• Russia To Help Iran Nuke Program - Ridiculous ! Iran Doesn't NEED Help

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 13 23:59:27 2022
    XPost: alt.survival, alt.politics, alt.politics.eu
    XPost: alt.politics.usa


    . . .

    Oh PLEASE !!!

    Iran has top-level physicists and engineers ... most
    educated in the best western universities ... plus a
    great "do it yourself" mindset.

    Scuttlebutt is that NK leaned heavily on Chinese
    and IRANIAN expertise in developing its nukes.

    Iran is also PARANOID (not without reason) which would
    further prompt a secret nuke program.

    Iran has uranium out the ass - a lot of it unaccounted
    for - and the tech to purify it in volume. Rumors of
    secret breeder reactors are too common to ignore.

    In short, if crappy little NK can make A-bombs and
    H-bombs then IRAN ALREADY HAS THEM ... probably has
    for a long time. It also has de-facto ICBMs too,
    they just CALL 'em something different kinda like
    Hitler's "civilian aviation" program.

    In short Iran DOESN'T NEED Russian expertise in
    this area, not in the slightest.

    Note that despite all the rhetoric, the western
    nations have always kinda walked on eggs when it
    came to Islamist Iran. We scream about them
    sponsoring/supplying terrorism yet never really
    DO anything about it. Shit, Obama delivered BALES
    of cash to Iran. I think nukes are the reason,
    the only reason that makes sense when it comes
    to the stark diff between rhetoric and reality.

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