• Another world : PNN Dynamo

    From pnn calmagorod@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 24 09:47:54 2023
    The shit orders from PNN Dynamo 😊

    The ZPED (Zero Point Energy Dynamo) otherwise called PNN Dynamo does this by demonstrating that energy and then matter can be extracted from what appears to be NOTHING!
    The PNN Dynamo is based on steady state theory or theory of continuous creation is a non-standard cosmological scenario based on the perfect cosmological principle which was proposed in 1948 by Fred Hoyle, Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold as an alternative to
    the Big Bang theory. Steady-state theory postulates that the universe maintains the same properties in space and time and has no beginning and no end.
    And Experimentally ops ops sending shit in sequence:
    Coal-fired power plants
    Petroleum and vegetable oil power stations of all types
    Natural and human and animal gas plants
    Used and new fuel oil plants, and even wood, dry shit and charcoal 😊 . Nuclear reactors of all weights and enrichments...Kilopower included
    Muskino's teslacoin battery car with astronaut puppet with fake spacex suit and fake spaceship that doesn't colonize a shit... but it looks so much pain :-)
    Solar panels of all shapes
    And then all the free energy comedians with emdrives and ecatzs, black bucist masses missing and busonic horizons of morons
    and also all the www.asps.it/gotha.htm with the delicacies of the Resort with real bat www.asps.it/majalagarden.htm
    and then Sernik alla gabola in a special space suit with pertusio 😊 www.asps.it/gabolas.htm
    and the least but not the last
    THE NEW LEGASIFIER at Piombino and Putin's gas blackmail

    From : https://www.propulsion-revolution.com/product-detail/productidn/2252679/zped-zero-point-energy-dynamo

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