• Covid catastrophy, still ongoing.

    From mohammadnursyamsu@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 12 03:10:37 2023
    It is heading towards immune escape, due to mass vaccination, and I don't see any other outcome than mass death. And there is nothing much to be done about it, except to soften it with generic antivirals. To which Lawyer Dagget responded, that they will "
    closely watch" for immune escape. Not a lot of good that will do, closely watching people dying.


    It is obviously bad judgment to risk the possiblity of mass death by inviting immune escape through mass vaccination against covid. And then to have "closely watching" for immune escape as your way to deal with it. They do not even mention antivirals as
    a way to deal with it, a little bit.

    People, it is just the truth, that marginalizing and mangling the concept of subjectivity, leads to people making bad judgments.

    In the last decades there has been a tremendous increase in education, and this has led to the mind of people to become conditioned towards objectivity and fact, and subjectivity and opinion has become marginalized and forgotten about. Leading to bad
    judgments, mental disease, weird ideology.

    And the status of the concept of subjectivity has always been fragile, due to people having enormous psychological pressure to conceive of choosing in terms of figuring out the best option. Leading to corrupt the correct definition of choosing in terms
    of spontaneity, which is neccessary for the concept of subjectivity.

    From the perspective of anyone who knows what the underlying logic in a subjective statement is, it is totally obvious that this is what is happening.

    Subjectivity is an inherently creationist concept, and fact and opinion should be a part of basic education. It is of critical importance that creationism is taught in school.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From brogers31751@gmail.com@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Sun Feb 12 04:18:35 2023
    On Sunday, February 12, 2023 at 6:15:22 AM UTC-5, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    It is heading towards immune escape, due to mass vaccination, and I don't see any other outcome than mass death. And there is nothing much to be done about it, except to soften it with generic antivirals. To which Lawyer Dagget responded, that they
    will "closely watch" for immune escape. Not a lot of good that will do, closely watching people dying.


    It is obviously bad judgment to risk the possiblity of mass death by inviting immune escape through mass vaccination against covid. And then to have "closely watching" for immune escape as your way to deal with it. They do not even mention antivirals
    as a way to deal with it, a little bit.

    People, it is just the truth, that marginalizing and mangling the concept of subjectivity, leads to people making bad judgments.

    In the last decades there has been a tremendous increase in education, and this has led to the mind of people to become conditioned towards objectivity and fact, and subjectivity and opinion has become marginalized and forgotten about. Leading to bad
    judgments, mental disease, weird ideology.

    And the status of the concept of subjectivity has always been fragile, due to people having enormous psychological pressure to conceive of choosing in terms of figuring out the best option. Leading to corrupt the correct definition of choosing in terms
    of spontaneity, which is neccessary for the concept of subjectivity.

    From the perspective of anyone who knows what the underlying logic in a subjective statement is, it is totally obvious that this is what is happening.

    Subjectivity is an inherently creationist concept, and fact and opinion should be a part of basic education. It is of critical importance that creationism is taught in school.


    "A large US study published by The BMJ today finds that fewer people die from covid-19 in better vaccinated communities.

    The findings, based on data across 2,558 counties in 48 US states, show that counties with high vaccine coverage had a more than 80% reduction in death rates compared with largely unvaccinated counties.

    This large benefit complements the growing body of evidence indicating individual level benefits of covid-19 vaccination. A linked editorial also proposes that encouraging people to keep up to date with vaccination saves lives."


    "Among 6,928,359 doses administered, 138 deaths occurred within 30 days of vaccination; eight had a high probability (1.15/1,000,000 doses), 15 had intermediate probability (2.38/1,000,000 doses), and 112 had low probability or no association with
    vaccination. The death rate among those with high probability of relationship to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was 0.34/100,000 unique vaccine recipients, while death rate among those with either high or intermediate probability of relationship to SARS-CoV-2
    vaccination was 0.98/100,000 unique vaccine recipients. In conclusion, deaths attributable to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination are extremely rare and lower than the overall crude mortality rate in Qatar."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawyer Daggett@21:1/5 to mohammad...@gmail.com on Sun Feb 12 07:09:58 2023
    On Sunday, February 12, 2023 at 6:15:22 AM UTC-5, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    It is heading towards immune escape, due to mass vaccination, and I don't see any other outcome than mass death. And there is nothing much to be done about it, except to soften it with generic antivirals. To which Lawyer Dagget responded, that they
    will "closely watch" for immune escape. Not a lot of good that will do, closely watching people dying.


    It is obviously bad judgment to risk the possiblity of mass death by inviting immune escape through mass vaccination against covid. And then to have "closely watching" for immune escape as your way to deal with it. They do not even mention antivirals
    as a way to deal with it, a little bit.

    People, it is just the truth, that marginalizing and mangling the concept of subjectivity, leads to people making bad judgments.

    In the last decades there has been a tremendous increase in education, and this has led to the mind of people to become conditioned towards objectivity and fact, and subjectivity and opinion has become marginalized and forgotten about. Leading to bad
    judgments, mental disease, weird ideology.

    And the status of the concept of subjectivity has always been fragile, due to people having enormous psychological pressure to conceive of choosing in terms of figuring out the best option. Leading to corrupt the correct definition of choosing in terms
    of spontaneity, which is neccessary for the concept of subjectivity.

    From the perspective of anyone who knows what the underlying logic in a subjective statement is, it is totally obvious that this is what is happening.

    Subjectivity is an inherently creationist concept, and fact and opinion should be a part of basic education. It is of critical importance that creationism is taught in school.

    You suggest that vaccination is driving immune escape. This is partially true. But
    it isn't driving mass death.

    Immune escape is a catch phrase to describe how a virus will evolve to evade prevailing immune defenses. This process does happen. It is inevitable. It
    is simply natural selection. Viruses mutate. Viral infections can and do occur despite an existing immune defense. This is true whether or not the immune defense was developed because of vaccination or a prior infection.

    In breakthrough infections, mutations that provide a reproductive advantage to a viral lineage obviously mean that particular viral lineage produces more copies
    of itself. Generation times with viral replication are fast. Mutation rates are high.

    But there's more to the math.

    Without vaccination, everyone would get an initial infection. Over billions of people, that's a lot of diversity being generated, meaning lots of mutation. Some of those will produce less effective viruses. Some people will become infected with less efficient viruses. They won't get as sick. It works in a way analogous to vaccination. They produce a background of "immune" people.
    But such immunity is not perfect. Some of them get re-infected. They will
    be reservoirs for 'immune evasion' or evolution of viral lineages that have adapted to avoid aspects of the human immune response.

    In an unchecked pandemic among billions of people, this can happen quickly. Many new lineages of the virus will arise. Some will arise to avoid certain common
    epitopes that the human immune response targets, others will arise to alter others.

    Where it gets nasty is when someone is infected with multiple lineages at
    once and recombination occurs. Recombination is known to occur in RNA
    viruses including coronaviruses and has been observed in SARS-CoV-2.

    The above represents a dangerous scenario for relatively large populations during a pandemic of a highly infectious virus.

    What happens if you add vaccination to the mix? It isn't trivial.
    On the good side, a good vaccine will prevent many infections before
    they really get started, and for others it will shut down nascent
    infection quickly. So unlike in an uncheck pandemic, much less virus
    replicates in the first place. Further, vaccinated people are much
    less likely to spread an infection meaning that any viral evolution
    that did occur in nascent infection is a dead end.

    The first effect of a good vaccine is thus to reduce the initial wave
    of evolution of the virus, as compared to an uncheck pandemic.
    Vaccination thus initially reduces immune escape.

    However, reality is that not everyone will get vaccinated, there will still
    be breakthrough infections, and over billions of people some
    lineages will arise that produce enough breakthrough infections that
    immune evasion will take place, albeit at a much slower rate than
    in an unchecked pandemic (where there was no vaccination).

    In a case like the mRNA vaccines against the spike protein in
    SARS-CoV-2, where large portions of the population have been
    vaccinated, the evolution of the virus will be dominated by lineages
    that have optimized their ability to evade the immune responses
    developed against that specific vaccine.

    That's a good thing. Why? Because it permits development of a
    version 2 vaccine to produce an immune response that the vaccine
    has not been evolving to avoid. An analogy would be using one
    antibiotic but having a second one to come back with if resistance
    develops to the first.

    Regardless, vaccination turns out to be better than just letting
    a viral pandemic rage unchecked. A criticism of vaccination
    that ignores that contrast is dishonest.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nando Ronteltap@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 12 15:36:09 2023
    This just sounds like pr talk, not science, and I don't believe this is at all what is happening in unvaccinated countries, like in Africa. According to your story, unvaccinated African countries, are suffering accellerated rate of immune escape. As far
    as I know, not true.

    The idea that infection rate of vaccinated is less than that of unvaccinated, is also plainly untrue. The reverse is now true, because the unvaccinated have a trained innate immune system, while the vaccinated do not (as much).

    There will be lots of breakthrough infections, because you are vaccinating, while people get sick at the same time. Vaccinating into an ongoing fullblown pandemic, so that the vaccination is not matured, while people get infected, resulting in
    breakthrough infection.

    So you just dumped this story from some vaccination propaganda site. Maybe you edited a little.

    The vaccinations, and as far as I know especially the mrna vaccinations, leave the innate immune system largely untrained. And then now the omicron variant, is like a booster vaccination for the vaccinated, sustaining this untrained innate immunity model.
    And in the end the virus will escape the weak defense of the vaccinated, and cause mass death.

    Op zondag 12 februari 2023 om 16:10:21 UTC+1 schreef Lawyer Daggett:
    On Sunday, February 12, 2023 at 6:15:22 AM UTC-5, mohammad...@gmail.com wrote:
    It is heading towards immune escape, due to mass vaccination, and I don't see any other outcome than mass death. And there is nothing much to be done about it, except to soften it with generic antivirals. To which Lawyer Dagget responded, that they
    will "closely watch" for immune escape. Not a lot of good that will do, closely watching people dying.


    It is obviously bad judgment to risk the possiblity of mass death by inviting immune escape through mass vaccination against covid. And then to have "closely watching" for immune escape as your way to deal with it. They do not even mention antivirals
    as a way to deal with it, a little bit.

    People, it is just the truth, that marginalizing and mangling the concept of subjectivity, leads to people making bad judgments.

    In the last decades there has been a tremendous increase in education, and this has led to the mind of people to become conditioned towards objectivity and fact, and subjectivity and opinion has become marginalized and forgotten about. Leading to bad
    judgments, mental disease, weird ideology.

    And the status of the concept of subjectivity has always been fragile, due to people having enormous psychological pressure to conceive of choosing in terms of figuring out the best option. Leading to corrupt the correct definition of choosing in
    terms of spontaneity, which is neccessary for the concept of subjectivity.

    From the perspective of anyone who knows what the underlying logic in a subjective statement is, it is totally obvious that this is what is happening.

    Subjectivity is an inherently creationist concept, and fact and opinion should be a part of basic education. It is of critical importance that creationism is taught in school.
    You suggest that vaccination is driving immune escape. This is partially true. But
    it isn't driving mass death.

    Immune escape is a catch phrase to describe how a virus will evolve to evade prevailing immune defenses. This process does happen. It is inevitable. It is simply natural selection. Viruses mutate. Viral infections can and do occur
    despite an existing immune defense. This is true whether or not the immune defense was developed because of vaccination or a prior infection.

    In breakthrough infections, mutations that provide a reproductive advantage to
    a viral lineage obviously mean that particular viral lineage produces more copies
    of itself. Generation times with viral replication are fast. Mutation rates are high.

    But there's more to the math.

    Without vaccination, everyone would get an initial infection. Over billions of
    people, that's a lot of diversity being generated, meaning lots of mutation. Some of those will produce less effective viruses. Some people will become infected with less efficient viruses. They won't get as sick. It works in a way
    analogous to vaccination. They produce a background of "immune" people.
    But such immunity is not perfect. Some of them get re-infected. They will
    be reservoirs for 'immune evasion' or evolution of viral lineages that have adapted to avoid aspects of the human immune response.

    In an unchecked pandemic among billions of people, this can happen quickly. Many new lineages of the virus will arise. Some will arise to avoid certain common
    epitopes that the human immune response targets, others will arise to alter others.

    Where it gets nasty is when someone is infected with multiple lineages at once and recombination occurs. Recombination is known to occur in RNA viruses including coronaviruses and has been observed in SARS-CoV-2.

    The above represents a dangerous scenario for relatively large populations during a pandemic of a highly infectious virus.

    What happens if you add vaccination to the mix? It isn't trivial.
    On the good side, a good vaccine will prevent many infections before
    they really get started, and for others it will shut down nascent
    infection quickly. So unlike in an uncheck pandemic, much less virus replicates in the first place. Further, vaccinated people are much
    less likely to spread an infection meaning that any viral evolution
    that did occur in nascent infection is a dead end.

    The first effect of a good vaccine is thus to reduce the initial wave
    of evolution of the virus, as compared to an uncheck pandemic.
    Vaccination thus initially reduces immune escape.

    However, reality is that not everyone will get vaccinated, there will still be breakthrough infections, and over billions of people some
    lineages will arise that produce enough breakthrough infections that
    immune evasion will take place, albeit at a much slower rate than
    in an unchecked pandemic (where there was no vaccination).

    In a case like the mRNA vaccines against the spike protein in
    SARS-CoV-2, where large portions of the population have been
    vaccinated, the evolution of the virus will be dominated by lineages
    that have optimized their ability to evade the immune responses
    developed against that specific vaccine.

    That's a good thing. Why? Because it permits development of a
    version 2 vaccine to produce an immune response that the vaccine
    has not been evolving to avoid. An analogy would be using one
    antibiotic but having a second one to come back with if resistance
    develops to the first.

    Regardless, vaccination turns out to be better than just letting
    a viral pandemic rage unchecked. A criticism of vaccination
    that ignores that contrast is dishonest.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)