• Evidence! (was - Ping: SNIT) (was: Ping: SNIT)

    From dgb (David@21:1/5 to david@nomail.afraid.org on Sat Mar 2 08:50:51 2024
    XPost: alt.computer.workshop, uk.comp.sys.mac

    On 2 Mar 2024 at 08:13:14 GMT, "dgb" <David) <david@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:

    On 2 Mar 2024 at 07:52:16 GMT, "dgb" <David) <david@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:

    I'll "dig back" and see if I can find posts by 'Putney Boy'!

    Yes - Putneyboy (my friend) *IS* listed, here:-


    He has 4 Points

    But I cannot find any posts he made!


    What I HAVE found, though, is a /screenshot/ of his post which I took at that time!


    Instead of removing the question, it would have been far better for a 'Host'
    to have responded - in my opinion, of course!

    So, as recommended in the 'rules' my friend emailed ...

    From: Mike <snipped>
    Subject: My email of August 9th
    Date: 18 August 2021 at 17:54:20 BST
    To: communityaccounts@apple.com

    I sent an email on August 9th to this address but have had no response of any kind at all!

    I consider this to be somewhere on the computer equivalent of the autistic spectrum. When someone speaks to you, it is normal to respond. The same, in
    our literate society, occurs when someone writes a message. To ignore it is
    not only rude but, in this context, negligent, since it gives the impression
    of a haughty, imperious and uncaring agency which is negligent of its reputation among its many customers. It is very poor reputation management to have done this.

    Have said all of which (and I could go on for much longer, though I will not) perhaps, this time, you will have the good grace to respond - and not with a form letter.

    Yours indignantly,

    Professor Mike <snipped>


    Nobody from Apple responded!

    Really bad form! :-(


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