• Frenchies Embarrass Germany - Sending "Tanks" to Ukraine

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 7 12:24:05 2023
    XPost: alt.politics, alt.politics.eu, alt.military
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans


    A day after France announced it was sending Western armoured
    vehicles to Ukraine, Germany said it would do the same. But
    Germany, the world’s fourth-largest arms supplier, seemed
    to be playing catch-up in announcing the move on Thursday,
    after months of dragging its feet on dispatching its stockpile
    of tanks to an increasingly desperate Ukraine.

    . . .

    They are sending their AMX-10 RC "armored fighting vehicles"
    which looks like a tank, but with "Bradley"-style wheels
    instead of tracks.

    The wheels might do better in the springtime mud than
    a typical heavy, low-ground-clearance, tracked tank.

    The Germans had been draggin' draggin' draggin' on sending
    tanks and similar equipment. Some say it's energy politics
    (except that Putin cut them off quite awhile ago) while
    others claim that German arms inventories are not exactly
    so robust as they first appeared - more of a "hollow army".

    From a political pundit :
    "The Scholz Doctrine: do as little as possible as
    slowly as possible until forced to act by allied
    — Jessica Berlin (@berlin_bridge) January 5, 2023

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