• Wise Words of Old Philosopher

    From 56g.1183@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 23 02:11:30 2023
    XPost: alt.philosophy, soc.culture, soc.culture.eu

    “Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else
    is just opinion.”


    This guy was also known as the "laughing philosopher"
    as he found great humor in human folly. He also had
    a mysteriously accurate vision of physics and cosmology
    and was very close to correct on a number of subjects
    even in 5th-century BC. Most of the other pro philosophers
    hated him.

    In the above quote, he pretty much laid it on the
    line - saying "It's Not ABOUT Us" - which surely
    punctured a lot of inflated egos.

    If it ever becomes possible to pull people forward
    in time, I'd vote for Democritus to be the first one.

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