• Fun Biblical Fact

    From someone37@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 25 13:25:37 2024
    Posting a fun biblical fact to support the idea that God exists. Because whether God is thought to exist or not
    can be considered relevant to the talk.origins discussion.

    The first verse of the Torah/Bible, Genesis 1:1 has seven words (in Hebrew).

    Hebrew letters have number values. And the total number values when totalled for those 7 words is 2701. Which is
    37 x 73. 37 and 73 both being prime numbers, and both being reversible pairs. That is the digit order of 73 is
    the reverse order of the digits in 37. 37 is the 12th prime number, and 73 is the 21st prime number and 12 and 21
    are also reversible pairs. Not only is the property of two prime numbers which are reversible pairs of each
    other, and whose order numbers in the list of prime numbers are also reversible pairs, a rare property, it is a
    property that as I understand it wasn't around in any humanly known number system at the time, and wasn't around
    by even the 5th century.

    Furthermore, with each word being included once or not at all, there are 127 possible combinations of those 7
    words. And out of those 127 combinations 23 are divisible by 37. And when you tally up how in how many of those
    23 combinations each of the 7 words appeared, the total for each is 12.

    What is the atheist explanation? Chance?

    By the way, that and other "fun facts" can be found in an animated video series I've just completed. It is quite
    long, and may be best enjoyed as a podcast (as you can get on with doing other things as you listen), with the
    option of looking at the screen when it is discussing artwork, or issues like the "fun fact" (since there are
    slides) etc. The series also contains issues for an atheist physicalist (a belief that all that exists is
    physical)outlook. You can skip the first 7 minutes of "4. Belief" and jump in seven minutes in by following this
    link: https://vimeo.com/921153137?#t=7m .

    Would be interested in any that thought they had a comeback to the "Influence Issue" and "Fine Tuning Of The Experience" raised there.

    Wish you all well, and as a wise man might say:
    "Follow the loving selfless path".


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  • From Arkalen@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 5 11:16:20 2024
    On 25/03/2024 14:25, someone37 wrote:
    Posting a fun biblical fact to support the idea that God exists. Because whether God is thought to exist or not
    can be considered relevant to the talk.origins discussion.

    The first verse of the Torah/Bible, Genesis 1:1 has seven words (in Hebrew).

    Hebrew letters have number values. And the total number values when totalled for those 7 words is 2701. Which is
    37 x 73. 37 and 73 both being prime numbers, and both being reversible pairs. That is the digit order of 73 is
    the reverse order of the digits in 37. 37 is the 12th prime number, and 73 is the 21st prime number and 12 and 21
    are also reversible pairs. Not only is the property of two prime numbers which are reversible pairs of each
    other, and whose order numbers in the list of prime numbers are also reversible pairs, a rare property, it is a
    property that as I understand it wasn't around in any humanly known number system at the time, and wasn't around
    by even the 5th century.

    Furthermore, with each word being included once or not at all, there are 127 possible combinations of those 7
    words. And out of those 127 combinations 23 are divisible by 37. And when you tally up how in how many of those
    23 combinations each of the 7 words appeared, the total for each is 12.

    What is the atheist explanation? Chance?

    Yes. Numbers and sets of numbers have infinite amounts of properties,
    and though the properties mathematicians find interesting are a
    infinitesimal subset of those it's still a huge number, meaning any
    process that generates large amounts of numbers will generate
    interesting properties. Then one can reason backwards and prune the
    process so that it generates *only* the numbers with the interested
    properties; this gives them and it the appearance of significance but
    not the reality.

    What is the theistic explanation? Like, did God choose the words so that
    they'd have the mathematical property, or inspire the writer to choose
    those words, or adjust the properties of Hebrew or of mathematics
    themselves or of modern decimal notation to make it work out? And
    whichever is the case - why?

    By the way, that and other "fun facts" can be found in an animated video series I've just completed. It is quite
    long, and may be best enjoyed as a podcast (as you can get on with doing other things as you listen), with the
    option of looking at the screen when it is discussing artwork, or issues like the "fun fact" (since there are
    slides) etc. The series also contains issues for an atheist physicalist (a belief that all that exists is
    physical)outlook. You can skip the first 7 minutes of "4. Belief" and jump in seven minutes in by following this
    link: https://vimeo.com/921153137?#t=7m .

    Would be interested in any that thought they had a comeback to the "Influence Issue" and "Fine Tuning Of The Experience" raised there.

    Wish you all well, and as a wise man might say:
    "Follow the loving selfless path".


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