• High Treason traitors

    From John Yahya Baptist@21:1/5 to which is why on Mon Dec 26 03:44:41 2022
    High Treason traitors

    http://boards.4channel.org/his/thread/14377469 https://desuarchive.org/his/thread/14377469 http://archived.moe/his/thread/14377469

    [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom]41 / 13 / 11 / 2 [Update] [Auto]

    File: StupidAtheistBeliefs (2).jpg (102 KB, 960x960)
    102 KB
    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:33:41 No.14377469▶>>14377492 >>14377503 >>14377509 >>14377523 >>14377560 >>14377564 >>14377642 >>14377665
    Why aren't atheists rangebanned already?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:40:33 No.14377484▶

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:42:38 No.14377492▶
    14377469 (OP)
    Why don't you pray to your god to rangeban them?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:49:00 No.14377503▶
    14377469 (OP)
    they are rangebanned by religious people, they aren't really anymore but yeah it would seem that way in a country that just 45 years ago was 90% religious

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:55:49 No.14377509▶>>14377515 >>14377586
    14377469 (OP)
    so in that case were did god come from

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:58:46 No.14377515▶>>14377539 >>14377623
    God just is, can your brain not process that?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:02:22 No.14377523▶>>14377665
    14377469 (OP)
    atheism is a religion so 4chan atheists are protected by the constitution of the united states the jurisdiction of 4chan.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:09:04 No.14377537▶>>14377543 >>14377570 >>14377581 In "Government Of Democracy" (GOD) We Trust (national motto)

    IN GOD WE TRUST (national motto)

    $ee $

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:10:03 No.14377539▶
    so in other words something can come from nothing which makes you whole appeal against athiesim pointless, which is why said argument is only used by religious larpers

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:12:08 No.14377543▶>>14377575
    That National Motto of the USA is "E Pluribus Unum".

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:20:49 No.14377560▶>>14377570 >>14377581
    File: 4VMEHrR2UUAOjBC0-63672453(...).jpg (132 KB, 800x444)
    132 KB
    14377469 (OP)
    See this commie. So fuckoff commie.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:21:57 No.14377563▶>>14377566 >>14377568
    File: dsc_0069.jpg (523 KB, 1524x2286)
    523 KB
    Atheism isn't The Big Bang.
    Atheism isn't Nothing Theory.
    Atheism isn't Evolution.

    Atheism just means "without a belief in God".

    Anything beyond that and you're assuming all Atheists have a doctrine of some sort; which they don't.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:22:45 No.14377564▶>>14377570 >>14377571 >>14377581 File: ingodwetrust-nlovqabnvizq(...).jpg (138 KB, 1140x500)
    138 KB
    14377469 (OP)
    See this traitor. So fuckoff traitor.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:24:12 No.14377566▶>>14377573
    Atheism just means "without a belief in God".
    Isn't that agnosticism? I thought that atheism goes a step further and is openly hostile to the idea of a higher power.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:24:31 No.14377568▶
    she looks like she'll do anything for a hundo lol sugar daddy in the back with his clothes off

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:24:57 No.14377570▶
    New christschizo just dropped

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:25:20 No.14377571▶>>14377575
    File: Jolly-Roger-pirate-flag.jpg (82 KB, 1141x700)
    82 KB
    In God We Trust wasn't put on money until the 1950s.
    The actual motto of the United States is E Pluribus Unum.
    The Founding Fathers were Deists and Agnostics, not religious fanatics. "America was not founded as a Christian Nation" - Thomas Jefferson

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:30:42 No.14377573▶>>14377587 >>14377589
    Atheism denies a higher power, denies a big bang, denies evolution. Atheist think we're just born an die, have always been an always will, no evolution, no religion, no big bang, no spirituality, no ghosts, no aliens, no karma, no reincarnation, no
    mediation, no devil, no hell, no demons, no sin, no buddha, no anything. They don't believe in anything that's what atheism is, against everything. Agnostic doesn't believe the existence of god can be known or proved, they are neither a believer or
    disbeliever of god, they are the opposite of gnostic. Atheist simply don't believe in the existence of god period, they are total disbelievers of god, they are the opposite of theist.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:31:24 No.14377575▶>>14377592 >>14377593 >>14377605 File: Motto+of+the+U.S.A..jpg (57 KB, 960x720)
    57 KB
    You theists are commies and traitors.
    You theists are commies and traitors.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:37:19 No.14377581▶
    File: Benjamin Franklin.jpg (91 KB, 737x899)
    91 KB
    In "Government Of Democracy" (GOD) We Trust (national motto)
    IN GOD WE TRUST (national motto)
    $ee $
    Yep, $
    Ok, $

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:43:01 No.14377586▶>>14377593
    File: OSS.jpg (86 KB, 800x600)
    86 KB
    William Joseph "Wild Bill" Donovan

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:43:24 No.14377587▶
    Isn't all that nihilism?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:43:52 No.14377589▶
    Atheism denies a higher power, denies a big bang, denies evolution.
    No it doesn't.
    It just means a lack of a belief in God(s).
    It means nothing else.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:45:36 No.14377592▶>>14377597 >>14377631
    I'm an atheist, not a theist.
    Theist means "god believer".
    Atheist means "without a belief in god".
    You're the weirdo posting "in god we trust" and then saying something about commies.
    You're not making any sense.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:47:26 No.14377593▶>>14377604 >>14377609
    GOD is of the Atheist Religion, under US protection.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:49:47 No.14377597▶>>14377602 >>14377631 >>14377664 >>14377592
    Take your meds.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:53:01 No.14377602▶
    You're not making any sense.
    Atheist just means "without a belief in God".
    Why would acknowledging that indicate one needs meds?
    You're the weirdo saying Theists are commies when Communism isn't Theistic and neither am I.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:54:03 No.14377604▶
    File: MV5BMGQ0NDg2NDEtODQ5YS00O(...).jpg (103 KB, 1440x985)
    103 KB
    That is some skitzo shit right there.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:54:19 No.14377605▶
    File: George Washington.jpg (99 KB, 1280x1024)
    99 KB
    Off with their High Treason traitor heads!

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:57:01 No.14377609▶
    File: International Subject Cha(...).jpg (242 KB, 1024x860)
    242 KB
    GOD is of the Atheist Religion, under US protection.
    I reckon so.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:10:03 No.14377623▶>>14377632
    File: 77f.png (32 KB, 392x590)
    32 KB

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:13:52 No.14377631▶>>14377653
    Atheist posts rational explanation: >>14377592
    Religious schizo has no arguments: >>14377597

    I think that settles the debate forever, to be honest.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:13:58 No.14377632▶>>14377661
    lol is this your way of saying no?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:18:56 No.14377640▶>>14377644 >>14377656
    Why can people not understand that god just is? Your human mind wants there to be a beginning and an end, it wants to identify start and end points like its used to doing everything else. It wants to know what box to put god in, what label to put on it.
    It wants to associate it with time and numbers and linear explanations of time, time isn't linear, so there is no God was made this day and ended this day, there are no days in space dumbasses. This is why we don't know what god is, because we can't
    accept what it is, that it is. The answer you're looking for, you'll never find. There was no "day" that god was created. Even when you die you won't know what source is. This is whole reincarnation cycle is a journey back to it. Then when you merge into
    source, you'll re-emerge as a new soul and start a whole new reincarnation cycle.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:22:05 No.14377642▶
    14377469 (OP)
    If you're not ready to know what god is then even if you're told what it is you still won't get it, it just won't click in your head but god isn't hard to understand, its actually a really simple concept you just need to close your mouth and open your

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:22:43 No.14377644▶
    Why can't people understand the universe just is?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:26:35 No.14377653▶>>14377664
    How cute. A Shit Tier schizo theist.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:27:40 No.14377656▶
    File: yahweh-deity.jpg (60 KB, 535x750)
    60 KB
    People don't have an issue with the concept of god "just being", they take issue with the implication that the only thing that can "just be" is the semitic storm god Yahueh.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:32:04 No.14377661▶
    File: 5c5.png (77 KB, 645x770)
    77 KB

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:33:17 No.14377664▶>>14377676
    You obviously mean this guy don't you? -> >>14377597

    Because of course theist means someone who believes in God. Yeah that guy probably is a schizo.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:33:47 No.14377665▶
    14377469 (OP)
    Why aren't atheists rangebanned already?
    answered /thread

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:45:32 No.14377676▶
    If you don't believe in "Government Of
    Democracy" (GOD) then change the US
    constitution or get the fuck out of the US

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    http://boards.4channel.org/his/thread/14377469 https://desuarchive.org/his/thread/14377469 http://archived.moe/his/thread/14377469

    John Yahya Baptist

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jesus Isa Christ@21:1/5 to John Yahya Baptist on Mon Dec 26 14:52:39 2022
    On Monday, December 26, 2022 at 5:45:31 AM UTC-6, John Yahya Baptist wrote:
    High Treason traitors

    http://boards.4channel.org/his/thread/14377469 https://desuarchive.org/his/thread/14377469 http://archived.moe/his/thread/14377469

    [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom]41 / 13 / 11 / 2 [Update] [Auto]

    File: StupidAtheistBeliefs (2).jpg (102 KB, 960x960)
    102 KB
    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:33:41 No.14377469▶>>14377492 >>14377503 >>14377509 >>14377523 >>14377560 >>14377564 >>14377642 >>14377665
    Why aren't atheists rangebanned already?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:40:33 No.14377484▶

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:42:38 No.14377492▶
    14377469 (OP)
    Why don't you pray to your god to rangeban them?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:49:00 No.14377503▶
    14377469 (OP)
    they are rangebanned by religious people, they aren't really anymore but yeah it would seem that way in a country that just 45 years ago was 90% religious

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:55:49 No.14377509▶>>14377515 >>14377586 >>14377469 (OP)
    so in that case were did god come from

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:58:46 No.14377515▶>>14377539 >>14377623 >>14377509
    God just is, can your brain not process that?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:02:22 No.14377523▶>>14377665
    14377469 (OP)
    atheism is a religion so 4chan atheists are protected by the constitution of the united states the jurisdiction of 4chan.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:09:04 No.14377537▶>>14377543 >>14377570 >>14377581
    In "Government Of Democracy" (GOD) We Trust (national motto)

    IN GOD WE TRUST (national motto)

    $ee $

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:10:03 No.14377539▶
    so in other words something can come from nothing which makes you whole appeal against athiesim pointless, which is why said argument is only used by religious larpers

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:12:08 No.14377543▶>>14377575
    That National Motto of the USA is "E Pluribus Unum".

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:20:49 No.14377560▶>>14377570 >>14377581
    File: 4VMEHrR2UUAOjBC0-63672453(...).jpg (132 KB, 800x444)
    132 KB
    14377469 (OP)
    See this commie. So fuckoff commie.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:21:57 No.14377563▶>>14377566 >>14377568
    File: dsc_0069.jpg (523 KB, 1524x2286)
    523 KB
    Atheism isn't The Big Bang.
    Atheism isn't Nothing Theory.
    Atheism isn't Evolution.

    Atheism just means "without a belief in God".

    Anything beyond that and you're assuming all Atheists have a doctrine of some sort; which they don't.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:22:45 No.14377564▶>>14377570 >>14377571 >>14377581
    File: ingodwetrust-nlovqabnvizq(...).jpg (138 KB, 1140x500)
    138 KB
    14377469 (OP)
    See this traitor. So fuckoff traitor.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:24:12 No.14377566▶>>14377573
    Atheism just means "without a belief in God".
    Isn't that agnosticism? I thought that atheism goes a step further and is openly hostile to the idea of a higher power.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:24:31 No.14377568▶
    she looks like she'll do anything for a hundo lol sugar daddy in the back with his clothes off

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:24:57 No.14377570▶
    New christschizo just dropped

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:25:20 No.14377571▶>>14377575
    File: Jolly-Roger-pirate-flag.jpg (82 KB, 1141x700)
    82 KB
    In God We Trust wasn't put on money until the 1950s.
    The actual motto of the United States is E Pluribus Unum.
    The Founding Fathers were Deists and Agnostics, not religious fanatics. "America was not founded as a Christian Nation" - Thomas Jefferson

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:30:42 No.14377573▶>>14377587 >>14377589 >>14377566
    Atheism denies a higher power, denies a big bang, denies evolution. Atheist think we're just born an die, have always been an always will, no evolution, no religion, no big bang, no spirituality, no ghosts, no aliens, no karma, no reincarnation, no
    mediation, no devil, no hell, no demons, no sin, no buddha, no anything. They don't believe in anything that's what atheism is, against everything. Agnostic doesn't believe the existence of god can be known or proved, they are neither a believer or
    disbeliever of god, they are the opposite of gnostic. Atheist simply don't believe in the existence of god period, they are total disbelievers of god, they are the opposite of theist.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:31:24 No.14377575▶>>14377592 >>14377593 >>14377605
    File: Motto+of+the+U.S.A..jpg (57 KB, 960x720)
    57 KB
    You theists are commies and traitors.
    You theists are commies and traitors.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:37:19 No.14377581▶
    File: Benjamin Franklin.jpg (91 KB, 737x899)
    91 KB
    In "Government Of Democracy" (GOD) We Trust (national motto)
    IN GOD WE TRUST (national motto)
    $ee $
    Yep, $
    Ok, $

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:43:01 No.14377586▶>>14377593
    File: OSS.jpg (86 KB, 800x600)
    86 KB
    William Joseph "Wild Bill" Donovan

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:43:24 No.14377587▶
    Isn't all that nihilism?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:43:52 No.14377589▶
    Atheism denies a higher power, denies a big bang, denies evolution.
    No it doesn't.
    It just means a lack of a belief in God(s).
    It means nothing else.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:45:36 No.14377592▶>>14377597 >>14377631 >>14377575
    I'm an atheist, not a theist.
    Theist means "god believer".
    Atheist means "without a belief in god".
    You're the weirdo posting "in god we trust" and then saying something about commies.
    You're not making any sense.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:47:26 No.14377593▶>>14377604 >>14377609 >>14377575
    GOD is of the Atheist Religion, under US protection.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:49:47 No.14377597▶>>14377602 >>14377631 >>14377664
    Take your meds.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:53:01 No.14377602▶
    You're not making any sense.
    Atheist just means "without a belief in God".
    Why would acknowledging that indicate one needs meds?
    You're the weirdo saying Theists are commies when Communism isn't Theistic and neither am I.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:54:03 No.14377604▶
    File: MV5BMGQ0NDg2NDEtODQ5YS00O(...).jpg (103 KB, 1440x985)
    103 KB
    That is some skitzo shit right there.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:54:19 No.14377605▶
    File: George Washington.jpg (99 KB, 1280x1024)
    99 KB
    Off with their High Treason traitor heads!

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:57:01 No.14377609▶
    File: International Subject Cha(...).jpg (242 KB, 1024x860)
    242 KB
    GOD is of the Atheist Religion, under US protection.
    I reckon so.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:10:03 No.14377623▶>>14377632
    File: 77f.png (32 KB, 392x590)
    32 KB

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:13:52 No.14377631▶>>14377653
    Atheist posts rational explanation: >>14377592
    Religious schizo has no arguments: >>14377597

    I think that settles the debate forever, to be honest.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:13:58 No.14377632▶>>14377661
    lol is this your way of saying no?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:18:56 No.14377640▶>>14377644 >>14377656
    Why can people not understand that god just is? Your human mind wants there to be a beginning and an end, it wants to identify start and end points like its used to doing everything else. It wants to know what box to put god in, what label to put on it.
    It wants to associate it with time and numbers and linear explanations of time, time isn't linear, so there is no God was made this day and ended this day, there are no days in space dumbasses. This is why we don't know what god is, because we can't
    accept what it is, that it is. The answer you're looking for, you'll never find. There was no "day" that god was created. Even when you die you won't know what source is. This is whole reincarnation cycle is a journey back to it. Then when you merge into
    source, you'll re-emerge as a new soul and start a whole new reincarnation cycle.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:22:05 No.14377642▶
    14377469 (OP)
    If you're not ready to know what god is then even if you're told what it is you still won't get it, it just won't click in your head but god isn't hard to understand, its actually a really simple concept you just need to close your mouth and open your

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:22:43 No.14377644▶
    Why can't people understand the universe just is?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:26:35 No.14377653▶>>14377664
    How cute. A Shit Tier schizo theist.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:27:40 No.14377656▶
    File: yahweh-deity.jpg (60 KB, 535x750)
    60 KB
    People don't have an issue with the concept of god "just being", they take issue with the implication that the only thing that can "just be" is the semitic storm god Yahueh.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:32:04 No.14377661▶
    File: 5c5.png (77 KB, 645x770)
    77 KB

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:33:17 No.14377664▶>>14377676
    You obviously mean this guy don't you? -> >>14377597

    Because of course theist means someone who believes in God. Yeah that guy probably is a schizo.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:33:47 No.14377665▶
    14377469 (OP)
    Why aren't atheists rangebanned already?
    answered /thread

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:45:32 No.14377676▶
    If you don't believe in "Government Of
    Democracy" (GOD) then change the US
    constitution or get the fuck out of the US

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    http://boards.4channel.org/his/thread/14377469 https://desuarchive.org/his/thread/14377469 http://archived.moe/his/thread/14377469

    John Yahya Baptist

    HANUKKAH ended at Sundown

    http://boards.4channel.org/his/thread/14379066 https://desuarchive.org/his/thread/14379066 http://archived.moe/his/thread/14379066

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    File: Government Of Democracy (GOD).jpg (132 KB, 800x444)
    132 KB
    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)14:18:38 No.14379066▶>>14379479 >>14379526 >>14379531 Commie atheists and theists do not believe in "Government Of Democracy" (GOD), they are High Treason traitors of United States of America (USA) constitution. Believers of "Government Of Democracy" (GOD) and the Official Motto
    of United States of America (USA) are atheist and theist Patriots.


    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:09:39 No.14379479▶>>14379526
    14379066 (OP)
    All theists believe in Skydaddies so they are commies. Only literate believing atheists are Patriots.

    GOD is atheist. Non-commie.

    GOD 12/26/22(Mon)16:21:04 No.14379526▶
    File: Government_Of_Democracy_(GOD).jpg (15 KB, 275x183)
    15 KB
    HANUKKAH 2022

    14379066 (OP)
    began in the evening of
    Sunday, December 18
    and ends in the evening of
    Monday, December 26


    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:21:37 No.14379529▶>>14379544
    'schizo on the 'log

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:21:53 No.14379531▶
    File: tumblr_o6d2jkKjQH1qbuyceo(...).jpg (393 KB, 1280x1549)
    393 KB
    14379066 (OP)
    High Treason traitors of United States of America

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:23:50 No.14379544▶
    Take your meds.
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alt Atheism@21:1/5 to Jesus Isa Christ on Tue Dec 27 03:49:17 2022
    On Monday, December 26, 2022 at 4:55:31 PM UTC-6, Jesus Isa Christ wrote:
    On Monday, December 26, 2022 at 5:45:31 AM UTC-6, John Yahya Baptist wrote:
    High Treason traitors

    http://boards.4channel.org/his/thread/14377469 https://desuarchive.org/his/thread/14377469 http://archived.moe/his/thread/14377469

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    File: StupidAtheistBeliefs (2).jpg (102 KB, 960x960)
    102 KB
    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:33:41 No.14377469▶>>14377492 >>14377503 >>14377509 >>14377523 >>14377560 >>14377564 >>14377642 >>14377665
    Why aren't atheists rangebanned already?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:40:33 No.14377484▶

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:42:38 No.14377492▶
    14377469 (OP)
    Why don't you pray to your god to rangeban them?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:49:00 No.14377503▶
    14377469 (OP)
    they are rangebanned by religious people, they aren't really anymore but yeah it would seem that way in a country that just 45 years ago was 90% religious

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:55:49 No.14377509▶>>14377515 >>14377586 >>14377469 (OP)
    so in that case were did god come from

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)02:58:46 No.14377515▶>>14377539 >>14377623 >>14377509
    God just is, can your brain not process that?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:02:22 No.14377523▶>>14377665
    14377469 (OP)
    atheism is a religion so 4chan atheists are protected by the constitution of the united states the jurisdiction of 4chan.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:09:04 No.14377537▶>>14377543 >>14377570 >>14377581
    In "Government Of Democracy" (GOD) We Trust (national motto)

    IN GOD WE TRUST (national motto)

    $ee $

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:10:03 No.14377539▶
    so in other words something can come from nothing which makes you whole appeal against athiesim pointless, which is why said argument is only used by religious larpers

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:12:08 No.14377543▶>>14377575
    That National Motto of the USA is "E Pluribus Unum".

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:20:49 No.14377560▶>>14377570 >>14377581
    File: 4VMEHrR2UUAOjBC0-63672453(...).jpg (132 KB, 800x444)
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    14377469 (OP)
    See this commie. So fuckoff commie.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:21:57 No.14377563▶>>14377566 >>14377568
    File: dsc_0069.jpg (523 KB, 1524x2286)
    523 KB
    Atheism isn't The Big Bang.
    Atheism isn't Nothing Theory.
    Atheism isn't Evolution.

    Atheism just means "without a belief in God".

    Anything beyond that and you're assuming all Atheists have a doctrine of some sort; which they don't.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:22:45 No.14377564▶>>14377570 >>14377571 >>14377581
    File: ingodwetrust-nlovqabnvizq(...).jpg (138 KB, 1140x500)
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    14377469 (OP)
    See this traitor. So fuckoff traitor.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:24:12 No.14377566▶>>14377573
    Atheism just means "without a belief in God".
    Isn't that agnosticism? I thought that atheism goes a step further and is openly hostile to the idea of a higher power.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:24:31 No.14377568▶
    she looks like she'll do anything for a hundo lol sugar daddy in the back with his clothes off

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:24:57 No.14377570▶
    New christschizo just dropped

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:25:20 No.14377571▶>>14377575
    File: Jolly-Roger-pirate-flag.jpg (82 KB, 1141x700)
    82 KB
    In God We Trust wasn't put on money until the 1950s.
    The actual motto of the United States is E Pluribus Unum.
    The Founding Fathers were Deists and Agnostics, not religious fanatics. "America was not founded as a Christian Nation" - Thomas Jefferson

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:30:42 No.14377573▶>>14377587 >>14377589 >>14377566
    Atheism denies a higher power, denies a big bang, denies evolution. Atheist think we're just born an die, have always been an always will, no evolution, no religion, no big bang, no spirituality, no ghosts, no aliens, no karma, no reincarnation, no
    mediation, no devil, no hell, no demons, no sin, no buddha, no anything. They don't believe in anything that's what atheism is, against everything. Agnostic doesn't believe the existence of god can be known or proved, they are neither a believer or
    disbeliever of god, they are the opposite of gnostic. Atheist simply don't believe in the existence of god period, they are total disbelievers of god, they are the opposite of theist.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:31:24 No.14377575▶>>14377592 >>14377593 >>14377605
    File: Motto+of+the+U.S.A..jpg (57 KB, 960x720)
    57 KB
    You theists are commies and traitors.
    You theists are commies and traitors.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:37:19 No.14377581▶
    File: Benjamin Franklin.jpg (91 KB, 737x899)
    91 KB
    In "Government Of Democracy" (GOD) We Trust (national motto)
    IN GOD WE TRUST (national motto)
    $ee $
    Yep, $
    Ok, $

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:43:01 No.14377586▶>>14377593
    File: OSS.jpg (86 KB, 800x600)
    86 KB
    William Joseph "Wild Bill" Donovan

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:43:24 No.14377587▶
    Isn't all that nihilism?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:43:52 No.14377589▶
    Atheism denies a higher power, denies a big bang, denies evolution.
    No it doesn't.
    It just means a lack of a belief in God(s).
    It means nothing else.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:45:36 No.14377592▶>>14377597 >>14377631 >>14377575
    I'm an atheist, not a theist.
    Theist means "god believer".
    Atheist means "without a belief in god".
    You're the weirdo posting "in god we trust" and then saying something about commies.
    You're not making any sense.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:47:26 No.14377593▶>>14377604 >>14377609 >>14377575
    GOD is of the Atheist Religion, under US protection.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:49:47 No.14377597▶>>14377602 >>14377631 >>14377664
    Take your meds.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:53:01 No.14377602▶
    You're not making any sense.
    Atheist just means "without a belief in God".
    Why would acknowledging that indicate one needs meds?
    You're the weirdo saying Theists are commies when Communism isn't Theistic and neither am I.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:54:03 No.14377604▶
    File: MV5BMGQ0NDg2NDEtODQ5YS00O(...).jpg (103 KB, 1440x985)
    103 KB
    That is some skitzo shit right there.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:54:19 No.14377605▶
    File: George Washington.jpg (99 KB, 1280x1024)
    99 KB
    Off with their High Treason traitor heads!

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)03:57:01 No.14377609▶
    File: International Subject Cha(...).jpg (242 KB, 1024x860)
    242 KB
    GOD is of the Atheist Religion, under US protection.
    I reckon so.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:10:03 No.14377623▶>>14377632
    File: 77f.png (32 KB, 392x590)
    32 KB

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:13:52 No.14377631▶>>14377653
    Atheist posts rational explanation: >>14377592
    Religious schizo has no arguments: >>14377597

    I think that settles the debate forever, to be honest.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:13:58 No.14377632▶>>14377661
    lol is this your way of saying no?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:18:56 No.14377640▶>>14377644 >>14377656
    Why can people not understand that god just is? Your human mind wants there to be a beginning and an end, it wants to identify start and end points like its used to doing everything else. It wants to know what box to put god in, what label to put on
    it. It wants to associate it with time and numbers and linear explanations of time, time isn't linear, so there is no God was made this day and ended this day, there are no days in space dumbasses. This is why we don't know what god is, because we can't
    accept what it is, that it is. The answer you're looking for, you'll never find. There was no "day" that god was created. Even when you die you won't know what source is. This is whole reincarnation cycle is a journey back to it. Then when you merge into
    source, you'll re-emerge as a new soul and start a whole new reincarnation cycle.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:22:05 No.14377642▶
    14377469 (OP)
    If you're not ready to know what god is then even if you're told what it is you still won't get it, it just won't click in your head but god isn't hard to understand, its actually a really simple concept you just need to close your mouth and open
    your heart

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:22:43 No.14377644▶
    Why can't people understand the universe just is?

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:26:35 No.14377653▶>>14377664
    How cute. A Shit Tier schizo theist.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:27:40 No.14377656▶
    File: yahweh-deity.jpg (60 KB, 535x750)
    60 KB
    People don't have an issue with the concept of god "just being", they take issue with the implication that the only thing that can "just be" is the semitic storm god Yahueh.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:32:04 No.14377661▶
    File: 5c5.png (77 KB, 645x770)
    77 KB

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:33:17 No.14377664▶>>14377676
    You obviously mean this guy don't you? -> >>14377597

    Because of course theist means someone who believes in God. Yeah that guy probably is a schizo.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:33:47 No.14377665▶
    14377469 (OP)
    Why aren't atheists rangebanned already?
    answered /thread

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)04:45:32 No.14377676▶
    If you don't believe in "Government Of
    Democracy" (GOD) then change the US
    constitution or get the fuck out of the US

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    John Yahya Baptist
    HANUKKAH ended at Sundown

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    File: Government Of Democracy (GOD).jpg (132 KB, 800x444)
    132 KB
    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)14:18:38 No.14379066▶>>14379479 >>14379526 >>14379531
    Commie atheists and theists do not believe in "Government Of Democracy" (GOD),
    they are High Treason traitors of United States of America (USA) constitution.
    Believers of "Government Of Democracy" (GOD) and the Official Motto
    of United States of America (USA) are atheist and theist Patriots.


    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:09:39 No.14379479▶>>14379526
    14379066 (OP)
    All theists believe in Skydaddies so they are commies. Only literate believing atheists are Patriots.

    GOD is atheist. Non-commie.

    GOD 12/26/22(Mon)16:21:04 No.14379526▶
    File: Government_Of_Democracy_(GOD).jpg (15 KB, 275x183)
    15 KB
    HANUKKAH 2022

    14379066 (OP)
    began in the evening of
    Sunday, December 18
    and ends in the evening of
    Monday, December 26


    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:21:37 No.14379529▶>>14379544
    'schizo on the 'log

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:21:53 No.14379531▶
    File: tumblr_o6d2jkKjQH1qbuyceo(...).jpg (393 KB, 1280x1549)
    393 KB
    14379066 (OP)
    High Treason traitors of United States of America

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:23:50 No.14379544▶
    Take your meds.
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    HANUKKAH ended at Sundown.

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    File: Government Of Democracy (GOD).jpg (132 KB, 800x444)
    132 KB
    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)14:18:38 No.14379066▶>>14379479 >>14379526 >>14379531 >>14380236 >>14381066 >>14381095
    Commie atheists and theists do not believe in "Government Of Democracy" (GOD), they are High Treason traitors of United States of America (USA) constitution. Believers of "Government Of Democracy" (GOD) and the Official Motto
    of United States of America (USA) are atheist and theist Patriots.


    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:09:39 No.14379479▶>>14379526
    14379066 (OP)
    All theists believe in Skydaddies so they are commies. Only literate believing atheists are Patriots.

    GOD is atheist. Non-commie.

    GOD 12/26/22(Mon)16:21:04 No.14379526▶
    File: Government_Of_Democracy_(GOD).jpg (15 KB, 275x183)
    15 KB
    HANUKKAH 2022

    14379066 (OP)
    began in the evening of
    Sunday, December 18
    and ends in the evening of
    Monday, December 26


    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:21:37 No.14379529▶>>14379544
    'schizo on the 'log

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:21:53 No.14379531▶
    File: tumblr_o6d2jkKjQH1qbuyceo(...).jpg (393 KB, 1280x1549)
    393 KB
    14379066 (OP)
    High Treason traitors of United States of America

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)16:23:50 No.14379544▶
    Take your meds.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)17:20:20 No.14379757▶>>14380157
    It wasn't even the motto until the 50s

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)19:50:56 No.14380157▶
    File: Benjamin Franklin.jpg (91 KB, 737x899)
    91 KB
    Benjamin Franklin coined IN GOD ("Government Of Democracy") WE TRUST in the 1700s, commie Atheists and all Theists butthurt ever since.
    They really hate Benjamin Franklin and US founding fathers "Government Of Democracy" (GOD), especially Skydaddy worshiping Theists.

    Anonymous 12/26/22(Mon)20:22:28 No.14380236▶>>14381026
    14379066 (OP)
    "Christian" nation
    Bombs some of the oldest Christian settlements in Iraq

    GOD 12/27/22(Tue)01:04:57 No.14381026▶
    File: The Great Satan.jpg (176 KB, 934x1121)
    176 KB
    The Great Satan


    Anonymous 12/27/22(Tue)01:18:21 No.14381066▶
    14379066 (OP)
    There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.


    Anonymous 12/27/22(Tue)01:24:14 No.14381081▶
    File: CleftaSunder '24.gif (3.54 MB, 666x400)
    3.54 MB

    Anonymous 12/27/22(Tue)01:28:22 No.14381095▶
    14379066 (OP)
    E pluribus unum is the motto of true patriots.

    In god we trust is revisionist boomershit.

    Anonymous 12/27/22(Tue)02:09:13 No.14381208▶
    File: ObverseGreatSeal.png (731 KB, 911x761)
    731 KB
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    Devil Satan

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