• Teaching intelligent design in the public schools

    From RonO@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 17 09:01:37 2024
    Apparently Oklahoma has several intelligent design bills that have
    passed their Senate and may be waiting for the Governor's signature. It
    looks like the bait and switch has failed again, or the Discovery
    Institute just stopped trying. I do not know if they ever filled the
    position of the ID perp at the Discovery Institute who's job it was to
    make sure that the bait and switch went down after she left the
    Discovery Institute after running the bait and switch on the Utah rubes
    when the ID perps were shooting themselves in the head with their Top
    Six back in 2017. The Discovery Institute had not refilled her position
    when she had to report back that the Utah rubes had dropped the issue
    instead of bending over for the switch scam.

    At least one of the bills wants to test out the "not required" to be
    taught option, and is only claiming to allow teachers to teach
    intelligent design. Even though this option is supported by the ID
    perps in their teach ID scam propaganda when, Louisiana and Texas tried
    to do it in 2013 the ID perps still ran the bait and switch on them, and reminded them that their switch scam junk had nothing to do with the ID creationist scam. The ID perps even removed the "not required" to be
    taught paragraph from their then current education policy up on their
    web page, but did not remove it from the same policy in their Teach ID
    scam post Dover propaganda. The "not required" to be taught phrasing
    has reappeared in their current education policy, so it looks like the Oklahoman's are taking the ID perps at their word again. How stupid do
    IDiots have to be at this time? It looks like the bait and switch
    failed, or the Discovery Institute was asleep at the switch as they were
    for the Dover rubes.

    The Dover Wiki claims that the Discovery Institute person responsible
    for running the bait and switch did attempt to run it on the Dover rubes
    when they were first talking about teaching ID in their public schools,
    but he didn't follow up and the Dover rubes rejected the switch scam and
    tried to teach ID anyway.

    This story made the York newspapers, and Buckingham was telephoned by
    Discovery Institute staff attorney Seth Cooper, whose tasks included "communicating with legislators, school board members, teachers, parents
    and students" to "address the topic of ID in a scientifically and
    educationally responsible way" in public schools. He later stated that
    he made the call to "steer the Dover Board away from trying to include intelligent design in the classroom or from trying to insert creationism
    into its cirriculum [sic]", an account Buckingham has disputed. Cooper
    sent the book and DVD of Icons of Evolution to Buckingham, who required
    the Dover High School science teachers to watch the DVD. They did not
    take up the opportunity to use it in their classes.

    Cooper advised that the Discovery Institute was not offering legal
    advice, and soon afterwards Buckingham contacted Richard Thompson of the
    Thomas More Law Center, who agreed to represent the Dover Board, and recommended the book Of Pandas and People.[11]


    You probably can't really blame Cooper because the bait and switch had
    gone down in every instance that creationist rubes had wanted to teach
    the ID science for around 3 years by that time, and it had likely become routine to give the rubes the hint that they should roll over for the
    switch scam instead of teach ID, but the Dover rubes were just as
    dishonest as the ID perps, and more ignorant and stupid than Cooper
    expected. Nearly all the rubes Cooper had likely run the bait and
    switch on had dropped the issue instead of bending over for the switch
    scam, so Cooper never bothered to follow up and keep pushing the switch

    I haven't seen any attempts at running the bait and switch on the
    Oklahoma rubes, so someone is likely going to be in big trouble, again,
    at the Discovery Institute, or they just did not expect any IDiots to be
    so stupid and dishonest after what has been happening for over 20 years.
    My guess is that the NCSE should be looking into the issue. The ID
    perps have made it clear in the past that they do not want ID taught in
    the public schools by government intervention whether they require ID to
    be taught or not. The ID perps never produced a public school lesson
    plan to teach their ID science. Dover demonstrated that the reason for
    this is that there is no ID science that the ID perps have worth
    teaching. The Top Six fiasco and the demise of the ID scam on TO
    indicate that the majority of IDiots that support the creationist ID
    scam do not want the ID perps to successfully produce any ID science.
    Young earth ID perps like Nelson would have likely quit the ID scam if
    any ID science had ever been successfully produced. Nelson has always
    claimed that they didn't have the ID science, yet, but that they were
    working on producing some. The Oklahoma rubes and the majority of
    IDiots that still exist are likely YEC Biblical creationists, and the
    last things that they want their kids to understand is for any designer
    to be responsible for the Big Bang over 13 billion years ago, nor the
    designer responsible for the Cambrian explosion that the ID perps have
    told them occurred within a 25 million year period over half a billion
    years ago. The Big Bang is something that Oklahoma has already
    discussed as something to drop from their public school science
    standards, like Kansas did, but they decided not to do it. They
    definitely do not want to teach the best scientific evidence for ID when
    the best evidence includes subjects like the Big Bang. The Oklahoma
    IDiotic rubes likely do not understand what they can teach about ID. If
    they did, they would not want to teach it.

    The ID perps know this, and that is likely why the bait and switch is
    all they have ever used ID for. ID has just been the bait to sell the
    rubes the obfuscation and denial switch scam for over 20 years. The
    Governor of Oklahoma should be made aware of what has been going down,
    and not let dishonesty, ignorance and stupidity rule his state's
    education policies. There is no legitimate ID science that the Oklahoma creationists want to teach in their public schools.

    Using this legislation to teach Biblical creationism in the public
    schools would not be protected by this legislation because the ID scam
    is claimed not to be Biblical creationism. What ID actually is, is
    something that Oklahoma does not want to teach in their public schools.
    The NCSE only has to lay out the Top Six best evidences for ID that the
    ID perps put out in 2017. In this reality the Top Six do not support
    Biblical creationism in the order in which they must have logically
    occurred within this universe, according to the ID perps that put them
    out as their best evidence for ID. If you aren't going to teach the
    best about a topic, what would be acceptable to teach?

    Ron Okimoto

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