• Ukraine - Man Explodes THREE Grenades In Town Council Room ... Over BUD

    From 56g.1173@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 16 02:04:31 2023
    XPost: alt.politics, alt.politics.eu, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.survival


    A village councillor in western Ukraine has thrown grenades
    on to the floor of a council meeting, wounding 26 people,
    police say.

    The attack took place on Friday morning at the village
    council headquarters in Keretsky in the western
    Transcarpathian region.

    Police have not yet commented on a possible motive for
    the attack, which has left six seriously wounded.

    The meeting was being livestreamed on Facebook when the
    incident took place.

    Councillors had been holding a heated discussion about
    their budget for 2024 as well as this year's financial
    results and holding a vote on awarding the council
    chief a bonus.

    Almost 90 minutes into the meeting, the footage shows one
    of the village councillors shouting, objecting to the
    budget. The man, wearing a dark jacket, then leaves the
    room, taking another man with him.

    A few minutes later he returns and stands in front of the
    door. Shortly afterwards he takes several grenades out of
    his jacket pockets.

    . . .

    Yep, casually tossed three grenades into the meeting room.

    DailyMail has pix/video.

    I'm not entirely sure what KIND of grenades they were.
    If they'd been standard anti-personel frag grenades
    then I don't think anyone in the room would have
    survived ... too many, small space. However, at such
    close range, serious damage WAS done - including to
    the perp.

    All over a petty budget dispute.

    SURE you want Ukraine in the EU ? :-)

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