• Aaaauuughhh ! Mike Lindell Wants to be RNC Chairman

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Mon Nov 28 23:48:08 2022
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.elections


    MyPillow's Mike Lindell launches run to become chairman
    of the Republican National Committee: He tells Steve
    Bannon he has backing of donors to oust Ronna McDaniel.

    . . .

    Oh NO !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lindell is the only guy MORE annoying than Trump !

    Also prone to some really weird Vast Konspiracy
    theories ... not a 'Q', but in his own universe
    nevertheless. Even Trump didn't seem to like him.

    Stick to the home goods Mike .....

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