• Re: longitudinal arch of human foot

    From Pro Plyd@21:1/5 to marc verhaegen on Fri Jul 28 23:34:17 2023
    marc verhaegen wrote:

    I posted this in April and formatted it better than
    you did and the abstract in its entirety which
    you apparently were afraid to do.

    I also included the link which you seemed also afraid
    to do...

    Published: 05 January 2023

    The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as
    a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking and running.
    Fossil footprints from Laetoli, Tanzania, and Ileret,
    Kenya, are believed to provide direct evidence of
    longitudinally arched feet in hominins from the
    Pliocene and Pleistocene, respectively. We studied
    the dynamics of track formation using biplanar X-ray,
    three-dimensional animation and discrete element
    particle simulation. Here, we demonstrate that
    longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    of foot anatomy; instead they are generated through a
    specific pattern of foot kinematics that is
    characteristic of human walking. Analyses of fossil
    hominin tracks from Laetoli show only partial evidence
    of this walking style, with a similar heel strike but
    a different pattern of propulsion. The earliest known
    evidence for fully modern human-like bipedal kinematics
    comes from the early Pleistocene Ileret tracks, which
    were presumably made by members of the genus Homo. This
    result signals important differences in the foot
    kinematics recorded at Laetoli and Ileret and underscores
    an emerging picture of locomotor diversity within the
    hominin clade.

    "The longitudinal arch is often cited as an important
    evolutionary innovation of the human foot that contributed
    to proficient bipedal walking and adept endurance running
    in our fossil relatives..."

    "Given the challenges of interpreting arches from fossil
    feet, the Laetoli and Ileret tracks are considered the
    least equivocal evidence for a deep history of
    longitudinally arched foot morphologies in hominin

    "While isolated analyses of skeletal fossils have
    generated conflicting interpretations about whether
    the A. afarensis foot functioned like that of a modern
    human, our analysis of the arched Laetoli footprints
    provides a unique kinematic synthesis. Brought into view
    through this new lens is a pattern of foot function and
    bipedal locomotion that was human-like in some ways
    yet still importantly different."

    "In contrast, 1.5 Ma tracks from Ileret, Kenya, preserve
    the earliest evidence for a fully human-like pattern of
    foot kinematics. Tracks from Ileret (total n = 4 from
    three trackways) have RAVs where we would expect similarly
    deep modern human tracks to fall (Fig. 4a). These data
    provide new evidence to support inferences of human-like
    foot kinematics in Homo erectus. We emphasize, however,
    that our track ontogeny results simultaneously invalidate
    direct association between arched footprint morphology and
    arched foot anatomy at Ileret11. In contrast with the
    Laetoli examples above, it appears that the Ileret tracks
    are fully consistent with not only a heel–sole–toe rollover
    pattern but also a pattern of forefoot propulsion closer to
    that observed in modern humans."

    "The results of our track analyses suggest that important
    changes to foot anatomy and function occurred at or before
    the emergence of the genus Homo, where a suite of postcranial
    changes could correspond to selective influences of locomotor
    behaviours such as long-distance walking or endurance running."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to Pro Plyd on Sun Jul 30 01:47:24 2023
    Pro Plyd wrote:

    The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as
    a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking and running.

    Bipedalism stretches back MILLIONS of years prior to the
    evolution of the first Homo. The arch is not present until
    significantly later. Clearly what is stated here is falsified.

    It's bullshit.

    What's more: This has been pointed out to you REPEATEDLY.

    You are dogmatic. Stupid, yes, but dogmatic. You're not
    thinking, you're not "Arguing" you're trying to enforce your
    dogma, and looking stupid for the effort.

    Fossil footprints from Laetoli, Tanzania, and Ileret,
    Kenya, are believed to provide direct evidence of
    longitudinally arched feet in hominins from the
    Pliocene and Pleistocene, respectively.
    Here, we demonstrate that
    longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    of foot anatomy

    And I'm not exaggerating here in the least! You're
    cite DOES NOT say what you think it says. It's actually
    supporting the good Doctor.

    It's consistent with the good Doctor's position, and
    entirely inconsistent with your own. AND THIS HAS
    threads. You're just too far gone to adapt to reality.

    You're a goddamn idiot!

    Have a nice day.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From marc verhaegen@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 31 07:50:13 2023
    An idiot who believes his anestor ran after kudus repeated this nonsense:


    Arched footprints preserve the motions of fossil hominin feet
    Kevin G Hatala cs 2023 Nat.Ecol.Evol.7:32-41
    The longitudinal arch of the Hs foot is viewed (:-DDD yes, by kudu runners --mv) as a pivotal adaptation for BP walking & running.
    Fossil footprints (Laetoli-Tanzania vs Ileret-Kenya) are believed to provide direct evidence of longitudinally arched feet (Plio- vs Pleist.hominins).
    We studied the dynamics of track-fm (biplanar RX, 3Dl animation, discrete element particle simulation):
    longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators of foot anatomy:
    they are generated thru specific pattern of foot kinematics, characteristic of human walking.
    Analyses of Laetoli hominin tracks show only partial evidence of this walking-style: similar heel-strike, but different pattern of propulsion.
    The earliest known evidence for Hs-like BP kinematics comes from the early-Pleistocene Ileret tracks, presumably made by Homo.
    This result
    - signals important differences in the foot kinematics recorded at Laetoli & Ileret,
    - underscores an emerging picture of hominin locomotor diversity.

    Yes, of course, human walking is very special:
    - Miocene Hominoidea were already BP aquarboreals. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169534702024904
    - Using the word "hominin" presupposes australopiths as closer relatives of Homo than of Pan or Gorilla = wrong, see my Hum.Evol.papers 1994 & 1996.
    - The Miocene footprints of Trachilos (Medit.Sea-coast) were already BP. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=trachilos+footprints
    - Gibbons are still vertical.
    - Cursorial mammals never have longitudinal foot arches: they run on nails=hooves or toes.
    - There's 0 evidence of correlation of BPity with longitudinal arches in other tetrapods.

    The kudu runners neglect all these facts:
    they're too stupid to answer these.

    How our foot-arch evolved is clear, e.g.
    - wading-climbing Mio-Pliocene Hominoidea https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169534702024904
    - wading-diving early-Pleistocene H.erectus https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21741646/
    - wading-walking late-Pleistocene Homo https://www.gondwanatalks.com/l/the-waterside-hypothesis-wading-led-to-upright-walking-in-early-humans/

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pro Plyd@21:1/5 to marc verhaegen on Thu Aug 3 15:16:20 2023
    marc verhaegen wrote:
    An idiot who believes his anestor ran after kudus repeated this nonsense:


    Arched footprints preserve the motions of fossil hominin feet

    Here is the actual abstract

    Published: 05 January 2023

    The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as
    a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking and running.
    Fossil footprints from Laetoli, Tanzania, and Ileret,
    Kenya, are believed to provide direct evidence of
    longitudinally arched feet in hominins from the
    Pliocene and Pleistocene, respectively. We studied
    the dynamics of track formation using biplanar X-ray,
    three-dimensional animation and discrete element
    particle simulation. Here, we demonstrate that
    longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    of foot anatomy; instead they are generated through a
    specific pattern of foot kinematics that is
    characteristic of human walking. Analyses of fossil
    hominin tracks from Laetoli show only partial evidence
    of this walking style, with a similar heel strike but
    a different pattern of propulsion. The earliest known
    evidence for fully modern human-like bipedal kinematics
    comes from the early Pleistocene Ileret tracks, which
    were presumably made by members of the genus Homo. This
    result signals important differences in the foot
    kinematics recorded at Laetoli and Ileret and underscores
    an emerging picture of locomotor diversity within the
    hominin clade.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pro Plyd@21:1/5 to JTEM is my hero on Thu Aug 3 15:14:22 2023
    JTEM is my hero wrote:
    Pro Plyd wrote:

    The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as
    a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking and running.

    Bipedalism stretches back MILLIONS of years prior to the

    Every bird on the planet is bipedal. Bipedalism goes back to the

    You are dogmatic. Stupid, yes, but dogmatic. You're not
    thinking, you're not "Arguing" you're trying to enforce your
    dogma, and looking stupid for the effort.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Casanova@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 3 16:54:05 2023
    On Thu, 3 Aug 2023 15:16:20 -0600, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by Pro Plyd <invalide@invalid.invalid>:

    marc verhaegen wrote:
    An idiot who believes his anestor ran after kudus repeated this nonsense:


    Arched footprints preserve the motions of fossil hominin feet

    Here is the actual abstract

    Published: 05 January 2023

    The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as
    a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking and running.
    Fossil footprints from Laetoli, Tanzania, and Ileret,
    Kenya, are believed to provide direct evidence of
    longitudinally arched feet in hominins from the
    Pliocene and Pleistocene, respectively. We studied
    the dynamics of track formation using biplanar X-ray,
    three-dimensional animation and discrete element
    particle simulation. Here, we demonstrate that
    longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    of foot anatomy; instead they are generated through a
    specific pattern of foot kinematics that is
    characteristic of human walking. Analyses of fossil
    hominin tracks from Laetoli show only partial evidence
    of this walking style, with a similar heel strike but
    a different pattern of propulsion. The earliest known
    evidence for fully modern human-like bipedal kinematics
    comes from the early Pleistocene Ileret tracks, which
    were presumably made by members of the genus Homo. This
    result signals important differences in the foot
    kinematics recorded at Laetoli and Ileret and underscores
    an emerging picture of locomotor diversity within the
    hominin clade.

    But all you have are evidence, studies, and rigorous
    analysis. He has *conviction*! And a *superiority complex*!
    And a *medical doctor* (IOW. a bio-mechanic)! There's simply
    no contest!


    Bob C.

    "The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
    the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
    'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

    - Isaac Asimov

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to Bob Casanova on Sun Aug 6 21:30:10 2023
    Gee whiz, exact same stupid mistake, based on the exact same
    lack of reading comprehension, coming from more than one
    alter... as if the same mentally ill moron is behind the different

    Bob Casanova wrote:

    Here, we demonstrate that
    longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    of foot anatomy; instead they are generated through a
    specific pattern of foot kinematics that is
    characteristic of human walking.

    Wow. You quoted proof that the good Doctor is right, that
    bipedalism can't explain "longitudinally arched footprints"
    as they only appear in our ancestors after MILLIONS OF
    YEARS of bipedal locomotion.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 6 21:25:19 2023
    Pro Plyd wrote:


    According to you, in this thread, you can't follow a conversation, the
    context is lost on you immediately i..e. never grasped in the first

    And you can't read your own cite! It's supporting the good Doctor,
    and you think it's refuting him, you're such an idiot!

    Stop trying.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to Pro Plyd on Sun Aug 6 21:27:20 2023
    Pro Plyd wrote:

    Here is the actual abstract https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-022-01929-2
    Published: 05 January 2023

    : Here, we demonstrate that
    : longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    : of foot anatomy

    There. Your own cite disproves you.

    Your own cite proves you're an idiot.

    Your own cite supports the good Doctor and thoroughly
    refutes you.

    ...you're just too far gone to grasp a word of it.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From marc verhaegen@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 10 01:17:59 2023
    Op donderdag 3 augustus 2023 om 23:21:01 UTC+2 schreef Pro Plyd:
    marc verhaegen wrote:
    An idiot who believes his anestor ran after kudus repeated this nonsense:


    Arched footprints preserve the motions of fossil hominin feet

    Somebody who doesn't understand the word "viewed":
    "The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking & running."
    Only incredible imbeciles believe that flat feet + short toes are for running. They confuse cause & consequence:
    we sometimes try to run fast *in spite of* our flat feet.
    Ostriches & kangaroos run & jump on their toes.
    Hooved mammals run fast (>2x as fast as Hs) on their hooves = nails!
    Carnivores need claws: they don't run on their nails, but on their digits. Swimming & wading tetrapods have flat feet = plantigrady.
    This beautifully confirms: we evolved from aquarboreal->littoral->wading-walking:


    Prejudiced paper from people who believe they descend from Lucy:

    Here is the actual abstract https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-022-01929-2
    Published: 05 January 2023
    The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as
    a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking and running.
    Fossil footprints from Laetoli, Tanzania, and Ileret,
    Kenya, are believed to provide direct evidence of
    longitudinally arched feet in hominins from the
    Pliocene and Pleistocene, respectively. We studied
    the dynamics of track formation using biplanar X-ray,
    three-dimensional animation and discrete element
    particle simulation. Here, we demonstrate that
    longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    of foot anatomy; instead they are generated through a
    specific pattern of foot kinematics that is
    characteristic of human walking. Analyses of fossil
    hominin tracks from Laetoli show only partial evidence
    of this walking style, with a similar heel strike but
    a different pattern of propulsion. The earliest known
    evidence for fully modern human-like bipedal kinematics
    comes from the early Pleistocene Ileret tracks, which
    were presumably made by members of the genus Homo. This
    result signals important differences in the foot
    kinematics recorded at Laetoli and Ileret and underscores
    an emerging picture of locomotor diversity within the
    hominin clade.

    Retroviral DNA shows Pliocene human ancestors were not even in Africa, as everybody knows!
    Lucy Praeanthropus afarensis was a fossil relative of Gorilla, of course, e.g. • “Incisal dental microwear in A.afarensis is most similar to that observed in Gorilla”. Ryan & Johanson 1989.
    • The composite skull reconstructed mostly from A.L.333 spms “looked very much like a small female gorilla”. Johanson & Edey 1981:351.
    • “Other primitive [= advanced gorilla-like --mv] features found in KNM-WT 17000, but not know or much discussed for A.afarensis, are: very small cranial capacity; low posterior profile of the calvaria; nasals extended far above the frontomaxillar
    suture and well onto an uninflated glabella; and extremely convex inferolateral margins of the orbits such as found in some gorillas”. Walker cs 1986.
    • As for the maximum parietal breadth & the biauriculare in O.H.5 & KNM-ER 406 “the robust australopithecines have values near the Gorilla mean: both the pongids and the robust australopithecines have highly pneumatized bases”. Kennedy 1991.
    • In O.H.5, “the curious and characteristic features of the Paranthropus skull... parallel some of those of the gorilla”. Robinson 1960.
    • The A.boisei “lineage has been characterized by sexual dimorphism of the degree seen in modern Gorilla for the length of its known history”. Leakey & Walker 1988.
    • A.boisei teeth showed “a relative absence of prism decussation”; among extant hominoids, “Gorilla enamel showed relatively little decussation ...”. Beynon & Wood 1986.
    Only incredible imbeciles still believe they descend from Lucy.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?w5bDtiBUaWli?=@21:1/5 to marc verhaegen on Thu Aug 10 02:41:12 2023
    On Thursday, 10 August 2023 at 11:21:09 UTC+3, marc verhaegen wrote:
    Op donderdag 3 augustus 2023 om 23:21:01 UTC+2 schreef Pro Plyd:
    marc verhaegen wrote:
    An idiot who believes his anestor ran after kudus repeated this nonsense:


    Arched footprints preserve the motions of fossil hominin feet
    Somebody who doesn't understand the word "viewed":
    "The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking & running."
    Only incredible imbeciles believe that flat feet + short toes are for running.
    They confuse cause & consequence:
    we sometimes try to run fast *in spite of* our flat feet.
    Ostriches & kangaroos run & jump on their toes.
    Hooved mammals run fast (>2x as fast as Hs) on their hooves = nails! Carnivores need claws: they don't run on their nails, but on their digits. Swimming & wading tetrapods have flat feet = plantigrady.
    This beautifully confirms: we evolved from aquarboreal->littoral->wading-walking:


    Prejudiced paper from people who believe they descend from Lucy:

    So nature.com are prejudiced people and full truth is from
    sole person blogging on gondwanatalks.com? Possible, but

    Here is the actual abstract https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-022-01929-2
    Published: 05 January 2023
    The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as
    a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking and running.
    Fossil footprints from Laetoli, Tanzania, and Ileret,
    Kenya, are believed to provide direct evidence of
    longitudinally arched feet in hominins from the
    Pliocene and Pleistocene, respectively. We studied
    the dynamics of track formation using biplanar X-ray,
    three-dimensional animation and discrete element
    particle simulation. Here, we demonstrate that
    longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    of foot anatomy; instead they are generated through a
    specific pattern of foot kinematics that is
    characteristic of human walking. Analyses of fossil
    hominin tracks from Laetoli show only partial evidence
    of this walking style, with a similar heel strike but
    a different pattern of propulsion. The earliest known
    evidence for fully modern human-like bipedal kinematics
    comes from the early Pleistocene Ileret tracks, which
    were presumably made by members of the genus Homo. This
    result signals important differences in the foot
    kinematics recorded at Laetoli and Ileret and underscores
    an emerging picture of locomotor diversity within the
    hominin clade.
    Retroviral DNA shows Pliocene human ancestors were not even in Africa, as everybody knows!

    Who are those everybody and how they know? Do retroviruses
    always infect all species on same continent?

    Lucy Praeanthropus afarensis was a fossil relative of Gorilla, of course, e.g.
    • “Incisal dental microwear in A.afarensis is most similar to that observed in Gorilla”. Ryan & Johanson 1989.
    • The composite skull reconstructed mostly from A.L.333 spms “looked very much like a small female gorilla”. Johanson & Edey 1981:351.

    Dental microwear indicates diet not specie and looking at 7 pieces
    with most of actual skull missing leave too lot to imagination: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_(Australopithecus)#/media/File:Lucy_(Frankfurt_am_Main).jpg>
    Does someone say that Selam's skull <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selam_(Australopithecus)#/media/File:SelamAustralopithecus.jpg>
    or Taung Child's <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taung_Child#/media/File:Australopithecus_africanus_-_Cast_of_taung_child_Face.jpg>
    skull looks very much like gorilla?

    • “Other primitive [= advanced gorilla-like --mv] features found in KNM-WT 17000, but not know or much discussed for A.afarensis, are: very small cranial capacity; low posterior profile of the calvaria; nasals extended far above the frontomaxillar
    suture and well onto an uninflated glabella; and extremely convex inferolateral margins of the orbits such as found in some gorillas”. Walker cs 1986.
    • As for the maximum parietal breadth & the biauriculare in O.H.5 & KNM-ER 406 “the robust australopithecines have values near the Gorilla mean: both the pongids and the robust australopithecines have highly pneumatized bases”. Kennedy 1991.
    • In O.H.5, “the curious and characteristic features of the Paranthropus skull... parallel some of those of the gorilla”. Robinson 1960.
    • The A.boisei “lineage has been characterized by sexual dimorphism of the degree seen in modern Gorilla for the length of its known history”. Leakey & Walker 1988.
    • A.boisei teeth showed “a relative absence of prism decussation”; among extant hominoids, “Gorilla enamel showed relatively little decussation ...”. Beynon & Wood 1986.
    Only incredible imbeciles still believe they descend from Lucy.

    You can only discredit yourself by making such immature remarks.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Casanova@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 10 08:34:37 2023
    On Thu, 10 Aug 2023 02:41:12 -0700 (PDT), the following
    appeared in talk.origins, posted by Tiib <ootiib@hot.ee>:

    On Thursday, 10 August 2023 at 11:21:09 UTC+3, marc verhaegen wrote:
    Op donderdag 3 augustus 2023 om 23:21:01 UTC+2 schreef Pro Plyd:
    marc verhaegen wrote:
    An idiot who believes his anestor ran after kudus repeated this nonsense:


    Arched footprints preserve the motions of fossil hominin feet
    Somebody who doesn't understand the word "viewed":
    "The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking & running."
    Only incredible imbeciles believe that flat feet + short toes are for running.
    They confuse cause & consequence:
    we sometimes try to run fast *in spite of* our flat feet.
    Ostriches & kangaroos run & jump on their toes.
    Hooved mammals run fast (>2x as fast as Hs) on their hooves = nails!
    Carnivores need claws: they don't run on their nails, but on their digits. >> Swimming & wading tetrapods have flat feet = plantigrady.
    This beautifully confirms: we evolved from aquarboreal->littoral->wading-walking:


    Prejudiced paper from people who believe they descend from Lucy:

    So nature.com are prejudiced people and full truth is from
    sole person blogging on gondwanatalks.com? Possible, but

    Here is the actual abstract
    Published: 05 January 2023
    The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as
    a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking and running.
    Fossil footprints from Laetoli, Tanzania, and Ileret,
    Kenya, are believed to provide direct evidence of
    longitudinally arched feet in hominins from the
    Pliocene and Pleistocene, respectively. We studied
    the dynamics of track formation using biplanar X-ray,
    three-dimensional animation and discrete element
    particle simulation. Here, we demonstrate that
    longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    of foot anatomy; instead they are generated through a
    specific pattern of foot kinematics that is
    characteristic of human walking. Analyses of fossil
    hominin tracks from Laetoli show only partial evidence
    of this walking style, with a similar heel strike but
    a different pattern of propulsion. The earliest known
    evidence for fully modern human-like bipedal kinematics
    comes from the early Pleistocene Ileret tracks, which
    were presumably made by members of the genus Homo. This
    result signals important differences in the foot
    kinematics recorded at Laetoli and Ileret and underscores
    an emerging picture of locomotor diversity within the
    hominin clade.
    Retroviral DNA shows Pliocene human ancestors were not even in Africa, as everybody knows!

    Who are those everybody and how they know? Do retroviruses
    always infect all species on same continent?

    Lucy Praeanthropus afarensis was a fossil relative of Gorilla, of course, e.g.
    Incisal dental microwear in A.afarensis is most similar to that observed in Gorilla. Ryan & Johanson 1989.
    The composite skull reconstructed mostly from A.L.333 spms looked very much like a small female gorilla. Johanson & Edey 1981:351.

    Dental microwear indicates diet not specie and looking at 7 pieces
    with most of actual skull missing leave too lot to imagination: ><https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_(Australopithecus)#/media/File:Lucy_(Frankfurt_am_Main).jpg>
    Does someone say that Selam's skull ><https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selam_(Australopithecus)#/media/File:SelamAustralopithecus.jpg>
    or Taung Child's ><https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taung_Child#/media/File:Australopithecus_africanus_-_Cast_of_taung_child_Face.jpg>
    skull looks very much like gorilla?

    Other primitive [= advanced gorilla-like --mv] features found in KNM-WT 17000, but not know or much discussed for A.afarensis, are: very small cranial capacity; low posterior profile of the calvaria; nasals extended far above the frontomaxillar
    suture and well onto an uninflated glabella; and extremely convex inferolateral margins of the orbits such as found in some gorillas. Walker cs 1986.
    As for the maximum parietal breadth & the biauriculare in O.H.5 & KNM-ER 406 the robust australopithecines have values near the Gorilla mean: both the pongids and the robust australopithecines have highly pneumatized bases. Kennedy 1991.
    In O.H.5, the curious and characteristic features of the Paranthropus skull... parallel some of those of the gorilla. Robinson 1960.
    The A.boisei lineage has been characterized by sexual dimorphism of the degree seen in modern Gorilla for the length of its known history. Leakey & Walker 1988.
    A.boisei teeth showed a relative absence of prism decussation; among extant hominoids, Gorilla enamel showed relatively little decussation .... Beynon & Wood 1986.
    Only incredible imbeciles still believe they descend from Lucy.

    You can only discredit yourself by making such immature remarks.

    Just a note: Adding "further" after "yourself" would make
    your comment more accurate. Discrediting him is similar to
    making the ocean wet.


    Bob C.

    "The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
    the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
    'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

    - Isaac Asimov

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pro Plyd@21:1/5 to Bob Casanova on Fri Sep 1 20:31:16 2023
    Bob Casanova wrote:
    On Thu, 3 Aug 2023 15:16:20 -0600, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by Pro Plyd <invalide@invalid.invalid>:

    marc verhaegen wrote:
    An idiot who believes his anestor ran after kudus repeated this nonsense: >>>

    Arched footprints preserve the motions of fossil hominin feet

    Here is the actual abstract

    Published: 05 January 2023

    The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as
    a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking and running.
    Fossil footprints from Laetoli, Tanzania, and Ileret,
    Kenya, are believed to provide direct evidence of
    longitudinally arched feet in hominins from the
    Pliocene and Pleistocene, respectively. We studied
    the dynamics of track formation using biplanar X-ray,
    three-dimensional animation and discrete element
    particle simulation. Here, we demonstrate that
    longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    of foot anatomy; instead they are generated through a
    specific pattern of foot kinematics that is
    characteristic of human walking. Analyses of fossil
    hominin tracks from Laetoli show only partial evidence
    of this walking style, with a similar heel strike but
    a different pattern of propulsion. The earliest known
    evidence for fully modern human-like bipedal kinematics
    comes from the early Pleistocene Ileret tracks, which
    were presumably made by members of the genus Homo. This
    result signals important differences in the foot
    kinematics recorded at Laetoli and Ileret and underscores
    an emerging picture of locomotor diversity within the
    hominin clade.

    But all you have are evidence, studies, and rigorous
    analysis. He has *conviction*! And a *superiority complex*!
    And a *medical doctor* (IOW. a bio-mechanic)! There's simply
    no contest!

    gasp, a touch, I do confess!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pro Plyd@21:1/5 to JDUM is my hero on Fri Sep 1 20:31:56 2023
    JDUM is my hero wrote:

    Not now, jon jon, adults are talking.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pro Plyd@21:1/5 to JTEM is a zero on Fri Sep 1 20:36:17 2023
    JTEM is a zero wrote:
    Pro Plyd wrote:

    Here is the actual abstract
    Published: 05 January 2023

    : Here, we demonstrate that
    : longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    : of foot anatomy

    There. Your own cite disproves you.

    Your own cite proves you're an idiot.

    Your own cite supports the good Doctor and thoroughly
    refutes you.

    It's your groomer's cite. LOL

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pro Plyd@21:1/5 to marc verhaegen on Fri Sep 1 20:37:36 2023
    marc verhaegen wrote:
    Op donderdag 3 augustus 2023 om 23:21:01 UTC+2 schreef Pro Plyd:
    marc verhaegen wrote:
    An idiot who believes his anestor ran after kudus repeated this nonsense: >>>

    Arched footprints preserve the motions of fossil hominin feet

    Somebody who doesn't understand the word "viewed":
    "The longitudinal arch of the human foot is viewed as a pivotal adaptation for bipedal walking & running."
    Only incredible imbeciles believe that flat feet + short toes are for running.

    We don't have flat feet.

    They confuse cause & consequence:
    we sometimes try to run fast *in spite of* our flat feet.

    We don't have flat feet.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to Pro Plyd on Sat Sep 2 12:58:38 2023
    Pro Plyd wrote:

    Check it out, retard, your own cite supports the good Doctor:

    : Here, we demonstrate that
    : longitudinally arched footprints are false indicators
    : of foot anatomy

    So the actual evidence for "Longitudinally arched" feet is *Way*
    younger than bipedalism, like the good Doctor's model would

    Under his model, either the lack of these longitudinally arched
    feet is due to their failure to evolve until a much more recent
    point, or they are associated with a population not represented
    in the sampling ("aquatic ape"). Either way, the longitudinally
    arched feet aren't associated with bipedalism but something

    This is childishly simple: Seeing how bipedalism is conventionally
    dated to as much as five million years earlier than these
    longitudinally arched feet, it would be reasonable to expect them
    to have evolved much early if they were a result of bipedalism, and unreasonable to insist that one was the consequence of the

    Again, incredible simple here... overly simplistic.

    Your own cite proves the good Doctor has a point.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to Pro Plyd on Sat Sep 2 13:00:04 2023
    Pro Plyd wrote:

    We don't have flat feet.

    Our ancestors did, even after MILLIONS of years of
    bipedalism, you idiot.

    What part of "HUMAN ORIGINS" are you having difficulty

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 4 19:22:27 2023
    You're not brite, not one wit, and your own cite establishes
    that your "Longitudinal Arched Feet" aren't associated with
    bipedalism..while the good Doctor posits a precursor &
    you can't.

    This is why you went mental..are still going mental.

    Doesn't matter how much or little you like the good Doctors
    ideas, you literally have no alternative. None. And further
    acting out like a child is never ever going to change this.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to Pro Plyd on Mon Sep 4 19:23:38 2023
    Pro Plyd wrote:

    We don't have flat feet.

    We're talking about our ancestor, you nimrod, and they did
    have flat feet.

    Nice of you to "Keep up" with things..mighty white of you.

    -- --


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pro Plyd@21:1/5 to JTEM is my hero on Sat Sep 9 20:45:16 2023
    JTEM is my hero wrote:
    Pro Plyd wrote:

    We don't have flat feet.

    Our ancestors did, even after MILLIONS of years of
    bipedalism, you idiot.

    And the fossil evidence for that is ->

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pro Plyd@21:1/5 to JTEM is my hero on Sat Sep 9 20:47:08 2023
    JTEM is my hero wrote:
    Pro Plyd wrote:

    We don't have flat feet.

    We're talking about our ancestor, you nimrod, and they did
    have flat feet.

    Replying twice? Maybe you should see if they make a
    child's dosage version of Prevagen...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pro Plyd@21:1/5 to JTEM is my hero on Sat Sep 9 20:59:06 2023
    JTEM is my hero wrote:
    Pro Plyd wrote:


    According to you, in this thread, you can't follow a conversation, the context is lost on you immediately i..e. never grasped in the first

    And you can't read your own cite! It's supporting the good Doctor,
    and you think it's refuting him, you're such an idiot!

    Stop trying.

    It's your groomer's cite.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Casanova@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 10 08:50:02 2023
    On Sat, 9 Sep 2023 20:59:06 -0600, the following appeared in
    talk.origins, posted by Pro Plyd <invalide@invalid.invalid>:

    JTEM is my hero wrote:
    Pro Plyd wrote:


    According to you, in this thread, you can't follow a conversation, the
    context is lost on you immediately i..e. never grasped in the first

    And you can't read your own cite! It's supporting the good Doctor,
    and you think it's refuting him, you're such an idiot!

    Stop trying.

    It's your groomer's cite.


    "groomer's cite"? As contrasted with his and his groomer's



    Bob C.

    "The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
    the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
    'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

    - Isaac Asimov

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JTEM is my hero@21:1/5 to Pro Plyd on Sun Sep 10 13:23:59 2023
    Pro Plyd wrote:

    And the fossil evidence for that is ->

    Your. Our. Goddamn. Cite.

    Try reading it..for the first time ever.

    There are fossilized footprints. They do NOT show the
    arched feet that you pretend to show. YOUR OWN CITE
    SAYS IT!

    Well, on the bright side, at least you idiotically
    inappropriate response wasn't "You first." Not this

    -- --


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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)