• You are all liars, obviously.

    From Nando Ronteltap@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 7 16:56:16 2023
    The creationist conceptual scheme works perfectly fine.

    1. Creator / chooses / spiritual / subjective / opinion
    2. Creation / chosen / material / objective / fact

    Where subjective means, identified with a chosen opinion, and objective means, identified with a model of it. And most importantly, choosing is defined in terms of spontaneity, that in the moment a decision can turn out one way or another.

    The concepts of fact and opinion are the fundamentals of reasoning. So that all of you are basically enemies of reason in rejecting it. As is totally obvious when you read anything Harry Krishna writes, that he is an enemy of reason.

    The creationist conceptual scheme is very, very important knowledge, because reasoning is just very important. It is so stupid that you are all against it. It is such a disgrace. You're all accused, and all found guilty.

    I try ofcourse, to see things from your side. But then if I was on your side, then I would just rationally verify what the logic of fact is, and what the logic of opinion is.

    And it is very obvious that the logic of fact is about modelling things. And a little less obvious, but still obvious, that the logic of opinion is about identifying a decision maker, with a chosen opinion.

    To say someone is courageous, the opinion is chosen. It would be equally valid to choose the opinion that this person is not courageous. And the opinion obviously applies to who this person is as being a decision maker.

    So then, it is checked, it works, the creationist conceptual scheme is fine.

    But when I look at how you all approach the issue of the creationist conceptual scheme, there is absolutely nothing rational about your approach to it.

    And I keep saying it, you cause very serious harm by fundamentally undermining the fundamentals of reasoning. Cause bad personal opinoins, weird ideology, and mental illness.

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