in the form
    of several organic compounds, some of which, on Earth,
    serve as fuel for organisms.

    The findings, published on December 14, in Nature
    Astronomy, indicate there may be much more chemical
    energy inside this tiny moon than previously thought.
    The more energy available, the more likely that
    life might proliferate and be sustained.

    . . .

    Cyanide-sucking lifeforms on Enceladus ???

    Once, science was convinced there were canal
    systems on Mars - ergo high civilization
    because canals were human high-tech. Some guy
    wrote a novel about the surely-incipent
    attack ... because that's what humans do ,,,

    Modern sci still seems incapable of discerning
    between a life-nurturing macro-environment and
    a cosmic toxic-waste dump.

    But little green men SELL ......

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