• Eduard Albert Meier, commonly nicknamed "Billy", is the founder of a UF

    From Matt Beasley@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 23 21:08:02 2023
    Eduard Albert Meier, commonly nicknamed "Billy", is the founder of a
    UFO religion called the "FIGU" and alleged contactee whose UFO photos
    are claimed to show alien spacecraft. Meier claims to be in regular
    contact with extraterrestrial beings he calls the Plejaren.
    He was born 3 Feb 1937 in Bülach, Switzerland. Meier left public schools before finishing 6th grade. In his teens he was convicted multiple times
    of minor offenses. In 1953, he was convicted of thievery and forgery and sentenced to a prison term in Rheinau. After escaping from the facility,
    Meier illegally crossed the border and joined the French Foreign Legion.
    He went AWOL from the Legion to return home. In 1965, he lost his left arm
    in a bus accident in Turkey. Some time later, he married a Greek woman, Kalliope Zafiriou, with whom he had 3 kids. The nickname "Billy" came by way of an American friend who thought Meier's cowboy style of dress reminded her of Billy the Kid.

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