• Russia Claims Mach-27 Hypersonic Missile

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 17 23:59:26 2022
    XPost: alt.military, alt.survival, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.politics.usa


    Putin prepares new hypersonic 20,000 mph Avangard 'meteorite'
    missile that travels at 27 times the speed of sound and can
    hit any target in the world in less than 30 minutes

    . . .

    I presume this is a low-altitude missile, not
    just another traditional ICBM.

    Anyway, the USA just last week celebrated its
    first successful launch of a tiny "hypersonic"
    that could travel just FIVE times the speed
    of sound (and didn't look to have much range).

    Folks ... the Russians and Chinese are WAY WAY
    ahead here .........

    The USA/West - We put all our money into "Woke"
    training for our military. Clue, when the big
    bright flash comes it'll make no DIFFERENCE
    how "woke" you were, you'll just be a charcoal

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