• Re: Biden's Presidency Is Circling The Drain

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to Lustern on Mon Jan 23 21:12:25 2023
    XPost: alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: alt.elections

    On 1/23/23 5:03 PM, Lustern wrote:
    It's over for Biden and things are going exactly as planned by the
    Get Biden in office, by hook or crook, even though they know he is
    demented which is why he hid in his basement during the campaign. He was really the only electable candidate that culd beat Trump.

    Now let the leaks and gaffs begin.

    All of a sudden the Russion collusion crap with Trump is exposed.
    the Hunter Biden laptop becomes an issue as the media admits it's real.
    And for the finale the stored documents somehow get found.

    Only an idiot or a full bore left wing liberal can't see what is going

    Biden is circling the drain and Obama, soros and the Clinton's just

    The only reason Biden won is BECAUSE HE WASN'T TRUMP.

    Nobody really expected much from him - a boring four
    years was the bet.

    That was WRONG of course, RUINED the economy and a bunch
    of other sins. However these docs that keep showing up
    all over the place now makw him look like a boob (and
    more like Trump).

    He's NOT gonna get another four years. I suspect his
    OWN PARTY was behind the documents - their excuse to
    DUMP him.

    But if not Joe, WHO ??? Sure as hell not K. I fear we
    may see the return of HRC or maybe Michelle Obama -
    real lefty star power. THAT will be hard to overcome.
    Keep a CLOSE eye on trends because it will be necessary
    to counter any such moves quickly and deftly.

    And the GOP plan ... sorry, but Trump ain't it. He's
    just TOO ... basically talked himself out of a big
    win in 2020 by being his normal prima-donna asshole
    self. He's not getting any better either, indeed I'm
    wondering if his brain is getting like Joe's.

    DeSantis is by far the best bet - NOW anyhow. He's
    kinda laid-back, MAGA but not Trumpish. People could
    go for him. However DO remember the backup plan in
    case the Dems bring in Star Power .... the GOP will
    need someone with a LOT of charisma who STILL isn't
    Trump. Who's that ?

    As this has NOTHING to do with Linux or guns I took out
    those groups ..... every fuckin' time ..........

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  • From Governor Swill@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 24 02:45:28 2023
    XPost: alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: alt.elections

    On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 21:12:25 -0500, "26C.Z968" wrote:

    RUINED the economy and a bunch of other sins.

    Really? Unemployment continues to fall. Inflation is falling. Gas
    costs little more than it cost post Covid. Corporate profits are
    high, federal revenues are up and such inflation as we've had is
    because consumers have had plenty of money to spend.

    What, exactly is "ruined" about the US economy?

    Bill Mahr on George Santos: "Everyone saw in George Santos what
    they wanted to see - Republicans saw a Trump loving rich prick Democrats
    saw a a proudly gay person of color and the Proud Boys saw him as a guy
    who would blow them after a couple of beers and not tell anyone."

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