• Let's explode the universe

    From jillery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 30 04:21:08 2023
    The following is a link to an hour-long Youtube video, of a
    conversation among Seth Andrews, Forrest Valkai and Erika aka Gutsick
    Gibbon. Forrest and Erika are of the newest generation of
    "evolutionists" aka Creationist/ID deniers.


    What's interesting to me is, to the best of my recollection, there
    isn't one topic they mention that I and others haven't discussed in

    I would love to have the time and talent to do what these three people
    do in the above video. Unfortunately, I don't. However, I take
    comfort knowing that, while they recorded this video, they didn't have
    to deal with obfuscating noise, asinine ad-hominems, petty personal
    attacks, mindless made-up crap, and willfully stupid obfuscations,
    from people who should know better.

    To all those who go out of their way to complain about my personal
    failings, mea culpa. If only I was as perfect as you seem to think
    you are.

    You're entitled to your own opinions.
    You're not entitled to your own facts.

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