• Re: Anyone can see the problem

    From SugarBug@21:1/5 to JTEM is my hero on Fri Dec 29 18:14:43 2023
    On Fri, 29 Dec 2023 13:17:49 -0800 (PST)
    JTEM is my hero <jtem01@gmail.com> wrote:

    Sometimes you have to look away, look at something
    else in order to see it.

    Take Lysenkoism. You see the idiocy. You look at
    the communist world rejecting evolution,
    denouncing it, upholding Lysenkoism in it's place,
    and you see it. You see the idiocy. You see the
    pseudo scientific nonsense for what it is. You
    can't see it in the case of Darwin and his Pangenesis,
    which is the same thing as Lysenkoism, just a few
    details off. You have to look away, look at something
    else to see what has been invisible to you.

    Darwinism is an ancient religion older than Christianity and Judaism.
    It sure is religious nonsense. But trying to tell a Darwinist that,
    whose identity is wrapped up in his own sense of superior rationale, is
    like pulling teeth from a hungry lion.

    Look at Biblical archaeology.

    You can see it, staring at "Biblical" archaeology. You
    can see the circular nonsense -- starting with their
    conclusion, shoehorning everything into the bible as
    tightly as they can. They mostly don't even fake their
    evidence. They simply cherry pick it. Ignore what
    doesn't fit. Interpret everything in terms of the bible.

    You seem oblivious to the fact that thousands of ancient bible
    manuscripts and artifacts have been found throughout Europe, Africa,
    Asia, Anatolia, the Near East, and Africa that all corroborate each
    other. That *is* archaeology.

    Now if you are referring to modern religious sectarians shoehorning
    their literal interpretations into folk archaeology spin, then I
    would agree they are guilty of that. But the many bible scholars and archaeologists of the past few centuries have done incredible work
    unearthing past mysteries because of the existence of the Bible.


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