• "Colorado" cancels plans to send invaders to NYC, Chicago amid whining

    From Steve from Colorado@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 8 13:48:19 2023
    XPost: alt.survival, alt.politics.immigration, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: alt.politics.nationism.white

    What goes unspoken is that "Colorado" doesn't want these criminal
    invaders any more than "New York" or "Chicago" want them.


    Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis will stop sending [invaders] to New
    York City, Chicago and other major Democrat-run cities after mayors
    expressed outrage at the plan in recent weeks.

    Polis had agreed to work with local authorities in Denver to help send [invaders] to their final destinations. While Colorado is not a border
    state, it has seen a major influx of [invaders] seeking passage to
    elsewhere in the country. Mayors Eric Adams of New York City and Lori
    Lightfoot of Chicago called on Polis to end his assistance last week as
    their cities also struggle with a surge in [invaders].

    “People [allegedly] fleeing violence and oppression in search of a
    better life for themselves and their families deserve our (sic) respect
    not political games and we (sic) are grateful "we" have been able to
    assist [invaders] to reach their final destination,” Polis had said of
    the program. “We refuse to keep people against their will if they desire
    to travel elsewhere.”

    Adams and Lightfoot wrote to Polis in a joint letter, urging him to halt
    his bussing program after it sent just (sic) a few hundred [invaders].

    “We have seen your statements in the media that you are simply
    accommodating the wishes of [invaders] to come to cities like New York
    City and Chicago,” the pair wrote. “However, you are sending [invaders]
    and families to New York City and Chicago that do not have any ties,
    family members or community networks to welcome them.”

    Adams was outraged at Polis’ bussing program during a press conference appearance last week, comparing it to similar programs that Texas Gov.
    Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis used to flood his city with
    some 30,000 [invaders] last year.

    “One time we had to deal with Republican governors sending [invaders] to
    New York. Now we’re dealing with Democratic governors sending [invaders]
    to New York,” Adams said Wednesday.

    “What’s callous is how we have been ignored as a city. And now I have to make tough decisions on the resources of New York … it is time for the federal government to step up,” he added.

    Adams’ plea for federal assistance comes as President Biden makes his
    first trip to the U.S.-Mexico border Sunday. The White House also
    unveiled a handful of policies aimed at stemming the flow at the border
    last week. They include expanding a humanitarian parole program for
    Venezuelan [invaders] to include Haitians, Cubans and Nicaraguans, as
    well as increasing [invader] resettlements.

    Biden acknowledged the changes aren’t up to the task, however.

    “These actions alone that I’m going to announce today aren’t going to
    fix our entire immigration system but they can help us a good deal in
    managing what is a difficult challenge,” he said Thursday.

    The post Colorado cancels plans to send [invaders] to NYC, Chicago amid [whining] from Democratic mayors appeared first on Fox News. (yawn)
    "Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
    unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
    enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
    abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
    bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
    in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection 1324(a)(3)."


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