• Re: ID and common descent

    From Ernest Major@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 2 11:11:29 2023
    T24gMDIvMTIvMjAyMyAwNTowOSwgTWFya0Ugd3JvdGU6DQo+IElzIElEIHRoZXJlIGFuIHBv c2l0aW9uIG9uIGNvbW1vbiBkZXNjZW50PyBUaGlzIHBvc3QgaXMganVzdCBhbiBGWUksIGFz IEkndmUgc2VlbiB0aGUgcXVlc3Rpb24gcmFpc2VkIGhlcmUuIEhlcmUncyBvbmUgZXhhbXBs ZSBvZiAicHJvdmlzaW9uYWwiIGFjY2VwdGFuY2U6IGh0dHBzOi8vZXZvbHV0aW9ubmV3cy5v cmcvMjAyMy8xMi9mb3NzaWwtZnJpZGF5LXRoZS1tZXNzLW9mLWFyYWNobmlkLXBoeWxvZ2Vu eS1hbmQtd2h5LWl2ZS1iZWNvbWUtbW9yZS1za2VwdGljYWwtb2YtY29tbW9uLWRlc2NlbnQv DQo+IA0KPiBTZWxlY3RpdmUgcXVvdGVzOg0KPiANCj4gSSBldmVuIGRpc2NvdmVyZWQgdGhh dCBJIGhhdmUgdG8gZ2l2ZSB1cCBvbmUgb2YgbXkgdmVyeSBmYXZvcml0ZSBhcmd1bWVudHMg Zm9yIGNvbW1vbiBkZXNjZW50LiBTaW5jZSB0aGlzIGNhc2UgaXMgY3VtdWxhdGl2ZSBhbmQg c29tZXdoYXQgY29tcGxpY2F0ZWQsIHBsZWFzZSBiZWFyIHdpdGggbWUgaWYgdGhpcyBhcnRp Y2xlIGdldHMgYSBiaXQgbGVuZ3RoeS4gSG93ZXZlciwgSSBwcm9taXNlIHlvdSB3aWxsIGxl YXJuIHNvbWV0aGluZyBpbXBvcnRhbnQgZnJvbSBpdCwgZXZlbiBpZiB5b3Ugc2hvdWxkIGJl IGFuIGV2b2x1dGlvbmlzdCBhbmQgc2tlcHRpY2FsIG9mIG15IGFudGktRGFyd2luaWFuIGNv 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LiBBcyBhIA0KY29tcGxpY2F0aW9uLCB0aGUgcHJlZGljdGlvbiBkZXBlbmRzIG9uIGhvdyBt YW55IHRyYWl0cyB5b3UgdXNlIHRvIGluZmVyIA0KdGhlIHBoeWxvZ2VueSwgYW5kIEkgc3Vz cGVjdCBvdGhlciBub3Qgd2VsbCBjb25zdHJhaW5lZCBwYXJhbWV0ZXJzLg0KDQpXaXRoIGxp dmluZyBvcmdhbmlzbXMgeW91IGNhbiB0aHJvdyBtb3JlIGFuZCBtb3JlIG1vbGVjdWxhciBk YXRhIGF0IHRoZSANCnByb2JsZW0sIGJ1dCB5b3UgY291bGQgc3RpbGwgcnVuIGludG8gbG9u ZyBicmFuY2ggYXJ0ZWZhY3RzIGlmIHlvdSd2ZSANCmdvdCBjbGFkZXMgd2l0aCB5b3VuZyBj cm93bnMgYW5kIG9sZCBzdGVtcy4gKE15IGltcHJlc3Npb24gaXMgdGhhdCANCmJyb2FkZXIg dGF4b24gc2FtcGxpbmcgLSBicmVha2luZyB1cCBicmFuY2hlcyAtIGdpdmVzIGJldHRlciBy ZXR1cm5zIA0KdGhhbiBsYXJnZXIgbnVtYmVycyBvZiB0cmFpdHMsIGJ1dCB5b3UgZG8gbmVl ZCBhIG1pbmltdW0gbnVtYmVyIG9mIA0KdHJhaXRzIHRvIHJlc29sdmUgYSBwYXJ0aWN1bGFy IG51bWJlciBvZiB0YXhhLCBhbmQgb2YgY291cnNlIGl0IGRvZXNuJ3QgDQpoZWxwIGlmIGEg YnJhbmNoIGNhbid0IGJlIGJyb2tlbi4pDQoNCldpdGggZm9zc2lscyB5b3UgaGF2ZSBwcm9i bGVtcyB3aXRoIGhhdmluZyBhIGxpbWl0ZWQgbnVtYmVyIG9mIGF2YWlsYWJsZSANCnRyYWl0 cywgY29tcG91bmRlZCB3aXRoIHRoZSBkaWZmaWN1bHR5IG9mIGRldGVybWluaW5nIGNoYXJh Y3RlciBzdGF0ZXMgDQpwb3N0LWZvc3NpbGlzYXRpb24uDQoNCi0tIA0KYWxpYXMgRXJuZXN0 IE1ham9yDQoNCg==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 2 09:35:22 2023
    T24gMTIvMS8yMDIzIDExOjA5IFBNLCBNYXJrRSB3cm90ZToNCj4gSXMgSUQgdGhlcmUgYW4g cG9zaXRpb24gb24gY29tbW9uIGRlc2NlbnQ/IFRoaXMgcG9zdCBpcyBqdXN0IGFuIEZZSSwg YXMgSSd2ZSBzZWVuIHRoZSBxdWVzdGlvbiByYWlzZWQgaGVyZS4gSGVyZSdzIG9uZSBleGFt cGxlIG9mICJwcm92aXNpb25hbCIgYWNjZXB0YW5jZTogaHR0cHM6Ly9ldm9sdXRpb25uZXdz Lm9yZy8yMDIzLzEyL2Zvc3NpbC1mcmlkYXktdGhlLW1lc3Mtb2YtYXJhY2huaWQtcGh5bG9n ZW55LWFuZC13aHktaXZlLWJlY29tZS1tb3JlLXNrZXB0aWNhbC1vZi1jb21tb24tZGVzY2Vu dC8NCj4gDQo+IFNlbGVjdGl2ZSBxdW90ZXM6DQo+IA0KPiBJIGV2ZW4gZGlzY292ZXJlZCB0 aGF0IEkgaGF2ZSB0byBnaXZlIHVwIG9uZSBvZiBteSB2ZXJ5IGZhdm9yaXRlIGFyZ3VtZW50 cyBmb3IgY29tbW9uIGRlc2NlbnQuIFNpbmNlIHRoaXMgY2FzZSBpcyBjdW11bGF0aXZlIGFu ZCBzb21ld2hhdCBjb21wbGljYXRlZCwgcGxlYXNlIGJlYXIgd2l0aCBtZSBpZiB0aGlzIGFy dGljbGUgZ2V0cyBhIGJpdCBsZW5ndGh5LiBIb3dldmVyLCBJIHByb21pc2UgeW91IHdpbGwg bGVhcm4gc29tZXRoaW5nIGltcG9ydGFudCBmcm9tIGl0LCBldmVuIGlmIHlvdSBzaG91bGQg YmUgYW4gZXZvbHV0aW9uaXN0IGFuZCBza2VwdGljYWwgb2YgbXkgYW50aS1EYXJ3aW5pYW4g 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ZSBCaW9sb2dvcyBncm91cCBjbGFpbSB0byBoYXZlIGFiYW5kb25lZCANCndoYXQgdGhleSBj YWxsIHRoZWlzdGljIGV2b2x1dGlvbi4gIFRoZXkgY2FsbCB3aGF0IHRoZXkgc3VwcG9ydCAN CiJldm9sdXRpb25hcnkgY3JlYXRpb24iLiAgVGhleSBjbGFpbSB0aGF0IGl0IGlzIGRpc2Nv bm5lY3RlZCBmcm9tIGFueSANCmxpdGVyYWwgaW50ZXJwcmV0YXRpb24gb2YgdGhlIEJpYmxl LCBhbmQgdGhhdCBiaW9sb2dpY2FsIGV2b2x1dGlvbiBpcyANCmp1c3QgdGhlIHdheSB0aGF0 IHRoZWlyIEJpYmxpY2FsIGdvZCBjcmVhdGVkIHRoZSBkaXZlcnNpdHkgb2YgbGlmZSB3ZSAN CmhhdmUgb24gdGhpcyBwbGFuZXQuICBJdCBzb3VuZHMgbGlrZSB0aGV5IGRvbid0IGJlbGll dmUgdGhhdCBhbnkgQmVoZWlhbiANCnR3ZWVraW5nIHdhcyBuZWNjZXNzYXJ5LiAgVGhlaXIg Z29kIHdvdWxkIGhhdmUganVzdCBzZXQgdGhpbmdzIHVwIGFuZCANCmxldCBpdCBydW4uICBB IGxvdCBvZiB0aGUgQmlvbG9nb3MgbWVtYmVycyBhcmUgZXZhbmdlbGljYWwgQ2hyaXN0aWFu cyANCmFuZCBiZWxpZXZlIGluIGFuIGludGVyYWN0aXZlIGdvZCBpbiB0aGVpciBsaXZlcywg YnV0IHRoZXkgc2VlbSB0byBiZSANCkRlaXN0aWMgYWJvdXQgdGhlIGNyZWF0aW9uLiAgVGhp cyBzZWVtcyB0byBiZSB0aGUgd2F5IHRoYXQgdGhleSBkZWFsIA0Kd2l0aCBhbGwgdGhlIEJp YmxpY2FsIGluY29uc2lzdGVuY2llcyB3aXRoIHdoYXQgbmF0dXJlIGFjdHVhbGx5IGlzLiAg Rm9yIA0KdGhlbSB0aGUgQmlibGljYWwgaW50ZXJwcmV0YXRpb24gaGFzIG5vIGJlYXJpbmcg b24gdGhlIHJlYWxpdHkgb2Ygd2hhdCANCm5hdHVyZSBpcywgYW5kIHdoYXQgaXMgaW1wb3J0 YW50IGFyZSB0aGUgc3Bpcml0dWFsIGFzcGVjdHMgdGhhdCB0aGV5IGFyZSANCmludm9sdmVk IHdpdGggdG9kYXkuDQoNCkkgaGF2ZSB0byB3YXRjaCB0byBzZWUgaG93IHRoZSBCaW9sb2dv cyB2aWV3cyBkZXZlbG9wLiAgSSBhYmFuZG9uZWQgYW55IA0Kbm90aW9ucyB0aGF0IHRoZSBC aWJsZSBoYWQgYW55dGhpbmcgd29ydGggY2xhaW1pbmcgYWJvdXQgbmF0dXJlLCBhbmQgDQp0 aGF0IGlmIHdlIHdhbnRlZCB0byB1bmRlcnN0YW5kIG5hdHVyZSB3ZSBoYWQgdG8gZ28gb3V0 IGFuZCBmaWd1cmUgaXQgDQpvdXQgZm9yIG91cnNlbHZlcy4gIFRoZSBNZXRob2Rpc3QgY2h1 cmNoIHRoYXQgSSBhdHRlbmRlZCBpbiBteSB0ZWVuYWdlIA0KeWVhcnMgKG91ciBmYW1pbHkg b3JpZ2luYWxseSBhdHRlbmRlZCBhIEJhcHRpc3QgY2h1cmNoKSBkaWQgbm90IHdhbnQgdG8g DQpiYXB0aXplIGNoaWxkcmVuLCBzbyBJIHdhcyBvZmYgaW50byBhIHNjaWVuY2UgY2FyZWVy IGJlZm9yZSBJIHdhcyANCmJhcHRpemVkLiAgSW4gb3JkZXIgdG8gYmUgYmFwdGl6ZWQgeW91 IGdvIGludG8gYSBvbmUgb24gb25lIG1lZXRpbmcgd2l0aCANCnRoZSBQYXN0b3IgYW5kIGhl IG1ha2VzIHN1cmUgdGhhdCB5b3UgdW5kZXJzdGFuZCB3aGF0IHlvdSBhcmUgZG9pbmcuICBJ IA0KdG9sZCBoaW0gYWJvdXQgbXkgdmlld3MgYWJvdXQgQmlibGljYWwgY3JlYXRpb24gYW5k IGhlIHRvbGQgbWUgdGhhdCB3YXMgDQphY2NlcHRhYmxlIGFzIGxvbmcgYXMgSSBhZ3JlZWQg d2l0aCB0aGUgYmFzaWMgdGVuZXRzIG9mIHRoZSBNZXRob2Rpc3QgDQpiZWxpZWZzLiAgWW91 ciB2aWV3cyBvbiBjcmVhdGlvbiBkbyBub3QgbWF0dGVyIGluIHRoZSBNZXRob2Rpc3QgQ2h1 cmNoLiANCldlIGhhdmUgYWx3YXlzIGhhZCBvbGQgZWFydGgsIHlvdW5nIGVhcnRoLCBhbmQg dGhlaXN0aWMgZXZvbHV0aW9uIA0KYmVsaWVmcyBpbiB0aGUgQ2h1cmNoLiAgV2hlbiB0aGUg TWV0aG9kaXN0IGNodXJjaCBhcG9sb2dpemVkIGZvciB0aGVpciANCmV1Z2VuaWNzIGFjdGl2 aXR5IHRoYXQgaGFkIG9jY3VycmVkIGVhcmx5IGluIHRoZSAyMHRoIGNlbnR1cnksIEkgaGFk IA0KbmV2ZXIgaGVhcmQgb2YgdGhvc2UgZXZlbnRzLCBzbyBJIGxvb2tlZCBpdCB1cCwgYW5k IGl0IHR1cm5lZCBvdXQgdGhhdCANCnRoZSB5b3VuZyBlYXJ0aCBjcmVhdGlvbmlzdCBjb250 aW5nZW50IG9mIHRoZSBjaHVyY2ggZ290IHVzIGludm9sdmVkIGluIA0KdGhlIGV1Z2VuaWNz IG1vdmVtZW50LiAgVGhleSBkaWQgbm90IGJlbGlldmUgaW4gYmlvbG9naWNhbCBldm9sdXRp b24sIA0KYnV0IHRoZXkgYmVsaWV2ZWQgdGhhdCB0aGV5IGNvdWxkIGJyZWVkIGJldHRlciBw ZW9wbGUgYW5kIGtlZXAgdGhlIGh1bWFuIA0KcmFjZSBmcm9tIGRlZ2VuZXJhdGluZy4NCg0K U28gdGhlIEJpb2xvZ29zIHZpZXdzIGFyZSBub3QgbmV3LCBhbmQgQ2hyaXN0aWFucyBoYXZl IGJlZW4gZGVhbGluZyB3aXRoIA0KdGhlIHNpdHVhdGlvbiBpbiBzaW1pbGFyIHdheXMgZm9y IGEgdmVyeSBsb25nIHRpbWUuICBKdXN0IGJlY2F1c2UgdGhlIA0KQmlibGUgd2FzIHdyaXR0 ZW4gYnkgcGVvcGxlIHRoYXQgZ290IHRoZWlyIGNvc21vbG9neSBmcm9tIHRoZWlyIA0KbmVp Z2hib3JzIHdobyBoYWQgYmVlbiBjaXZpbGl6ZWQgZm9yIGEgbG9uZ2VyIHBlcmlvZCBvZiB0 aW1lIGRvZXMgbm90IA0KbWVhbiB0aGF0IHRoZSB3b3JsZCBpcyBmbGF0IHdpdGggdGhlIHN1 biBtb29uIGFuZCBzdGFycyBlbWJlZGRlZCBpbnRvIGEgDQpmaXJtYW1lbnQgdGhhdCBzb21l IGdvZCBoYXMgdG8gb3BlbiB1cCB0byBsZXQgdGhlIHJhaW4gZmFsbC4gIFRoZSBHcmVla3Mg DQp3ZXJlIGVzdGltYXRpbmcgdGhlIGNpcmN1bWZlcmVuY2Ugb2YgdGhlIGVhcnRoIGJlZm9y ZSBDaHJpc3Qgd2FzIGJvcm4sIA0KYW5kIENocmlzdGlhbml0eSBnYXZlIHVwIG9uIGdlb2Nl bnRyaXNtIGFuZCB0aGUgZmlybWFtZW50IGNlbnR1cmllcyANCmJlZm9yZSBEYXJ3aW4uICBL ZXBsZXIgaGFkIHRvIGFiYW5kb24gdGhlIGxhc3QgdmVzdGlnZXMgb2YgdGhlIGZpcm1hbWVu dCANCndpdGggaGlzIGNyeXN0YWwgc3BoZXJlcywgYW5kIE5ld3RvbiBkZW1vbnN0cmF0ZWQg dGhhdCBoZWxpb2NlbnRyaXNtIHdhcyANCm5vdCBhbnl0aGluZyB0byBsYWJlbCBzb21lb25l IGFzIGEgaGVyZXRpYy4gIE5ld3RvbiB3YXMgYm9ybiB0aGUgeWVhciANCkdhbGlsZW8gZGll ZCB1bmRlciBob3VzZSBhcnJlc3QgKDE2NDIpLiAgQ2hyaXN0aWFuaXR5IGhhcyBrbm93biBm b3IgYSANCnZlcnkgbG9uZyB0aW1lIHRoYXQgdGhlIEJpYmxlIGNhbiBub3QgYmUgdGFrZW4g bGl0ZXJhbGx5Lg0KDQpSb24gT2tpbW90bw0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Robert Carnegie@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 3 04:16:17 2023
    ID was and is a disguise for trying to teach
    the bible creation story in American public
    schools, so if any IDist says that evidence
    for common ancestry of all living things is
    persuasive, then they're lying, or possibly
    confused. Lying is the way to bet on any
    ID position.

    On the other hand, they may claim evidence
    for a common /creator/. And they may allow
    evolution and common descent of cat species,
    for instance, from the two cat ancestors which
    God brought to Noah to put on the Ark instead
    of all possible and actual cats being on board.

    I say "common ancestry" because horizontal
    gene transfer is a thing and is a complication.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to MarkE on Sun Dec 3 11:13:52 2023
    On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman wrote:
    On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    Is ID there an position on common descent? This post is just an FYI, as I've seen the question raised here. Here's one example of "provisional" acceptance: https://evolutionnews.org/2023/12/fossil-friday-the-mess-of-arachnid-phylogeny-and-why-ive-
    Bechly used to be a saltationist. I see he's devolved (sic) a bit more.
    Pity. But to answer your question: no, there is no ID position on common
    descent. Different IDiots take different positions, from Behe and Denton
    (universal common descent) to RTB (separate creation of each species).
    Selective quotes:

    I even discovered that I have to give up one of my very favorite
    arguments for common descent. Since this case is cumulative and
    somewhat complicated, please bear with me if this article gets a bit
    lengthy. However, I promise you will learn something important from
    it, even if you should be an evolutionist and skeptical of my
    anti-Darwinian conclusions."

    When asked why, in spite of my critique of neo-Darwinism and my
    endorsement of intelligent design, I still subscribe to common
    descent, I have often answered as follows: the hallmark of a good
    theory are very specific predictions that are unique to this theory
    and successfully confirmed by later discovery of empirical evidence.
    The hypothesis of common descent arguably allows for the prediction
    of very precise anatomical details of hypothetical transitional
    forms, that would not be predicted by the hypothesis of common design
    without the constraint of shared ancestry. Such predictions have been
    made in the published technical literature and have indeed been
    confirmed by later discovered fossils of such transitional forms with
    precisely the predicted anatomy, which was unknown to occur either in
    living or fossil representatives at the time of the prediction.

    True skeptics should question everything, and not just everything
    apart from Darwinism and materialism. I wholeheartedly endorse the
    credo to follow the evidence wherever it leads.

    For this reason, I currently and provisionally still think that the
    total evidence of all lines of data favors common descent as the most
    parsimonious and most elegant explanation. However, I definitely
    remain open (and now more sympathetic) to alternatives like
    progressive creation combined with other explanations for the pattern
    of biological similarities such as Winston Ewert’s dependency graph
    hypothesis (Ewert 2018, 2023, Miller 2018, 2023, Reeves 2022; also
    see this website), which is based on an analogy to objected oriented
    programming, or my own suggestion of a maximization of information
    content as a design principle based on pattern cladistic arguments
    (Bechly & Meyer 2017). Incidentally, my main quibble with Ewert’s
    interesting approach was that it does not allow for similarly precise
    successful predictions as the common descent hypothesis. Looks like I
    have to reconsider my stance. And if even more conflicting evidence
    should ultimately lead me away from the paradigm of common descent,
    then so be it.
    Your quote presents no reasons for Bechly's switch other than that he
    thinks there are alternative explanations for the pattern. But the fact
    is that those explanations are lame and would not be expected to produce
    the observed pattern in the data.

    Not sure if you read the EN article? My excerpts here would not do Bechly's reasoning justice.

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood it he
    would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and
    joined the scam even though he understood that it was and always would
    be just a bait and switch scam. Have the ID perps used ID for anything
    except bait to attract the flies and dung beetles that they want to
    support their political stupidity? All Bechly wants to do is keep
    offering the bait. He is never going to do anything, but use it as
    bait. Bait is all the article that you put up is. Why do you think
    that Bechly has to whine and obfuscate about the morphological
    differences when he knew about articles like the one he cited.


    Any alternative has to account for this data. This paper used 95
    protein coding trancriptomes to determine the genetic relationships.
    Bechly is free to propose anything that would create this type of nested relationship. The Reason to Believe IDiots claim that the pattern is
    due to "recreation". Their creator has been constantly (for billions of
    years) recreating previous creations just a little bit differently from
    the previous version. The recreations are so similar that they are
    actually subspecies that can still interbreed with the previous
    creation. You can go out and observe how these recreations are
    happening among subspecies today, and it turns out that it is due to
    descent with modification from a common ancestral species. Are all the populations of white tailed deer recreations? You have Key deer in the
    Florida keys separated from the swamp deer of the everglades, and they
    are different from the big northern white tails in Michigan. We know
    how the genetic patterns are established, so what is Bechly's
    alternative to the data that he was in denial of in your cited article.

    Wallowing in denial is no way forward. You have to start dealing with
    what is around the gaps. The ID scam died on TO because it turned out
    that no IDiotic Biblical creationist wanted the ID perps to succeed in developing any ID science. The designer responsible for the existing
    creation isn't the Biblical designer that they joined the ID scam to
    support. Behe and Denton have been telling the rubes that biological
    evolution is a fact of nature, and any IDiocy isn't likely to change
    much about how we view creation, but all the rubes have been interested
    in has been the denial that both of them keep putting up. Those two
    know that the denial isn't going to change anything it only keeps them
    fed, fat and happy.

    Ron Okimoto

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to Lawyer Daggett on Sun Dec 3 19:38:54 2023
    On 12/3/2023 11:57 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:16:58 PM UTC-5, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman wrote: >>>> On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    snip discussion

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood it he
    would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and
    joined the scam

    FYI. Something like 95% of those who began reading your post will decide
    not to read more after reading "perp" and "scam".

    This may not matter to you as to some approximation you seem to be talking
    to yourself, which is somewhat self-consistent with the ranting. If, however, there's some remote sense of awareness remaining, and you actually want others to read your posts, you should take note of the effect your fixation on
    the words "perp" and "scam" (and "rubes") have upon potential readers.

    My prediction is that you will blame the readership, somewhat akin to a would-be
    politician blaming the voters for not electing them. Most people are too polite to point this out to you again. I don't suffer from the vice of politeness.
    Not much, anyway.

    You are knowingly blaming yourself. The simple facts are that the ID
    perps have been worse than perps (they run the scam on their own
    creationist support base), and IDiots demonstrated themselves to be
    worse than idiots long ago. It likely is the fault of those that have
    not been able to acknowledge that reality for their own profound misconceptions.

    Ron Okimoto

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mark Isaak@21:1/5 to RonO on Sun Dec 3 18:44:57 2023
    On 12/3/23 5:38 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 11:57 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:16:58 PM UTC-5, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman wrote: >>>>> On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    snip discussion

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood it he
    would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and
    joined the scam

    FYI. Something like 95% of those who began reading your post will decide
    not to read more after reading "perp" and "scam".

    This may not matter to you as to some approximation you seem to be
    to yourself, which is somewhat self-consistent with the ranting. If,
    there's some remote sense of awareness remaining, and you actually want
    others to read your posts, you should take note of the effect your
    fixation on
    the words "perp" and "scam" (and "rubes") have upon potential readers.

    My prediction is that you will blame the readership, somewhat akin to
    a would-be
    politician blaming the voters for not electing them. Most people are too
    polite to point this out to you again. I don't suffer from the vice of
    Not much, anyway.

    You are knowingly blaming yourself.  The simple facts are that the ID
    perps have been worse than perps (they run the scam on their own
    creationist support base), and IDiots demonstrated themselves to be
    worse than idiots long ago.  It likely is the fault of those that have
    not been able to acknowledge that reality for their own profound misconceptions.

    Just as an aside, blaming oneself is a virtue. If you are blaming other
    people, first, you're not going to change anything, and second, there's
    an excellent change you are wrong.

    But my main point is to point out that Lawyer Daggett is entirely
    correct. You might want to read what he wrote and take it to heart.

    Mark Isaak
    "Wisdom begins when you discover the difference between 'That
    doesn't make sense' and 'I don't understand.'" - Mary Doria Russell

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?w5bDtiBUaWli?=@21:1/5 to Ron Dean on Mon Dec 4 03:16:19 2023
    On Monday, 4 December 2023 at 08:26:58 UTC+2, Ron Dean wrote:
    Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/3/23 5:38 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 11:57 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:16:58 PM UTC-5, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman wrote:
    On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    snip discussion

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood it he >>>> would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and
    joined the scam

    FYI. Something like 95% of those who began reading your post will decide >>> not to read more after reading "perp" and "scam".

    This may not matter to you as to some approximation you seem to be
    to yourself, which is somewhat self-consistent with the ranting. If,
    there's some remote sense of awareness remaining, and you actually want >>> others to read your posts, you should take note of the effect your
    fixation on
    the words "perp" and "scam" (and "rubes") have upon potential readers. >>>
    My prediction is that you will blame the readership, somewhat akin to >>> a would-be
    politician blaming the voters for not electing them. Most people are too >>> polite to point this out to you again. I don't suffer from the vice
    of politeness.
    Not much, anyway.

    You are knowingly blaming yourself. The simple facts are that the ID
    perps have been worse than perps (they run the scam on their own
    creationist support base), and IDiots demonstrated themselves to be
    worse than idiots long ago. It likely is the fault of those that have
    not been able to acknowledge that reality for their own profound

    Just as an aside, blaming oneself is a virtue. If you are blaming other people, first, you're not going to change anything, and second, there's
    an excellent change you are wrong.

    Wouldn't you think it's _not_ his objective to change the minds of
    people who accept either intelligent design or the Genesis creation
    story. His objective is plainly self-serving - that is, he's simply
    trying to reassuring himself and other evolutionist of the validity of evolution.

    That is very unlikely. What his rants have to do with validity of science, particularly biology?

    He bashes lowly populated mix of Young Earth Christians, Old Earth
    Christians, Theistic Evolutionists and middle stages between those.
    They are in Discotute located in middle of nowhere. Then he at least
    partially unjustly and for my taste annoyingly calls them rubes, perps
    and IDiots who wallow in denial about bending over to run and receive
    some kind of bait-and switch scam among themselves. It has nothing
    to do with any science done.

    Perhaps I have looked at evolutionnews more than they deserve
    thanks to Ron O. I've not found any design theory there.

    They try to find weaknesses in Darwinism. Such are interesting but
    do not matter to their cause. Weakness in Darwinism can make some
    other existing alternative stronger. Say orthogenesis, epigenetics, catastrophism, structuralism, mutationism and/or etc. can gain
    ground. It can't make non-existing design theory stronger.

    As I'm interested in design theories they are kind of worthless.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to Mark Isaak on Mon Dec 4 06:03:40 2023
    On 12/3/2023 8:44 PM, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/3/23 5:38 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 11:57 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:16:58 PM UTC-5, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman wrote: >>>>>> On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    snip discussion

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood it he
    would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and
    joined the scam

    FYI. Something like 95% of those who began reading your post will decide >>> not to read more after reading "perp" and "scam".

    This may not matter to you as to some approximation you seem to be
    to yourself, which is somewhat self-consistent with the ranting. If,
    there's some remote sense of awareness remaining, and you actually want
    others to read your posts, you should take note of the effect your
    fixation on
    the words "perp" and "scam" (and "rubes") have upon potential readers.

    My prediction is that you will blame the readership, somewhat akin to
    a would-be
    politician blaming the voters for not electing them. Most people are too >>> polite to point this out to you again. I don't suffer from the vice
    of politeness.
    Not much, anyway.

    You are knowingly blaming yourself.  The simple facts are that the ID
    perps have been worse than perps (they run the scam on their own
    creationist support base), and IDiots demonstrated themselves to be
    worse than idiots long ago.  It likely is the fault of those that have
    not been able to acknowledge that reality for their own profound

    Just as an aside, blaming oneself is a virtue. If you are blaming other people, first, you're not going to change anything, and second, there's
    an excellent change you are wrong.

    He is blaming me. You should have posted this to his post.

    How much of a chance can I have of being wrong? Why did the IDiots quit
    after the Top Six was put out by the scam artists that they had been
    supporting for decades? Why has the bait and switch gone down every
    single time that any creationist rubes have taken the ID perps up on
    their offer to teach the junk in the public schools. It is just a fact
    that the ID perps were running the bait and switch on the Utah
    creationist rubes at the same time that they were putting out the Top Six.

    Demonstrate that I could be wrong. The bait and switch has been going
    down for over 2 decades, and it will go down next time there is a group
    of rubes stupid enough to believe the ID perps. The ID perps are still
    telling educators that the Dover decision was wrong and that they have a scientific theory of ID that can be taught in the public schools, but
    what is going to happen if any rubes still exist that are stupid and
    dishonest enough to believe them?

    You just have to go to the ID scam web site, click on their "Education"
    tab, and click on their briefing packet for educators. They have only
    been using ID as bait since Ohio in 2002.

    But my main point is to point out that Lawyer Daggett is entirely
    correct. You might want to read what he wrote and take it to heart.

    The time for being nice about reality passed a long time ago. I didn't
    start calling the ID perps "perps" until just before Dover. The bait
    and switch had been going down in every single instance for around 3
    years by that time. It was obviously never going to stop. Getting ID
    into the public schools was part of the Wedge strategy, but no one was
    ever going to get any ID science to teach from the ID perps.

    You knew it, so why deny what the ID perps have been for over 20 years?

    Ron Okimoto

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to Ron Dean on Mon Dec 4 06:10:48 2023
    On 12/4/2023 12:23 AM, Ron Dean wrote:
    Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/3/23 5:38 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 11:57 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:16:58 PM UTC-5, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman
    On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    snip discussion

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood it he >>>>> would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and
    joined the scam

    FYI. Something like 95% of those who began reading your post will
    not to read more after reading "perp" and "scam".

    This may not matter to you as to some approximation you seem to be
    to yourself, which is somewhat self-consistent with the ranting. If,
    there's some remote sense of awareness remaining, and you actually want >>>> others to read your posts, you should take note of the effect your
    fixation on
    the words "perp" and "scam" (and "rubes") have upon potential readers. >>>>
    My prediction is that you will blame the readership, somewhat akin
    to a would-be
    politician blaming the voters for not electing them. Most people are
    polite to point this out to you again. I don't suffer from the vice
    of politeness.
    Not much, anyway.

    You are knowingly blaming yourself.  The simple facts are that the ID
    perps have been worse than perps (they run the scam on their own
    creationist support base), and IDiots demonstrated themselves to be
    worse than idiots long ago.  It likely is the fault of those that
    have not been able to acknowledge that reality for their own profound

    Just as an aside, blaming oneself is a virtue. If you are blaming
    other people, first, you're not going to change anything, and second,
    there's an excellent change you are wrong.

    Wouldn't you think it's _not_ his objective to change the minds of
    people who accept either intelligent design or the Genesis creation
    story. His objective is plainly self-serving - that is, he's simply
    trying to reassuring himself and other evolutionist of the validity of evolution.

    The objective is to just get posters to accept reality. I put it in
    their faces because that is just how things are, and how they have been
    for decades. Most of the IDiots could only accept reality after the ID
    perps demonstrated that they had never wanted the ID perps to accomplish
    any ID science. They understood that they had been scammed for decades,
    but could never face that reality until the denial was no longer
    tenable. They all had been willing participants. IDiots have always
    been worse than idiots and they all knew it. Just think of how
    dishonest you had to be in order to be an IDiot after 2 decades of
    getting nothing but the bait and switch run on you by the ID perps. No creationist rubes ever got any ID science to teach from the ID perps
    even though teaching ID was part of their Wedge strategy.

    Ron Okimoto

    But my main point is to point out that Lawyer Daggett is entirely
    correct. You might want to read what he wrote and take it to heart.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mark Isaak@21:1/5 to Ron Dean on Mon Dec 4 07:57:23 2023
    On 12/3/23 10:23 PM, Ron Dean wrote:
    Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/3/23 5:38 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 11:57 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:16:58 PM UTC-5, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman
    On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    snip discussion

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood it he >>>>> would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and
    joined the scam

    FYI. Something like 95% of those who began reading your post will
    not to read more after reading "perp" and "scam".

    This may not matter to you as to some approximation you seem to be
    to yourself, which is somewhat self-consistent with the ranting. If,
    there's some remote sense of awareness remaining, and you actually want >>>> others to read your posts, you should take note of the effect your
    fixation on
    the words "perp" and "scam" (and "rubes") have upon potential readers. >>>>
    My prediction is that you will blame the readership, somewhat akin
    to a would-be
    politician blaming the voters for not electing them. Most people are
    polite to point this out to you again. I don't suffer from the vice
    of politeness.
    Not much, anyway.

    You are knowingly blaming yourself.  The simple facts are that the ID
    perps have been worse than perps (they run the scam on their own
    creationist support base), and IDiots demonstrated themselves to be
    worse than idiots long ago.  It likely is the fault of those that
    have not been able to acknowledge that reality for their own profound

    Just as an aside, blaming oneself is a virtue. If you are blaming
    other people, first, you're not going to change anything, and second,
    there's an excellent change you are wrong.

    Wouldn't you think it's _not_ his objective to change the minds of
    people who accept either intelligent design or the Genesis creation
    story. His objective is plainly self-serving - that is, he's simply
    trying to reassuring himself and other evolutionist of the validity of evolution.

    No, that would be naive. A little knowledge of human nature suggests
    that one of Ron's main motives is the same as yours: to avoid any
    discomfort associated with changing one's mind.

    Mark Isaak
    "Wisdom begins when you discover the difference between 'That
    doesn't make sense' and 'I don't understand.'" - Mary Doria Russell

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mark Isaak@21:1/5 to RonO on Mon Dec 4 08:12:23 2023
    On 12/4/23 4:03 AM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 8:44 PM, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/3/23 5:38 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 11:57 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:16:58 PM UTC-5, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman
    On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    snip discussion

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood it he >>>>> would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and
    joined the scam

    FYI. Something like 95% of those who began reading your post will
    not to read more after reading "perp" and "scam".

    This may not matter to you as to some approximation you seem to be
    to yourself, which is somewhat self-consistent with the ranting. If,
    there's some remote sense of awareness remaining, and you actually want >>>> others to read your posts, you should take note of the effect your
    fixation on
    the words "perp" and "scam" (and "rubes") have upon potential readers. >>>>
    My prediction is that you will blame the readership, somewhat akin
    to a would-be
    politician blaming the voters for not electing them. Most people are
    polite to point this out to you again. I don't suffer from the vice
    of politeness.
    Not much, anyway.

    You are knowingly blaming yourself.  The simple facts are that the ID
    perps have been worse than perps (they run the scam on their own
    creationist support base), and IDiots demonstrated themselves to be
    worse than idiots long ago.  It likely is the fault of those that
    have not been able to acknowledge that reality for their own profound

    Just as an aside, blaming oneself is a virtue. If you are blaming
    other people, first, you're not going to change anything, and second,
    there's an excellent change you are wrong.

    He is blaming me.  You should have posted this to his post.

    How much of a chance can I have of being wrong?


     Why did the IDiots quit
    after the Top Six was put out by the scam artists that they had been supporting for decades?  Why has the bait and switch gone down every
    single time that any creationist rubes have taken the ID perps up on
    their offer to teach the junk in the public schools.  It is just a fact
    that the ID perps were running the bait and switch on the Utah
    creationist rubes at the same time that they were putting out the Top Six.

    Demonstrate that I could be wrong.  The bait and switch has been going
    down for over 2 decades, and it will go down next time there is a group
    of rubes stupid enough to believe the ID perps.  The ID perps are still telling educators that the Dover decision was wrong and that they have a scientific theory of ID that can be taught in the public schools, but
    what is going to happen if any rubes still exist that are stupid and dishonest enough to believe them?

    You just have to go to the ID scam web site, click on their "Education"
    tab, and click on their briefing packet for educators.  They have only
    been using ID as bait since Ohio in 2002.

    None of that is under dispute. What is under dispute is what you just
    spent three worthless paragraphs avoiding.

    But my main point is to point out that Lawyer Daggett is entirely
    correct. You might want to read what he wrote and take it to heart.

    The time for being nice about reality passed a long time ago.

    That's one thing you are 100% wrong about. When you choose not being
    nice as a matter of policy, then there are at least two results that I
    don't think you are after. First, you lose any persuasive influence,
    even with people who are undecided. Second, even the people who agree
    with you won't want you on their team, so you lose support.

     I didn't
    start calling the ID perps "perps" until just before Dover.  The bait
    and switch had been going down in every single instance for around 3
    years by that time.  It was obviously never going to stop.  Getting ID
    into the public schools was part of the Wedge strategy, but no one was
    ever going to get any ID science to teach from the ID perps.

    You knew it, so why deny what the ID perps have been for over 20 years?

    You are in denial about what is being denied.

    Mark Isaak
    "Wisdom begins when you discover the difference between 'That
    doesn't make sense' and 'I don't understand.'" - Mary Doria Russell

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to Mark Isaak on Mon Dec 4 19:07:58 2023
    On 12/4/2023 10:12 AM, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/4/23 4:03 AM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 8:44 PM, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/3/23 5:38 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 11:57 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:16:58 PM UTC-5, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman >>>>>>> wrote:
    On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    snip discussion

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood it he >>>>>> would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and
    joined the scam

    FYI. Something like 95% of those who began reading your post will
    not to read more after reading "perp" and "scam".

    This may not matter to you as to some approximation you seem to be
    to yourself, which is somewhat self-consistent with the ranting.
    If, however,
    there's some remote sense of awareness remaining, and you actually
    others to read your posts, you should take note of the effect your
    fixation on
    the words "perp" and "scam" (and "rubes") have upon potential readers. >>>>>
    My prediction is that you will blame the readership, somewhat akin
    to a would-be
    politician blaming the voters for not electing them. Most people
    are too
    polite to point this out to you again. I don't suffer from the vice
    of politeness.
    Not much, anyway.

    You are knowingly blaming yourself.  The simple facts are that the
    ID perps have been worse than perps (they run the scam on their own
    creationist support base), and IDiots demonstrated themselves to be
    worse than idiots long ago.  It likely is the fault of those that
    have not been able to acknowledge that reality for their own
    profound misconceptions.

    Just as an aside, blaming oneself is a virtue. If you are blaming
    other people, first, you're not going to change anything, and second,
    there's an excellent change you are wrong.

    He is blaming me.  You should have posted this to his post.

    How much of a chance can I have of being wrong?


    100% likely that you are wrong.

    Do you have any evidence that you might be right? Has any group of
    creationist rubes that fell for the teach ID scam ever gotten any ID
    science from the ID perps to teach? All you need is one case, but the
    bait and switch has gone down in every instance, and it only totally
    failed once in Dover because the ID perps ran into a bunch of
    creationist rubes that were too dishonest and stupid to understand what
    it meant when the guys who sold them the scam wanted them to bend over
    for a switch scam that they had no interest in.

    It turned out that the ID had only been used as the bait for over 3
    years because there was no ID science worth teaching. Even though the
    Dover creationists rubes tried to teach the ID scam junk, they never got
    any ID science to teach.

    After Dover the ID perps would not give up on the bait and switch scam,
    and they continued to use ID as the bait, and even doubled down and
    updated their teach ID propaganda claiming that the Dover Federal court decision was wrong and that ID could still be taught in the public
    schools. As sad as it may be the bait and switch continued to go down.
    Even when both Lousiana and Texas claimed that they were not "requiring"
    ID to be taught, the ID perps still ran the bait and switch on them.

    Do you have a single example where the ID perps delivered the ID science
    for the rubes to teach in the public schools?

     Why did the IDiots quit after the Top Six was put out by the scam
    artists that they had been supporting for decades?  Why has the bait
    and switch gone down every single time that any creationist rubes have
    taken the ID perps up on their offer to teach the junk in the public
    schools.  It is just a fact that the ID perps were running the bait
    and switch on the Utah creationist rubes at the same time that they
    were putting out the Top Six.

    Demonstrate that I could be wrong.  The bait and switch has been going
    down for over 2 decades, and it will go down next time there is a
    group of rubes stupid enough to believe the ID perps.  The ID perps
    are still telling educators that the Dover decision was wrong and that
    they have a scientific theory of ID that can be taught in the public
    schools, but what is going to happen if any rubes still exist that are
    stupid and dishonest enough to believe them?

    You just have to go to the ID scam web site, click on their
    "Education" tab, and click on their briefing packet for educators.
    They have only been using ID as bait since Ohio in 2002.

    None of that is under dispute.  What is under dispute is what you just
    spent three worthless paragraphs avoiding.

    What is under dispute is that you were 100% wrong, and you still are.
    Why not simply state what you think that I have avoided?

    But my main point is to point out that Lawyer Daggett is entirely
    correct. You might want to read what he wrote and take it to heart.

    The time for being nice about reality passed a long time ago.

    That's one thing you are 100% wrong about.  When you choose not being
    nice as a matter of policy, then there are at least two results that I
    don't think you are after.  First, you lose any persuasive influence,
    even with people who are undecided.  Second, even the people who agree
    with you won't want you on their team, so you lose support.

    You can pretend to be nice about the scam, but who cares when it is a
    scam? Pretending to be nice just allowed you to be wrong about the ID
    scam for decades.

    What results do you think that I was after? Simply stating reality was
    just that. The IDiots were already lying to themselves about the ID
    scam, and I never thought that, that would change, but they would have
    to willfully disregard reality everytime they could not counter. Look
    at what Kalk used to do. He would snip out everything from a post
    except the parts that he objected to because they were a true depiction
    of what he was. He had to take the time to do something that lame and
    stupid. Kalk knew that he was worse than an IDiot. After he quit the
    ID scam he came out and claimed that he and never claimed to be Hindu.
    Quoting the Vedas and using the Nym Kalkidas was apparently not making
    that claim even though he never denied being a Hindu. The Hindu act was
    just to lend credibility to his dishonest support for the ID scam.
    These are the type of IDiots that have supported the ID scam. Ever
    since the bait and switch started to go down the only IDiots left have
    been the ignorant, incompetent and or dishonest. Do you acknowledge
    that IDiots like Kalk and Nyikos have demonstrated themselves to be all

    IDiot was actually a badge of honor for IDiots like Kalk. There was no
    desire to be a persuasive influencer. It was all just to put the
    reality of the situation in plain view. I was just calling it like it is.

     I didn't start calling the ID perps "perps" until just before Dover.
    The bait and switch had been going down in every single instance for
    around 3 years by that time.  It was obviously never going to stop.
    Getting ID into the public schools was part of the Wedge strategy, but
    no one was ever going to get any ID science to teach from the ID perps.

    You knew it, so why deny what the ID perps have been for over 20 years?

    You are in denial about what is being denied.

    Why not put up what you think is being denied? The one in denial seems
    to be you. It is just a plain and simple fact that the iD perps
    continue to put ID out as the bait, but if there are any creationist
    rubes stupid and dishonest enough to try to teach the junk, the ID perps
    will run the bait and switch scam on them and all they will get is the obfuscation and denial switch scam, and the ID perp's claim that the
    switch scam has nothing to do with ID nor creationism. It has happened
    in every instance, and will continue to happen. The bait and switch
    scam has been going down for over 20 years and has a really dismal rate
    of success in having the rubes bend over for the switch scam. Nearly
    all the rubes drop the issue instead. Louisiana and Texas still have
    the switch scam junk up, but they haven't tried to implement the
    stupidity since both of them had the bait and switch run on them again
    back in 2013. None of the creationist rubes want to teach their kids
    enough science so that they know what they should deny.

    The sad thing is that ID died on TO because it turned out that the
    IDiots never wanted the ID perps to succeed in developing any valid ID
    science. It all would have just been more science to deny.

    Ron Okimoto

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kalkidas@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 5 08:22:31 2023
    T24gMTIvMS8yMDIzIDEwOjA5IFBNLCBNYXJrRSB3cm90ZToNCj4gSXMgSUQgdGhlcmUgYW4g cG9zaXRpb24gb24gY29tbW9uIGRlc2NlbnQ/IFRoaXMgcG9zdCBpcyBqdXN0IGFuIEZZSSwg YXMgSSd2ZSBzZWVuIHRoZSBxdWVzdGlvbiByYWlzZWQgaGVyZS4gSGVyZSdzIG9uZSBleGFt cGxlIG9mICJwcm92aXNpb25hbCIgYWNjZXB0YW5jZTogaHR0cHM6Ly9ldm9sdXRpb25uZXdz Lm9yZy8yMDIzLzEyL2Zvc3NpbC1mcmlkYXktdGhlLW1lc3Mtb2YtYXJhY2huaWQtcGh5bG9n ZW55LWFuZC13aHktaXZlLWJlY29tZS1tb3JlLXNrZXB0aWNhbC1vZi1jb21tb24tZGVzY2Vu dC8NCj4gDQo+IFNlbGVjdGl2ZSBxdW90ZXM6DQo+IA0KPiBJIGV2ZW4gZGlzY292ZXJlZCB0 aGF0IEkgaGF2ZSB0byBnaXZlIHVwIG9uZSBvZiBteSB2ZXJ5IGZhdm9yaXRlIGFyZ3VtZW50 cyBmb3IgY29tbW9uIGRlc2NlbnQuIFNpbmNlIHRoaXMgY2FzZSBpcyBjdW11bGF0aXZlIGFu ZCBzb21ld2hhdCBjb21wbGljYXRlZCwgcGxlYXNlIGJlYXIgd2l0aCBtZSBpZiB0aGlzIGFy dGljbGUgZ2V0cyBhIGJpdCBsZW5ndGh5LiBIb3dldmVyLCBJIHByb21pc2UgeW91IHdpbGwg bGVhcm4gc29tZXRoaW5nIGltcG9ydGFudCBmcm9tIGl0LCBldmVuIGlmIHlvdSBzaG91bGQg YmUgYW4gZXZvbHV0aW9uaXN0IGFuZCBza2VwdGljYWwgb2YgbXkgYW50aS1EYXJ3aW5pYW4g Y29uY2x1c2lvbnMuIg0KPiANCj4gV2hlbiBhc2tlZCB3aHksIGluIHNwaXRlIG9mIG15IGNy aXRpcXVlIG9mIG5lby1EYXJ3aW5pc20gYW5kIG15IGVuZG9yc2VtZW50IG9mIGludGVsbGln ZW50IGRlc2lnbiwgSSBzdGlsbCBzdWJzY3JpYmUgdG8gY29tbW9uIGRlc2NlbnQsIEkgaGF2 ZSBvZnRlbiBhbnN3ZXJlZCBhcyBmb2xsb3dzOiB0aGUgaGFsbG1hcmsgb2YgYSBnb29kIHRo ZW9yeSBhcmUgdmVyeSBzcGVjaWZpYyBwcmVkaWN0aW9ucyB0aGF0IGFyZSB1bmlxdWUgdG8g dGhpcyB0aGVvcnkgYW5kIHN1Y2Nlc3NmdWxseSBjb25maXJtZWQgYnkgbGF0ZXIgZGlzY292 ZXJ5IG9mIGVtcGlyaWNhbCBldmlkZW5jZS4gVGhlIGh5cG90aGVzaXMgb2YgY29tbW9uIGRl c2NlbnQgYXJndWFibHkgYWxsb3dzIGZvciB0aGUgcHJlZGljdGlvbiBvZiB2ZXJ5IHByZWNp c2UgYW5hdG9taWNhbCBkZXRhaWxzIG9mIGh5cG90aGV0aWNhbCB0cmFuc2l0aW9uYWwgZm9y bXMsIHRoYXQgd291bGQgbm90IGJlIHByZWRpY3RlZCBieSB0aGUgaHlwb3RoZXNpcyBvZiBj b21tb24gZGVzaWduIHdpdGhvdXQgdGhlIGNvbnN0cmFpbnQgb2Ygc2hhcmVkIGFuY2VzdHJ5 LiBTdWNoIHByZWRpY3Rpb25zIGhhdmUgYmVlbiBtYWRlIGluIHRoZSBwdWJsaXNoZWQgdGVj aG5pY2FsIGxpdGVyYXR1cmUgYW5kIGhhdmUgaW5kZWVkIGJlZW4gY29uZmlybWVkIGJ5IGxh dGVyIGRpc2NvdmVyZWQgZm9zc2lscyBvZiBzdWNoIHRyYW5zaXRpb25hbCBmb3JtcyB3aXRo IHByZWNpc2VseSB0aGUgcHJlZGljdGVkIGFuYXRvbXksIHdoaWNoIHdhcyB1bmtub3duIHRv IG9jY3VyIGVpdGhlciBpbiBsaXZpbmcgb3IgZm9zc2lsIHJlcHJlc2VudGF0aXZlcyBhdCB0 aGUgdGltZSBvZiB0aGUgcHJlZGljdGlvbi4NCj4gDQo+IFRydWUgc2tlcHRpY3Mgc2hvdWxk IHF1ZXN0aW9uIGV2ZXJ5dGhpbmcsIGFuZCBub3QganVzdCBldmVyeXRoaW5nIGFwYXJ0IGZy b20gRGFyd2luaXNtIGFuZCBtYXRlcmlhbGlzbS4gSSB3aG9sZWhlYXJ0ZWRseSBlbmRvcnNl IHRoZSBjcmVkbyB0byBmb2xsb3cgdGhlIGV2aWRlbmNlIHdoZXJldmVyIGl0IGxlYWRzLg0K PiANCj4gRm9yIHRoaXMgcmVhc29uLCBJIGN1cnJlbnRseSBhbmQgcHJvdmlzaW9uYWxseSBz dGlsbCB0aGluayB0aGF0IHRoZSB0b3RhbCBldmlkZW5jZSBvZiBhbGwgbGluZXMgb2YgZGF0 YSBmYXZvcnMgY29tbW9uIGRlc2NlbnQgYXMgdGhlIG1vc3QgcGFyc2ltb25pb3VzIGFuZCBt b3N0IGVsZWdhbnQgZXhwbGFuYXRpb24uIEhvd2V2ZXIsIEkgZGVmaW5pdGVseSByZW1haW4g b3BlbiAoYW5kIG5vdyBtb3JlIHN5bXBhdGhldGljKSB0byBhbHRlcm5hdGl2ZXMgbGlrZSBw cm9ncmVzc2l2ZSBjcmVhdGlvbiBjb21iaW5lZCB3aXRoIG90aGVyIGV4cGxhbmF0aW9ucyBm b3IgdGhlIHBhdHRlcm4gb2YgYmlvbG9naWNhbCBzaW1pbGFyaXRpZXMgc3VjaCBhcyBXaW5z dG9uIEV3ZXJ04oCZcyBkZXBlbmRlbmN5IGdyYXBoIGh5cG90aGVzaXMgKEV3ZXJ0IDIwMTgs IDIwMjMsIE1pbGxlciAyMDE4LCAyMDIzLCBSZWV2ZXMgMjAyMjsgYWxzbyBzZWUgdGhpcyB3 ZWJzaXRlKSwgd2hpY2ggaXMgYmFzZWQgb24gYW4gYW5hbG9neSB0byBvYmplY3RlZCBvcmll bnRlZCBwcm9ncmFtbWluZywgb3IgbXkgb3duIHN1Z2dlc3Rpb24gb2YgYSBtYXhpbWl6YXRp b24gb2YgaW5mb3JtYXRpb24gY29udGVudCBhcyBhIGRlc2lnbiBwcmluY2lwbGUgYmFzZWQg b24gcGF0dGVybiBjbGFkaXN0aWMgYXJndW1lbnRzIChCZWNobHkgJiBNZXllciAyMDE3KS4g SW5jaWRlbnRhbGx5LCBteSBtYWluIHF1aWJibGUgd2l0aCBFd2VydOKAmXMgaW50ZXJlc3Rp bmcgYXBwcm9hY2ggd2FzIHRoYXQgaXQgZG9lcyBub3QgYWxsb3cgZm9yIHNpbWlsYXJseSBw cmVjaXNlIHN1Y2Nlc3NmdWwgcHJlZGljdGlvbnMgYXMgdGhlIGNvbW1vbiBkZXNjZW50IGh5 cG90aGVzaXMuIExvb2tzIGxpa2UgSSBoYXZlIHRvIHJlY29uc2lkZXIgbXkgc3RhbmNlLiBB bmQgaWYgZXZlbiBtb3JlIGNvbmZsaWN0aW5nIGV2aWRlbmNlIHNob3VsZCB1bHRpbWF0ZWx5 IGxlYWQgbWUgYXdheSBmcm9tIHRoZSBwYXJhZGlnbSBvZiBjb21tb24gZGVzY2VudCwgdGhl biBzbyBiZSBpdC4NCj4gDQoNClRoZXJlJ3Mgbm8gcHJvYmxlbSB3aXRoIGNvbW1vbiBkZXNj ZW50IGFzIGxvbmcgYXMgeW91IHJlYWxpemUgdGhhdCBpdCBpcyANCkRFU0NFTlQsIG5vdCBB U0NFTlQuDQo=

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mark Isaak@21:1/5 to Ron Dean on Tue Dec 5 07:59:03 2023
    On 12/4/23 9:46 AM, Ron Dean wrote:
    Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/3/23 10:23 PM, Ron Dean wrote:
    Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/3/23 5:38 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 11:57 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:16:58 PM UTC-5, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman >>>>>>>> wrote:
    On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    snip discussion

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood
    it he
    would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and >>>>>>> joined the scam

    FYI. Something like 95% of those who began reading your post will
    not to read more after reading "perp" and "scam".

    This may not matter to you as to some approximation you seem to be >>>>>> talking
    to yourself, which is somewhat self-consistent with the ranting.
    If, however,
    there's some remote sense of awareness remaining, and you actually >>>>>> want
    others to read your posts, you should take note of the effect your >>>>>> fixation on
    the words "perp" and "scam" (and "rubes") have upon potential

    My prediction is that you will blame the readership, somewhat akin >>>>>> to a would-be
    politician blaming the voters for not electing them. Most people
    are too
    polite to point this out to you again. I don't suffer from the
    vice of politeness.
    Not much, anyway.

    You are knowingly blaming yourself.  The simple facts are that the
    ID perps have been worse than perps (they run the scam on their own
    creationist support base), and IDiots demonstrated themselves to be
    worse than idiots long ago.  It likely is the fault of those that
    have not been able to acknowledge that reality for their own
    profound misconceptions.

    Just as an aside, blaming oneself is a virtue. If you are blaming
    other people, first, you're not going to change anything, and
    second, there's an excellent change you are wrong.
    Wouldn't you think it's _not_ his objective to change the minds of
    people who accept either intelligent design or the Genesis creation
    story. His objective is plainly self-serving - that is, he's simply
    trying to reassuring himself and other evolutionist of the validity
    of evolution.

    No, that would be naive.  A little knowledge of human nature suggests
    that one of Ron's main motives is the same as yours: to avoid any
    discomfort associated with changing one's mind.

    You are right, during my college years I became a dedicated,
    unquestioning evolutionist and this became the foundation of my
    existence. But on a challenge I reluctantly read a book by a scientist,
    Dr Denton then other books by other scientist including books by Dr
    Gould and Dr Eldridge. To my utter dismay I learned that evolution was a fraud, and this caused me considerable distress. It's not that I'm so committed to ID, but rather I became angry at the deception and so I
    became dedicated as an anti - evolution!

    Where did you hear the claim about dissertations based on Piltdown man?
    Was that from Dendon? Are you angry about the fraud of making that
    false claim?

    Mark Isaak
    "Wisdom begins when you discover the difference between 'That
    doesn't make sense' and 'I don't understand.'" - Mary Doria Russell

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mark Isaak@21:1/5 to RonO on Tue Dec 5 08:03:10 2023
    On 12/4/23 5:07 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/4/2023 10:12 AM, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/4/23 4:03 AM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 8:44 PM, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/3/23 5:38 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 11:57 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:16:58 PM UTC-5, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman >>>>>>>> wrote:
    On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    snip discussion

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood
    it he
    would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and >>>>>>> joined the scam

    FYI. Something like 95% of those who began reading your post will
    not to read more after reading "perp" and "scam".

    This may not matter to you as to some approximation you seem to be >>>>>> talking
    to yourself, which is somewhat self-consistent with the ranting.
    If, however,
    there's some remote sense of awareness remaining, and you actually >>>>>> want
    others to read your posts, you should take note of the effect your >>>>>> fixation on
    the words "perp" and "scam" (and "rubes") have upon potential

    My prediction is that you will blame the readership, somewhat akin >>>>>> to a would-be
    politician blaming the voters for not electing them. Most people
    are too
    polite to point this out to you again. I don't suffer from the
    vice of politeness.
    Not much, anyway.

    You are knowingly blaming yourself.  The simple facts are that the
    ID perps have been worse than perps (they run the scam on their own
    creationist support base), and IDiots demonstrated themselves to be
    worse than idiots long ago.  It likely is the fault of those that
    have not been able to acknowledge that reality for their own
    profound misconceptions.

    Just as an aside, blaming oneself is a virtue. If you are blaming
    other people, first, you're not going to change anything, and
    second, there's an excellent change you are wrong.

    He is blaming me.  You should have posted this to his post.

    How much of a chance can I have of being wrong?


    100% likely that you are wrong.

    Do you have any evidence that you might be right?  Has any group of creationist rubes that fell for the teach ID scam ever gotten any ID
    science from the ID perps to teach?  All you need is one case, but the
    bait and switch has gone down in every instance, and it only totally
    failed once in Dover because the ID perps ran into a bunch of
    creationist rubes that were too dishonest and stupid to understand what
    it meant when the guys who sold them the scam wanted them to bend over
    for a switch scam that they had no interest in.

    It turned out that the ID had only been used as the bait for over 3
    years because there was no ID science worth teaching.  Even though the
    Dover creationists rubes tried to teach the ID scam junk, they never got
    any ID science to teach.

    After Dover the ID perps would not give up on the bait and switch scam,
    and they continued to use ID as the bait, and even doubled down and
    updated their teach ID propaganda claiming that the Dover Federal court decision was wrong and that ID could still be taught in the public
    schools.  As sad as it may be the bait and switch continued to go down.
    Even when both Lousiana and Texas claimed that they were not "requiring"
    ID to be taught, the ID perps still ran the bait and switch on them.

    Do you have a single example where the ID perps delivered the ID science
    for the rubes to teach in the public schools?

     Why did the IDiots quit after the Top Six was put out by the scam
    artists that they had been supporting for decades?  Why has the bait
    and switch gone down every single time that any creationist rubes
    have taken the ID perps up on their offer to teach the junk in the
    public schools.  It is just a fact that the ID perps were running the
    bait and switch on the Utah creationist rubes at the same time that
    they were putting out the Top Six.

    Demonstrate that I could be wrong.  The bait and switch has been
    going down for over 2 decades, and it will go down next time there is
    a group of rubes stupid enough to believe the ID perps.  The ID perps
    are still telling educators that the Dover decision was wrong and
    that they have a scientific theory of ID that can be taught in the
    public schools, but what is going to happen if any rubes still exist
    that are stupid and dishonest enough to believe them?

    You just have to go to the ID scam web site, click on their
    "Education" tab, and click on their briefing packet for educators.
    They have only been using ID as bait since Ohio in 2002.

    None of that is under dispute.  What is under dispute is what you just
    spent three worthless paragraphs avoiding.

    What is under dispute is that you were 100% wrong, and you still are.
    Why not simply state what you think that I have avoided?

    But my main point is to point out that Lawyer Daggett is entirely
    correct. You might want to read what he wrote and take it to heart.

    The time for being nice about reality passed a long time ago.

    That's one thing you are 100% wrong about.  When you choose not being
    nice as a matter of policy, then there are at least two results that I
    don't think you are after.  First, you lose any persuasive influence,
    even with people who are undecided.  Second, even the people who agree
    with you won't want you on their team, so you lose support.

    You can pretend to be nice about the scam, but who cares when it is a
    scam?  Pretending to be nice just allowed you to be wrong about the ID
    scam for decades.

    What results do you think that I was after?  Simply stating reality was
    just that.  The IDiots were already lying to themselves about the ID
    scam, and I never thought that, that would change, but they would have
    to willfully disregard reality everytime they could not counter.  Look
    at what Kalk used to do.  He would snip out everything from a post
    except the parts that he objected to because they were a true depiction
    of what he was.  He had to take the time to do something that lame and stupid.  Kalk knew that he was worse than an IDiot.  After he quit the
    ID scam he came out and claimed that he and never claimed to be Hindu. Quoting the Vedas and using the Nym Kalkidas was apparently not making
    that claim even though he never denied being a Hindu.  The Hindu act was just to lend credibility to his dishonest support for the ID scam. These
    are the type of IDiots that have supported the ID scam.  Ever since the
    bait and switch started to go down the only IDiots left have been the ignorant, incompetent and or dishonest.  Do you acknowledge that IDiots
    like Kalk and Nyikos have demonstrated themselves to be all three?

    IDiot was actually a badge of honor for IDiots like Kalk.  There was no desire to be a persuasive influencer.  It was all just to put the
    reality of the situation in plain view.  I was just calling it like it is.

     I didn't start calling the ID perps "perps" until just before Dover.
    The bait and switch had been going down in every single instance for
    around 3 years by that time.  It was obviously never going to stop.
    Getting ID into the public schools was part of the Wedge strategy,
    but no one was ever going to get any ID science to teach from the ID

    You knew it, so why deny what the ID perps have been for over 20 years?

    You are in denial about what is being denied.

    Why not put up what you think is being denied?  The one in denial seems
    to be you.  It is just a plain and simple fact that the iD perps
    continue to put ID out as the bait, but if there are any creationist
    rubes stupid and dishonest enough to try to teach the junk, the ID perps
    will run the bait and switch scam on them and all they will get is the obfuscation and denial switch scam, and the ID perp's claim that the
    switch scam has nothing to do with ID nor creationism.  It has happened
    in every instance, and will continue to happen.  The bait and switch
    scam has been going down for over 20 years and has a really dismal rate
    of success in having the rubes bend over for the switch scam.  Nearly
    all the rubes drop the issue instead.  Louisiana and Texas still have
    the switch scam junk up, but they haven't tried to implement the
    stupidity since both of them had the bait and switch run on them again
    back in 2013.  None of the creationist rubes want to teach their kids
    enough science so that they know what they should deny.

    The sad thing is that ID died on TO because it turned out that the
    IDiots never wanted the ID perps to succeed in developing any valid ID science.  It all would have just been more science to deny.

    Since you are so monomaniacal that you cannot even read for
    comprehension, there is no point trying to converse with you further
    (about anything) or read anything you say (about anything). Goodbye.

    Mark Isaak
    "Wisdom begins when you discover the difference between 'That
    doesn't make sense' and 'I don't understand.'" - Mary Doria Russell

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Casanova@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 5 09:39:52 2023
    On Tue, 5 Dec 2023 08:22:31 -0700, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by Kalkidas <eat@joes.pub>:

    On 12/1/2023 10:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    Is ID there an position on common descent? This post is just an FYI, as I've seen the question raised here. Here's one example of "provisional" acceptance: https://evolutionnews.org/2023/12/fossil-friday-the-mess-of-arachnid-phylogeny-and-why-ive-

    Selective quotes:

    I even discovered that I have to give up one of my very favorite arguments for common descent. Since this case is cumulative and somewhat complicated, please bear with me if this article gets a bit lengthy. However, I promise you will learn something
    important from it, even if you should be an evolutionist and skeptical of my anti-Darwinian conclusions."

    When asked why, in spite of my critique of neo-Darwinism and my endorsement of intelligent design, I still subscribe to common descent, I have often answered as follows: the hallmark of a good theory are very specific predictions that are unique to
    this theory and successfully confirmed by later discovery of empirical evidence. The hypothesis of common descent arguably allows for the prediction of very precise anatomical details of hypothetical transitional forms, that would not be predicted by the
    hypothesis of common design without the constraint of shared ancestry. Such predictions have been made in the published technical literature and have indeed been confirmed by later discovered fossils of such transitional forms with precisely the
    predicted anatomy, which was unknown to occur either in living or fossil representatives at the time of the prediction.

    True skeptics should question everything, and not just everything apart from Darwinism and materialism. I wholeheartedly endorse the credo to follow the evidence wherever it leads.

    For this reason, I currently and provisionally still think that the total evidence of all lines of data favors common descent as the most parsimonious and most elegant explanation. However, I definitely remain open (and now more sympathetic) to
    alternatives like progressive creation combined with other explanations for the pattern of biological similarities such as Winston Ewert’s dependency graph hypothesis (Ewert 2018, 2023, Miller 2018, 2023, Reeves 2022; also see this website), which is
    based on an analogy to objected oriented programming, or my own suggestion of a maximization of information content as a design principle based on pattern cladistic arguments (Bechly & Meyer 2017). Incidentally, my main quibble with Ewert’s interesting
    approach was that it does not allow for similarly precise successful predictions as the common descent hypothesis. Looks like I have to reconsider my stance. And if even more conflicting evidence should ultimately lead me away from the paradigm
    common descent, then so be it.

    There's no problem with common descent as long as you realize that it is >DESCENT, not ASCENT.

    Word games?

    Care to clarify what you meant by that comment, since the
    connotations are ambiguous at beat?


    Bob C.

    "The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
    the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
    'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

    - Isaac Asimov

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Casanova@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 5 09:48:06 2023
    On Mon, 4 Dec 2023 19:07:58 -0600, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by RonO <rokimoto@cox.net>:

    <snip all>

    Ron, just a suggestion, since I generally like your factual
    posts, the ones without repeated invective.

    Try posting about ID, if you must, without using the words
    scam, rubes and perps. As soon as I see them I shut down,
    and probably miss some good info. By now everyone probably
    knows your opinion about ID, and there's no need to keep
    beating a dead horse.


    Bob C.

    "The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
    the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
    'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

    - Isaac Asimov

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to Lawyer Daggett on Tue Dec 5 17:58:43 2023
    On 12/5/2023 10:54 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 11:07:00 AM UTC-5, Mark Isaak wrote:

    Since you are so monomaniacal that you cannot even read for
    comprehension, there is no point trying to converse with you further
    (about anything) or read anything you say (about anything). Goodbye.


    It is unfortunate, as it is a waste of an education.
    An otherwise well educated person has become lost owing to a lack of
    self awareness. It is a lesson to all of us.

    Mark was the one that was lost. If he had anything to put forward it
    should have come out, but it didn't. Blaming me for your own stupidity
    about the issue isn't going to change what happened 5 years ago.

    Self awareness of what? Why don't you help him out? I was not wrong in
    what I have been doing for years, and I was never trying to influence
    anyone by doing it because the guys that needed to be influenced were
    beyond hope. It was just reminding them about what they were doing and
    how bogus it has always been. Just because a lot of people think that
    it is a good excuse to claim that it dulled TO's senses about the
    situation is really stupid. Things were always worse than I was
    presenting them to be. That is obvious by how ID died on TO. I never
    had to refute anything about the Top Six. All that I ever had to do was present them as the ID perps had presented them, and update the rubes as
    to how even the ID perps could not deal with the Top Six in an honest
    and straightforward manner.

    The profound misconceptions have had their day. It is time to just
    figure out what happened and live with that reality.

    Ron Okimoto

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to Mark Isaak on Tue Dec 5 17:21:53 2023
    On 12/5/2023 10:03 AM, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/4/23 5:07 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/4/2023 10:12 AM, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/4/23 4:03 AM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 8:44 PM, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 12/3/23 5:38 PM, RonO wrote:
    On 12/3/2023 11:57 AM, Lawyer Daggett wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:16:58 PM UTC-5, RonO wrote: >>>>>>>> On 12/3/2023 6:46 AM, MarkE wrote:
    On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:36:57 AM UTC+11, John Harshman >>>>>>>>> wrote:
    On 12/1/23 9:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    snip discussion

    Bechly cites this article, and if he had read it and understood >>>>>>>> it he
    would not have written his denial piece. Bechly is an ID perp and >>>>>>>> joined the scam

    FYI. Something like 95% of those who began reading your post will >>>>>>> decide
    not to read more after reading "perp" and "scam".

    This may not matter to you as to some approximation you seem to
    be talking
    to yourself, which is somewhat self-consistent with the ranting. >>>>>>> If, however,
    there's some remote sense of awareness remaining, and you
    actually want
    others to read your posts, you should take note of the effect
    your fixation on
    the words "perp" and "scam" (and "rubes") have upon potential

    My prediction is that you will blame the readership, somewhat
    akin to a would-be
    politician blaming the voters for not electing them. Most people >>>>>>> are too
    polite to point this out to you again. I don't suffer from the
    vice of politeness.
    Not much, anyway.

    You are knowingly blaming yourself.  The simple facts are that the >>>>>> ID perps have been worse than perps (they run the scam on their
    own creationist support base), and IDiots demonstrated themselves
    to be worse than idiots long ago.  It likely is the fault of those >>>>>> that have not been able to acknowledge that reality for their own
    profound misconceptions.

    Just as an aside, blaming oneself is a virtue. If you are blaming
    other people, first, you're not going to change anything, and
    second, there's an excellent change you are wrong.

    He is blaming me.  You should have posted this to his post.

    How much of a chance can I have of being wrong?


    100% likely that you are wrong.

    Do you have any evidence that you might be right?  Has any group of
    creationist rubes that fell for the teach ID scam ever gotten any ID
    science from the ID perps to teach?  All you need is one case, but the
    bait and switch has gone down in every instance, and it only totally
    failed once in Dover because the ID perps ran into a bunch of
    creationist rubes that were too dishonest and stupid to understand
    what it meant when the guys who sold them the scam wanted them to bend
    over for a switch scam that they had no interest in.

    It turned out that the ID had only been used as the bait for over 3
    years because there was no ID science worth teaching.  Even though the
    Dover creationists rubes tried to teach the ID scam junk, they never
    got any ID science to teach.

    After Dover the ID perps would not give up on the bait and switch
    scam, and they continued to use ID as the bait, and even doubled down
    and updated their teach ID propaganda claiming that the Dover Federal
    court decision was wrong and that ID could still be taught in the
    public schools.  As sad as it may be the bait and switch continued to
    go down. Even when both Lousiana and Texas claimed that they were not
    "requiring" ID to be taught, the ID perps still ran the bait and
    switch on them.

    Do you have a single example where the ID perps delivered the ID
    science for the rubes to teach in the public schools?

     Why did the IDiots quit after the Top Six was put out by the scam
    artists that they had been supporting for decades?  Why has the bait
    and switch gone down every single time that any creationist rubes
    have taken the ID perps up on their offer to teach the junk in the
    public schools.  It is just a fact that the ID perps were running
    the bait and switch on the Utah creationist rubes at the same time
    that they were putting out the Top Six.

    Demonstrate that I could be wrong.  The bait and switch has been
    going down for over 2 decades, and it will go down next time there
    is a group of rubes stupid enough to believe the ID perps.  The ID
    perps are still telling educators that the Dover decision was wrong
    and that they have a scientific theory of ID that can be taught in
    the public schools, but what is going to happen if any rubes still
    exist that are stupid and dishonest enough to believe them?

    You just have to go to the ID scam web site, click on their
    "Education" tab, and click on their briefing packet for educators.
    They have only been using ID as bait since Ohio in 2002.

    None of that is under dispute.  What is under dispute is what you
    just spent three worthless paragraphs avoiding.

    What is under dispute is that you were 100% wrong, and you still are.
    Why not simply state what you think that I have avoided?

    But my main point is to point out that Lawyer Daggett is entirely
    correct. You might want to read what he wrote and take it to heart.

    The time for being nice about reality passed a long time ago.

    That's one thing you are 100% wrong about.  When you choose not being
    nice as a matter of policy, then there are at least two results that
    I don't think you are after.  First, you lose any persuasive
    influence, even with people who are undecided.  Second, even the
    people who agree with you won't want you on their team, so you lose

    You can pretend to be nice about the scam, but who cares when it is a
    scam?  Pretending to be nice just allowed you to be wrong about the ID
    scam for decades.

    What results do you think that I was after?  Simply stating reality
    was just that.  The IDiots were already lying to themselves about the
    ID scam, and I never thought that, that would change, but they would
    have to willfully disregard reality everytime they could not counter.
    Look at what Kalk used to do.  He would snip out everything from a
    post except the parts that he objected to because they were a true
    depiction of what he was.  He had to take the time to do something
    that lame and stupid.  Kalk knew that he was worse than an IDiot.
    After he quit the ID scam he came out and claimed that he and never
    claimed to be Hindu. Quoting the Vedas and using the Nym Kalkidas was
    apparently not making that claim even though he never denied being a
    Hindu.  The Hindu act was just to lend credibility to his dishonest
    support for the ID scam. These are the type of IDiots that have
    supported the ID scam.  Ever since the bait and switch started to go
    down the only IDiots left have been the ignorant, incompetent and or
    dishonest.  Do you acknowledge that IDiots like Kalk and Nyikos have
    demonstrated themselves to be all three?

    IDiot was actually a badge of honor for IDiots like Kalk.  There was
    no desire to be a persuasive influencer.  It was all just to put the
    reality of the situation in plain view.  I was just calling it like it

     I didn't start calling the ID perps "perps" until just before
    Dover. The bait and switch had been going down in every single
    instance for around 3 years by that time.  It was obviously never
    going to stop. Getting ID into the public schools was part of the
    Wedge strategy, but no one was ever going to get any ID science to
    teach from the ID perps.

    You knew it, so why deny what the ID perps have been for over 20 years? >>>
    You are in denial about what is being denied.

    Why not put up what you think is being denied?  The one in denial
    seems to be you.  It is just a plain and simple fact that the iD perps
    continue to put ID out as the bait, but if there are any creationist
    rubes stupid and dishonest enough to try to teach the junk, the ID
    perps will run the bait and switch scam on them and all they will get
    is the obfuscation and denial switch scam, and the ID perp's claim
    that the switch scam has nothing to do with ID nor creationism.  It
    has happened in every instance, and will continue to happen.  The bait
    and switch scam has been going down for over 20 years and has a really
    dismal rate of success in having the rubes bend over for the switch
    scam.  Nearly all the rubes drop the issue instead.  Louisiana and
    Texas still have the switch scam junk up, but they haven't tried to
    implement the stupidity since both of them had the bait and switch run
    on them again back in 2013.  None of the creationist rubes want to
    teach their kids enough science so that they know what they should deny.

    The sad thing is that ID died on TO because it turned out that the
    IDiots never wanted the ID perps to succeed in developing any valid ID
    science.  It all would have just been more science to deny.

    Since you are so monomaniacal that you cannot even read for
    comprehension, there is no point trying to converse with you further
    (about anything) or read anything you say (about anything).  Goodbye.

    So you never had anything that I wqs 100% wrong about? Monomaniacal is
    what you call demonstrating that you were just wrong? How many ways
    could I have done it? What were you wrong about? Why not just state
    what it was supposed to be uf you think it was about something else?

    This kind of stupidity should end. You all missed the boat, and didn't
    realize what was going on, mainly because you didn't want to know. For whatever reason you were all content to trot out the same junk over and
    over to counter the same lame junk over and over, when there really was
    never any reason to do that. By the time that the Top Six came out
    there were not any IDiotic posters left that didn't understand how lame
    they were being. Staying willfully ignorant was their only goal. Bill
    had already given up on the ID scam, he just wouldn't admit it. He had
    been going on with his "reality doesn't exist" routine for a couple of
    years before the Top Six came out, and he tried to claim that he had
    never supported the creationist ID scam.

    You can all blame me for you missing out on the demise of IDiocy on TO,
    but it happened over 5 years ago. It is time to try to figure out what happened and live with that reality. Continuing the stupid blame game
    is not going to do anything to change the fact that you all just missed
    the boat, and didn't understand what was going on. The IDiots obviously understood what was going on, but none of you ever took the time to
    figure it out for yourselves.

    Posting junk like above is never going to change what happened.

    Ron Okimoto

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to Bob Casanova on Tue Dec 5 19:09:45 2023
    On 12/5/2023 10:48 AM, Bob Casanova wrote:
    On Mon, 4 Dec 2023 19:07:58 -0600, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by RonO <rokimoto@cox.net>:

    <snip all>

    Ron, just a suggestion, since I generally like your factual
    posts, the ones without repeated invective.

    Try posting about ID, if you must, without using the words
    scam, rubes and perps. As soon as I see them I shut down,
    and probably miss some good info. By now everyone probably
    knows your opinion about ID, and there's no need to keep
    beating a dead horse.

    It doesn't matter anymore. Doing that would change nothing. What
    happened, happened 5 years ago, and everyone missed it for the past 5
    years. Trying to be nice about such a bogus scam would accomplish
    absolutely nothing. That is why blaming my use of accurate terminology accomplishes nothing. The ID scam died on TO 5 years ago. It died as
    the scam that it always had been, and the corpse just gets propped up by
    the last of the IDiots too dishonest and incompetent to know that it was
    over years ago. Who should care? Why would anyone want to pretend that
    things would be better some other way? There is obviously nothing to be
    gained by claiming that my use of the terms that have applied to the
    situation can have any significant effect on reality at this time. The
    death of the iD scam occurred 5 years ago. It is so far in the past
    that there is no excuse to make excuses.

    Is there anyone left that cares about what the ID scam is called? The
    exIDiots like Kalk likely have much worse things to say about the ID
    perps than calling them perps. The ID scam is still going on. They are
    still selling ID as the Bait, but no one is ever going to get any ID
    science to teach.

    You can go to their education section and get their advice to educators.


    The main differences between these claims to be able to teach the junk
    in the public schools from the booklet they had up on their web site
    before Dover is that they have to claim that the Dover Federal court
    decision was wrong, and it only applies to that Federal court district,
    so it is still legal to teach the ID scam junk. They also no longer
    claim to be able to use "Of Pandas and People" to teach the junk after
    Pandas was exposed as what it was in Dover.

    Recently I put up the Wayback link where you can access their teach ID
    scam junk that they had up on their web page in 2005 during the Dover
    Fiasco. They were still claiming that you could use "Of Pandas and
    People" to teach ID in the public schools, and the Dover IDiots followed
    that advice.

    ID is still only being used as the bait, so that they can continue to
    employ their Wedge strategy. ID stopped being the Wedge over 20 years
    ago. Their only way forward is the obfuscation and denial switch scam
    that they have to tell the rubes has nothing to do with ID nor creationism.

    Ron Okimoto

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Casanova@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 6 08:15:41 2023
    On Tue, 05 Dec 2023 09:39:52 -0700, the following appeared
    in talk.origins, posted by Bob Casanova <nospam@buzz.off>:

    On Tue, 5 Dec 2023 08:22:31 -0700, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by Kalkidas <eat@joes.pub>:

    On 12/1/2023 10:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    Is ID there an position on common descent? This post is just an FYI, as I've seen the question raised here. Here's one example of "provisional" acceptance: https://evolutionnews.org/2023/12/fossil-friday-the-mess-of-arachnid-phylogeny-and-why-ive-

    Selective quotes:

    I even discovered that I have to give up one of my very favorite arguments for common descent. Since this case is cumulative and somewhat complicated, please bear with me if this article gets a bit lengthy. However, I promise you will learn something
    important from it, even if you should be an evolutionist and skeptical of my anti-Darwinian conclusions."

    When asked why, in spite of my critique of neo-Darwinism and my endorsement of intelligent design, I still subscribe to common descent, I have often answered as follows: the hallmark of a good theory are very specific predictions that are unique to
    this theory and successfully confirmed by later discovery of empirical evidence. The hypothesis of common descent arguably allows for the prediction of very precise anatomical details of hypothetical transitional forms, that would not be predicted by the
    hypothesis of common design without the constraint of shared ancestry. Such predictions have been made in the published technical literature and have indeed been confirmed by later discovered fossils of such transitional forms with precisely the
    predicted anatomy, which was unknown to occur either in living or fossil representatives at the time of the prediction.

    True skeptics should question everything, and not just everything apart from Darwinism and materialism. I wholeheartedly endorse the credo to follow the evidence wherever it leads.

    For this reason, I currently and provisionally still think that the total evidence of all lines of data favors common descent as the most parsimonious and most elegant explanation. However, I definitely remain open (and now more sympathetic) to
    alternatives like progressive creation combined with other explanations for the pattern of biological similarities such as Winston Ewert’s dependency graph hypothesis (Ewert 2018, 2023, Miller 2018, 2023, Reeves 2022; also see this website), which is
    based on an analogy to objected oriented programming, or my own suggestion of a maximization of information content as a design principle based on pattern cladistic arguments (Bechly & Meyer 2017). Incidentally, my main quibble with Ewert’s interesting
    approach was that it does not allow for similarly precise successful predictions as the common descent hypothesis. Looks like I have to reconsider my stance. And if even more conflicting evidence should ultimately lead me away from the paradigm
    common descent, then so be it.

    There's no problem with common descent as long as you realize that it is >>DESCENT, not ASCENT.

    Word games?

    Care to clarify what you meant by that comment, since the
    connotations are ambiguous at beat?

    No, I didn't think you would.


    Bob C.

    "The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
    the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
    'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

    - Isaac Asimov

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 6 19:57:50 2023
    T24gMTIvNi8yMDIzIDk6MTUgQU0sIEJvYiBDYXNhbm92YSB3cm90ZToNCj4gT24gVHVlLCAw NSBEZWMgMjAyMyAwOTozOTo1MiAtMDcwMCwgdGhlIGZvbGxvd2luZyBhcHBlYXJlZA0KPiBp biB0YWxrLm9yaWdpbnMsIHBvc3RlZCBieSBCb2IgQ2FzYW5vdmEgPG5vc3BhbUBidXp6Lm9m Zj46DQo+IA0KPj4gT24gVHVlLCA1IERlYyAyMDIzIDA4OjIyOjMxIC0wNzAwLCB0aGUgZm9s bG93aW5nIGFwcGVhcmVkIGluDQo+PiB0YWxrLm9yaWdpbnMsIHBvc3RlZCBieSBLYWxraWRh cyA8ZWF0QGpvZXMucHViPjoNCj4+DQo+Pj4gT24gMTIvMS8yMDIzIDEwOjA5IFBNLCBNYXJr RSB3cm90ZToNCj4+Pj4gSXMgSUQgdGhlcmUgYW4gcG9zaXRpb24gb24gY29tbW9uIGRlc2Nl bnQ/IFRoaXMgcG9zdCBpcyBqdXN0IGFuIEZZSSwgYXMgSSd2ZSBzZWVuIHRoZSBxdWVzdGlv biByYWlzZWQgaGVyZS4gSGVyZSdzIG9uZSBleGFtcGxlIG9mICJwcm92aXNpb25hbCIgYWNj ZXB0YW5jZTogaHR0cHM6Ly9ldm9sdXRpb25uZXdzLm9yZy8yMDIzLzEyL2Zvc3NpbC1mcmlk YXktdGhlLW1lc3Mtb2YtYXJhY2huaWQtcGh5bG9nZW55LWFuZC13aHktaXZlLWJlY29tZS1t b3JlLXNrZXB0aWNhbC1vZi1jb21tb24tZGVzY2VudC8NCj4+Pj4NCj4+Pj4gU2VsZWN0aXZl IHF1b3RlczoNCj4+Pj4NCj4+Pj4gSSBldmVuIGRpc2NvdmVyZWQgdGhhdCBJIGhhdmUgdG8g Z2l2ZSB1cCBvbmUgb2YgbXkgdmVyeSBmYXZvcml0ZSBhcmd1bWVudHMgZm9yIGNvbW1vbiBk ZXNjZW50LiBTaW5jZSB0aGlzIGNhc2UgaXMgY3VtdWxhdGl2ZSBhbmQgc29tZXdoYXQgY29t cGxpY2F0ZWQsIHBsZWFzZSBiZWFyIHdpdGggbWUgaWYgdGhpcyBhcnRpY2xlIGdldHMgYSBi aXQgbGVuZ3RoeS4gSG93ZXZlciwgSSBwcm9taXNlIHlvdSB3aWxsIGxlYXJuIHNvbWV0aGlu ZyBpbXBvcnRhbnQgZnJvbSBpdCwgZXZlbiBpZiB5b3Ugc2hvdWxkIGJlIGFuIGV2b2x1dGlv bmlzdCBhbmQgc2tlcHRpY2FsIG9mIG15IGFudGktRGFyd2luaWFuIGNvbmNsdXNpb25zLiIN Cj4+Pj4NCj4+Pj4gV2hlbiBhc2tlZCB3aHksIGluIHNwaXRlIG9mIG15IGNyaXRpcXVlIG9m IG5lby1EYXJ3aW5pc20gYW5kIG15IGVuZG9yc2VtZW50IG9mIGludGVsbGlnZW50IGRlc2ln biwgSSBzdGlsbCBzdWJzY3JpYmUgdG8gY29tbW9uIGRlc2NlbnQsIEkgaGF2ZSBvZnRlbiBh bnN3ZXJlZCBhcyBmb2xsb3dzOiB0aGUgaGFsbG1hcmsgb2YgYSBnb29kIHRoZW9yeSBhcmUg dmVyeSBzcGVjaWZpYyBwcmVkaWN0aW9ucyB0aGF0IGFyZSB1bmlxdWUgdG8gdGhpcyB0aGVv cnkgYW5kIHN1Y2Nlc3NmdWxseSBjb25maXJtZWQgYnkgbGF0ZXIgZGlzY292ZXJ5IG9mIGVt cGlyaWNhbCBldmlkZW5jZS4gVGhlIGh5cG90aGVzaXMgb2YgY29tbW9uIGRlc2NlbnQgYXJn dWFibHkgYWxsb3dzIGZvciB0aGUgcHJlZGljdGlvbiBvZiB2ZXJ5IHByZWNpc2UgYW5hdG9t aWNhbCBkZXRhaWxzIG9mIGh5cG90aGV0aWNhbCB0cmFuc2l0aW9uYWwgZm9ybXMsIHRoYXQg d291bGQgbm90IGJlIHByZWRpY3RlZCBieSB0aGUgaHlwb3RoZXNpcyBvZiBjb21tb24gZGVz aWduIHdpdGhvdXQgdGhlIGNvbnN0cmFpbnQgb2Ygc2hhcmVkIGFuY2VzdHJ5LiBTdWNoIHBy ZWRpY3Rpb25zIGhhdmUgYmVlbiBtYWRlIGluIHRoZSBwdWJsaXNoZWQgdGVjaG5pY2FsIGxp dGVyYXR1cmUgYW5kIGhhdmUgaW5kZWVkIGJlZW4gY29uZmlybWVkIGJ5IGxhdGVyIGRpc2Nv dmVyZWQgZm9zc2lscyBvZiBzdWNoIHRyYW5zaXRpb25hbCBmb3JtcyB3aXRoIHByZWNpc2Vs eSB0aGUgcHJlZGljdGVkIGFuYXRvbXksIHdoaWNoIHdhcyB1bmtub3duIHRvIG9jY3VyIGVp dGhlciBpbiBsaXZpbmcgb3IgZm9zc2lsIHJlcHJlc2VudGF0aXZlcyBhdCB0aGUgdGltZSBv ZiB0aGUgcHJlZGljdGlvbi4NCj4+Pj4NCj4+Pj4gVHJ1ZSBza2VwdGljcyBzaG91bGQgcXVl c3Rpb24gZXZlcnl0aGluZywgYW5kIG5vdCBqdXN0IGV2ZXJ5dGhpbmcgYXBhcnQgZnJvbSBE YXJ3aW5pc20gYW5kIG1hdGVyaWFsaXNtLiBJIHdob2xlaGVhcnRlZGx5IGVuZG9yc2UgdGhl IGNyZWRvIHRvIGZvbGxvdyB0aGUgZXZpZGVuY2Ugd2hlcmV2ZXIgaXQgbGVhZHMuDQo+Pj4+ DQo+Pj4+IEZvciB0aGlzIHJlYXNvbiwgSSBjdXJyZW50bHkgYW5kIHByb3Zpc2lvbmFsbHkg c3RpbGwgdGhpbmsgdGhhdCB0aGUgdG90YWwgZXZpZGVuY2Ugb2YgYWxsIGxpbmVzIG9mIGRh dGEgZmF2b3JzIGNvbW1vbiBkZXNjZW50IGFzIHRoZSBtb3N0IHBhcnNpbW9uaW91cyBhbmQg bW9zdCBlbGVnYW50IGV4cGxhbmF0aW9uLiBIb3dldmVyLCBJIGRlZmluaXRlbHkgcmVtYWlu IG9wZW4gKGFuZCBub3cgbW9yZSBzeW1wYXRoZXRpYykgdG8gYWx0ZXJuYXRpdmVzIGxpa2Ug cHJvZ3Jlc3NpdmUgY3JlYXRpb24gY29tYmluZWQgd2l0aCBvdGhlciBleHBsYW5hdGlvbnMg Zm9yIHRoZSBwYXR0ZXJuIG9mIGJpb2xvZ2ljYWwgc2ltaWxhcml0aWVzIHN1Y2ggYXMgV2lu c3RvbiBFd2VydOKAmXMgZGVwZW5kZW5jeSBncmFwaCBoeXBvdGhlc2lzIChFd2VydCAyMDE4 LCAyMDIzLCBNaWxsZXIgMjAxOCwgMjAyMywgUmVldmVzIDIwMjI7IGFsc28gc2VlIHRoaXMg d2Vic2l0ZSksIHdoaWNoIGlzIGJhc2VkIG9uIGFuIGFuYWxvZ3kgdG8gb2JqZWN0ZWQgb3Jp ZW50ZWQgcHJvZ3JhbW1pbmcsIG9yIG15IG93biBzdWdnZXN0aW9uIG9mIGEgbWF4aW1pemF0 aW9uIG9mIGluZm9ybWF0aW9uIGNvbnRlbnQgYXMgYSBkZXNpZ24gcHJpbmNpcGxlIGJhc2Vk IG9uIHBhdHRlcm4gY2xhZGlzdGljIGFyZ3VtZW50cyAoQmVjaGx5ICYgTWV5ZXIgMjAxNyku IEluY2lkZW50YWxseSwgbXkgbWFpbiBxdWliYmxlIHdpdGggRXdlcnTigJlzIGludGVyZXN0 aW5nIGFwcHJvYWNoIHdhcyB0aGF0IGl0IGRvZXMgbm90IGFsbG93IGZvciBzaW1pbGFybHkg cHJlY2lzZSBzdWNjZXNzZnVsIHByZWRpY3Rpb25zIGFzIHRoZSBjb21tb24gZGVzY2VudCBo eXBvdGhlc2lzLiBMb29rcyBsaWtlIEkgaGF2ZSB0byByZWNvbnNpZGVyIG15IHN0YW5jZS4g QW5kIGlmIGV2ZW4gbW9yZSBjb25mbGljdGluZyBldmlkZW5jZSBzaG91bGQgdWx0aW1hdGVs eSBsZWFkIG1lIGF3YXkgZnJvbSB0aGUgcGFyYWRpZ20NCj4+IG9mDQo+Pj4gY29tbW9uIGRl c2NlbnQsIHRoZW4gc28gYmUgaXQuDQo+Pj4+DQo+Pj4NCj4+PiBUaGVyZSdzIG5vIHByb2Js ZW0gd2l0aCBjb21tb24gZGVzY2VudCBhcyBsb25nIGFzIHlvdSByZWFsaXplIHRoYXQgaXQg aXMNCj4+PiBERVNDRU5ULCBub3QgQVNDRU5ULg0KPj4+DQo+PiBXb3JkIGdhbWVzPw0KPj4N Cj4+IENhcmUgdG8gY2xhcmlmeSB3aGF0IHlvdSBtZWFudCBieSB0aGF0IGNvbW1lbnQsIHNp bmNlIHRoZQ0KPj4gY29ubm90YXRpb25zIGFyZSBhbWJpZ3VvdXMgYXQgYmVhdD8NCj4+Pg0K PiBObywgSSBkaWRuJ3QgdGhpbmsgeW91IHdvdWxkLg0KPj4NCg0KQmVoZSBjbGFpbXMgdGhh dCBkZXZvbHV0aW9uIGlzIGhvdyB3aGFsZXMgZXZvbHZlZCBmcm9tIHRlcnJlc3RyaWFsIA0K bWFtbWFscy4gSGUgY2xhaW1zIHRoYXQgdGhlIGRldm9sdXRpb24gaXMgbWFjcm8gZXZvbHV0 aW9uLCBhbmQgaXMgYWxsIA0KY29uc2lzdGVudCB3aXRoIGtub3duIERhcndpbmlhbiBtZWNo YW5pc21zLCBidXQgaGUgdGhyb3dzIGNyZWF0aW9uaXN0cyBhIA0KYm9uZSBieSBjbGFpbWlu ZyB0aGF0IGl0IGlzIGEgYmFkIHR5cGUgb2YgZXZvbHV0aW9uLCBhbmQgaGlzIGRlc2lnbmVy IA0KY291bGQgaGF2ZSBkb25lIGEgbXVjaCBiZXR0ZXIgam9iLCBidXQgbXVzdCBoYXZlIGJl ZW4gd29ya2luZyBvbiANCnNvbWV0aGluZyBlbHNlIGF0IHRoZSB0aW1lIHdoYWxlcyB3ZXJl IGV2b2x2aW5nLiBJdCBzZWVtcyB0byBiZSBhbWF6aW5nIA0Kd2hhdCBkZXNjZW50IGNhbiBk by4NCg0KaHR0cHM6Ly9ldm9sdXRpb25uZXdzLm9yZy8yMDE5LzEwL2Rhcndpbi1kZXZvbHZl cy1ldmlkZW5jZS1rZWVwcy1yb2xsaW5nLWluLw0KDQpSb24gT2tpbW90bw0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Casanova@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 7 00:03:17 2023
    On Wed, 6 Dec 2023 19:57:50 -0600, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by RonO <rokimoto@cox.net>:

    On 12/6/2023 9:15 AM, Bob Casanova wrote:
    On Tue, 05 Dec 2023 09:39:52 -0700, the following appeared
    in talk.origins, posted by Bob Casanova <nospam@buzz.off>:

    On Tue, 5 Dec 2023 08:22:31 -0700, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by Kalkidas <eat@joes.pub>:

    On 12/1/2023 10:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    Is ID there an position on common descent? This post is just an FYI, as I've seen the question raised here. Here's one example of "provisional" acceptance: https://evolutionnews.org/2023/12/fossil-friday-the-mess-of-arachnid-phylogeny-and-why-ive-

    Selective quotes:

    I even discovered that I have to give up one of my very favorite arguments for common descent. Since this case is cumulative and somewhat complicated, please bear with me if this article gets a bit lengthy. However, I promise you will learn
    something important from it, even if you should be an evolutionist and skeptical of my anti-Darwinian conclusions."

    When asked why, in spite of my critique of neo-Darwinism and my endorsement of intelligent design, I still subscribe to common descent, I have often answered as follows: the hallmark of a good theory are very specific predictions that are unique to
    this theory and successfully confirmed by later discovery of empirical evidence. The hypothesis of common descent arguably allows for the prediction of very precise anatomical details of hypothetical transitional forms, that would not be predicted by the
    hypothesis of common design without the constraint of shared ancestry. Such predictions have been made in the published technical literature and have indeed been confirmed by later discovered fossils of such transitional forms with precisely the
    predicted anatomy, which was unknown to occur either in living or fossil representatives at the time of the prediction.

    True skeptics should question everything, and not just everything apart from Darwinism and materialism. I wholeheartedly endorse the credo to follow the evidence wherever it leads.

    For this reason, I currently and provisionally still think that the total evidence of all lines of data favors common descent as the most parsimonious and most elegant explanation. However, I definitely remain open (and now more sympathetic) to
    alternatives like progressive creation combined with other explanations for the pattern of biological similarities such as Winston Ewert’s dependency graph hypothesis (Ewert 2018, 2023, Miller 2018, 2023, Reeves 2022; also see this website), which is
    based on an analogy to objected oriented programming, or my own suggestion of a maximization of information content as a design principle based on pattern cladistic arguments (Bechly & Meyer 2017). Incidentally, my main quibble with Ewert’s interesting
    approach was that it does not allow for similarly precise successful predictions as the common descent hypothesis. Looks like I have to reconsider my stance. And if even more conflicting evidence should ultimately lead me away from the
    common descent, then so be it.

    There's no problem with common descent as long as you realize that it is >>>> DESCENT, not ASCENT.

    Word games?

    Care to clarify what you meant by that comment, since the
    connotations are ambiguous at beat?

    No, I didn't think you would.

    Behe claims that devolution is how whales evolved from terrestrial
    mammals. He claims that the devolution is macro evolution, and is all >consistent with known Darwinian mechanisms, but he throws creationists a
    bone by claiming that it is a bad type of evolution, and his designer
    could have done a much better job, but must have been working on
    something else at the time whales were evolving. It seems to be amazing
    what descent can do.


    OK, so if that's what Kalki meant it's once again confirmed
    that Kalki is an idiot. No surprise; anyone who seriously
    uses the term "devolution" is confirmed as ignorant of the


    Bob C.

    "The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
    the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
    'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

    - Isaac Asimov

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 9 20:01:42 2023
    T24gMTIvNy8yMDIzIDE6MDMgQU0sIEJvYiBDYXNhbm92YSB3cm90ZToNCj4gT24gV2VkLCA2 IERlYyAyMDIzIDE5OjU3OjUwIC0wNjAwLCB0aGUgZm9sbG93aW5nIGFwcGVhcmVkIGluDQo+ IHRhbGsub3JpZ2lucywgcG9zdGVkIGJ5IFJvbk8gPHJva2ltb3RvQGNveC5uZXQ+Og0KPiAN Cj4+IE9uIDEyLzYvMjAyMyA5OjE1IEFNLCBCb2IgQ2FzYW5vdmEgd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4gT24g VHVlLCAwNSBEZWMgMjAyMyAwOTozOTo1MiAtMDcwMCwgdGhlIGZvbGxvd2luZyBhcHBlYXJl ZA0KPj4+IGluIHRhbGsub3JpZ2lucywgcG9zdGVkIGJ5IEJvYiBDYXNhbm92YSA8bm9zcGFt QGJ1enoub2ZmPjoNCj4+Pg0KPj4+PiBPbiBUdWUsIDUgRGVjIDIwMjMgMDg6MjI6MzEgLTA3 MDAsIHRoZSBmb2xsb3dpbmcgYXBwZWFyZWQgaW4NCj4+Pj4gdGFsay5vcmlnaW5zLCBwb3N0 ZWQgYnkgS2Fsa2lkYXMgPGVhdEBqb2VzLnB1Yj46DQo+Pj4+DQo+Pj4+PiBPbiAxMi8xLzIw MjMgMTA6MDkgUE0sIE1hcmtFIHdyb3RlOg0KPj4+Pj4+IElzIElEIHRoZXJlIGFuIHBvc2l0 aW9uIG9uIGNvbW1vbiBkZXNjZW50PyBUaGlzIHBvc3QgaXMganVzdCBhbiBGWUksIGFzIEkn dmUgc2VlbiB0aGUgcXVlc3Rpb24gcmFpc2VkIGhlcmUuIEhlcmUncyBvbmUgZXhhbXBsZSBv ZiAicHJvdmlzaW9uYWwiIGFjY2VwdGFuY2U6IGh0dHBzOi8vZXZvbHV0aW9ubmV3cy5vcmcv MjAyMy8xMi9mb3NzaWwtZnJpZGF5LXRoZS1tZXNzLW9mLWFyYWNobmlkLXBoeWxvZ2VueS1h bmQtd2h5LWl2ZS1iZWNvbWUtbW9yZS1za2VwdGljYWwtb2YtY29tbW9uLWRlc2NlbnQvDQo+ Pj4+Pj4NCj4+Pj4+PiBTZWxlY3RpdmUgcXVvdGVzOg0KPj4+Pj4+DQo+Pj4+Pj4gSSBldmVu IGRpc2NvdmVyZWQgdGhhdCBJIGhhdmUgdG8gZ2l2ZSB1cCBvbmUgb2YgbXkgdmVyeSBmYXZv cml0ZSBhcmd1bWVudHMgZm9yIGNvbW1vbiBkZXNjZW50LiBTaW5jZSB0aGlzIGNhc2UgaXMg Y3VtdWxhdGl2ZSBhbmQgc29tZXdoYXQgY29tcGxpY2F0ZWQsIHBsZWFzZSBiZWFyIHdpdGgg bWUgaWYgdGhpcyBhcnRpY2xlIGdldHMgYSBiaXQgbGVuZ3RoeS4gSG93ZXZlciwgSSBwcm9t aXNlIHlvdSB3aWxsIGxlYXJuIHNvbWV0aGluZyBpbXBvcnRhbnQgZnJvbSBpdCwgZXZlbiBp ZiB5b3Ugc2hvdWxkIGJlIGFuIGV2b2x1dGlvbmlzdCBhbmQgc2tlcHRpY2FsIG9mIG15IGFu dGktRGFyd2luaWFuIGNvbmNsdXNpb25zLiINCj4+Pj4+Pg0KPj4+Pj4+IFdoZW4gYXNrZWQg d2h5LCBpbiBzcGl0ZSBvZiBteSBjcml0aXF1ZSBvZiBuZW8tRGFyd2luaXNtIGFuZCBteSBl bmRvcnNlbWVudCBvZiBpbnRlbGxpZ2VudCBkZXNpZ24sIEkgc3RpbGwgc3Vic2NyaWJlIHRv IGNvbW1vbiBkZXNjZW50LCBJIGhhdmUgb2Z0ZW4gYW5zd2VyZWQgYXMgZm9sbG93czogdGhl 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Pj4NCj4+Pj4+PiBUcnVlIHNrZXB0aWNzIHNob3VsZCBxdWVzdGlvbiBldmVyeXRoaW5nLCBh bmQgbm90IGp1c3QgZXZlcnl0aGluZyBhcGFydCBmcm9tIERhcndpbmlzbSBhbmQgbWF0ZXJp YWxpc20uIEkgd2hvbGVoZWFydGVkbHkgZW5kb3JzZSB0aGUgY3JlZG8gdG8gZm9sbG93IHRo ZSBldmlkZW5jZSB3aGVyZXZlciBpdCBsZWFkcy4NCj4+Pj4+Pg0KPj4+Pj4+IEZvciB0aGlz IHJlYXNvbiwgSSBjdXJyZW50bHkgYW5kIHByb3Zpc2lvbmFsbHkgc3RpbGwgdGhpbmsgdGhh dCB0aGUgdG90YWwgZXZpZGVuY2Ugb2YgYWxsIGxpbmVzIG9mIGRhdGEgZmF2b3JzIGNvbW1v biBkZXNjZW50IGFzIHRoZSBtb3N0IHBhcnNpbW9uaW91cyBhbmQgbW9zdCBlbGVnYW50IGV4 cGxhbmF0aW9uLiBIb3dldmVyLCBJIGRlZmluaXRlbHkgcmVtYWluIG9wZW4gKGFuZCBub3cg bW9yZSBzeW1wYXRoZXRpYykgdG8gYWx0ZXJuYXRpdmVzIGxpa2UgcHJvZ3Jlc3NpdmUgY3Jl YXRpb24gY29tYmluZWQgd2l0aCBvdGhlciBleHBsYW5hdGlvbnMgZm9yIHRoZSBwYXR0ZXJu IG9mIGJpb2xvZ2ljYWwgc2ltaWxhcml0aWVzIHN1Y2ggYXMgV2luc3RvbiBFd2VydOKAmXMg ZGVwZW5kZW5jeSBncmFwaCBoeXBvdGhlc2lzIChFd2VydCAyMDE4LCAyMDIzLCBNaWxsZXIg MjAxOCwgMjAyMywgUmVldmVzIDIwMjI7IGFsc28gc2VlIHRoaXMgd2Vic2l0ZSksIHdoaWNo 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Cj4+Pj4NCj4+Pj4gQ2FyZSB0byBjbGFyaWZ5IHdoYXQgeW91IG1lYW50IGJ5IHRoYXQgY29t bWVudCwgc2luY2UgdGhlDQo+Pj4+IGNvbm5vdGF0aW9ucyBhcmUgYW1iaWd1b3VzIGF0IGJl YXQ/DQo+Pj4+Pg0KPj4+IE5vLCBJIGRpZG4ndCB0aGluayB5b3Ugd291bGQuDQo+Pj4+DQo+ Pg0KPj4gQmVoZSBjbGFpbXMgdGhhdCBkZXZvbHV0aW9uIGlzIGhvdyB3aGFsZXMgZXZvbHZl ZCBmcm9tIHRlcnJlc3RyaWFsDQo+PiBtYW1tYWxzLiBIZSBjbGFpbXMgdGhhdCB0aGUgZGV2 b2x1dGlvbiBpcyBtYWNybyBldm9sdXRpb24sIGFuZCBpcyBhbGwNCj4+IGNvbnNpc3RlbnQg d2l0aCBrbm93biBEYXJ3aW5pYW4gbWVjaGFuaXNtcywgYnV0IGhlIHRocm93cyBjcmVhdGlv bmlzdHMgYQ0KPj4gYm9uZSBieSBjbGFpbWluZyB0aGF0IGl0IGlzIGEgYmFkIHR5cGUgb2Yg ZXZvbHV0aW9uLCBhbmQgaGlzIGRlc2lnbmVyDQo+PiBjb3VsZCBoYXZlIGRvbmUgYSBtdWNo IGJldHRlciBqb2IsIGJ1dCBtdXN0IGhhdmUgYmVlbiB3b3JraW5nIG9uDQo+PiBzb21ldGhp bmcgZWxzZSBhdCB0aGUgdGltZSB3aGFsZXMgd2VyZSBldm9sdmluZy4gSXQgc2VlbXMgdG8g YmUgYW1hemluZw0KPj4gd2hhdCBkZXNjZW50IGNhbiBkby4NCj4+DQo+PiBodHRwczovL2V2 b2x1dGlvbm5ld3Mub3JnLzIwMTkvMTAvZGFyd2luLWRldm9sdmVzLWV2aWRlbmNlLWtlZXBz LXJvbGxpbmctaW4vDQo+Pg0KPiBPSywgc28gaWYgdGhhdCdzIHdoYXQgS2Fsa2kgbWVhbnQg aXQncyBvbmNlIGFnYWluIGNvbmZpcm1lZA0KPiB0aGF0IEthbGtpIGlzIGFuIGlkaW90LiBO byBzdXJwcmlzZTsgYW55b25lIHdobyBzZXJpb3VzbHkNCj4gdXNlcyB0aGUgdGVybSAiZGV2 b2x1dGlvbiIgaXMgY29uZmlybWVkIGFzIGlnbm9yYW50IG9mIHRoZQ0KPiBzdWJqZWN0Lg0K Pj4NCg0KS2FsayBxdWl0IHRoZSBJRCBzY2FtLCBidXQgbGlrZSBNYXJrRSBoZSBjYW4ndCBn aXZlIHVwIG9uIHRoZSBzY2llbmNlIA0KZGVuaWFsLiAgU2luY2UgY2xhaW1pbmcgdGhhdCB0 aGUgVG9wIFNpeCBldmlkZW5jZXMgZm9yIElEaW9jeSB3ZXJlIG5vIA0KbG9uZ2VyIHRoaW5n cyB3b3J0aCBjb25zaWRlcmluZyBoZSBoYXMgdG8gY29udGludWUgd2l0aCBzb21ldGhpbmcu ICBIZSANCm1heSBubyBsb25nZXIgc3VwcG9ydCB0aGUgSUQgc2NhbSwgYnV0IGhlIGlzIHN0 aWxsIGEgQmlibGljYWwgY3JlYXRpb25pc3QuDQoNClJvbiBPa2ltb3RvDQo=

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to jillery on Sat Dec 9 19:54:37 2023
    On 12/8/2023 7:36 AM, jillery wrote:
    On Thu, 7 Dec 2023 08:18:51 -0800 (PST), erik simpson <eastside.erik@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 7:22:02?AM UTC-8, jillery wrote:
    On Tue, 5 Dec 2023 19:09:45 -0600, RonO <roki...@cox.net> wrote:

    On 12/5/2023 10:48 AM, Bob Casanova wrote:
    On Mon, 4 Dec 2023 19:07:58 -0600, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by RonO <roki...@cox.net>:

    <snip all>

    Ron, just a suggestion, since I generally like your factual
    posts, the ones without repeated invective.

    Try posting about ID, if you must, without using the words
    scam, rubes and perps. As soon as I see them I shut down,
    and probably miss some good info. By now everyone probably
    knows your opinion about ID, and there's no need to keep
    beating a dead horse.

    It doesn't matter anymore. Doing that would change nothing. What
    happened, happened 5 years ago, and everyone missed it for the past 5
    Who are "everybody"? How is it possible so many missed this for so

    This is a manifestation of the RonO paradox. Lots of us are tired of rubes, >> perps, bait-and-switch, etc.

    My impression is some are tired of the pointless repetition, while
    others are tired of the mindless statements, some of which I identify

    To know less than we don't know is the nature of most knowledge

    It is sad that it only became an issue after it turned out that most of
    TO didn't have a clue as to what the ID scam is, and why it died on TO.

    Everyone has to suck it up and move forward. There is no reason to make excuses for something that happened 5 years ago. The ID perps are still
    using ID as the bait, and the bait and switch will continue to go down
    if there are any IDiotic rubes left that still believe the ID perps.
    Have the ID perps done anything with the ID science besides using it as
    bait? Phillip Johnson claimed to have made teaching ID in the public
    schools part of his Wedge strategy. The teach ID ploy was what the ID
    perps were best known for when they started running the bait and switch.
    It turned out that they couldn't use ID as the wedge, but in order to continue with their Wedge political goals they decided to start using ID
    as bait in order to force their obfuscation and denial switch scam onto
    the rubes. The ID perps still claim to be able to teach the ID scam
    junk, but no one ever gets any ID science to teach. 5 years ago the ID
    perps were running the bait and switch on the Utah creationist rubes at
    the same time that they were putting up their Top Six. It is just what
    they have always done. They tell the rubes that the obfuscation and
    denial switch scam has nothing to do with ID nor creationism, and nearly
    all the creationist rubes have dropped the issue instead of bending over
    for the switch scam.

    If you want to deny reality, you could put up some examples where the
    bait and switch did not go down. There have been some spectacular ones
    like Florida in 2009. 9 county school boards and some IDiots in the
    state legislature wanted to teach ID in the public schools. The
    Discovery Institute had to send a team of ID perps to run in the switch
    scam on the creationist rubes. I recall accounts of Luskin being
    interviewed on the capitol steps claiming that the Florida rubes really
    didn't want to teach ID, but they should go in for the switch scam.
    This was a couple of years after the ID perps had doubled down on the
    teach ID scam by putting out their Briefing Packet for Educators
    claiming that the Kitzmiller Judge's decision was wrong, and that ID
    could still be taught in the public schools, and the decision only meant
    that it was illegal to teach ID in Dover. The Florida rubes had
    swallowed that propaganda, but found out that ID was just the bait as it
    had always been, and they dropped the issue instead of bending over for
    the switch scam. The ID perps claimed for years that the Florida rubes
    were considering implementing the switch scam, but they never did.

    The current whining about something that has just been a fact of life
    for over 20 years is just sour grapes over missing out on the demise of
    IDiocy on TO. The IDiots didn't quit the ID scam because I badgered
    them with some stupid refutation of the Top Six. The IDiots quit the ID
    scam because I kept it in their faces and just had them deal with how
    the ID perps had given them their best evidence for IDiocy. It turned
    out that most of the IDiots were competent enough to understand that
    they had never wanted the ID perps to accomplish any ID science, and
    there was no reason to continue to support the stupid bait and switch scam.

    Ron Okimoto

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Casanova@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 9 22:08:00 2023
    On Sat, 9 Dec 2023 20:01:42 -0600, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by RonO <rokimoto@cox.net>:

    On 12/7/2023 1:03 AM, Bob Casanova wrote:
    On Wed, 6 Dec 2023 19:57:50 -0600, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by RonO <rokimoto@cox.net>:

    On 12/6/2023 9:15 AM, Bob Casanova wrote:
    On Tue, 05 Dec 2023 09:39:52 -0700, the following appeared
    in talk.origins, posted by Bob Casanova <nospam@buzz.off>:

    On Tue, 5 Dec 2023 08:22:31 -0700, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by Kalkidas <eat@joes.pub>:

    On 12/1/2023 10:09 PM, MarkE wrote:
    Is ID there an position on common descent? This post is just an FYI, as I've seen the question raised here. Here's one example of "provisional" acceptance: https://evolutionnews.org/2023/12/fossil-friday-the-mess-of-arachnid-phylogeny-and-why-ive-

    Selective quotes:

    I even discovered that I have to give up one of my very favorite arguments for common descent. Since this case is cumulative and somewhat complicated, please bear with me if this article gets a bit lengthy. However, I promise you will learn
    something important from it, even if you should be an evolutionist and skeptical of my anti-Darwinian conclusions."

    When asked why, in spite of my critique of neo-Darwinism and my endorsement of intelligent design, I still subscribe to common descent, I have often answered as follows: the hallmark of a good theory are very specific predictions that are unique
    to this theory and successfully confirmed by later discovery of empirical evidence. The hypothesis of common descent arguably allows for the prediction of very precise anatomical details of hypothetical transitional forms, that would not be predicted by
    the hypothesis of common design without the constraint of shared ancestry. Such predictions have been made in the published technical literature and have indeed been confirmed by later discovered fossils of such transitional forms with precisely the
    predicted anatomy, which was unknown to occur either in living or fossil representatives at the time of the prediction.

    True skeptics should question everything, and not just everything apart from Darwinism and materialism. I wholeheartedly endorse the credo to follow the evidence wherever it leads.

    For this reason, I currently and provisionally still think that the total evidence of all lines of data favors common descent as the most parsimonious and most elegant explanation. However, I definitely remain open (and now more sympathetic) to
    alternatives like progressive creation combined with other explanations for the pattern of biological similarities such as Winston Ewert’s dependency graph hypothesis (Ewert 2018, 2023, Miller 2018, 2023, Reeves 2022; also see this website), which is
    based on an analogy to objected oriented programming, or my own suggestion of a maximization of information content as a design principle based on pattern cladistic arguments (Bechly & Meyer 2017). Incidentally, my main quibble with Ewert’s interesting
    approach was that it does not allow for similarly precise successful predictions as the common descent hypothesis. Looks like I have to reconsider my stance. And if even more conflicting evidence should ultimately lead me away from the
    common descent, then so be it.

    There's no problem with common descent as long as you realize that it is >>>>>> DESCENT, not ASCENT.

    Word games?

    Care to clarify what you meant by that comment, since the
    connotations are ambiguous at beat?

    No, I didn't think you would.

    Behe claims that devolution is how whales evolved from terrestrial
    mammals. He claims that the devolution is macro evolution, and is all
    consistent with known Darwinian mechanisms, but he throws creationists a >>> bone by claiming that it is a bad type of evolution, and his designer
    could have done a much better job, but must have been working on
    something else at the time whales were evolving. It seems to be amazing
    what descent can do.


    OK, so if that's what Kalki meant it's once again confirmed
    that Kalki is an idiot. No surprise; anyone who seriously
    uses the term "devolution" is confirmed as ignorant of the

    Kalk quit the ID scam, but like MarkE he can't give up on the science
    denial. Since claiming that the Top Six evidences for IDiocy were no
    longer things worth considering he has to continue with something. He
    may no longer support the ID scam, but he is still a Biblical creationist.

    Since it's confirmed that he's an idiot, no further info is
    required. He's a creationist idiot; full stop.


    Bob C.

    "The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
    the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
    'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

    - Isaac Asimov

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RonO@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 10 16:33:42 2023
    T24gMTIvOS8yMDIzIDExOjA4IFBNLCBCb2IgQ2FzYW5vdmEgd3JvdGU6DQo+IE9uIFNhdCwg OSBEZWMgMjAyMyAyMDowMTo0MiAtMDYwMCwgdGhlIGZvbGxvd2luZyBhcHBlYXJlZCBpbg0K PiB0YWxrLm9yaWdpbnMsIHBvc3RlZCBieSBSb25PIDxyb2tpbW90b0Bjb3gubmV0PjoNCj4g DQo+PiBPbiAxMi83LzIwMjMgMTowMyBBTSwgQm9iIENhc2Fub3ZhIHdyb3RlOg0KPj4+IE9u IFdlZCwgNiBEZWMgMjAyMyAxOTo1Nzo1MCAtMDYwMCwgdGhlIGZvbGxvd2luZyBhcHBlYXJl ZCBpbg0KPj4+IHRhbGsub3JpZ2lucywgcG9zdGVkIGJ5IFJvbk8gPHJva2ltb3RvQGNveC5u ZXQ+Og0KPj4+DQo+Pj4+IE9uIDEyLzYvMjAyMyA5OjE1IEFNLCBCb2IgQ2FzYW5vdmEgd3Jv dGU6DQo+Pj4+PiBPbiBUdWUsIDA1IERlYyAyMDIzIDA5OjM5OjUyIC0wNzAwLCB0aGUgZm9s bG93aW5nIGFwcGVhcmVkDQo+Pj4+PiBpbiB0YWxrLm9yaWdpbnMsIHBvc3RlZCBieSBCb2Ig Q2FzYW5vdmEgPG5vc3BhbUBidXp6Lm9mZj46DQo+Pj4+Pg0KPj4+Pj4+IE9uIFR1ZSwgNSBE ZWMgMjAyMyAwODoyMjozMSAtMDcwMCwgdGhlIGZvbGxvd2luZyBhcHBlYXJlZCBpbg0KPj4+ Pj4+IHRhbGsub3JpZ2lucywgcG9zdGVkIGJ5IEthbGtpZGFzIDxlYXRAam9lcy5wdWI+Og0K Pj4+Pj4+DQo+Pj4+Pj4+IE9uIDEyLzEvMjAyMyAxMDowOSBQTSwgTWFya0Ugd3JvdGU6DQo+ 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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)