• Massive Czech Protests in FAVOR of RUSSIA

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 29 23:35:48 2022
    XPost: alt.politics.eu, alt.politics, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.survival


    Thousands of Czechs protested in Prague on Friday, demanding
    the centre-right government step down to allow an early election
    and calling for talks with Russia on gas supplies ahead of winter.

    The demonstration on a national holiday in Prague’s main square
    was the third organised by far-right political movements, fringe
    groups and the Communist party.

    Police estimated the crowd in the lower tens of thousands, less
    than the two previous rallies.

    The organising group “Czech Republic First!” opposes the European
    Union and NATO transatlantic alliance, and wants the nation of
    10.7 million to be militarily neutral.

    . . . .

    Russian SUCK UPS !!!


    Bear this in mind - and don't necessarily trust Czechs
    to watch your back in these trying times.

    Oh, and Ukrainian refugees - avoid the Czech republic,
    indeed file legal papers.

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