• Evolutionists caused the holocaust

    From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 6 12:47:52 2023
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism, and materialism is based on defining choosing in terms of figuring out the best option.
    Because if choosing is defined in terms of what is best, then the calculating processes to figure out what is best, replace the subjective spirit choosing spontaneously. And with the spirit gone, all what is left is material, therefore materialism.

    Then there is right wing socialism (nazism), and left wing socialism (communism). As illustrated by China shifting from left wing socialism, to right wing socialism, over the last decades. Currently Chinese intellectuals are inspired by a dead nazi name
    Schmidt, in a sort of ethnic nationalism. Whereby they commit genocide against the Ugyur and Tibetan population. Now the genocides are mainly through abortion, but if some catastrophy occurs like war, or covid mass death, then probably the Chinese will
    just start wholesale killing of Tibetans and Uygur, like the German nazis did.

    Evolution theory is the catalyst in this process of convincing people to become materialist. Because 1., evolution theory is held in opposition to creationism, while subjectivity is an inherently creationist concept, and 2. , evolution theory appropiates
    all subjective terminology from common discourse, and re-assigns an objective meaning to the originally subjective words.

    With evolution theory the materialist can still use subjective terminology, while otherwise this would be a very obvious problem for any materialist to validate using subjective words.

    Although references to God, and gods, abound in nazism, Nazism was essentially materialist, in it's central racial belief in the blood. The idea that personal character can be measured by science, and that it is heritable.

    Evolution theory and selection was taught to the Hitler youth, in reference to Darwin. Then selection was extended to "the socialistic process of selection", which meant "wiping out the less worthy, and preservation of the best. "

    Because evolutionists have appropiated subjective terminology like "worth", and because evolutionists reject the properly subjective creationist idea of "worth", nazism is a straightforward application of evolution theory, and not a perversion of it.
    The perversion of how evolutionists deal with subjectivity being in evolution theory itself.

    So evolution theory causes people to objectify emotions and personal character, marginalizing subjectivity. Providing an emotionless, measuring and calculating attitude towards people's emotions and personal character, the attitude that is appropiate for
    factual issues.

    In the mind of the socialist, there are 2 choices, nazism or communism. Because of education about the holocaust, right wing socialism has become marginalized in the West. Resulting in the vast majority of socialists in the West to become left wing

    Remembering that the origins of socialism is people who conceive of choosing in terms of figuring out the best option, this psychological aspect can be seen in all their policies.
    - lack of acceptance of subjectivity causing bad personal opinions, weird ideology, and mental illness
    - in exaggerated doing their best for some goal, and sacrificing everything else for maximizing that goal.
    - their lack of conscience, because by definition, any decision they make is for the best.
    - the fake emotions, because emotions are just some other material product of the brain.
    - only allowing the best opinion, as determined by socialist experts, and censoring every other opinion

    The socialist has lost touch with their emotional basis, because they have no idea about spontaneity, but socialists still have feelings associated to doing what is best.

    So then most socialist policy is about emotional survival, trying to pump up these feelings associated to doing their best, with in the background their despairing neglected emotional basis.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Wed Sep 6 16:35:00 2023
    mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:

    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism

    Yes. I've complained about that myself, including to the face of
    card carrying communists and even marxists!

    They're focused on economics first & foremost, when the real
    problem is social inequality. Political, economic, educational
    and even legal inequalities all stem from social inequalities.

    Socialism, communism and the like should all be focused
    first & foremost on the destruction of social inequalities.

    You're also right about the Nazis and evolution. This "Master
    Race" was the heart and soul of their ideology. This is the
    chief reason why Stalin and later Mao REJECTED evolution.
    You could be prosecuted for teaching evolution in the
    communist world BECAUSE of the "Master Race," the
    Eugenics of the west.

    NOTE: Darwin himself was a British upper class, and that's
    why they showered credit on him, instead of Wallace. See,
    Wallace was a socialist who was against Monarchy: A
    Scottish upstart. They couldn't turn him into a genius! So
    they heaped it all on Darwin, who was a goddamn jackass.

    Truth: Darwin didn't even believe in evolution! For real.

    Remember how the communist world REJECTED evolution?
    Well in its place they put something that was a dead ringer
    for Darwin's one and only "Theory": Pangenesis.

    Darwin's thoughts, what he believed in mirrored those who
    arrested people for teaching evolution... THAT'S how far
    from reality Darwin was, and the cult of personality that the
    British ruling elite built around him.

    The truth is so far from what people have been taught, what
    people have been TRAINED to believe that they literally
    can't wrap their brains around it.

    They suffer Cognitive Dissonance.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mark Isaak@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Wed Sep 6 20:24:32 2023
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...]

    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design.
    The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that
    are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy
    which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    Mark Isaak
    "Wisdom begins when you discover the difference between 'That
    doesn't make sense' and 'I don't understand.'" - Mary Doria Russell

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?w5bDtiBUaWli?=@21:1/5 to Mark Isaak on Wed Sep 6 22:55:21 2023
    On Thursday, 7 September 2023 at 06:25:28 UTC+3, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...]

    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design.
    The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that
    are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy
    which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    When the artisans and merchants behaved like pack animals
    (had guilds) then the evolution of technology was slower but there was
    lot less trash manufactured, sold and lot less lies advertised. After
    purely greed-, lie-, bribery- and deception-based snake oil economy
    was invented ... we started to suffer. More than half of work contract
    of current artisan or merchant consists of requirements to not disclose
    the dirty tricks used by non-organisms for whom they work ... enterprise
    and its business partners.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 7 06:29:32 2023
    You understand nothing. Socialists aren't really focused on economics, they are focused on emotional survival, pumping up their feelings associated to doing their best, with in the background their neglected despairing emotional basis.

    The psychological pressure for people to do their best, from parents, society, and mostly from their own ideals, is very large.Which naturally results in corruption of the basic understanding of choosing, to throw out the subjective spirit choosing
    spontaneously, and replace the spirit with calculating processes to determine what is best.

    Which I all, already explained. The evidence that this is true can be easily discovered by looking at various dictionaries, how the word choosing is defined. It is defined in the wrong way, towards picking the best option. And obviously also just when
    you look at socialists anywhere, they are full of this overachieverish doing their best. And the endemic atheism. And the fake emotions. etc. etc. The evidence is pretty solid.

    Now what is interesting is that there is also a tremendous drive to do your best, coming from belief in God. Because God is just very impressive. Which explains why nazis, most of them, still believed in God, or gods. And which also explains why
    creationists don't promote the understanding of subjectivity, eventhough subjectivity is an inherently creationist concept. The issue of how subjectivity works is packed tight under tremendous psychological pressure.

    Another aspect of it is that in some sense intellectual understanding of subjectivity isn't really of much use, because in real life subjectivity is much more complex than the intellect can deal with. Intuitive understanding of subjectivity is much more
    directly practically useful. Mostly intellectual understanding of subjectivity only guards against basic errors of confusing fact with opinion on a strategic level, you cannot really use it much to intellectually craft sophisticated personal opinions,
    which requires intuitive understanding.

    You could even argue that intellectual understanding of subjectivity might on some occassion destroy the more practically valuable intuitive understanding of subjectivity. But I guess that can be dealt with, and it is surely better to have basic
    understanding of fact and opinion, the fundamentals of reasoning, than to not have it.

    The USA is the current battleground for this issue. On the one hand there is a very sizeable corrupt part of the population coming from academics. The universities churning out millions of these corrupt people every year. And obviously these people end
    up in top jobs, because of them being highly educated. So that it is basically inevitable that the USA will succumb to socialism, given the current education system.

    Supposing Trump wins, and he fires all the socialists from government. Then probably he would miss firing the right wing socalists, resulting in nazism. Then the left wing socialists would complain about the right wing socialists. Or the left wing
    socialists, just become right wing socialists. Because these people are mentally disordered, they cannot easily change to become ordinary human beings.

    Supposing Trump would succesfully surpress both left and right wing socialists in government, then that would result in an explosion of mental illness. Because then these people would lose their feelings associated to doing their best, which is all the
    feelings they have, and then they would be running on empty. Which would cripple the US government. And ofcourse with the prospect of emotional breakdown, these people would just do anything to get rid of Trump.

    So the millions of corrupt people being churned out from universities present a force which will inevitably make the USA socialist. And the religious are not going to stop them, because belief in God also piles on the pressure for people to do their best.
    Which precludes the religious from promoting understanding of how subjectivity works.

    What is possible though is that with the internet there will be a closed society of free people. Where there is free speech, because socialists, except for their gestapo, just don't get to see what is being written. Like Trump's truth social media, but
    then with vetting, and closed off to the outside world.

    Op donderdag 7 september 2023 om 01:35:28 UTC+2 schreef JTEM is my hero:
    mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:

    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism
    Yes. I've complained about that myself, including to the face of
    card carrying communists and even marxists!

    They're focused on economics first & foremost, when the real
    problem is social inequality. Political, economic, educational
    and even legal inequalities all stem from social inequalities.

    Socialism, communism and the like should all be focused
    first & foremost on the destruction of social inequalities.

    You're also right about the Nazis and evolution. This "Master
    Race" was the heart and soul of their ideology. This is the
    chief reason why Stalin and later Mao REJECTED evolution.
    You could be prosecuted for teaching evolution in the
    communist world BECAUSE of the "Master Race," the
    Eugenics of the west.

    NOTE: Darwin himself was a British upper class, and that's
    why they showered credit on him, instead of Wallace. See,
    Wallace was a socialist who was against Monarchy: A
    Scottish upstart. They couldn't turn him into a genius! So
    they heaped it all on Darwin, who was a goddamn jackass.

    Truth: Darwin didn't even believe in evolution! For real.

    Remember how the communist world REJECTED evolution?
    Well in its place they put something that was a dead ringer
    for Darwin's one and only "Theory": Pangenesis.

    Darwin's thoughts, what he believed in mirrored those who
    arrested people for teaching evolution... THAT'S how far
    from reality Darwin was, and the cult of personality that the
    British ruling elite built around him.

    The truth is so far from what people have been taught, what
    people have been TRAINED to believe that they literally
    can't wrap their brains around it.

    They suffer Cognitive Dissonance.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to ootiib@hot.ee on Fri Sep 8 00:33:48 2023
    Öö Tiib <ootiib@hot.ee> wrote:
    On Thursday, 7 September 2023 at 06:25:28 UTC+3, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...]

    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design.
    The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that
    are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy
    which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    When the artisans and merchants behaved like pack animals
    (had guilds) then the evolution of technology was slower but there was
    lot less trash manufactured, sold and lot less lies advertised. After
    purely greed-, lie-, bribery- and deception-based snake oil economy
    was invented ... we started to suffer. More than half of work contract
    of current artisan or merchant consists of requirements to not disclose
    the dirty tricks used by non-organisms for whom they work ... enterprise
    and its business partners.

    A Darwinian market gives us plastic filled ocean gyres. It doesn’t do
    public goods like lighthouses so well. Things like the nascent pre-web
    internet and GPS we now take for granted came at least partly from gov’t.
    Al Gore did take some initiative in the information superhighway way after
    the fact of ARPANET and such before. What we know as the web came from CERN which itself has some intergovernmental bases. So both the precursor of the internet and the web itself have public infrastructural roots.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to Mark Isaak on Fri Sep 8 00:14:47 2023
    Mark Isaak <specimenNOSPAM@curioustaxon.omy.net> wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...]

    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design.
    The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that
    are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy
    which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    So we should base economic policy on how evolution works and not intervene? Paging Herbert Spencer.

    Hayek may have said apt things about price signaling and how goods or
    resources are allocated or distributed being better than central planning,
    but there’s room for that in some sort of highly regulated social market system.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawyer Daggett@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 7 17:50:22 2023
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 8:20:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Mark Isaak <specime...@curioustaxon.omy.net> wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...]

    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design.
    The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    So we should base economic policy on how evolution works and not intervene? Paging Herbert Spencer.

    Hayek may have said apt things about price signaling and how goods or resources are allocated or distributed being better than central planning, but there’s room for that in some sort of highly regulated social market system.

    It seems to me that your leap "So we should ..." is rather presumptuous.
    Is there a hidden premise?

    To be clear, I don't oppose Intelligent Design. I'm rather fond of applied intelligence. Thus, an economic system that is intelligently designed
    seems like a good thing. My understanding of evolutionary mechanisms
    is that they are rather wasteful and cruel, leaving many casualties in
    the wake.

    Of course when observing the world, I have various critiques on just
    how "intelligent" certain designs are. And of course, at times the intelligent thing to do is to admit that our ability to anticipate the future, and to respond to the present in effective and timely ways, might well favor
    using self-adjusting strategies like Natural Selection rather than enforcing the conceit of attempted intelligent design by those of inadequate intelligence.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Fri Sep 8 00:59:00 2023
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com> wrote:


    Currently Chinese intellectuals are inspired by a dead nazi name Schmidt
    (sic), in a sort of ethnic nationalism.

    If you are MAGA, Carl Schmitt is your man with his friend-enemy distinction
    (rapist immigrants and the pizza parlor lurking adrenochrome addicted Democrats) and and his politics of the exception (Stop the Steal and Jan
    6th insurrection).

    One trick pony Desantis streamlined and perfected the approach with his monomanic antiwoke moral panic. And he reanimates Joseph McCarthy with the ChiCom rhetoric. We’ve seen that movie before.

    More on Schmitt:


    This is interesting: “But the price for this Schmittian sovereignty is
    high: it needs the executive to control the legislature, the courts and
    often the media.”

    The supermajority Florida legislature no longer serves as a check on
    autocratic Desantis. They rubber stamp his initiatives because they can.
    They were fine with his political map. They were fine with his vendetta
    against Disney. They were fine with him running for POTUS while still
    governor. They were fine with no longer putting his comings and goings
    under the light of sunshine law. He’s above that now.

    He is getting some court based pushback. Good thing that. Fix News loves
    him but most sane stream media not so much. We haven’t had our institutions subverted fully yet so authoritarians like Rainboots Ron still have an
    uphill battle, but Carl Schmitt provided a blueprint for his and/or Trump’s future success. Shudder!

    So thank you for kicking that Carl Schmitt own goal. Way too easy.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to Lawyer Daggett on Fri Sep 8 01:21:03 2023
    Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel.daggett@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 8:20:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Mark Isaak <specime...@curioustaxon.omy.net> wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...]

    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design.
    The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that
    are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy
    which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    So we should base economic policy on how evolution works and not intervene? >> Paging Herbert Spencer.

    Hayek may have said apt things about price signaling and how goods or
    resources are allocated or distributed being better than central planning, >> but there’s room for that in some sort of highly regulated social market >> system.

    It seems to me that your leap "So we should ..." is rather presumptuous.
    Is there a hidden premise?

    Maybe I read too much into Mark’s “The autocracy which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.”

    To be clear, I don't oppose Intelligent Design. I'm rather fond of applied intelligence. Thus, an economic system that is intelligently designed
    seems like a good thing. My understanding of evolutionary mechanisms
    is that they are rather wasteful and cruel, leaving many casualties in
    the wake.

    Yes. See below.

    Of course when observing the world, I have various critiques on just
    how "intelligent" certain designs are. And of course, at times the intelligent
    thing to do is to admit that our ability to anticipate the future, and to respond to the present in effective and timely ways, might well favor
    using self-adjusting strategies like Natural Selection rather than enforcing the conceit of attempted intelligent design by those of inadequate intelligence.

    Going too far with natural selection would result in the passively callous stance of letting the poor go to the wall.

    Of course creative destruction of Joseph Schumpeter was far more
    revolutionary and sounds great as a slogan, but Bezos’ superyachts came at the price of losing so much traditional bricks and motor small businesses
    and even larger corporate presences. This process got rid of hated inefficiencies. So will automation. We people the inefficiencies. As an
    aside, clicking for products destroyed the mall as local social hub and may have contributed to obesity. Shopping in buildings is inefficient exertion. Clicking is couch potato sedentary. Do the maths.

    And letting the market sort things out got Clinton to go along with the deregulatory regime of the late 90s that made the future mortgage meltdown
    and the odd financial instruments resonating it through the world economy worse. He and Blair were Reagan-Thatcher lite. A New Democrat indeed.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawyer Daggett@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 7 18:54:28 2023
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 9:25:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel...@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 8:20:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Mark Isaak <specime...@curioustaxon.omy.net> wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...] >>>
    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design. >>> The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that >>> are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy >>> which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    So we should base economic policy on how evolution works and not intervene?
    Paging Herbert Spencer.

    Hayek may have said apt things about price signaling and how goods or
    resources are allocated or distributed being better than central planning,
    but there’s room for that in some sort of highly regulated social market

    It seems to me that your leap "So we should ..." is rather presumptuous. Is there a hidden premise?

    Maybe I read too much into Mark’s “The autocracy which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.”

    To be clear, I don't oppose Intelligent Design. I'm rather fond of applied intelligence. Thus, an economic system that is intelligently designed seems like a good thing. My understanding of evolutionary mechanisms
    is that they are rather wasteful and cruel, leaving many casualties in
    the wake.

    Yes. See below.

    Of course when observing the world, I have various critiques on just
    how "intelligent" certain designs are. And of course, at times the intelligent
    thing to do is to admit that our ability to anticipate the future, and to respond to the present in effective and timely ways, might well favor using self-adjusting strategies like Natural Selection rather than enforcing
    the conceit of attempted intelligent design by those of inadequate intelligence.

    Going too far with natural selection would result in the passively callous stance of letting the poor go to the wall.

    Of course creative destruction of Joseph Schumpeter was far more revolutionary and sounds great as a slogan, but Bezos’ superyachts came at the price of losing so much traditional bricks and motor small businesses and even larger corporate presences. This process got rid of hated inefficiencies. So will automation. We people the inefficiencies. As an aside, clicking for products destroyed the mall as local social hub and may have contributed to obesity. Shopping in buildings is inefficient exertion. Clicking is couch potato sedentary. Do the maths.

    And letting the market sort things out got Clinton to go along with the deregulatory regime of the late 90s that made the future mortgage meltdown and the odd financial instruments resonating it through the world economy worse. He and Blair were Reagan-Thatcher lite. A New Democrat indeed.

    I'm largely inclined to agree with most of your specific examples of things gone wrong, inasmuch as I tend to agree they are, in isolation, undesirable.

    Yet I find the use of specifics in these cases inadequate to the broadly abstract question of attempted intelligent design of an economic system
    versus a more darwinian system. It's odd to complain about specifics.
    But the problem is, citing examples of our "free-market" results aren't
    really free-market results.

    Simplistically, in an true free market, workers would be free to strike.
    And it's a complicated question as to the limits of workers freedoms
    to make life difficult for scabs. My choice of words reveals sympathies
    but the question remains about how much anarchy are we promoting?

    The point behind all this is that what many claim to be a free market
    is in fact a highly regulated market. The key questions are about how
    those regulations get set, who gets to influence them, and to the extent
    to which they are "intelligently" designed, with what goals in mind
    and how good is the design at achieving the goals.

    Reality is a complex mix of oddly chosen goals of mixed acceptance
    coupled with less than intelligent designs. Thus being a yacht broker
    can be a plausible career path in a world where children go hungry,
    except for the long line of others awaiting for scraps from the table
    of the very lucky few.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 7 20:06:44 2023
    Ofcourse you would think maga is right wing socialism, because left and right wing socialism are the only options you can see politically. However maga is clearly just common sensical. Each problem has it's own specific characteristics, and you cannot
    make an ideology that is suited for each and every problem, such as socialism pretends to do.

    Wokeness is a real issue, connected with it is the for years increasing mental illness rate. Censorship is real, government gestapo tactics are real, election fraud is real. To say the culture war is not about anything real, is delusional.

    Ofcourse if you step out of bounds in a liberal university, then you would see that the woke mob is a real thing. But you are part of that mob, are you not?

    And if you were honest, you would accept that marginalization of subjectivity, caused by increased education, and especially evolution theory, is the root cause of the culture war.

    But you have no honest evaluation of the importance of the concept of subjectivity for societal functioning, because you only do mindless ideological fighting for socialism.

    p vrijdag 8 september 2023 om 03:00:29 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:


    Currently Chinese intellectuals are inspired by a dead nazi name Schmidt
    (sic), in a sort of ethnic nationalism.

    If you are MAGA, Carl Schmitt is your man with his friend-enemy distinction (rapist immigrants and the pizza parlor lurking adrenochrome addicted Democrats) and and his politics of the exception (Stop the Steal and Jan
    6th insurrection).

    One trick pony Desantis streamlined and perfected the approach with his monomanic antiwoke moral panic. And he reanimates Joseph McCarthy with the ChiCom rhetoric. We’ve seen that movie before.

    More on Schmitt:


    This is interesting: “But the price for this Schmittian sovereignty is high: it needs the executive to control the legislature, the courts and often the media.”

    The supermajority Florida legislature no longer serves as a check on autocratic Desantis. They rubber stamp his initiatives because they can. They were fine with his political map. They were fine with his vendetta against Disney. They were fine with him running for POTUS while still governor. They were fine with no longer putting his comings and goings
    under the light of sunshine law. He’s above that now.

    He is getting some court based pushback. Good thing that. Fix News loves
    him but most sane stream media not so much. We haven’t had our institutions
    subverted fully yet so authoritarians like Rainboots Ron still have an uphill battle, but Carl Schmitt provided a blueprint for his and/or Trump’s
    future success. Shudder!

    So thank you for kicking that Carl Schmitt own goal. Way too easy.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 7 20:17:38 2023
    And some years ago I watched a disney penguin movie, which is a spin off from the madagascar movie. In that movie some penguin kisses another character full on the mouth, very randomly outside of the storyline, without asking. Which is basically some
    kind of assault.

    Modern Disney people are pedophile groomers. A government cannot enter into sweet deals with a pedophile groomer company.

    Op vrijdag 8 september 2023 om 03:00:29 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:


    Currently Chinese intellectuals are inspired by a dead nazi name Schmidt
    (sic), in a sort of ethnic nationalism.

    If you are MAGA, Carl Schmitt is your man with his friend-enemy distinction (rapist immigrants and the pizza parlor lurking adrenochrome addicted Democrats) and and his politics of the exception (Stop the Steal and Jan
    6th insurrection).

    One trick pony Desantis streamlined and perfected the approach with his monomanic antiwoke moral panic. And he reanimates Joseph McCarthy with the ChiCom rhetoric. We’ve seen that movie before.

    More on Schmitt:


    This is interesting: “But the price for this Schmittian sovereignty is high: it needs the executive to control the legislature, the courts and often the media.”

    The supermajority Florida legislature no longer serves as a check on autocratic Desantis. They rubber stamp his initiatives because they can. They were fine with his political map. They were fine with his vendetta against Disney. They were fine with him running for POTUS while still governor. They were fine with no longer putting his comings and goings
    under the light of sunshine law. He’s above that now.

    He is getting some court based pushback. Good thing that. Fix News loves
    him but most sane stream media not so much. We haven’t had our institutions
    subverted fully yet so authoritarians like Rainboots Ron still have an uphill battle, but Carl Schmitt provided a blueprint for his and/or Trump’s
    future success. Shudder!

    So thank you for kicking that Carl Schmitt own goal. Way too easy.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 7 20:26:35 2023
    And another thing

    Obviously the democrats try to manipulate the supreme court of the USA. With threats, protesting at their family home, court packing, investigations looking for a crime of a judge, all sorts of crap.

    The republicans did set out to put conservatives on the supreme court. They did elections based on that promise. So they did it by voting, a democratic process.

    Op vrijdag 8 september 2023 om 03:00:29 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:


    Currently Chinese intellectuals are inspired by a dead nazi name Schmidt
    (sic), in a sort of ethnic nationalism.

    If you are MAGA, Carl Schmitt is your man with his friend-enemy distinction (rapist immigrants and the pizza parlor lurking adrenochrome addicted Democrats) and and his politics of the exception (Stop the Steal and Jan
    6th insurrection).

    One trick pony Desantis streamlined and perfected the approach with his monomanic antiwoke moral panic. And he reanimates Joseph McCarthy with the ChiCom rhetoric. We’ve seen that movie before.

    More on Schmitt:


    This is interesting: “But the price for this Schmittian sovereignty is high: it needs the executive to control the legislature, the courts and often the media.”

    The supermajority Florida legislature no longer serves as a check on autocratic Desantis. They rubber stamp his initiatives because they can. They were fine with his political map. They were fine with his vendetta against Disney. They were fine with him running for POTUS while still governor. They were fine with no longer putting his comings and goings
    under the light of sunshine law. He’s above that now.

    He is getting some court based pushback. Good thing that. Fix News loves
    him but most sane stream media not so much. We haven’t had our institutions
    subverted fully yet so authoritarians like Rainboots Ron still have an uphill battle, but Carl Schmitt provided a blueprint for his and/or Trump’s
    future success. Shudder!

    So thank you for kicking that Carl Schmitt own goal. Way too easy.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to Lawyer Daggett on Fri Sep 8 09:12:14 2023
    Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel.daggett@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 9:25:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel...@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 8:20:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote: >>>> Mark Isaak <specime...@curioustaxon.omy.net> wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...] >>>>>
    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design. >>>>> The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that >>>>> are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy >>>>> which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    So we should base economic policy on how evolution works and not intervene?
    Paging Herbert Spencer.

    Hayek may have said apt things about price signaling and how goods or
    resources are allocated or distributed being better than central planning, >>>> but there’s room for that in some sort of highly regulated social market >>>> system.

    It seems to me that your leap "So we should ..." is rather presumptuous. >>> Is there a hidden premise?

    Maybe I read too much into Mark’s “The autocracy which denies the free >> market is anti-darwinian.”

    To be clear, I don't oppose Intelligent Design. I'm rather fond of applied >>> intelligence. Thus, an economic system that is intelligently designed
    seems like a good thing. My understanding of evolutionary mechanisms
    is that they are rather wasteful and cruel, leaving many casualties in
    the wake.

    Yes. See below.

    Of course when observing the world, I have various critiques on just
    how "intelligent" certain designs are. And of course, at times the intelligent
    thing to do is to admit that our ability to anticipate the future, and to >>> respond to the present in effective and timely ways, might well favor
    using self-adjusting strategies like Natural Selection rather than enforcing
    the conceit of attempted intelligent design by those of inadequate intelligence.

    Going too far with natural selection would result in the passively callous >> stance of letting the poor go to the wall.

    Of course creative destruction of Joseph Schumpeter was far more
    revolutionary and sounds great as a slogan, but Bezos’ superyachts came at >> the price of losing so much traditional bricks and motor small businesses
    and even larger corporate presences. This process got rid of hated
    inefficiencies. So will automation. We people the inefficiencies. As an
    aside, clicking for products destroyed the mall as local social hub and may >> have contributed to obesity. Shopping in buildings is inefficient exertion. >> Clicking is couch potato sedentary. Do the maths.

    And letting the market sort things out got Clinton to go along with the
    deregulatory regime of the late 90s that made the future mortgage meltdown >> and the odd financial instruments resonating it through the world economy
    worse. He and Blair were Reagan-Thatcher lite. A New Democrat indeed.

    I'm largely inclined to agree with most of your specific examples of things gone wrong, inasmuch as I tend to agree they are, in isolation, undesirable.

    Yet I find the use of specifics in these cases inadequate to the broadly abstract question of attempted intelligent design of an economic system versus a more darwinian system. It's odd to complain about specifics.
    But the problem is, citing examples of our "free-market" results aren't really free-market results.

    Simplistically, in an true free market, workers would be free to strike.
    And it's a complicated question as to the limits of workers freedoms
    to make life difficult for scabs. My choice of words reveals sympathies
    but the question remains about how much anarchy are we promoting?

    The point behind all this is that what many claim to be a free market
    is in fact a highly regulated market. The key questions are about how
    those regulations get set, who gets to influence them, and to the extent
    to which they are "intelligently" designed, with what goals in mind
    and how good is the design at achieving the goals.

    Reality is a complex mix of oddly chosen goals of mixed acceptance
    coupled with less than intelligent designs. Thus being a yacht broker
    can be a plausible career path in a world where children go hungry,
    except for the long line of others awaiting for scraps from the table
    of the very lucky few.

    We live in a global neoliberal regime (perhaps ordoliberal) where the regulatory structure favors the big players. The international trade scene
    has been tilting in favor of trade treaties that gut national sovereignty
    to uphold corporate profit over local law or regulation. Mont Pelerin cheerleaders Friedman and Hayek had no qualms with the authoritarian
    imposed capitalist reform of the Chilean miracle under Pinochet. That was a harbinger of things to come.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Fri Sep 8 09:15:40 2023
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com> wrote:
    Ofcourse you would think maga is right wing socialism, because left and
    right wing socialism are the only options you can see politically.

    Get your malfunctioning brain checked and fixed. I said nothing about right wing socialism. I did take your ignorant spittle about Carl Schmidt (sic)
    and throw it right back at you.

    However maga is clearly just common sensical. Each problem has it's own specific characteristics, and you cannot make an ideology that is suited
    for each and every problem, such as socialism pretends to do.

    Wokeness is a real issue, connected with it is the for years increasing mental illness rate. Censorship is real, government gestapo tactics are
    real, election fraud is real. To say the culture war is not about
    anything real, is delusional.

    Ofcourse if you step out of bounds in a liberal university, then you
    would see that the woke mob is a real thing. But you are part of that mob, are you not?

    And if you were honest, you would accept that marginalization of subjectivity, caused by increased education, and especially evolution
    theory, is the root cause of the culture war.

    But you have no honest evaluation of the importance of the concept of subjectivity for societal functioning, because you only do mindless ideological fighting for socialism.

    p vrijdag 8 september 2023 om 03:00:29 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:


    Currently Chinese intellectuals are inspired by a dead nazi name Schmidt >>> (sic), in a sort of ethnic nationalism.

    If you are MAGA, Carl Schmitt is your man with his friend-enemy distinction >> (rapist immigrants and the pizza parlor lurking adrenochrome addicted
    Democrats) and and his politics of the exception (Stop the Steal and Jan
    6th insurrection).

    One trick pony Desantis streamlined and perfected the approach with his
    monomanic antiwoke moral panic. And he reanimates Joseph McCarthy with the >> ChiCom rhetoric. We’ve seen that movie before.

    More on Schmitt:


    This is interesting: “But the price for this Schmittian sovereignty is
    high: it needs the executive to control the legislature, the courts and
    often the media.”

    The supermajority Florida legislature no longer serves as a check on
    autocratic Desantis. They rubber stamp his initiatives because they can.
    They were fine with his political map. They were fine with his vendetta
    against Disney. They were fine with him running for POTUS while still
    governor. They were fine with no longer putting his comings and goings
    under the light of sunshine law. He’s above that now.

    He is getting some court based pushback. Good thing that. Fix News loves
    him but most sane stream media not so much. We haven’t had our institutions
    subverted fully yet so authoritarians like Rainboots Ron still have an
    uphill battle, but Carl Schmitt provided a blueprint for his and/or Trump’s
    future success. Shudder!

    So thank you for kicking that Carl Schmitt own goal. Way too easy.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to Lawyer Daggett on Fri Sep 8 10:49:08 2023
    Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel.daggett@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Friday, September 8, 2023 at 5:15:30 AM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel...@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 9:25:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote: >>>> Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel...@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 8:20:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Mark Isaak <specime...@curioustaxon.omy.net> wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...] >>>>>>>
    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design. >>>>>>> The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that >>>>>>> are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy >>>>>>> which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    So we should base economic policy on how evolution works and not intervene?
    Paging Herbert Spencer.

    Hayek may have said apt things about price signaling and how goods or >>>>>> resources are allocated or distributed being better than central planning,
    but there’s room for that in some sort of highly regulated social market

    It seems to me that your leap "So we should ..." is rather presumptuous. >>>>> Is there a hidden premise?

    Maybe I read too much into Mark’s “The autocracy which denies the free >>>> market is anti-darwinian.”

    To be clear, I don't oppose Intelligent Design. I'm rather fond of applied
    intelligence. Thus, an economic system that is intelligently designed >>>>> seems like a good thing. My understanding of evolutionary mechanisms >>>>> is that they are rather wasteful and cruel, leaving many casualties in >>>>> the wake.

    Yes. See below.

    Of course when observing the world, I have various critiques on just >>>>> how "intelligent" certain designs are. And of course, at times the intelligent
    thing to do is to admit that our ability to anticipate the future, and to >>>>> respond to the present in effective and timely ways, might well favor >>>>> using self-adjusting strategies like Natural Selection rather than enforcing
    the conceit of attempted intelligent design by those of inadequate intelligence.

    Going too far with natural selection would result in the passively callous >>>> stance of letting the poor go to the wall.

    Of course creative destruction of Joseph Schumpeter was far more
    revolutionary and sounds great as a slogan, but Bezos’ superyachts came at
    the price of losing so much traditional bricks and motor small businesses >>>> and even larger corporate presences. This process got rid of hated
    inefficiencies. So will automation. We people the inefficiencies. As an >>>> aside, clicking for products destroyed the mall as local social hub and may
    have contributed to obesity. Shopping in buildings is inefficient exertion.
    Clicking is couch potato sedentary. Do the maths.

    And letting the market sort things out got Clinton to go along with the >>>> deregulatory regime of the late 90s that made the future mortgage meltdown >>>> and the odd financial instruments resonating it through the world economy >>>> worse. He and Blair were Reagan-Thatcher lite. A New Democrat indeed.

    I'm largely inclined to agree with most of your specific examples of things >>> gone wrong, inasmuch as I tend to agree they are, in isolation, undesirable.

    Yet I find the use of specifics in these cases inadequate to the broadly >>> abstract question of attempted intelligent design of an economic system
    versus a more darwinian system. It's odd to complain about specifics.
    But the problem is, citing examples of our "free-market" results aren't
    really free-market results.

    Simplistically, in an true free market, workers would be free to strike. >>> And it's a complicated question as to the limits of workers freedoms
    to make life difficult for scabs. My choice of words reveals sympathies
    but the question remains about how much anarchy are we promoting?

    The point behind all this is that what many claim to be a free market
    is in fact a highly regulated market. The key questions are about how
    those regulations get set, who gets to influence them, and to the extent >>> to which they are "intelligently" designed, with what goals in mind
    and how good is the design at achieving the goals.

    Reality is a complex mix of oddly chosen goals of mixed acceptance
    coupled with less than intelligent designs. Thus being a yacht broker
    can be a plausible career path in a world where children go hungry,
    except for the long line of others awaiting for scraps from the table
    of the very lucky few.

    We live in a global neoliberal regime (perhaps ordoliberal) where the
    regulatory structure favors the big players. The international trade scene >> has been tilting in favor of trade treaties that gut national sovereignty
    to uphold corporate profit over local law or regulation. Mont Pelerin
    cheerleaders Friedman and Hayek had no qualms with the authoritarian
    imposed capitalist reform of the Chilean miracle under Pinochet. That was a >> harbinger of things to come.

    Meanwhile, I've spent a sleepless evening listening to Pink Floyd, Yes, and Peter Gabriel. I'm about to queue up some ELP. It all comports with buying music lessons for my grandkids. I will also indoctrinate the little ones with Quadrophenia and some John Prine as well as an extensive larger playlist.
    (it hurts to omit so many, but Bonnie Raitt, ...)

    What no Rush 2112? How will they get sucked into the Ayn Rand vortex
    without a gateway drug? Set the controls for the heart of the sun I say.

    Caveat: As Gabriel had shown in his groundbreaking dissertation child’s
    play, even music, can lead in bad directions. From the abstract:
    “Hans plays with Lotte, Lotte plays with Jane
    Jane plays with Willy, Willy is happy again
    Suki plays with Leo, Sacha plays with Britt
    Adolf builds a bonfire, Enrico plays with it”

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawyer Daggett@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 8 03:17:32 2023
    On Friday, September 8, 2023 at 5:15:30 AM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel...@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 9:25:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel...@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 8:20:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Mark Isaak <specime...@curioustaxon.omy.net> wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...] >>>>>
    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design. >>>>> The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that
    are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy >>>>> which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    So we should base economic policy on how evolution works and not intervene?
    Paging Herbert Spencer.

    Hayek may have said apt things about price signaling and how goods or >>>> resources are allocated or distributed being better than central planning,
    but there’s room for that in some sort of highly regulated social market

    It seems to me that your leap "So we should ..." is rather presumptuous. >>> Is there a hidden premise?

    Maybe I read too much into Mark’s “The autocracy which denies the free
    market is anti-darwinian.”

    To be clear, I don't oppose Intelligent Design. I'm rather fond of applied
    intelligence. Thus, an economic system that is intelligently designed >>> seems like a good thing. My understanding of evolutionary mechanisms
    is that they are rather wasteful and cruel, leaving many casualties in >>> the wake.

    Yes. See below.

    Of course when observing the world, I have various critiques on just
    how "intelligent" certain designs are. And of course, at times the intelligent
    thing to do is to admit that our ability to anticipate the future, and to
    respond to the present in effective and timely ways, might well favor >>> using self-adjusting strategies like Natural Selection rather than enforcing
    the conceit of attempted intelligent design by those of inadequate intelligence.

    Going too far with natural selection would result in the passively callous
    stance of letting the poor go to the wall.

    Of course creative destruction of Joseph Schumpeter was far more
    revolutionary and sounds great as a slogan, but Bezos’ superyachts came at
    the price of losing so much traditional bricks and motor small businesses >> and even larger corporate presences. This process got rid of hated
    inefficiencies. So will automation. We people the inefficiencies. As an >> aside, clicking for products destroyed the mall as local social hub and may
    have contributed to obesity. Shopping in buildings is inefficient exertion.
    Clicking is couch potato sedentary. Do the maths.

    And letting the market sort things out got Clinton to go along with the >> deregulatory regime of the late 90s that made the future mortgage meltdown
    and the odd financial instruments resonating it through the world economy >> worse. He and Blair were Reagan-Thatcher lite. A New Democrat indeed.

    I'm largely inclined to agree with most of your specific examples of things
    gone wrong, inasmuch as I tend to agree they are, in isolation, undesirable.

    Yet I find the use of specifics in these cases inadequate to the broadly abstract question of attempted intelligent design of an economic system versus a more darwinian system. It's odd to complain about specifics.
    But the problem is, citing examples of our "free-market" results aren't really free-market results.

    Simplistically, in an true free market, workers would be free to strike. And it's a complicated question as to the limits of workers freedoms
    to make life difficult for scabs. My choice of words reveals sympathies but the question remains about how much anarchy are we promoting?

    The point behind all this is that what many claim to be a free market
    is in fact a highly regulated market. The key questions are about how those regulations get set, who gets to influence them, and to the extent to which they are "intelligently" designed, with what goals in mind
    and how good is the design at achieving the goals.

    Reality is a complex mix of oddly chosen goals of mixed acceptance
    coupled with less than intelligent designs. Thus being a yacht broker
    can be a plausible career path in a world where children go hungry,
    except for the long line of others awaiting for scraps from the table
    of the very lucky few.

    We live in a global neoliberal regime (perhaps ordoliberal) where the regulatory structure favors the big players. The international trade scene has been tilting in favor of trade treaties that gut national sovereignty
    to uphold corporate profit over local law or regulation. Mont Pelerin cheerleaders Friedman and Hayek had no qualms with the authoritarian
    imposed capitalist reform of the Chilean miracle under Pinochet. That was a harbinger of things to come.

    Meanwhile, I've spent a sleepless evening listening to Pink Floyd, Yes, and Peter Gabriel. I'm about to queue up some ELP. It all comports with buying music lessons for my grandkids. I will also indoctrinate the little ones with Quadrophenia and some John Prine as well as an extensive larger playlist.
    (it hurts to omit so many, but Bonnie Raitt, ...)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Burkhard@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 8 05:15:26 2023
    On Friday, September 8, 2023 at 11:50:30 AM UTC+1, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel...@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Friday, September 8, 2023 at 5:15:30 AM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel...@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 9:25:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Lawyer Daggett <j.nobel...@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 8:20:29 PM UTC-4, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Mark Isaak <specime...@curioustaxon.omy.net> wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...]

    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design.
    The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no >>>>>>> overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that
    are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy
    which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    So we should base economic policy on how evolution works and not intervene?
    Paging Herbert Spencer.

    Hayek may have said apt things about price signaling and how goods or >>>>>> resources are allocated or distributed being better than central planning,
    but there’s room for that in some sort of highly regulated social market

    It seems to me that your leap "So we should ..." is rather presumptuous.
    Is there a hidden premise?

    Maybe I read too much into Mark’s “The autocracy which denies the free
    market is anti-darwinian.”

    To be clear, I don't oppose Intelligent Design. I'm rather fond of applied
    intelligence. Thus, an economic system that is intelligently designed >>>>> seems like a good thing. My understanding of evolutionary mechanisms >>>>> is that they are rather wasteful and cruel, leaving many casualties in >>>>> the wake.

    Yes. See below.

    Of course when observing the world, I have various critiques on just >>>>> how "intelligent" certain designs are. And of course, at times the intelligent
    thing to do is to admit that our ability to anticipate the future, and to
    respond to the present in effective and timely ways, might well favor >>>>> using self-adjusting strategies like Natural Selection rather than enforcing
    the conceit of attempted intelligent design by those of inadequate intelligence.

    Going too far with natural selection would result in the passively callous
    stance of letting the poor go to the wall.

    Of course creative destruction of Joseph Schumpeter was far more
    revolutionary and sounds great as a slogan, but Bezos’ superyachts came at
    the price of losing so much traditional bricks and motor small businesses
    and even larger corporate presences. This process got rid of hated
    inefficiencies. So will automation. We people the inefficiencies. As an >>>> aside, clicking for products destroyed the mall as local social hub and may
    have contributed to obesity. Shopping in buildings is inefficient exertion.
    Clicking is couch potato sedentary. Do the maths.

    And letting the market sort things out got Clinton to go along with the >>>> deregulatory regime of the late 90s that made the future mortgage meltdown
    and the odd financial instruments resonating it through the world economy
    worse. He and Blair were Reagan-Thatcher lite. A New Democrat indeed. >>>
    I'm largely inclined to agree with most of your specific examples of things
    gone wrong, inasmuch as I tend to agree they are, in isolation, undesirable.

    Yet I find the use of specifics in these cases inadequate to the broadly >>> abstract question of attempted intelligent design of an economic system >>> versus a more darwinian system. It's odd to complain about specifics. >>> But the problem is, citing examples of our "free-market" results aren't >>> really free-market results.

    Simplistically, in an true free market, workers would be free to strike. >>> And it's a complicated question as to the limits of workers freedoms
    to make life difficult for scabs. My choice of words reveals sympathies >>> but the question remains about how much anarchy are we promoting?

    The point behind all this is that what many claim to be a free market >>> is in fact a highly regulated market. The key questions are about how >>> those regulations get set, who gets to influence them, and to the extent >>> to which they are "intelligently" designed, with what goals in mind
    and how good is the design at achieving the goals.

    Reality is a complex mix of oddly chosen goals of mixed acceptance
    coupled with less than intelligent designs. Thus being a yacht broker >>> can be a plausible career path in a world where children go hungry,
    except for the long line of others awaiting for scraps from the table >>> of the very lucky few.

    We live in a global neoliberal regime (perhaps ordoliberal) where the
    regulatory structure favors the big players. The international trade scene
    has been tilting in favor of trade treaties that gut national sovereignty >> to uphold corporate profit over local law or regulation. Mont Pelerin
    cheerleaders Friedman and Hayek had no qualms with the authoritarian
    imposed capitalist reform of the Chilean miracle under Pinochet. That was a
    harbinger of things to come.

    Meanwhile, I've spent a sleepless evening listening to Pink Floyd, Yes, and
    Peter Gabriel. I'm about to queue up some ELP. It all comports with buying music lessons for my grandkids. I will also indoctrinate the little ones with
    Quadrophenia and some John Prine as well as an extensive larger playlist. (it hurts to omit so many, but Bonnie Raitt, ...)

    What no Rush 2112? How will they get sucked into the Ayn Rand vortex
    without a gateway drug? Set the controls for the heart of the sun I say.

    Caveat: As Gabriel had shown in his groundbreaking dissertation child’s play, even music, can lead in bad directions. From the abstract:
    “Hans plays with Lotte, Lotte plays with Jane
    Jane plays with Willy, Willy is happy again
    Suki plays with Leo, Sacha plays with Britt
    Adolf builds a bonfire, Enrico plays with it”

    That one is.a knock out!

    (I remember watching the games on Saturdays, when there were only
    two TV channels)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Fri Sep 8 10:36:21 2023
    mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:

    You understand nothing. Socialists aren't really focused on economics, they

    And you're the product of incest, judging from your problems on
    display here...

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Fri Sep 8 10:41:30 2023
    mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:

    And another thing

    You type like a homosexual. Are you a homosexual?

    Or, maybe I should ask; are you a repressed, closeted
    or "Out" homosexual?

    The National Socialist were big into procreation, so
    of course you'd hate them. And they do use the word
    "Socialist" so, as a homosexual, there's a negative
    connotation for you.

    Darwin was a twat so, clearly, no appeal for you...

    Do your parents know? Or is that middle eastern thing; "Boys are
    for sex, women are for babies."

    You'd think that sort of thing would be frowned upon, in
    this day & age. STICK TO CONSENTING ADULTS!

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to JTEM is my hero on Fri Sep 8 19:31:46 2023
    JTEM is my hero <jtem01@gmail.com> wrote:
    mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:

    You understand nothing. Socialists aren't really focused on economics, they

    And you're the product of incest, judging from your problems on
    display here...

    Oh you’ve gone and done it now Nando. You’ve irked JTEM to the point he’s
    resorted to his secret snipping weapon. You’re doomed.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to JTEM is my hero on Fri Sep 8 19:33:43 2023
    JTEM is my hero <jtem01@gmail.com> wrote:
    mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:

    And another thing

    You type like a homosexual. Are you a homosexual?

    Or, maybe I should ask; are you a repressed, closeted
    or "Out" homosexual?

    The National Socialist were big into procreation, so
    of course you'd hate them. And they do use the word
    "Socialist" so, as a homosexual, there's a negative
    connotation for you.

    Darwin was a twat so, clearly, no appeal for you...

    Do your parents know? Or is that middle eastern thing; "Boys are
    for sex, women are for babies."

    You'd think that sort of thing would be frowned upon, in
    this day & age. STICK TO CONSENTING ADULTS!

    What the actual fuck? I thought Nando was off his rocker. You’ve gone and taken it to a new level.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 8 13:02:48 2023
    You're this kind of idiot who cannot reason, only goes by impressions.

    Op vrijdag 8 september 2023 om 19:45:29 UTC+2 schreef JTEM is my hero:
    mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:

    And another thing

    You type like a homosexual. Are you a homosexual?

    Or, maybe I should ask; are you a repressed, closeted
    or "Out" homosexual?

    The National Socialist were big into procreation, so
    of course you'd hate them. And they do use the word
    "Socialist" so, as a homosexual, there's a negative
    connotation for you.

    Darwin was a twat so, clearly, no appeal for you...

    Do your parents know? Or is that middle eastern thing; "Boys are
    for sex, women are for babies."

    You'd think that sort of thing would be frowned upon, in
    this day & age. STICK TO CONSENTING ADULTS!

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Gary Hurd@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 8 13:06:27 2023
    On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 5:35:28 PM UTC-7, *Hemidactylus* wrote:

    A Darwinian market gives us plastic filled ocean gyres. It doesn’t do public goods like lighthouses so well. Things like the nascent pre-web internet and GPS we now take for granted came at least partly from gov’t. Al Gore did take some initiative in the information superhighway way after the fact of ARPANET and such before. What we know as the web came from CERN which itself has some intergovernmental bases. So both the precursor of the internet and the web itself have public infrastructural roots.

    I was a selected participant in the 1978 - 1979 EIES Telenet Conference on Social Networks, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The participants were about 100 academics who were identified as specialist/experts in social network analysis.

    That was what was called an Email list decades later. What was notable was that it was the first "civilian" use of the AARPA Net that some people have called the origin of the internet. This was also the project that Al Gore shepherded through Congress,
    and the basis for his claim he "took the initiative in creating the Internet." We all got a Texas Instruments portable terminal. These had an acoustical modem, and a thermal printer. State of the art back then - 500 baud on a good day. The host machine
    was a PDP 10 at Rutgers Uni.

    One prediction by Social Anthropologists Russ Bernard and Al Wolfe was the use of anonymous "handles," and the abuse of this by "sock puppets." They were inspired by the popularity of CB radio used by anonymous "Big Dog," etc. as featured in a popular
    1977 Bert Reynolds movie about truck drivers, "Smokey and the Bandit."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Abner@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 8 13:35:24 2023
    *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    What the actual fuck? I thought Nando was off his rocker. You’ve gone and taken it to a new level.

    When two members of Pavo cristatus nutcasius (the Nutcase Peacock) run into each other, each puts on a display to establish dominance. The display usually involves groundless insults, weird conspiracy theories, and on rare occasions a Yo Mama contest. The Nutcase Peacock that out-does the other establishes
    the newsgroup as its territory, and struts and preens until exhaustion; the other
    one doesn't realize it is outdone, and also struts and preens. They then mate and release somewhere between 10-12 chicks into the wild to infest other newsgroups. The feathers of the Nutcase Peacock are highly neurotoxic;
    handle with care, as lengthy exposure can transform formerly reasonable posters into chicks; this is the other way in which these all-too-common creatures reproduce.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 8 14:28:21 2023
    JTEM saying I am a homosexual is the same as you all calling me crazy. You have no argument, so you resort to other means.

    Op vrijdag 8 september 2023 om 22:40:29 UTC+2 schreef Abner:
    *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    What the actual fuck? I thought Nando was off his rocker. You’ve gone and
    taken it to a new level.
    When two members of Pavo cristatus nutcasius (the Nutcase Peacock) run into each other, each puts on a display to establish dominance. The display usually
    involves groundless insults, weird conspiracy theories, and on rare occasions a
    Yo Mama contest. The Nutcase Peacock that out-does the other establishes
    the newsgroup as its territory, and struts and preens until exhaustion; the other
    one doesn't realize it is outdone, and also struts and preens. They then mate
    and release somewhere between 10-12 chicks into the wild to infest other newsgroups. The feathers of the Nutcase Peacock are highly neurotoxic; handle with care, as lengthy exposure can transform formerly reasonable posters
    into chicks; this is the other way in which these all-too-common creatures reproduce.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Abner@21:1/5 to Nando on Fri Sep 8 19:31:58 2023
    Nando wrote:
    JTEM saying I am a homosexual is the same as you all calling me crazy. You have no argument, so you resort to other means.

    IMO anyone who fantasizes about shooting people he disagrees with, beating their heads in with baseball bats, and putting them in concentration camps is crazy and/or evil - and you've done all three of those over the years. You've established your basic
    nature here as a nutcase for decades, which gives you the advantage of the challenger, JTEM ... but I think you deserve each other nicely. I can't think of anyone else off hand who deserves a Nando.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 8 19:50:33 2023
    Just deluding yourself. You have no argument, so you resort to other means. You are part of this academic culture that mangles the concept of subjectivity, resulting in real life harm, not fantasy harm. But ofcourse, you are just doing your best, by
    definition, so no functioning conscience.

    Op zaterdag 9 september 2023 om 04:35:30 UTC+2 schreef Abner:
    Nando wrote:
    JTEM saying I am a homosexual is the same as you all calling me crazy. You have no argument, so you resort to other means.
    IMO anyone who fantasizes about shooting people he disagrees with, beating their heads in with baseball bats, and putting them in concentration camps is crazy and/or evil - and you've done all three of those over the years. You've established your
    basic nature here as a nutcase for decades, which gives you the advantage of the challenger, JTEM ... but I think you deserve each other nicely. I can't think of anyone else off hand who deserves a Nando.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mark Isaak@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 8 20:38:09 2023
    On 9/7/23 5:14 PM, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Mark Isaak <specimenNOSPAM@curioustaxon.omy.net> wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...]

    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design.
    The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that
    are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy
    which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    So we should base economic policy on how evolution works and not intervene? Paging Herbert Spencer.

    Hayek may have said apt things about price signaling and how goods or resources are allocated or distributed being better than central planning, but there’s room for that in some sort of highly regulated social market system.

    It was reading Hayek that got me thinking about socialism as intelligent design. I also found it interesting that a couple chapters of his _The
    Road to Serfdom_ could well be written to address unhealthy conservative
    trends today.

    I answered your first question in another post. To reiterate: No.
    Opposition to regulations that address market failures is opposition to
    a workable free market.

    Mark Isaak
    "Wisdom begins when you discover the difference between 'That
    doesn't make sense' and 'I don't understand.'" - Mary Doria Russell

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mark Isaak@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 8 20:31:00 2023
    On 9/7/23 5:33 PM, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Öö Tiib <ootiib@hot.ee> wrote:
    On Thursday, 7 September 2023 at 06:25:28 UTC+3, Mark Isaak wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...]

    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design.
    The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that
    are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy
    which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    When the artisans and merchants behaved like pack animals
    (had guilds) then the evolution of technology was slower but there was
    lot less trash manufactured, sold and lot less lies advertised. After
    purely greed-, lie-, bribery- and deception-based snake oil economy
    was invented ... we started to suffer. More than half of work contract
    of current artisan or merchant consists of requirements to not disclose
    the dirty tricks used by non-organisms for whom they work ... enterprise
    and its business partners.

    A Darwinian market gives us plastic filled ocean gyres. It doesn’t do public goods like lighthouses so well. Things like the nascent pre-web internet and GPS we now take for granted came at least partly from gov’t. Al Gore did take some initiative in the information superhighway way after the fact of ARPANET and such before. What we know as the web came from CERN which itself has some intergovernmental bases. So both the precursor of the internet and the web itself have public infrastructural roots.

    I never claimed entirely free markets are a good thing. There are
    several well-known (to economists) "market failures", of which
    externalities (such as pollution) and public goods are two. My claim
    was simply that it had darwinian aspects. To continue analogies with creation/evolution debate, laissez-faire economics is economic
    fundamentalism, clinging rigorously to a blur of the big picture and
    ignoring all nuance.

    Mark Isaak
    "Wisdom begins when you discover the difference between 'That
    doesn't make sense' and 'I don't understand.'" - Mary Doria Russell

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Abner@21:1/5 to Nando on Fri Sep 8 21:16:35 2023
    Nando wrote:
    You have no argument, so you resort to other means.

    Actually we've had plenty of arguments, but I eventually gave up on you when I realized that you were incapable of hearing anything other than what you wanted to hear. The arguments you ascribed to me were so unlike anything I had ever said that it
    became clear that you were completely insane.

    You are part of this academic culture that mangles the concept of subjectivity,

    I've never met *any* academics that take the position that you claim we all do. Maybe someone does, but I don't, and I've never heard anyone take the position you claim all academics do.

    resulting in real life harm, not fantasy harm.

    So you claim that by teaching students chemistry I am harming them? By
    giving them the skills they need to become engineers, doctors, nurses, physicists, biologists, or (for that matter) other fields with a bit of knowledge
    of chemistry to round out their education I am harming them? Wow.

    But at least now you are admitting to your fantasies of harming others. I want to help others, you want to hurt them. You are deliberately evil. I'm a better
    person than you will ever be.

    But ofcourse, you are just doing your best, by definition, so no functioning conscience.

    You're babbling again. You have no idea of my actual position despite my having
    described it to you repeatedly; every time you just replace it with your bizarre
    worldview, ignoring whatever I have ever said on the topic. But I am responsible
    only for my actual beliefs and actions, not for your insane misrepresentations of them.

    I have a much better conscience than a person who dreams of violence and death and imprisonment for everyone who disagrees with them. You call other people Nazis
    because you don't want to admit to yourself how similar to them your own desires are.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 9 13:17:35 2023
    Mainly tyrannical stuff, is what makes me fly into rage. But also things like stonefaced systematic lying, dishonesty, and some ordinary crime. I don't subscribe to the view that rage means, you lose, which is what many seem to believe.

    You don't argue straightforwardly. How does subjectivity work? Ok, look at the logic used with subjective words, in ordinary common discourse. Then evaluate the logic. etc. You just argue politics.

    There is no culture of appreciation for the subjective human spirit choosing things, in academics. How you look at people, is totally different from the way I look at people. You just have the calculating measuring attitude, I have the subjective
    relationary attitude to them, as being a decider.

    Random news article, university of arizona instructs nurses to start asking about gender identity at 3 years old. It means they are criminally insane. These are not isolated incidents, the numbers on mental illness in universities have been skyhigh for
    years already. This kind of trope that academic people are reasonable people, and other people are crazy, it's opposite the truth.

    Op zaterdag 9 september 2023 om 06:20:30 UTC+2 schreef Abner:
    Nando wrote:
    You have no argument, so you resort to other means.
    Actually we've had plenty of arguments, but I eventually gave up on you when I realized that you were incapable of hearing anything other than what you wanted to hear. The arguments you ascribed to me were so unlike anything I had ever said that it
    became clear that you were completely insane.
    You are part of this academic culture that mangles the concept of subjectivity,
    I've never met *any* academics that take the position that you claim we all do.
    Maybe someone does, but I don't, and I've never heard anyone take the position
    you claim all academics do.
    resulting in real life harm, not fantasy harm.
    So you claim that by teaching students chemistry I am harming them? By giving them the skills they need to become engineers, doctors, nurses, physicists, biologists, or (for that matter) other fields with a bit of knowledge
    of chemistry to round out their education I am harming them? Wow.

    But at least now you are admitting to your fantasies of harming others. I want
    to help others, you want to hurt them. You are deliberately evil. I'm a better
    person than you will ever be.
    But ofcourse, you are just uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudoing your best, by definition, so no functioning conscience.
    You're babbling again. You have no idea of my actual position despite my having
    described it to you repeatedly; every time you just replace it with your bizarre
    worldview, ignoring whatever I have ever said on the topic. But I am responsible
    only for my actual beliefs and actions, not for your insane misrepresentations of them.

    I have a much better conscience than a person who dreams of violence and death
    and imprisonment for everyone who disagrees with them. You call other people Nazis
    because you don't want to admit to yourself how similar to them your own desires are.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Abner@21:1/5 to Nando on Sat Sep 9 15:02:31 2023
    Nando wrote:
    Mainly tyrannical stuff, is what makes me fly into rage. But also things like stonefaced systematic lying, dishonesty, and some ordinary crime.

    As far as I can tell you "fly into rage" whenever someone disagrees with you, especially if they refuse to follow the script you believe they have to follow. If you believe someone should take position A, and they instead take any
    other position, you start calling them liars, saying they should be shot, saying you want to smash them with a hammer, etc.

    You don't argue straightforwardly.

    Actually I do ... once or twice. I just don't repeat myself indefinitely. If it
    becomes clear that someone isn't listening after one or two explanations,
    I cease bothering trying to explain myself to someone who clearly has their brain shut to anything other than what they want to hear.

    How does subjectivity work?

    I've explained my position on that to you at least three times. That you cannot
    remember is exactly the problem: you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't fit into your existing worldview.

    You just argue politics.

    Not at all. I've explained my position on subjectivity to you at least three times.
    It's hardly my fault that you don't remember any of it. Your inability to understand
    or remember any position than your own is a major and unfortunate flaw, but
    we are not required to give our positions over and over again just because you can't recall them.

    How you look at people, is totally different from the way I look at people.

    That is true in a limited way ... but I doubt you have any real understanding of the
    way I look at people. Every single time you have tried to describe my position on
    anything you have gotten it badly wrong; you try to shove me into what you think
    I should believe rather than listening to what I actually believe. You don't seem to
    realize that you can't choose other people's positions for them.

    IMO you are incapable of learning, you have nothing of value to teach, and you are horribly unpleasant to interact with ... making you worthless to debate with.
    But every once in a while it is worth pointing out to the audience just how bad a person you are, just in case there was any chance of convincing other people to join your hateful crusade.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 9 15:56:06 2023
    There is no real audience anymore on talk.origins, they went to facebook and things.

    You are just talking a lot of delusional self serving crap. All I remember of your "position", is something about subjectivity having to do with the brain. Which indeed I found to be outrageous facile nonsense. Your reasoning processes are all about,
    this may look foolish, that may harm the reputation of scientists, this may show I am wrong, etc. It's not about straightforwardly going for the truth.

    Sure I have a hatefilled, that is, emotion filled, agenda. There is continuous rage against the people who mangle subjectivity, and you are one of them.

    Your crimes being mainly in the past, helping evolution along with the talk.origins evolutionist organization. Which organization was somewhat significantly influential back in the day when the internet was small. These kinds of things I see on facebook,
    of all the fact obsessed atheists, who imagine that emotions are objective, who completely fail to acknowledge the entire subjective part of reality, that is the fruits of your labor. And ofcourse the bad personal opinions, weird ideology, and mental
    illness that comes with being utterly clueless about subjectivity, is somewhat significantly your doing.

    And now I remember again, it was actually atheists who started the cussing and swearing, and you were fine with that. Some atheists crossposting from the more rowdy alt.atheism, and they were the one's starting trashtalk about skullfucking whatever.
    Overconfident twerps, who failed to consider the issue of subjectivity.

    You have no honor that you do not accept defeat. I have out argued all of you, with the creationist conceptual scheme.

    Op zondag 10 september 2023 om 00:05:31 UTC+2 schreef Abner:
    Nando wrote:
    Mainly tyrannical stuff, is what makes me fly into rage. But also things like
    stonefaced systematic lying, dishonesty, and some ordinary crime.
    As far as I can tell you "fly into rage" whenever someone disagrees with you,
    especially if they refuse to follow the script you believe they have to follow.
    If you believe someone should take position A, and they instead take any other position, you start calling them liars, saying they should be shot, saying you want to smash them with a hammer, etc.
    You don't argue straightforwardly.
    Actually I do ... once or twice. I just don't repeat myself indefinitely. If it
    becomes clear that someone isn't listening after one or two explanations,
    I cease bothering trying to explain myself to someone who clearly has their brain shut to anything other than what they want to hear.

    How does subjectivity work?

    I've explained my position on that to you at least three times. That you cannot
    remember is exactly the problem: you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't
    fit into your existing worldview.

    You just argue politics.

    Not at all. I've explained my position on subjectivity to you at least three times.
    It's hardly my fault that you don't remember any of it. Your inability to understand
    or remember any position than your own is a major and unfortunate flaw, but we are not required to give our positions over and over again just because you
    can't recall them.
    How you look at people, is totally different from the way I look at people.
    That is true in a limited way ... but I doubt you have any real understanding of the
    way I look at people. Every single time you have tried to describe my position on
    anything you have gotten it badly wrong; you try to shove me into what you think
    I should believe rather than listening to what I actually believe. You don't seem to
    realize that you can't choose other people's positions for them.

    IMO you are incapable of learning, you have nothing of value to teach, and you
    are horribly unpleasant to interact with ... making you worthless to debate with.
    But every once in a while it is worth pointing out to the audience just how bad
    a person you are, just in case there was any chance of convincing other people
    to join your hateful crusade.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 9 16:09:39 2023
    *Hemidactylus* wrote:


    Nobody snipped you. You never had any to begin with.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Sat Sep 9 16:11:34 2023
    mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:

    JTEM saying

    You're a symptom.

    I can't take you seriously but if you paid me enough I would
    pretend to.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Abner@21:1/5 to Nando on Sat Sep 9 16:40:23 2023
    Nando wrote:
    All I remember of your "position", is something about subjectivity having to do with the brain.

    So several long posts from me explaining my position in detail, and all you remember is one
    thing ... that happens to be completely wrong, as I never said that subjectivity had anything to
    do with the brain! Thank you for illustrating my point exactly. You don't listen and you don't
    remember, so explaining anything to you is worthless.

    Your reasoning processes are all about, this may look foolish, that may harm the reputation
    of scientists, this may show I am wrong, etc.

    Also things I have never said. You are just making up things and putting them in my mouth
    despite my never having said them. If you realize I never said them, you are fundamentally
    dishonest. If you don't realize I never said them, you are insane.

    Sure I have a hatefilled, that is, emotion filled, agenda.

    Hate is not the only emotion. There are others, such as love, caring, respect, etc. that you
    seem unable to manifest.

    There is continuous rage against the people who mangle subjectivity, and you are one of them.

    "Disagree with Nando about subjectivity" is not the same thing as mangling, and hating everyone
    who disagrees with you is not a sign that you have any sort of emotional balance.

    Your crimes being mainly in the past, helping evolution along with the talk.origins
    evolutionist organization.

    Disagreeing with you is not a crime.

    These kinds of things I see on facebook, of all the fact obsessed atheists, who imagine
    that emotions are objective, who completely fail to acknowledge the entire subjective
    part of reality, that is the fruits of your labor.

    Nonsense - I am responsible only for what I have actually done and said, not for your
    bizarre delusions that you dishonestly attribute to me. I acknowledge the entire
    subjective part of reality; I just disagree with you about how it works. Disagreeing
    with you about subjectivity is not in any way arguing that subjectivity does not exist,
    that subjectivity isn't valuable, or any of the other lies you put into the mouths of others.

    And now I remember again, it was actually atheists who started the cussing and
    swearing, and you were fine with that.

    Another lie on your part. You are one of the most dishonest people I have met.

    I am responsible only for what I actually say and do, not for the lies you attribute to me.

    You have no honor that you do not accept defeat.

    I do accept defeat, when I have actually been defeated. But you lying about me is not a defeat.

    I have out argued all of you, with the creationist conceptual scheme.

    No, you are just dishonest and full of hate.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 9 18:43:36 2023
    Here's your explanation:
    "Subjectivity, on the other hand, has to do with things that aren't about the independent universe; it has to do with things that exist in our own heads. Subjective statements can be true for one person and false for another simultaneously.

    Examples of subjective statements:
    The planet Earth is beautiful when seen from space.
    Metallic sodium is a useful to me.
    The sun's light woke me up this morning.
    Broccoli is tastier than chocolate.
    It is unethical to have sex with my neighbor."

    Which is obviously outrageous facile nonsense. But indeed you did not say brain, you said head.

    It's not long, and you could never make a long post about it, because you don't do truth, you do politics. You do peer pressure. It is just absolutely inconceivable that you would reason straightforwardly.

    So you see, I am not dishonest. I remember, I posted a quote from Shirer on the holocaust, eventhough I knew beforehand the quote tended to diminish the role of darwinism. And then ofcourse the evolutionists said, that I had posted it, because I did not
    understand what it said. Then later the schoolbook for the Hitler youth turned up, which generally substantiates my argumentation.

    You think I make this up about the atheist talking about skullfuck and whatnot, and you expressing satisfaction over it? That's some detailed fantasy I have then eh.

    Sure you are just responsible for the consequences of your own actions, and those consequences are what I said. The appreciation for the inherently subjective human spirit choosing things has sunk to a new low in academics, and you helped cause that. And
    scripture says basically, it is the worst crime of all. Although scripture mainly says it generally about destroying faith, which faith is mostly in regards to God the holy spirit, and not so much in regards to the ordinary human spirit.

    Things in the head, is not a good understanding of subjectivity.

    Op zondag 10 september 2023 om 01:45:31 UTC+2 schreef Abner:
    Nando wrote:
    All I remember of your "position", is something about subjectivity having to do with the brain.
    So several long posts from me explaining my position in detail, and all you remember is one
    thing ... that happens to be completely wrong, as I never said that subjectivity had anything to
    do with the brain! Thank you for illustrating my point exactly. You don't listen and you don't
    remember, so explaining anything to you is worthless.
    Your reasoning processes are all about, this may look foolish, that may harm the reputation
    of scientists, this may show I am wrong, etc.
    Also things I have never said. You are just making up things and putting them in my mouth
    despite my never having said them. If you realize I never said them, you are fundamentally
    dishonest. If you don't realize I never said them, you are insane.
    Sure I have a hatefilled, that is, emotion filled, agenda.
    Hate is not the only emotion. There are others, such as love, caring, respect, etc. that you
    seem unable to manifest.
    There is continuous rage against the people who mangle subjectivity, and you are one of them.
    "Disagree with Nando about subjectivity" is not the same thing as mangling, and hating everyone
    who disagrees with you is not a sign that you have any sort of emotional balance.
    Your crimes being mainly in the past, helping evolution along with the talk.origins
    evolutionist organization.
    Disagreeing with you is not a crime.
    These kinds of things I see on facebook, of all the fact obsessed atheists, who imagine
    that emotions are objective, who completely fail to acknowledge the entire subjective
    part of reality, that is the fruits of your labor.
    Nonsense - I am responsible only for what I have actually done and said, not for your
    bizarre delusions that you dishonestly attribute to me. I acknowledge the entire
    subjective part of reality; I just disagree with you about how it works. Disagreeing
    with you about subjectivity is not in any way arguing that subjectivity does not exist,
    that subjectivity isn't valuable, or any of the other lies you put into the mouths of others.
    And now I remember again, it was actually atheists who started the cussing and
    swearing, and you were fine with that.
    Another lie on your part. You are one of the most dishonest people I have met.

    I am responsible only for what I actually say and do, not for the lies you attribute to me.
    You have no honor that you do not accept defeat.
    I do accept defeat, when I have actually been defeated. But you lying about me
    is not a defeat.
    I have out argued all of you, with the creationist conceptual scheme.
    No, you are just dishonest and full of hate.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 9 18:46:04 2023
    A symptom of what? There is no doubt, that ignorance about subjectivity, is the underlying factor, causing the presently diseased society.

    Op zondag 10 september 2023 om 01:15:30 UTC+2 schreef JTEM is my hero:
    mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:

    JTEM saying

    You're a symptom.

    I can't take you seriously but if you paid me enough I would
    pretend to.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 9 21:00:47 2023
    I don't take you seriously. I can't. You have to switch handles,
    reply to yourself in order to pretend someone does.

    You said something that touched on reality. The fact that it
    came from you was irrelevant. You were irrelevant. You
    still are.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 10 04:07:20 2023
    So basically you are expecting for others to read what you write, but you don't read what others write.Or in other words, more nonsense and excuses from the people who refuse to reason.

    Op zondag 10 september 2023 om 06:05:31 UTC+2 schreef JTEM is my hero:
    I don't take you seriously. I can't. You have to switch handles,
    reply to yourself in order to pretend someone does.

    You said something that touched on reality. The fact that it
    came from you was irrelevant. You were irrelevant. You
    still are.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to JTEM is my hero on Sun Sep 10 12:49:53 2023
    JTEM is my hero <jtem01@gmail.com> wrote:

    I don't take you seriously. I can't. You have to switch handles,
    reply to yourself in order to pretend someone does.

    You said something that touched on reality. The fact that it
    came from you was irrelevant. You were irrelevant. You
    still are.

    So you think Nando is a sock puppet of one of us? Who? Me? Harshman?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Sun Sep 10 12:57:37 2023
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com> wrote:
    So basically you are expecting for others to read what you write, but you don't read what others write.

    It may be one of those stopped clock situations, but you nailed it! Credit where it’s due.

    Or in other words, more nonsense and excuses from the people who refuse to reason.

    Well one issue you have is with top posting, which isn’t quite the same as JTEM’s snip snipe snarking, but has similar outcomes. Given the escalating war between you two, one can just make some popcorn and wonder how top
    posting and snarky snip-sniping will intersect. That’s one thing us deluded pomo Darwinists addled by COVID shots are obsessed with is

    Op zondag 10 september 2023 om 06:05:31 UTC+2 schreef JTEM is my hero:
    I don't take you seriously. I can't. You have to switch handles,
    reply to yourself in order to pretend someone does.

    You said something that touched on reality. The fact that it
    came from you was irrelevant. You were irrelevant. You
    still are.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?w5bDtiBUaWli?=@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 10 06:55:23 2023
    On Sunday, 10 September 2023 at 15:55:31 UTC+3, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    JTEM is my hero <jte...@gmail.com> wrote:

    I don't take you seriously. I can't. You have to switch handles,
    reply to yourself in order to pretend someone does.

    You said something that touched on reality. The fact that it
    came from you was irrelevant. You were irrelevant. You
    still are.

    So you think Nando is a sock puppet of one of us? Who? Me? Harshman?

    In his solipsistic world you are pretending that Nando, you, Nyikos, Jillery Harshman are not same person. John Harshman is actual person whose
    identity you simply stole.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to Mark Isaak on Sun Sep 10 13:50:53 2023
    Mark Isaak <specimenNOSPAM@curioustaxon.omy.net> wrote:
    On 9/7/23 5:14 PM, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Mark Isaak <specimenNOSPAM@curioustaxon.omy.net> wrote:
    On 9/6/23 12:47 PM, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    Socialism is basically the political expression of materialism [...]

    Actually, socialism is the economic expression of intelligent design.
    The free market works on evolutionary principles -- there is no
    overriding control, individual markets are left to vary, and those that
    are unfit soon no longer contribute to the marketplace. The autocracy
    which denies the free market is anti-darwinian.

    So we should base economic policy on how evolution works and not intervene? >> Paging Herbert Spencer.

    Hayek may have said apt things about price signaling and how goods or
    resources are allocated or distributed being better than central planning, >> but there’s room for that in some sort of highly regulated social market >> system.

    It was reading Hayek that got me thinking about socialism as intelligent design. I also found it interesting that a couple chapters of his _The
    Road to Serfdom_ could well be written to address unhealthy conservative trends today.

    I answered your first question in another post. To reiterate: No.
    Opposition to regulations that address market failures is opposition to
    a workable free market.

    I apologize for misreading your intent. There’s an aspect to Hayek I find intriguing which dovetails with my ongoing interest in Popper…their respective influences upon evolutionary epistemology, though for Hayek it’s
    a curiosity that’s been on the backburner.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From jillery@21:1/5 to ecphoric@allspamis.invalid on Sun Sep 10 10:31:20 2023
    On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 12:49:53 +0000, *Hemidactylus*
    <ecphoric@allspamis.invalid> wrote:

    JTEM is my hero <jtem01@gmail.com> wrote:

    I don't take you seriously. I can't. You have to switch handles,
    reply to yourself in order to pretend someone does.

    You said something that touched on reality. The fact that it
    came from you was irrelevant. You were irrelevant. You
    still are.

    So you think Nando is a sock puppet of one of us? Who? Me? Harshman?

    Based on his claims, AOTA are sock puppets.

    To know less than we don't know is the nature of most knowledge

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Casanova@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 10 08:43:51 2023
    On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 12:49:53 +0000, the following appeared
    in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*

    JTEM is my hero <jtem01@gmail.com> wrote:

    I don't take you seriously. I can't. You have to switch handles,
    reply to yourself in order to pretend someone does.

    You said something that touched on reality. The fact that it
    came from you was irrelevant. You were irrelevant. You
    still are.

    So you think Nando is a sock puppet of one of us? Who? Me? Harshman?

    I suspect he has no such thought (assuming he has any at
    all). He just likes to pull chains and start arguments; the
    classic troll.


    Bob C.

    "The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
    the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
    'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

    - Isaac Asimov

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 10 13:20:33 2023
    *Hemidactylus* wrote:

    JTEM’s snip

    Freud would have had a field day with you and your
    castration complex.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to Bob Casanova on Sun Sep 10 13:18:50 2023
    Bob Casanova wrote:
    I suspect

    Nah. You're just a narcissistic personality disorder
    DESPERATELY trying to convince itself that it's not
    an idiot..and failing.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Abner@21:1/5 to Nando on Sun Sep 10 13:59:05 2023
    Nando wrote:
    Here's your explanation:

    Well, part of the at-least-third explanation, anyway. I generally am most detailed
    in the first explanation, less so on the second one (except for any signs of confusion in responses to the first one, which get responded to in more detail),
    and summarize at best in the third explanation, if you get one at all, depending on
    whether you showed any signs of listening to the first two explanations. You were lucky to get even this summary ... and even that you clearly snipped a
    good deal of it out. You started in the middle, as evidenced by the "on the other hand" in the first sentence of the small portion you quoted. You also appear to have snipped off the concluding section.

    "Subjectivity, on the other hand, has to do with things that aren't about the independent universe; it has to do with things that exist in our own heads. Subjective statements can be true for one person and false for another simultaneously.

    Examples of subjective statements:
    The planet Earth is beautiful when seen from space.
    Metallic sodium is a useful to me.
    The sun's light woke me up this morning.
    Broccoli is tastier than chocolate.
    It is unethical to have sex with my neighbor."

    Which is obviously outrageous facile nonsense.

    That is a subjective opinion on your part. My subjective opinion about it is rather
    different from yours. Since subjective opinions vary from person to person, that
    is only to be expected. Countering a subjective opinion with another subjective
    opinion is usually quite futile, since such things vary so highly. Your "which is obviously outrageous facile nonsense" is no more influential of me than my "insane, confused, and baseless nonsense" is influential of you.

    It is also interesting to note that your response the first time was in no way more substantial. I expressed my opinion, you expressed your opinion,
    and that was that.

    You would be a lot saner if you learned that your opinions are not privileged over those of other people, but that does seem to be completely beyond you.
    If we were looking for someone who has trouble with telling their subjective opinions from objective truths, you really should be looking in a mirror.

    But indeed you did not say brain, you said head.

    And if you read the rest that you didn't quote, it becomes pretty clear that I was
    referring to mental things - thought - not to brains, which makes your claim about
    me incorrect. You quoted one tiny aspect of my thoughts on this subject - and even that one tiny bit you got wrong, and IMO in a fairly important way.

    It's not long, and you could never make a long post about it, because you don't
    do truth, you do politics.

    Everything I said in that post, the quoted sections and the parts you didn't quote,
    was true ... because I stated clearly that it was my opinion about subjectivity. If
    you don't understand why saying that and then stating my honest opinions made that true, IMO you really don't understand subjectivity at all. Hmmm ... let's modify that. We'll just shorten it to 'IMO you really don't understand subjectivity
    at all'. You keep stating your opinions and pretending they were objective truth
    rather than subjective, which shows pretty clearly how confused you are about the difference between the two.

    It is just absolutely inconceivable that you would reason straightforwardly.

    Inconceivable to you ... but that's your purely subjective opinion. That being inconceivable to you is really unlikely to be of any worth to anyone else.

    So you see, I am not dishonest.

    That claim does not follow from the prior discussion at all.

    You think I make this up about the atheist talking about skullfuck and whatnot, and you expressing satisfaction over it?

    Yes, I do. Quote me exactly, the entire post, no snipping, with me expressing satisfaction about someone else using the word "skullfuck" in reference to you.

    Sure you are just responsible for the consequences of your own actions, and those consequences are what I said.

    That is a subjective opinion on your part; I strongly disagree with your claims about the consequences of my actions.

    The appreciation for the inherently subjective human spirit choosing things has
    sunk to a new low in academics, and you helped cause that.

    Actually, most academics I have met (and myself, of course) have a very high regard for subjectivity. We appreciate the importance of beauty, wonder, interest, imagination, a huge number of subjective aspects of reality. We
    also now how influential many of them are on people's behavior even when
    they are negative emotions (such as your endless sea of hatred for everyone
    who disagrees with you). I've never met any academics who express the bizarre opinions you ascribe to them. That doesn't mean that there might not be a few, but IMO they would be a tiny minority at best.

    I doubt anyone in academia or outside of it agrees with your bizarre and insane beliefs about subjectivity, but that doesn't mean people have a low opinion of subjectivity - it means they have a low opinion of your beliefs.

    And scripture says basically, it is the worst crime of all.

    Disagreeing with Nando is the worst crime at all? Nah. IMO there are many things
    that people can do that are far worse than disagreeing with you; and some of those
    far worse things are things you have described fantasizing about doing here to other
    people for disagreeing with you.

    Things in the head, is not a good understanding of subjectivity.

    IMO subjectivity is mental in nature. I realize you have a low opinion of that opinion,
    but your low opinion of it means no more to me than my low opinion of your ideas
    has to you. And neither opinion has any sort of privileged position.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Casanova@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 10 15:51:56 2023
    On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 13:59:05 -0700 (PDT), the following
    appeared in talk.origins, posted by Abner

    Nando wrote:
    Here's your explanation:

    Well, part of the at-least-third explanation, anyway. I generally am most detailed
    in the first explanation, less so on the second one (except for any signs of >confusion in responses to the first one, which get responded to in more detail),
    and summarize at best in the third explanation, if you get one at all, depending on
    whether you showed any signs of listening to the first two explanations. You >were lucky to get even this summary ... and even that you clearly snipped a
    good deal of it out. You started in the middle, as evidenced by the "on the
    other hand" in the first sentence of the small portion you quoted. You also >appear to have snipped off the concluding section.

    "Subjectivity, on the other hand, has to do with things that aren't about the independent universe; it has to do with things that exist in our own heads. Subjective statements can be true for one person and false for another simultaneously.

    Examples of subjective statements:
    The planet Earth is beautiful when seen from space.
    Metallic sodium is a useful to me.
    The sun's light woke me up this morning.
    Broccoli is tastier than chocolate.
    It is unethical to have sex with my neighbor."

    Which is obviously outrageous facile nonsense.

    That is a subjective opinion on your part. My subjective opinion about it is rather
    different from yours. Since subjective opinions vary from person to person, that
    is only to be expected. Countering a subjective opinion with another subjective
    opinion is usually quite futile, since such things vary so highly. Your "which
    is obviously outrageous facile nonsense" is no more influential of me than my >"insane, confused, and baseless nonsense" is influential of you.

    It is also interesting to note that your response the first time was in no way >more substantial. I expressed my opinion, you expressed your opinion,
    and that was that.

    You would be a lot saner if you learned that your opinions are not privileged >over those of other people, but that does seem to be completely beyond you. >If we were looking for someone who has trouble with telling their subjective >opinions from objective truths, you really should be looking in a mirror.

    But indeed you did not say brain, you said head.

    And if you read the rest that you didn't quote, it becomes pretty clear that I was
    referring to mental things - thought - not to brains, which makes your claim about
    me incorrect. You quoted one tiny aspect of my thoughts on this subject - and >even that one tiny bit you got wrong, and IMO in a fairly important way.

    It's not long, and you could never make a long post about it, because you don't
    do truth, you do politics.

    Everything I said in that post, the quoted sections and the parts you didn't quote,
    was true ... because I stated clearly that it was my opinion about subjectivity. If
    you don't understand why saying that and then stating my honest opinions made >that true, IMO you really don't understand subjectivity at all. Hmmm ... let's
    modify that. We'll just shorten it to 'IMO you really don't understand subjectivity
    at all'. You keep stating your opinions and pretending they were objective truth
    rather than subjective, which shows pretty clearly how confused you are about >the difference between the two.

    It is just absolutely inconceivable that you would reason straightforwardly.

    Inconceivable to you ... but that's your purely subjective opinion. That being
    inconceivable to you is really unlikely to be of any worth to anyone else.

    So you see, I am not dishonest.

    That claim does not follow from the prior discussion at all.

    You think I make this up about the atheist talking about skullfuck and
    whatnot, and you expressing satisfaction over it?

    Yes, I do. Quote me exactly, the entire post, no snipping, with me expressing >satisfaction about someone else using the word "skullfuck" in reference to you.

    Sure you are just responsible for the consequences of your own actions, and >> those consequences are what I said.

    That is a subjective opinion on your part; I strongly disagree with your claims
    about the consequences of my actions.

    The appreciation for the inherently subjective human spirit choosing things has
    sunk to a new low in academics, and you helped cause that.

    Actually, most academics I have met (and myself, of course) have a very high >regard for subjectivity. We appreciate the importance of beauty, wonder, >interest, imagination, a huge number of subjective aspects of reality. We >also now how influential many of them are on people's behavior even when
    they are negative emotions (such as your endless sea of hatred for everyone >who disagrees with you). I've never met any academics who express the bizarre >opinions you ascribe to them. That doesn't mean that there might not be a few,
    but IMO they would be a tiny minority at best.

    I doubt anyone in academia or outside of it agrees with your bizarre and insane
    beliefs about subjectivity, but that doesn't mean people have a low opinion of >subjectivity - it means they have a low opinion of your beliefs.

    And scripture says basically, it is the worst crime of all.

    Disagreeing with Nando is the worst crime at all? Nah. IMO there are many things
    that people can do that are far worse than disagreeing with you; and some of those
    far worse things are things you have described fantasizing about doing here to other
    people for disagreeing with you.

    Things in the head, is not a good understanding of subjectivity.

    IMO subjectivity is mental in nature. I realize you have a low opinion of that opinion,
    but your low opinion of it means no more to me than my low opinion of your ideas
    has to you. And neither opinion has any sort of privileged position.

    Are you getting it yet, that trying to hold a rational
    discussion with Nando is a waste of time, since his posts
    inevitably equate to "Well, well, OH YEAH?!?"? If you enjoy
    it, fine; your choice, and you do make clear and cogent
    points I enjoy reading. But if you expect to ever actually
    get anywhere with him, as if he were mentally competent
    and/or emotionally mature, I'm afraid that you're doomed to

    Just my 20 mills...


    Bob C.

    "The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
    the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
    'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

    - Isaac Asimov

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 11 11:06:02 2023
    Obviously you didn't write anymore about subjectivity in that post, because you begin with subjectivity is, and it ends with examples of it. You only wrote about objectivity before that.

    And we already had this discussion that you believe what you wrote is sufficient. And then I explained, nazi ideology should be discredited, which requires explaining exactly how personal character is inherently subjective, with the creationist
    conceptual scheme. You have no basis to complain about nazi ideology objectifying personal character.

    I already explained the substance of creationism a 100 times.

    1. Creator / chooses / spiritual / subjective / opinion
    2. Creation / chosen / objective / material / fact

    Where subjective means, identified with a chosen opinion, objective means, identified with a model of it, and choosing is explained in terms of spontaneity, that in the moment a decision can turn out one way or another.

    Which is ofcourse the real explanation for subjectivity. As compared to your mental things in the head, which is just a throwaway remark.

    And ofcourse it's wrong, because something subjective like courage, or love, is not actually either a mental, or a physical thing in the head. Because mental things are objective just the same as physical things are objective. The idea of a table, is
    just as well objective as a physical table.

    And with some technical brainmeasuring, it is possible in a limited way, to picture on a screen what mental image someone is thinking of. Someone thinking of a circle, they can see on the screen, a circle.

    Ofcourse that you do not use the word spiritual, which is the appropiate word for what is inherently subjective, shows that you design to attack and mangle the concept of subjectivity.

    You starve the concept of subjectivity from basic terminology, and what is even more important you starve the concept of subjectivity from it's basic logic. Because obviously only logic can really validate and safeguard the concept of subjectivity, and
    all the rest is just wordsoup.

    The logic of subjectivity is explained by that the spirit chooses, and the spirit is identified with a chosen opinion.

    So then a proper domain is established for the concept of subjectivity to apply to, which is the part of reality that chooses, the spiritual domain. And this logical construct safeguards the concept of subjectivity.

    While you have the domain of mental things in the head, which is really not good, because very certainly there are objective mental things. So this is not safeguarding subjectivity at all. And the logic that you attach to subjectivity, that opinions can
    vary between people, that still leaves it open for subjectivity to become a subcategory of objectivity. You can make variation in opinion a fuction of uniqueness. Like the unique position of people, from which they view things. Or the unique connections
    they have in their brain between neurons. Or obviously, make the variation in opinion a function of genetic variation. You can just say white people have that opinion, because of being white, black people have the other opinion, because of being black.

    It is not really acknowledging anything inherently subjective. Only when the variation is a consequence of freedom, then there is the inherently subjective spirit deciding things.

    Op zondag 10 september 2023 om 23:00:32 UTC+2 schreef Abner:
    Nando wrote:
    Here's your explanation:

    Well, part of the at-least-third explanation, anyway. I generally am most detailed
    in the first explanation, less so on the second one (except for any signs of confusion in responses to the first one, which get responded to in more detail),
    and summarize at best in the third explanation, if you get one at all, depending on
    whether you showed any signs of listening to the first two explanations. You were lucky to get even this summary ... and even that you clearly snipped a good deal of it out. You started in the middle, as evidenced by the "on the other hand" in the first sentence of the small portion you quoted. You also appear to have snipped off the concluding section.
    "Subjectivity, on the other hand, has to do with things that aren't about the independent universe; it has to do with things that exist in our own heads. Subjective statements can be true for one person and false for another simultaneously.

    Examples of subjective statements:
    The planet Earth is beautiful when seen from space.
    Metallic sodium is a useful to me.
    The sun's light woke me up this morning.
    Broccoli is tastier than chocolate.
    It is unethical to have sex with my neighbor."

    Which is obviously outrageous facile nonsense.
    That is a subjective opinion on your part. My subjective opinion about it is rather
    different from yours. Since subjective opinions vary from person to person, that
    is only to be expected. Countering a subjective opinion with another subjective
    opinion is usually quite futile, since such things vary so highly. Your "which
    is obviously outrageous facile nonsense" is no more influential of me than my
    "insane, confused, and baseless nonsense" is influential of you.

    It is also interesting to note that your response the first time was in no way
    more substantial. I expressed my opinion, you expressed your opinion,
    and that was that.

    You would be a lot saner if you learned that your opinions are not privileged
    over those of other people, but that does seem to be completely beyond you. If we were looking for someone who has trouble with telling their subjective opinions from objective truths, you really should be looking in a mirror.
    But indeed you did not say brain, you said head.
    And if you read the rest that you didn't quote, it becomes pretty clear that I was
    referring to mental things - thought - not to brains, which makes your claim about
    me incorrect. You quoted one tiny aspect of my thoughts on this subject - and
    even that one tiny bit you got wrong, and IMO in a fairly important way.
    It's not long, and you could never make a long post about it, because you don't
    do truth, you do politics.
    Everything I said in that post, the quoted sections and the parts you didn't quote,
    was true ... because I stated clearly that it was my opinion about subjectivity. If
    you don't understand why saying that and then stating my honest opinions made
    that true, IMO you really don't understand subjectivity at all. Hmmm ... let's
    modify that. We'll just shorten it to 'IMO you really don't understand subjectivity
    at all'. You keep stating your opinions and pretending they were objective truth
    rather than subjective, which shows pretty clearly how confused you are about
    the difference between the two.
    It is just absolutely inconceivable that you would reason straightforwardly. Inconceivable to you ... but that's your purely subjective opinion. That being
    inconceivable to you is really unlikely to be of any worth to anyone else.
    So you see, I am not dishonest.
    That claim does not follow from the prior discussion at all.
    You think I make this up about the atheist talking about skullfuck and whatnot, and you expressing satisfaction over it?
    Yes, I do. Quote me exactly, the entire post, no snipping, with me expressing
    satisfaction about someone else using the word "skullfuck" in reference to you.
    Sure you are just responsible for the consequences of your own actions, and
    those consequences are what I said.
    That is a subjective opinion on your part; I strongly disagree with your claims
    about the consequences of my actions.
    The appreciation for the inherently subjective human spirit choosing things has
    sunk to a new low in academics, and you helped cause that.
    Actually, most academics I have met (and myself, of course) have a very high regard for subjectivity. We appreciate the importance of beauty, wonder, interest, imagination, a huge number of subjective aspects of reality. We also now how influential many of them are on people's behavior even when they are negative emotions (such as your endless sea of hatred for everyone who disagrees with you). I've never met any academics who express the bizarre
    opinions you ascribe to them. That doesn't mean that there might not be a few,
    but IMO they would be a tiny minority at best.

    I doubt anyone in academia or outside of it agrees with your bizarre and insane
    beliefs about subjectivity, but that doesn't mean people have a low opinion of
    subjectivity - it means they have a low opinion of your beliefs.
    And scripture says basically, it is the worst crime of all.
    Disagreeing with Nando is the worst crime at all? Nah. IMO there are many things
    that people can do that are far worse than disagreeing with you; and some of those
    far worse things are things you have described fantasizing about doing here to other
    people for disagreeing with you.
    Things in the head, is not a good understanding of subjectivity.
    IMO subjectivity is mental in nature. I realize you have a low opinion of that opinion,
    but your low opinion of it means no more to me than my low opinion of your ideas
    has to you. And neither opinion has any sort of privileged position.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Abner@21:1/5 to Bob Casanova on Tue Sep 12 15:37:58 2023
    Bob Casanova wrote:
    Are you getting it yet, that trying to hold a rational
    discussion with Nando is a waste of time, since his posts
    inevitably equate to "Well, well, OH YEAH?!?"?

    Oh, I fully understand that ... I've got decades of experience with
    his posts. And usually I do just ignore them and move on ... but
    he has an almost unique ability to pull me in once in a while even
    though I know it's a waste of time!

    If he's trolling, he's *very* good at it!

    If you enjoy it, fine; your choice, and you do make clear and cogent
    points I enjoy reading. But if you expect to ever actually
    get anywhere with him, as if he were mentally competent
    and/or emotionally mature, I'm afraid that you're doomed to

    Thank you! I definitely agree. But once in a while I find myself
    feeling an itch to point out some of the holes in his claims or
    arguments. He'll never see the holes, but ... give him this,
    at least he's unique! If only he didn't continually repeat the
    same arguments over and over, he might get a lot more
    responses. Alas, he is approaching one of the cardinal sins
    of the internet ... being boring due to repetition.

    Thanks for the input!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Abner@21:1/5 to Nando on Tue Sep 12 16:26:57 2023
    Nando wrote:
    But ofcourse, you are just doing your best, by definition, so no functioning conscience.

    So you accidentally made a claim that I can actually evaluate. I know for a fact that I
    have a functioning conscience. If I realize I have wronged someone (accidentally or
    on purpose) I feel bad about it and apologize and/or undo the harm, as appropriate for
    the situation. I've actually had people who know me well tell me that my conscience
    was overactive and I'm feeling guilt unreasonably often! So it's not just me that thinks
    I have a functioning conscience, it's many of the people who know me well.

    So referring back to the statement quoted above ... if Nandoism is correct, I can't
    have a functioning conscience. I do have a functioning conscience ... I've felt it's
    effects many a time, and other people have noticed its strong effects on my behavior.
    Therefore Nandoism has been disproven!

    If A, then B has the consequence of If not B, then not A. If I have a functioning conscience,
    your beliefs are proven to be wrong. Goodbye to Nandoism aka "the creationist conceptual scheme". It is now dead and buried! :)

    Hopefully you move on to something new and far less boring for your next obsession!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Abner@21:1/5 to Nando on Tue Sep 12 16:15:59 2023
    Nando wrote:
    Obviously you didn't write anymore about subjectivity in that post, because you begin with subjectivity is, and it ends with examples of it. You only wrote
    about objectivity before that.

    Wow! It has been a *very* long time since you truly flabbergasted me, but you just managed to pull it off! You don't realize that objectivity and subjectivity
    are conjoined twins, intimately connected to the point where you can't explain one without explaining the other? Wow again ... your lack of understanding of subjectivity goes far deeper than I ever imagined!

    Almost everyone I have seen discuss this subject ... quite possibly everyone in the
    world who has thought about this subject except for you ... thinks that objectivity
    and subjectivity are related subjects, and an explanation of the difference between
    them is key. So, let's see how you handled this:

    You either ignored or didn't remember my previous, more extensive discussions of
    this subject. On this one, you ignored the majority of what I said because you didn't
    realize that discussing the differences between objectivity and subjectivity requires
    talking about objectivity. You then took the remaining short section, ignored the
    examples because they made no sense without the context of everything else I had
    written. And finally you misunderstood the one sentence that remains, saying it
    was about the brain rather than the mind, because you had ignored the context which
    would have allowed you to understand that. So basically you managed to ignore and
    misunderstand the entire post.

    Your behavior is very much like someone who is discussing the nature of time, is told
    by someone else a summary of Einstein's ideas about space-time, ignores most of it
    because all the bits about time couldn't possible relate to the bits about space, then
    takes the remaining few bits and complains that they aren't coherent and therefore
    Einstein was wrong ...

    And then I explained, nazi ideology should be discredited, which requires explaining
    exactly how personal character is inherently subjective, with the creationist conceptual scheme. You have no basis to complain about nazi ideology objectifying
    personal character.

    No, Nazi ideology being discredited does *not* require your belief that personal
    character is inherently subjective, nor does that claim require your ideology. There
    are many other routes that people can take to discrediting Nazi ideology.

    Apparently your only objection to Nazi ideology is that you disagree with what you think
    their opinions were on subjectivity. You don't express any objections to their idea that
    some races are superior to others, that violence towards and mass murder of those you
    disagree with are acceptable, that oppression is an acceptable political tactic, and
    numerous other parts of the Nazi ideology that were quite horrible by an sane person's
    standards. Not so oddly, some of those are things you have expressed a desire for here
    - violence towards and murder of those you disagree with (i.e. beating them or shooting
    them), or oppression as an acceptable political tactic (i.e. putting educators who
    teach things you object to in re-education / concentration camps). No, what you object
    to in Nazism is not murder, violence, oppression ... it's their opinions about subjectivity.

    There are many parts of my own worldview / philosophy / etc. that easily allow me to
    object to Nazism's many horrible aspects. Your belief system is *not* required to do so.
    Do you really believe that *everyone* who objected to Nazism's horrors was a follower
    of your beliefs?

    I already explained the substance of creationism a 100 times.

    Yes, you have explained your beliefs about creationism and subjectivity and how much
    you hate atheists and the like at least a hundred times, to the point of being a total bore
    on the subject. Unfortunately your subjective opinions are not transferrable ... no matter
    how many times you explain to someone else that pickles taste far better than chocolate
    ice cream, it isn't going to make someone who likes the taste of chocolate ice cream and
    loathes the taste of pickles suddenly change their tastes. Your beliefs are quite simply
    unpalatable to the people here, to the point where your posts are getting almost no replies.
    Even Harry Krishna seems to have given up on you, though he seems to share my occasional weakness for replying to you despite the futility of doing so.

    Quite simply, repeating a failed argument over and over doesn't make it any more likely to
    succeed. To succeed at a logical argument, you need to start with common premises with the
    person you are arguing with and then make logical steps from those common premises.
    You don't seem to have enough common premises with anyone here to even begin to start
    at that. Anytime you start from what someone else considers to be nonsense, the rest of
    the argument gets discarded as nonsense. I know I've explained this one to you multiple
    times before, but here's an example:

    1. Dolphins live in water.
    2. Things that live in water are fish.
    3. Fish have gills.
    4. Therefore, dolphins have gills.

    Anyone who objects to *any* of the three premises of those arguments will not accept the
    conclusion, and repeating the same argument again isn't going to work.

    Which is ofcourse the real explanation for subjectivity.

    No, no, it's *your* explanation for subjectivity. If you want to get anyone else to accept
    it, you'll have to start from premises they also accept. Good luck with that.

    As compared to your mental things in the head, which is just a throwaway remark.

    No, it was a small (but essential) part of a short summary of a much longer previous
    explanation. I stated my opinions pretty clearly over the course of the thing. You,
    of course, did not accept it because you aren't starting from the same premises. But
    I didn't expect you to do so; I didn't even expect you to be able to understand what I said.
    That would be expecting far too much. The only opinions Nando can understand are

    And ofcourse it's wrong, because something subjective like courage, or love, is not
    actually either a mental, or a physical thing in the head. Because mental things are
    objective just the same as physical things are objective. The idea of a table, is just
    as well objective as a physical table.

    So how do you intend to convince someone that doesn't share that premise with you?

    Ofcourse that you do not use the word spiritual, which is the appropiate word for
    what is inherently subjective, shows that you design to attack and mangle the concept of subjectivity.

    Or I simply and honestly don't agree with you, because I'm not starting from even
    remotely the same premises you are ... and repeating yourself over and over isn't
    going to get anywhere with that.

    The logic of subjectivity is explained by that the spirit chooses, and the spirit
    is identified with a chosen opinion.

    In your opinion; too bad you have no way to convince anyone else of that opinion who doesn't already agree with you.

    Basically, almost everything you say as a premise is about as reasonable to me as "Things that live in water are fish", and thus I have no reason at all to accept
    the conclusion you think is so obvious (the "dolphins have gills"). And with your
    arguments it's generally worse than with the example I gave, because I'm not generally rejecting just one premise, I'm rejecting nearly all of them ... which
    makes the arguments that follow completely useless.

    It is not really acknowledging anything inherently subjective. Only when the variation is a consequence of freedom, then there is the inherently subjective
    spirit deciding things.

    That's your opinion, but I literally have no good reason at all to accept it. Unless
    and until you have an argument that starts from premises I accept and then goes to the conclusion through logical steps I agree with, it's not transferrable from
    you to me. And the odds of that happening are pretty much nil, IMO, since the premise set you're starting with and the premise set I'm starting with are so different that you are, by my standards, functionally insane.

    BTW, see next post for something amusing (or at least I found it amusing).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 13 08:28:15 2023
    Harry Krishna, who is goddamned socialist, I believe he went away because he had no argumentation whatsoever.

    It is very sad to see you argue against reason. You obviously have no chance whatsoever, against logic that is this simple.

    The way to investigate the issue is to investigate the logic used in ordinary subjective and objective statements. Uncontroversial statements like, I find this painting beautiful, there is a glass on the table.

    Which obtains the logic of what we say is true. And then the next step is to evaluate whether this logic is true.

    And as you might know, the logic used in common discourse is creationism. With some common exception of error, mostly at the intellectual level, which is associated to conflating the moral advice to do what is best, with the barebone logic of choosing.

    And evaluating the logic, it works out. Science confirms these events that can turn out one way or another in the moment, are real.

    And you talking about pickles being better than chocolate icecream, betrays that you have fallen for this error of conflation, just like everyone else. And this is just a psychological issue for you, to see that the logic of choosing in terms of
    spontaneity works out, and that it is wrong to enter any process whatsoever, about which possibility is the best, in the barebone logic of choosing. It is a psychological issue between your feelings associated to doing what is best, and you emotional
    basis at the level of spontaneity.

    And your idea that you are honest, and that you have a conscience, that doesn't work out in your intellectual persona.

    You simply have duplicity, where you use different logic intellectually, and commonly, and your intellectual understanding is mostly wrong, while your common understanding is mostly right, and creationist.

    Also, creationism is basically value neutral. Immoral opinions are just as well logically valid as morally upright opinions. Creationism doesn't deal with common sin. But it does deal with a specific kind of error, which is associated to defining
    choosing in terms of figuring out what is best. Which is mostly socialism. So it clears up the bad judgment, weird ideology, which is associated to that error. Which is actually a very large proportion of evil, in my estimation, because this type of evil
    is very systematic, while common sin, usually is not so systematic.

    You have no real argumentation, which again is very sad. That at least some mental things are objective, means you are blending objectivity with subjectivity. Harry Krishna left upon the argument, that to say he was a blithering idiot, was doing science
    about my own brainstates, in his view of things. He objectified everything, did not acknowledge anything inherently subjective. Same as you refer to mental things, which are really just objective. So then reporting what emotions and feelings exist in my
    brain, would just be a matter of fact. The feeling that he is a blithering idiot, would just be a fact. So that opinion and fact blend into each other. Maybe that is the magic argument that convinces people, but then obviously, there is still a lot of
    work to do for you in reorganizing, if you accept the argument.

    Op woensdag 13 september 2023 om 01:20:34 UTC+2 schreef Abner:
    Nando wrote:
    Obviously you didn't write anymore about subjectivity in that post, because
    you begin with subjectivity is, and it ends with examples of it. You only wrote
    about objectivity before that.
    Wow! It has been a *very* long time since you truly flabbergasted me, but you
    just managed to pull it off! You don't realize that objectivity and subjectivity
    are conjoined twins, intimately connected to the point where you can't explain
    one without explaining the other? Wow again ... your lack of understanding of
    subjectivity goes far deeper than I ever imagined!

    Almost everyone I have seen discuss this subject ... quite possibly everyone in the
    world who has thought about this subject except for you ... thinks that objectivity
    and subjectivity are related subjects, and an explanation of the difference between
    them is key. So, let's see how you handled this:

    You either ignored or didn't remember my previous, more extensive discussions of
    this subject. On this one, you ignored the majority of what I said because you didn't
    realize that discussing the differences between objectivity and subjectivity requires
    talking about objectivity. You then took the remaining short section, ignored the
    examples because they made no sense without the context of everything else I had
    written. And finally you misunderstood the one sentence that remains, saying it
    was about the brain rather than the mind, because you had ignored the context which
    would have allowed you to understand that. So basically you managed to ignore and
    misunderstand the entire post.

    Your behavior is very much like someone who is discussing the nature of time, is told
    by someone else a summary of Einstein's ideas about space-time, ignores most of it
    because all the bits about time couldn't possible relate to the bits about space, then
    takes the remaining few bits and complains that they aren't coherent and therefore
    Einstein was wrong ...
    And then I explained, nazi ideology should be discredited, which requires explaining
    exactly how personal character is inherently subjective, with the creationist
    conceptual scheme. You have no basis to complain about nazi ideology objectifying
    personal character.
    No, Nazi ideology being discredited does *not* require your belief that personal
    character is inherently subjective, nor does that claim require your ideology. There
    are many other routes that people can take to discrediting Nazi ideology.

    Apparently your only objection to Nazi ideology is that you disagree with what you think
    their opinions were on subjectivity. You don't express any objections to their idea that
    some races are superior to others, that violence towards and mass murder of those you
    disagree with are acceptable, that oppression is an acceptable political tactic, and
    numerous other parts of the Nazi ideology that were quite horrible by an sane person's
    standards. Not so oddly, some of those are things you have expressed a desire for here
    - violence towards and murder of those you disagree with (i.e. beating them or shooting
    them), or oppression as an acceptable political tactic (i.e. putting educators who
    teach things you object to in re-education / concentration camps). No, what you object
    to in Nazism is not murder, violence, oppression ... it's their opinions about subjectivity.

    There are many parts of my own worldview / philosophy / etc. that easily allow me to
    object to Nazism's many horrible aspects. Your belief system is *not* required to do so.
    Do you really believe that *everyone* who objected to Nazism's horrors was a follower
    of your beliefs?
    I already explained the substance of creationism a 100 times.
    Yes, you have explained your beliefs about creationism and subjectivity and how much
    you hate atheists and the like at least a hundred times, to the point of being a total bore
    on the subject. Unfortunately your subjective opinions are not transferrable ... no matter
    how many times you explain to someone else that pickles taste far better than chocolate
    ice cream, it isn't going to make someone who likes the taste of chocolate ice cream and
    loathes the taste of pickles suddenly change their tastes. Your beliefs are quite simply
    unpalatable to the people here, to the point where your posts are getting almost no replies.
    Even Harry Krishna seems to have given up on you, though he seems to share my
    occasional weakness for replying to you despite the futility of doing so.

    Quite simply, repeating a failed argument over and over doesn't make it any more likely to
    succeed. To succeed at a logical argument, you need to start with common premises with the
    person you are arguing with and then make logical steps from those common premises.
    You don't seem to have enough common premises with anyone here to even begin to start
    at that. Anytime you start from what someone else considers to be nonsense, the rest of
    the argument gets discarded as nonsense. I know I've explained this one to you multiple
    times before, but here's an example:

    1. Dolphins live in water.
    2. Things that live in water are fish.
    3. Fish have gills.
    4. Therefore, dolphins have gills.

    Anyone who objects to *any* of the three premises of those arguments will not accept the
    conclusion, and repeating the same argument again isn't going to work.
    Which is ofcourse the real explanation for subjectivity.
    No, no, it's *your* explanation for subjectivity. If you want to get anyone else to accept
    it, you'll have to start from premises they also accept. Good luck with that.
    As compared to your mental things in the head, which is just a throwaway remark.
    No, it was a small (but essential) part of a short summary of a much longer previous
    explanation. I stated my opinions pretty clearly over the course of the thing. You,
    of course, did not accept it because you aren't starting from the same premises. But
    I didn't expect you to do so; I didn't even expect you to be able to understand what I said.
    That would be expecting far too much. The only opinions Nando can understand are
    And ofcourse it's wrong, because something subjective like courage, or love, is not
    actually either a mental, or a physical thing in the head. Because mental things are
    objective just the same as physical things are objective. The idea of a table, is just
    as well objective as a physical table.
    So how do you intend to convince someone that doesn't share that premise with you?
    Ofcourse that you do not use the word spiritual, which is the appropiate word for
    what is inherently subjective, shows that you design to attack and mangle the
    concept of subjectivity.
    Or I simply and honestly don't agree with you, because I'm not starting from even
    remotely the same premises you are ... and repeating yourself over and over isn't
    going to get anywhere with that.
    The logic of subjectivity is explained by that the spirit chooses, and the spirit
    is identified with a chosen opinion.
    In your opinion; too bad you have no way to convince anyone else of that opinion who doesn't already agree with you.

    Basically, almost everything you say as a premise is about as reasonable to me
    as "Things that live in water are fish", and thus I have no reason at all to accept
    the conclusion you think is so obvious (the "dolphins have gills"). And with your
    arguments it's generally worse than with the example I gave, because I'm not generally rejecting just one premise, I'm rejecting nearly all of them ... which
    makes the arguments that follow completely useless.
    It is not really acknowledging anything inherently subjective. Only when the
    variation is a consequence of freedom, then there is the inherently subjective
    spirit deciding things.
    That's your opinion, but I literally have no good reason at all to accept it. Unless
    and until you have an argument that starts from premises I accept and then goes
    to the conclusion through logical steps I agree with, it's not transferrable from
    you to me. And the odds of that happening are pretty much nil, IMO, since the
    premise set you're starting with and the premise set I'm starting with are so
    different that you are, by my standards, functionally insane.

    BTW, see next post for something amusing (or at least I found it amusing).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Casanova@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 13 14:43:32 2023
    On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 15:37:58 -0700 (PDT), the following
    appeared in talk.origins, posted by Abner

    Bob Casanova wrote:
    Are you getting it yet, that trying to hold a rational
    discussion with Nando is a waste of time, since his posts
    inevitably equate to "Well, well, OH YEAH?!?"?

    Oh, I fully understand that ... I've got decades of experience with
    his posts. And usually I do just ignore them and move on ... but
    he has an almost unique ability to pull me in once in a while even
    though I know it's a waste of time!

    The Black Hole Of Usenet? Calcutta, look to your laurels!

    If he's trolling, he's *very* good at it!

    Well, it's also possible this is the analog of "Don't
    ascribe to malice what can explained by stupidity", with
    "trolling" replacing "malice" and

    If you enjoy it, fine; your choice, and you do make clear and cogent
    points I enjoy reading. But if you expect to ever actually
    get anywhere with him, as if he were mentally competent
    and/or emotionally mature, I'm afraid that you're doomed to

    Thank you! I definitely agree. But once in a while I find myself
    feeling an itch to point out some of the holes in his claims or
    arguments. He'll never see the holes, but ... give him this,
    at least he's unique! If only he didn't continually repeat the
    same arguments over and over, he might get a lot more
    responses. Alas, he is approaching one of the cardinal sins
    of the internet ... being boring due to repetition.


    Thanks for the input!

    You're welcome.


    Bob C.

    "The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
    the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
    'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

    - Isaac Asimov

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Abner@21:1/5 to Nando on Fri Sep 15 17:05:29 2023
    Nando wrote:
    Harry Krishna, who is goddamned socialist, I believe he went away because he had no argumentation whatsoever.

    I have no reason to value your opinion on either his political bent or why he stopped
    talking with you. I have seen him present arguments many times, so your second claim is completely wrong IMO. But then you claim that I never present arguments
    either, and that claim is also false. IMO it is more likely that he just got fed up with
    you. These days when I see a post from you, I usually just roll my eyes and don't
    bother even to skim your latest regurgitation of your beliefs.

    It is very sad to see you argue against reason.

    On the contrary, I am arguing for reason. You don't seem to know what reason is
    or how it works, which is why I have tried multiple times (with great futility) to
    explain to to you. I doubt you will ever even listen to, much less understand, my
    explanations, so each time it becomes less likely I will bother again. You are long past my third explanation on that topic to you, and I rarely go past three.

    The rest of your post was just you repeating your belief system again. You don't seem to realize that repeating a failed argument over and over does
    not make it any more convincing. And most of your premises are either
    based only in your own belief that you are right (non-transferrable to someone who thinks you are insane) or show exactly that level of insanity. For example:

    And as you might know, the logic used in common discourse is creationism.

    This is a statement of belief on your part, which no one else has any obligation
    to accept. *And the very suggestion on your part that I might "know" such a thing is insane!* If you had listened at all to any of my prior posts on that subject, you would know very well that I know no such thing. Either you
    know I disagree with that statement, and were being dishonest, or you
    don't know that I disagree with that statement despite repeated prior discussions, and were being insane. Or both, of course, there's no reason
    you couldn't be both.

    It is a psychological issue between your feelings associated to doing what
    is best, and you emotional basis at the level of spontaneity.

    Another example of your insanity - you keep ascribing views to me that you should know aren't true if you were sane and honest. Can you actually remember what my position was on that topic? No, of course you can't,
    so you lie and/or rant insanely about it.

    Harry Krishna's expressed views come close to what you ascribed to me
    above, but my views are nowhere near it. And you would know that if you
    were honest and sane and listening.

    *snips yet another repetition of the same failed claims* See previous
    post for why repeating the same failed argument isn't going to get you anywhere.

    And your idea that you are honest, and that you have a conscience, that doesn't work out in your intellectual persona.

    Actually both work quite well. I really do believe what I say, so I am honest. And if I feel I have wronged someone, I feel bad about it, and apologize and try to make things right if that is feasible, so I have a conscience.

    You simply have duplicity, where you use different logic intellectually, and commonly, and your intellectual understanding is mostly wrong, while your common understanding is mostly right, and creationist.

    That's not what duplicity means. You're assuming that people can't honestly disagree with you again.

    You have no real argumentation, which again is very sad.

    No, you disagreeing with my arguments doesn't mean I don't have arguments.

    Same as you refer to mental things, which are really just objective.

    I disagree, and you have given me no good reason to change my mind.

    Maybe that is the magic argument that convinces people, but then obviously, there is still a lot of work to do for you in reorganizing, if you accept the argument.

    I don't, since you have given me no good reason to accept the argument. *Repeating
    something that has failed to convince someone over and over still isn't going to convince them*. You either need to take a new approach (see last post on what you need to do) or else realize that you are not going to convince someone with that argument.

    Speaking of which, I am wasting my time trying to explain that to you ... so you
    will need to come up with something new if you want any further replies in this thread. I've got papers to grade that are approximately infinitely more important
    than Nandoism.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Abner@21:1/5 to Nando on Fri Sep 15 18:37:52 2023
    Nando wrote:
    You aren't actually reasoning, you are just denying.

    Everything in your post was you repeating failed arguments again. You
    still don't know what I have to say on these issues, and I'm tired of trying
    to teach you a viewpoint other than your own - you have no interest in
    what anyone else has to say and just ignore it.

    You can't learn, you have nothing of value to teach, you are boring,
    and you are unpleasant ... so I'm done with you for now. Let me
    know if you ever have anything new to say.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 15 18:15:38 2023
    You aren't actually reasoning, you are just denying. And it is your job to convince yourself of the truth, to overcome your psychological issues. Convincing someone 1+1=2, I only explain the logic of it, how it works. I've done that. Ofcourse that you
    lack motivation, that is your problem.

    Common discourse uses the logic like; I can go left or right, I choose left, meaning the alternative possible future of going left, instead of right, is made to be the present, in the moment. The decision is referred to as the origin of going left
    instead of right.

    That was also when Harry Krishna left, because he left 2 times. When I explained that if you choose to go left instead of right in your mind, then you have the alternative possible futures in your mind of making the determination to go left, or to go
    right, and instantaneously upon deciding it, one of those alternative possibble futures is made the present in your mind. Because Krishna, always wanting to enter process into decision making, and not accepting decisions are essentially spontaneous, he
    exploited the delay between deciding to go left, and physically going left, to fantasize that decisions are not spontaneous, but that they require process. But then he could not argue that anymore, when it was pointed out that in the mind it is

    So I am well aware of what people argue, and maybe I forget some things, but then when I asked you for your argument, you only produced facile nonsense that subjectivity is about things in the head.

    And then in common discourse again, subjective words are generally always used in respect to a decision maker. Courage, fear, etc. these words are only used in respect to decision makers.

    And then ofcourse this courage, fear, etc. is identified with a chosen opinion. So the logic used in common discourse is that the spirit chooses, and the spirit is identified with a chosen opinion, which is creationism. Which is obviously kind of simple
    logic like 1+1=2.

    Can you show any use of subjective terminology in ordinary common discourse, which is not explicitly or by implication, in respect to a decision maker? Or any opinion, where it would have been logically invalid to choose another opinion, than was chosen?

    The drawing of a pipe is objective, and the pipe itself is objective. Eventhough a drawing of a pipe, is not a pipe. And the mental image of a pipe, is basically the same as a drawing of a pipe. So your reference to mental things as being subjective,
    does not add up.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 02:10:38 UTC+2 schreef Abner:
    Nando wrote:
    Harry Krishna, who is goddamned socialist, I believe he went away because he had no argumentation whatsoever.
    I have no reason to value your opinion on either his political bent or why he stopped
    talking with you. I have seen him present arguments many times, so your second
    claim is completely wrong IMO. But then you claim that I never present arguments
    either, and that claim is also false. IMO it is more likely that he just got fed up with
    you. These days when I see a post from you, I usually just roll my eyes and don't
    bother even to skim your latest regurgitation of your beliefs.
    It is very sad to see you argue against reason.
    On the contrary, I am arguing for reason. You don't seem to know what reason is
    or how it works, which is why I have tried multiple times (with great futility) to
    explain to to you. I doubt you will ever even listen to, much less understand, my
    explanations, so each time it becomes less likely I will bother again. You are
    long past my third explanation on that topic to you, and I rarely go past three.

    The rest of your post was just you repeating your belief system again. You don't seem to realize that repeating a failed argument over and over does not make it any more convincing. And most of your premises are either
    based only in your own belief that you are right (non-transferrable to someone
    who thinks you are insane) or show exactly that level of insanity. For example:
    And as you might know, the logic used in common discourse is creationism. This is a statement of belief on your part, which no one else has any obligation
    to accept. *And the very suggestion on your part that I might "know" such a thing is insane!* If you had listened at all to any of my prior posts on that
    subject, you would know very well that I know no such thing. Either you
    know I disagree with that statement, and were being dishonest, or you
    don't know that I disagree with that statement despite repeated prior discussions, and were being insane. Or both, of course, there's no reason you couldn't be both.
    It is a psychological issue between your feelings associated to doing what is best, and you emotional basis at the level of spontaneity.
    Another example of your insanity - you keep ascribing views to me that you should know aren't true if you were sane and honest. Can you actually remember what my position was on that topic? No, of course you can't,
    so you lie and/or rant insanely about it.

    Harry Krishna's expressed views come close to what you ascribed to me
    above, but my views are nowhere near it. And you would know that if you
    were honest and sane and listening.

    *snips yet another repetition of the same failed claims* See previous
    post for why repeating the same failed argument isn't going to get you anywhere.
    And your idea that you are honest, and that you have a conscience, that doesn't work out in your intellectual persona.
    Actually both work quite well. I really do believe what I say, so I am honest.
    And if I feel I have wronged someone, I feel bad about it, and apologize and try to make things right if that is feasible, so I have a conscience.
    You simply have duplicity, where you use different logic intellectually, and
    commonly, and your intellectual understanding is mostly wrong, while your common understanding is mostly right, and creationist.
    That's not what duplicity means. You're assuming that people can't honestly disagree with you again.
    You have no real argumentation, which again is very sad.
    No, you disagreeing with my arguments doesn't mean I don't have arguments.
    Same as you refer to mental things, which are really just objective.
    I disagree, and you have given me no good reason to change my mind.
    Maybe that is the magic argument that convinces people, but then obviously,
    there is still a lot of work to do for you in reorganizing, if you accept the argument.
    I don't, since you have given me no good reason to accept the argument. *Repeating
    something that has failed to convince someone over and over still isn't going
    to convince them*. You either need to take a new approach (see last post on what you need to do) or else realize that you are not going to convince someone
    with that argument.

    Speaking of which, I am wasting my time trying to explain that to you ... so you
    will need to come up with something new if you want any further replies in this
    thread. I've got papers to grade that are approximately infinitely more important
    than Nandoism.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to Abner on Sat Sep 16 11:34:03 2023
    Abner <abnerinfinity@gmail.com> wrote:
    Nando wrote:
    You aren't actually reasoning, you are just denying.

    Everything in your post was you repeating failed arguments again. You
    still don't know what I have to say on these issues, and I'm tired of trying to teach you a viewpoint other than your own - you have no interest in
    what anyone else has to say and just ignore it.

    You can't learn, you have nothing of value to teach, you are boring,
    and you are unpleasant ... so I'm done with you for now. Let me
    know if you ever have anything new to say.

    You can lead a horse to water but not keep him from defecating in it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 16 07:08:46 2023
    Your viewpoint on subjectivity, it's about things in the head. You've got nothing. Let me just throw up again, over your complete inability to reason straightforwardly. This total vagueness, all this politics. Always impossible to get a straight answer
    out of you.

    That at least some mental things are objective, like mental images, means your ideas on mental things being subjective, is wrong. Straight argument.

    You refuted exactly zero arguments, you have no actual understanding of subjectivity. You have auto suggestion that evolutionists / scientists are correct, instead of them being total morons. Because if creationism is true, and the logic of it is very
    simple, and the evidence of it is directly available in the common discourse that everyone uses, then the judgment that these people are total morons who are utterly clueless about how the universe works, is warranted.

    The understanding of fact and opinion, is of fundamental value, on a par with reading, writing, and arithmetic. In any normal society it would be part of basic education.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 03:40:37 UTC+2 schreef Abner:
    Nando wrote:
    You aren't actually reasoning, you are just denying.
    Everything in your post was you repeating failed arguments again. You
    still don't know what I have to say on these issues, and I'm tired of trying to teach you a viewpoint other than your own - you have no interest in
    what anyone else has to say and just ignore it.

    You can't learn, you have nothing of value to teach, you are boring,
    and you are unpleasant ... so I'm done with you for now. Let me
    know if you ever have anything new to say.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 16 07:23:34 2023
    It is the truth that you are all going out of your way to marginalize subjectivity, resulting in bad personal opinions, weird ideology, and mental illness. Causing catastophic harm.

    When looking at the discourse of lauded virology experts in the covid crisis, and politicians back here in my country, it is very clear to me that they are making superficial argument based on a mood. Actually they argue the same as evolutionists here do.
    Their emotional basis is underdeveloped, they are not careful in considering things, they do not prime their emotions for honesty, because they are completely clueless intellectually, about how subjectivity works.

    So they have the mood of positivity that science and technology will be able to handle the pandemic, and then they make superficial arguments towards that mood. Resulting in bad judgments, which results in mass death.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 13:35:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    Abner <abneri...@gmail.com> wrote:
    Nando wrote:
    You aren't actually reasoning, you are just denying.

    Everything in your post was you repeating failed arguments again. You still don't know what I have to say on these issues, and I'm tired of trying
    to teach you a viewpoint other than your own - you have no interest in what anyone else has to say and just ignore it.

    You can't learn, you have nothing of value to teach, you are boring,
    and you are unpleasant ... so I'm done with you for now. Let me
    know if you ever have anything new to say.

    You can lead a horse to water but not keep him from defecating in it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Sat Sep 16 15:28:55 2023
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com> wrote:
    It is the truth that you are all going out of your way to marginalize subjectivity, resulting in bad personal opinions, weird ideology, and
    mental illness. Causing catastophic harm.

    What you tend to do is catastrophize or cognitively distort based on stuff you’re projecting onto labeled others like “evolutionists”, which is subjectivity gone haywire. You are indeed “making superficial argument
    based on a mood”. If only you had a mirror.

    If you were right our vaccinated immune systems would be melting down by
    now or some other ridiculous hyperbole you concocted in your reality
    deprived mind.

    When looking at the discourse of lauded virology experts in the covid
    crisis, and politicians back here in my country, it is very clear to me
    that they are making superficial argument based on a mood. Actually they argue the same as evolutionists here do. Their emotional basis is underdeveloped, they are not careful in considering things, they do not
    prime their emotions for honesty, because they are completely clueless intellectually, about how subjectivity works.

    So they have the mood of positivity that science and technology will be
    able to handle the pandemic, and then they make superficial arguments
    towards that mood. Resulting in bad judgments, which results in mass death.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 13:35:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    Abner <abneri...@gmail.com> wrote:
    Nando wrote:
    You aren't actually reasoning, you are just denying.

    Everything in your post was you repeating failed arguments again. You
    still don't know what I have to say on these issues, and I'm tired of trying
    to teach you a viewpoint other than your own - you have no interest in
    what anyone else has to say and just ignore it.

    You can't learn, you have nothing of value to teach, you are boring,
    and you are unpleasant ... so I'm done with you for now. Let me
    know if you ever have anything new to say.

    You can lead a horse to water but not keep him from defecating in it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 16 13:15:11 2023
    The word is that the immune system of the vaccinated is indeed already starting to melt down, currently. The demonstrated in vitro sterilizing capacity of anti-bodies, is not taking place in vivo. The clue that this is so, and something else is going on,
    is because otherwise it would be true that the evolution of the virus leads it to have a lower reproductive rate, which makes no sense.

    Praying to God breaks a good mood, and a bad mood, it is a mood killer.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 17:30:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:
    It is the truth that you are all going out of your way to marginalize subjectivity, resulting in bad personal opinions, weird ideology, and mental illness. Causing catastophic harm.

    What you tend to do is catastrophize or cognitively distort based on stuff you’re projecting onto labeled others like “evolutionists”, which is subjectivity gone haywire. You are indeed “making superficial argument based on a mood”. If only you had a mirror.

    If you were right our vaccinated immune systems would be melting down by
    now or some other ridiculous hyperbole you concocted in your reality deprived mind.

    When looking at the discourse of lauded virology experts in the covid crisis, and politicians back here in my country, it is very clear to me that they are making superficial argument based on a mood. Actually they argue the same as evolutionists here do. Their emotional basis is underdeveloped, they are not careful in considering things, they do not prime their emotions for honesty, because they are completely clueless intellectually, about how subjectivity works.

    So they have the mood of positivity that science and technology will be able to handle the pandemic, and then they make superficial arguments towards that mood. Resulting in bad judgments, which results in mass death.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 13:35:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    Abner <abneri...@gmail.com> wrote:
    Nando wrote:
    You aren't actually reasoning, you are just denying.

    Everything in your post was you repeating failed arguments again. You >>> still don't know what I have to say on these issues, and I'm tired of trying
    to teach you a viewpoint other than your own - you have no interest in >>> what anyone else has to say and just ignore it.

    You can't learn, you have nothing of value to teach, you are boring,
    and you are unpleasant ... so I'm done with you for now. Let me
    know if you ever have anything new to say.

    You can lead a horse to water but not keep him from defecating in it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Sat Sep 16 23:37:41 2023
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com> wrote:
    The word is that the immune system of the vaccinated is indeed already starting to melt down, currently. The demonstrated in vitro sterilizing capacity of anti-bodies, is not taking place in vivo. The clue that this
    is so, and something else is going on, is because otherwise it would be
    true that the evolution of the virus leads it to have a lower
    reproductive rate, which makes no sense.

    Do you have any solid evidence of this that could convince me not to get
    the coming updated COVID booster with a flu shot. Thanks. Otherwise a day
    of misery for me.

    Praying to God breaks a good mood, and a bad mood, it is a mood killer.

    Not really a shining endorsement for that either. You might want to work on your promotional skills a bit.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 17:30:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:
    It is the truth that you are all going out of your way to marginalize
    subjectivity, resulting in bad personal opinions, weird ideology, and
    mental illness. Causing catastophic harm.

    What you tend to do is catastrophize or cognitively distort based on stuff >> you’re projecting onto labeled others like “evolutionists”, which is >> subjectivity gone haywire. You are indeed “making superficial argument
    based on a mood”. If only you had a mirror.

    If you were right our vaccinated immune systems would be melting down by
    now or some other ridiculous hyperbole you concocted in your reality
    deprived mind.

    When looking at the discourse of lauded virology experts in the covid
    crisis, and politicians back here in my country, it is very clear to me
    that they are making superficial argument based on a mood. Actually they >>> argue the same as evolutionists here do. Their emotional basis is
    underdeveloped, they are not careful in considering things, they do not
    prime their emotions for honesty, because they are completely clueless
    intellectually, about how subjectivity works.

    So they have the mood of positivity that science and technology will be
    able to handle the pandemic, and then they make superficial arguments
    towards that mood. Resulting in bad judgments, which results in mass death. >>>

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 13:35:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*: >>>> Abner <abneri...@gmail.com> wrote:
    Nando wrote:
    You aren't actually reasoning, you are just denying.

    Everything in your post was you repeating failed arguments again. You >>>>> still don't know what I have to say on these issues, and I'm tired of trying
    to teach you a viewpoint other than your own - you have no interest in >>>>> what anyone else has to say and just ignore it.

    You can't learn, you have nothing of value to teach, you are boring, >>>>> and you are unpleasant ... so I'm done with you for now. Let me
    know if you ever have anything new to say.

    You can lead a horse to water but not keep him from defecating in it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nando Ronteltap@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 17 23:07:18 2023
    It is certain fact that there is much evolution of the virus, and not just a bit of drift. Which is not normal. Which obviously means the mass vaccination is driving the evolution.So that way it is certain that vaccination is wrong. So you should just
    start taking generic antivirals.

    Op zondag 17 september 2023 om 01:40:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:
    The word is that the immune system of the vaccinated is indeed already starting to melt down, currently. The demonstrated in vitro sterilizing capacity of anti-bodies, is not taking place in vivo. The clue that this is so, and something else is going on, is because otherwise it would be true that the evolution of the virus leads it to have a lower
    reproductive rate, which makes no sense.

    Do you have any solid evidence of this that could convince me not to get
    the coming updated COVID booster with a flu shot. Thanks. Otherwise a day
    of misery for me.

    Praying to God breaks a good mood, and a bad mood, it is a mood killer.

    Not really a shining endorsement for that either. You might want to work on your promotional skills a bit.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 17:30:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:
    It is the truth that you are all going out of your way to marginalize >>> subjectivity, resulting in bad personal opinions, weird ideology, and >>> mental illness. Causing catastophic harm.

    What you tend to do is catastrophize or cognitively distort based on stuff
    you’re projecting onto labeled others like “evolutionists”, which is
    subjectivity gone haywire. You are indeed “making superficial argument >> based on a mood”. If only you had a mirror.

    If you were right our vaccinated immune systems would be melting down by >> now or some other ridiculous hyperbole you concocted in your reality
    deprived mind.

    When looking at the discourse of lauded virology experts in the covid >>> crisis, and politicians back here in my country, it is very clear to me >>> that they are making superficial argument based on a mood. Actually they >>> argue the same as evolutionists here do. Their emotional basis is
    underdeveloped, they are not careful in considering things, they do not >>> prime their emotions for honesty, because they are completely clueless >>> intellectually, about how subjectivity works.

    So they have the mood of positivity that science and technology will be >>> able to handle the pandemic, and then they make superficial arguments >>> towards that mood. Resulting in bad judgments, which results in mass death.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 13:35:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*: >>>> Abner <abneri...@gmail.com> wrote:
    Nando wrote:
    You aren't actually reasoning, you are just denying.

    Everything in your post was you repeating failed arguments again. You >>>>> still don't know what I have to say on these issues, and I'm tired of trying
    to teach you a viewpoint other than your own - you have no interest in >>>>> what anyone else has to say and just ignore it.

    You can't learn, you have nothing of value to teach, you are boring, >>>>> and you are unpleasant ... so I'm done with you for now. Let me
    know if you ever have anything new to say.

    You can lead a horse to water but not keep him from defecating in it. >>>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to Nando Ronteltap on Mon Sep 18 22:44:37 2023
    Nando Ronteltap <nando_ronteltap@live.nl> wrote:
    It is certain fact that there is much evolution of the virus, and not
    just a bit of drift. Which is not normal. Which obviously means the mass vaccination is driving the evolution.So that way it is certain that vaccination is wrong. So you should just start taking generic antivirals.

    So in reverse Nando-speak I should go ahead and get both my updated
    Spikevax shot along with my flu shot tomorrow. Thanks. If I do start
    melting down you folks might not hear from me in a while.

    Op zondag 17 september 2023 om 01:40:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:
    The word is that the immune system of the vaccinated is indeed already
    starting to melt down, currently. The demonstrated in vitro sterilizing
    capacity of anti-bodies, is not taking place in vivo. The clue that this >>> is so, and something else is going on, is because otherwise it would be
    true that the evolution of the virus leads it to have a lower
    reproductive rate, which makes no sense.

    Do you have any solid evidence of this that could convince me not to get
    the coming updated COVID booster with a flu shot. Thanks. Otherwise a day
    of misery for me.

    Praying to God breaks a good mood, and a bad mood, it is a mood killer.

    Not really a shining endorsement for that either. You might want to work on >> your promotional skills a bit.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 17:30:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*: >>>> mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:
    It is the truth that you are all going out of your way to marginalize >>>>> subjectivity, resulting in bad personal opinions, weird ideology, and >>>>> mental illness. Causing catastophic harm.

    What you tend to do is catastrophize or cognitively distort based on stuff >>>> you’re projecting onto labeled others like “evolutionists”, which is >>>> subjectivity gone haywire. You are indeed “making superficial argument >>>> based on a mood”. If only you had a mirror.

    If you were right our vaccinated immune systems would be melting down by >>>> now or some other ridiculous hyperbole you concocted in your reality
    deprived mind.

    When looking at the discourse of lauded virology experts in the covid >>>>> crisis, and politicians back here in my country, it is very clear to me >>>>> that they are making superficial argument based on a mood. Actually they >>>>> argue the same as evolutionists here do. Their emotional basis is
    underdeveloped, they are not careful in considering things, they do not >>>>> prime their emotions for honesty, because they are completely clueless >>>>> intellectually, about how subjectivity works.

    So they have the mood of positivity that science and technology will be >>>>> able to handle the pandemic, and then they make superficial arguments >>>>> towards that mood. Resulting in bad judgments, which results in mass death.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 13:35:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*: >>>>>> Abner <abneri...@gmail.com> wrote:
    Nando wrote:
    You aren't actually reasoning, you are just denying.

    Everything in your post was you repeating failed arguments again. You >>>>>>> still don't know what I have to say on these issues, and I'm tired of trying
    to teach you a viewpoint other than your own - you have no interest in >>>>>>> what anyone else has to say and just ignore it.

    You can't learn, you have nothing of value to teach, you are boring, >>>>>>> and you are unpleasant ... so I'm done with you for now. Let me
    know if you ever have anything new to say.

    You can lead a horse to water but not keep him from defecating in it. >>>>>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From talk.origins@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 19 07:06:23 2023
    The enemies of reason destroying themselves. There are dozens of bad judgments in the vaccination madness. Some random things I just learned about, vaccines are ideally shortlived and local. MRNA vaccines in their operation are neither short lived, nor
    local. It is all complete insanity, brought to you by the people who don't know how to be "careful", to discern what is "important", or to prime their emtions for "honesty". People who have a dampened sullen spirit, because of being clueless about how
    subjectivity works.

    There is a direct link to the work that evolutionists have done on talkorigins, and subjectivity becoming marginalized, and also mangled, in academics. And now we will all inherent the wind again of what was sown, as we did with the nazis.

    Op dinsdag 19 september 2023 om 00:50:40 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    Nando Ronteltap <nando_r...@live.nl> wrote:
    It is certain fact that there is much evolution of the virus, and not
    just a bit of drift. Which is not normal. Which obviously means the mass vaccination is driving the evolution.So that way it is certain that vaccination is wrong. So you should just start taking generic antivirals.

    So in reverse Nando-speak I should go ahead and get both my updated
    Spikevax shot along with my flu shot tomorrow. Thanks. If I do start
    melting down you folks might not hear from me in a while.

    Op zondag 17 september 2023 om 01:40:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:
    The word is that the immune system of the vaccinated is indeed already >>> starting to melt down, currently. The demonstrated in vitro sterilizing >>> capacity of anti-bodies, is not taking place in vivo. The clue that this >>> is so, and something else is going on, is because otherwise it would be >>> true that the evolution of the virus leads it to have a lower
    reproductive rate, which makes no sense.

    Do you have any solid evidence of this that could convince me not to get >> the coming updated COVID booster with a flu shot. Thanks. Otherwise a day >> of misery for me.

    Praying to God breaks a good mood, and a bad mood, it is a mood killer. >>>
    Not really a shining endorsement for that either. You might want to work on
    your promotional skills a bit.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 17:30:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*: >>>> mohammad...@gmail.com <mohammad...@gmail.com> wrote:
    It is the truth that you are all going out of your way to marginalize >>>>> subjectivity, resulting in bad personal opinions, weird ideology, and >>>>> mental illness. Causing catastophic harm.

    What you tend to do is catastrophize or cognitively distort based on stuff
    you’re projecting onto labeled others like “evolutionists”, which is
    subjectivity gone haywire. You are indeed “making superficial argument
    based on a mood”. If only you had a mirror.

    If you were right our vaccinated immune systems would be melting down by
    now or some other ridiculous hyperbole you concocted in your reality >>>> deprived mind.

    When looking at the discourse of lauded virology experts in the covid >>>>> crisis, and politicians back here in my country, it is very clear to me
    that they are making superficial argument based on a mood. Actually they
    argue the same as evolutionists here do. Their emotional basis is >>>>> underdeveloped, they are not careful in considering things, they do not
    prime their emotions for honesty, because they are completely clueless >>>>> intellectually, about how subjectivity works.

    So they have the mood of positivity that science and technology will be
    able to handle the pandemic, and then they make superficial arguments >>>>> towards that mood. Resulting in bad judgments, which results in mass death.

    Op zaterdag 16 september 2023 om 13:35:38 UTC+2 schreef *Hemidactylus*:
    Abner <abneri...@gmail.com> wrote:
    Nando wrote:
    You aren't actually reasoning, you are just denying.

    Everything in your post was you repeating failed arguments again. You
    still don't know what I have to say on these issues, and I'm tired of trying
    to teach you a viewpoint other than your own - you have no interest in
    what anyone else has to say and just ignore it.

    You can't learn, you have nothing of value to teach, you are boring, >>>>>>> and you are unpleasant ... so I'm done with you for now. Let me >>>>>>> know if you ever have anything new to say.

    You can lead a horse to water but not keep him from defecating in it. >>>>>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)