• Edmonton School and Public School Board Viciously Attacks White Student

    From D. Ray@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 14 21:22:58 2022
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, can.politics

    Here’s that very first comment by Shane Halaska again.

    Wait a second. After watching the video that accompanied the journalist
    hit piece, one of the other students said she was part of a Black Student Alliance group. So, a Black Student Alliance group isn’t racist, but a White Student Alliance group is? Jesus Christ the hippocracy[sic] is off the charts.

    Yes, there was a “Black Alliance Group” at this very same school. This was accidentally on purpose not mentioned in the article. An article written by this cunt above. But remember folx, these propagandists don’t have any sort of agenda or anything like that.



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