• Re: God and Atheists

    From Mark Isaak@21:1/5 to israel sadovnik on Thu Feb 1 07:47:51 2024
    On 1/30/24 10:23 AM, israel sadovnik wrote:
    Can we say that it is possible to prove the existence of a Creator of our Universe?

    It is possible to *disprove* the existence of a Creator of the universe,
    given a couple reasonable assumptions and definitions. The assumption
    is that cause precedes effect; the definitions are that the universe is
    all that exists, and that a creator is a cause of what is created.

    These mean that a Creator, if one exists, must be part of the universe.
    As such, it cannot cause something which comes before it, or at the very
    least is contemporaneous with it. A creator cannot create itself.

    For those wanting a creator anyway, the easiest way around this is to
    postulate multiple universes (i.e., deny the definition that the
    universe is all that is), with the creator existing in a different universe.

    Mark Isaak
    "Wisdom begins when you discover the difference between 'That
    doesn't make sense' and 'I don't understand.'" - Mary Doria Russell

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