• Re: Classy - Despite Exchanged Barbs, DeSantis Forbids Fla Law From Ass

    From super70s@21:1/5 to 22TR732@noq24u.net on Fri Mar 31 13:11:25 2023
    XPost: alt.politics, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    In article <kJWcnR3XOOwm87v5nZ2dnZfqn_WdnZ2d@earthlink.com>,
    "22T.R732" <22TR732@noq24u.net> wrote:

    DeSantis is having NONE of this bullshit.

    He has forbidden Florida law-enforcement from having
    anything to do with extraditing/arresting Trump after
    todays BS indictment.

    That's pretty amusing since Trump wouldn't even piss on DeSantis if he
    was on fire.

    It's so obvious, DeSantis is just sucking up to the Trumpsters on the
    outside chance Republicans don't nominate Trump.

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