• Re: Tucker "not to be taken seriously" Carlson tells Zelensky to ‘go aw

    From governor.swill@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 6 02:00:53 2022
    XPost: alt.survival, alt.politcs.trump, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On Sat, 5 Nov 2022 22:29:06 -0600, Gronk <invalide@invalid.invalid>

    Mighty Wannabe wrote:
    Gronk wrote on 10/30/2022 1:01 AM:
    Mighty Wannabe wrote:
    Gronk wrote on 10/24/2022 1:07 AM:
    Hisler wrote:
    The US has its own critical needs it can spend billions of dollars on >>>>>> instead of sending it to Kiev, the Fox News host argued.

    Tucker Carlson tells Zelensky to ‘go away’ after aid demands



    A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after >>>>> lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" takes the >>>>> primetime host Tucker Carlson seriously, a new court filing said.

    That court case is totally irrelevant to the Ukraine war.

    Fox News' script writers are very skillful in writing Tucker Carlson's >>>> script. I have been watching his show for quite a long time. The
    scripts are always skillfully written to iron-clad his arse.

    That court case you cite is a living proof of my point.

    You're citing a confessed liar and that is proof of your "point"? LOL

    I won't be a liar if I say you are a dog because people should not take it >> seriously if I say you are a dog. It also doesn't mean all other things I
    say about anything are wrong, but you are too stupid to understand. You
    should reply to Swill's posts exclusively because both of you are lowbrow
    mouthbreathers with low intellect perfect for each other.

    In English, please, not russian.

    Allow me to translate his post. . .

    "Leave me alone! I'm TIRED of trying to explain away all these lies I

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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From governor.swill@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 6 01:58:48 2022
    XPost: alt.survival, alt.politcs.trump, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On Sat, 5 Nov 2022 22:29:06 -0600, Gronk <invalide@invalid.invalid>

    Mighty Wannabe wrote:
    Gronk wrote on 10/30/2022 1:01 AM:
    Mighty Wannabe wrote:
    Gronk wrote on 10/24/2022 1:07 AM:
    Hisler wrote:
    The US has its own critical needs it can spend billions of dollars on >>>>>> instead of sending it to Kiev, the Fox News host argued.

    Tucker Carlson tells Zelensky to ‘go away’ after aid demands



    A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after >>>>> lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" takes the >>>>> primetime host Tucker Carlson seriously, a new court filing said.

    That court case is totally irrelevant to the Ukraine war.

    Fox News' script writers are very skillful in writing Tucker Carlson's >>>> script. I have been watching his show for quite a long time. The
    scripts are always skillfully written to iron-clad his arse.

    That court case you cite is a living proof of my point.

    You're citing a confessed liar and that is proof of your "point"? LOL

    I won't be a liar if I say you are a dog because people should not take it >> seriously if I say you are a dog. It also doesn't mean all other things I
    say about anything are wrong, but you are too stupid to understand. You
    should reply to Swill's posts exclusively because both of you are lowbrow
    mouthbreathers with low intellect perfect for each other.

    In English, please, not russian.

    Fox News asked the judge to toss out McDougal's case by arguing that >>>>> "Carlson's statements were not statements of fact and that she failed >>>>> adequately to allege actual malice."

    But Fox News argued that Carlson "cannot be understood to have been
    stating facts, but instead that he was delivering an opinion using
    hyperbole for effect," the ruling said.

    US District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil agreed with Fox's premise, adding >>>>> that
    the network "persuasively argues" that "given Mr. Carlson's reputation, >>>>> any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of
    about the statements he makes."

    "This 'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that he is >>>>> not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead >>>>> engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary,'" the ruling >>>>> said.


    Fox host Tucker Carlson has admitted to sometimes lying on his show. >>>>>
    Carlson told conservative talk show host Dave Rubin that he lies on his >>>>> show if he's "cornered."

    He clarified that he "doesn't like" lying, but does it "out of weakness >>>>> or whatever."

    Fox host Tucker Carlson said he tries not to lie on TV but does it
    when he's "really cornered" or "out of weakness."

    Carlson made the comment on September 12 while speaking to conservative >>>>> show host Dave Rubin on an episode of the "The Rubin Report." In the >>>>> episode, Rubin questioned how CNN anchors Chris Cuomo and Brian Stelter >>>>> live with themselves "when they just lie again and again and we have the >>>>> internet to expose the lies."

    In response, Carlson told Rubin what he does to get out of a tight spot. >>>>>
    "I mean, I lie if I'm really cornered or something," Carlson said. "I >>>>> lie. I really
    try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don't — I don't like
    lying. I certainly
    do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever."


    “Remember the facts of the story; these are undisputed,” Fox News
    Tucker Carlson told his 2.8 million viewers in 2018, before labeling >>>>> former
    Playboy model Karen McDougal as a presidential extortionist.

    On Wednesday, an attorney for the network asserted that no reasonable >>>>> viewer
    would believe that what followed this preamble was factual reporting. >>>>>
    "It's a commentary show,” Fox’s lawyer Erin Murphy, of the firm
    Kirkland & Ellis,
    insisted during arguments trying to swat away McDougal’s defamation

    Jay Reno's Garage on Youtube.
    Electric Hypercar: Rimac Nevera "Automotive Royalty" 2000 horsepower "Electricity is moving so fast . . . When I look at electric cars from
    just 2015 or 16 it seems like a hundred years ago. A 200 mile range was
    the end of the world."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)