• Nicaragua Dumps Over 200 "Political" Prisoners in USA

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 9 19:47:16 2023
    XPost: alt.politics, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh


    Berta Valle, the wife of opposition leader Felix Maradiaga,
    said the State Department confirmed to her that 213
    "political prisoners" had been freed and transferred to
    the international airport in Managua, after which they boarded
    a plane to Washington. She said the State Department told her
    that her husband was on the plane.

    A Nicaraguan judge read a statement saying that the 222
    prisoners had been "deported" as "traitors to the country."

    . . .

    Just great ... a mini-Mariel - dump your prisoners
    in the USA .........

    Who else will follow this lead ? El Salvador can just
    load up some planes with 1000s of the MS-13 cluttering
    their jails and fly 'em straight to the USA. Give 'em
    a little card on how to claim asylum (and a bus ticket
    to AOCs neighborhood :-)

    Oh, just because someone is "opposition" to Ortega
    doesn't make them nice folks. I wonder how many are
    so lefty-rad that they even scared Ortega ?

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