• Re: Biden's supporters call for the liquidation of Ukraine as 'genocida

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to Oleg Smirnov on Fri Nov 25 19:52:23 2022
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.survival, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.politics

    On 11/25/22 12:04 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
    Ultranationalists have come to the fore in Russia particularly since
    the Feb. 24 invasion, continuously pushing the Kremlin to take a
    harder line with Ukraine and overtly critical of Moscow's military
    leadership following a series of withdrawals or defeats during the war.

    Yes, there are such hardliners in Russia.

    And that is why the rest of us are not happy about
    the prospect of Putin being overthrown or dying of
    natural causes. There are things WORSE than Putin.
    We just want his ambitions to meet the proverbial
    brick wall and then things can go back towards
    "normal" again and the world will not be vaporized.

    'Cockroaches' and 'pigs'
    One of the most closely followed pro-Kremlin blogs belongs to former
    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev who has over 900,000 followers on
    Telegram and is one of the staunchest supporters of the war and most
    vociferous and vicious critics of Ukraine.

    The rhetoric he uses to characterize Ukraine and Ukrainians has also
    become increasingly dehumanizing; this week he characterized officials
    within Kyiv's government as "cockroaches" (because they wanted to
    retake Crimea, a Ukrainian peninsula illegally annexed by Russia in
    2014) while he used the term "grunting pigs" earlier in November.

    The regime *officials* are not "Ukrainians" as a whole.

    In turn, the Kiev regime officials and propaganda on the regular basis
    use strongly dehumanizing terms to characterize the people of Russia in total, but the CNBC won't tell this to its audience.

    We hear it anyway. Too many sources of 'news' (and propaganda).

    Now I can SEE why Ukraine feels that way about Russians,
    the unprovoked atrocities have leaked around any authority's
    ability to censor or compartmentalize. Putin's propaganda
    about some large dire NAZI invasion threat from boring
    agricultural Ukraine gets NO traction.

    The plus side is that Ukraine will stop at it's borders
    and not attempt to invade Russia proper (and NATO will
    not let them try). The goal is to turn the clock back
    to 2013 - Russians in Russia proper and the previous
    border restored.

    There is still a problem with those in eastern Ukraine
    who do indeed consider themselves Russians. Russia left
    them there as a future excuse to re-take Ukraine. THIS
    time they will have to move 100km east to Russia proper
    or swear loyalty to Ukraine. Plenty of land there in
    Russia for them and the West MIGHT even be persuaded
    to assist in creating new towns and farms for them.
    There can be no further "excuse".

    Moreover, the dehumanizing rhetoric of the post-coup Kiev regime
    started long before the Kremlin initiated the military operation
    against the regime. Inintially it was mainly against the people in the Ukraine's "separatist" areas - i.e. those who refused to recognize the impostors that came to power via the unlawful coup
    in 2014, - and it was extended to all Russians.

    Atlanticist support for the 2014 Ukraine violent coup was a bad idea,
    and if the post-coup regime didn't abuse ethnic hate from
    the start, then the hardliners in Russia today would be fewer.

    And all the American mainstream media outlets are currently tools
    of war propaganda, so their narratives are not news, they rather
    serve the propaganda in this or that way.

    The Ukraine coup - and it WAS a coup - was not a tangible threat
    to Russia. It DID deprive Russia of a friendly puppet running
    Ukraine however. It was as if China sponsored a coup in Mexico
    or Canada. The USA would not like that one little bit. However
    we would not invade - maybe build up a counter-coup if the
    support was there .......

    I did not see many Ukrainians objecting to that coup. They
    have no interest in being a Russian puppet anymore. The
    current govt was properly elected from a field of candidates
    and pro-Russia elements were shunned. Apparently Russia
    never imagined that the funny comedian could become a
    man of steel when the crisis came ... and there are now
    many more men of steel lined up behind him. Russia did
    this, Russia made them. It can never be your puppet again.

    LEAVE. Wait awhile. Then do business again all legal
    and proper.

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