• Re: Swine and Sleaze: Democrat Conspired To Hike Pork Prices, Lawsuits

    From Hillary Clinton Jail Cell@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 26 08:24:05 2022
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    In article <t2ukp3$3sg1g$165@news.freedyn.de>
    <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote:

    Minnesota Democrat Jeff Ettinger says he "know[s] how to fight
    inflation" because his former company made food "affordable."
    That company is facing an array of lawsuits that say it
    conspired to inflate the price of pork.

    Ettinger served as CEO of Hormel Foods from 2005 to 2016. During
    that time, Hormel conspired with other pork processors to run a
    "classic … price fixing scheme" to drive up the price of ham and
    bacon, active lawsuits facing the company argue. While Hormel
    has said the allegations are "completely without merit," one of
    the companies involved in the purported scheme agreed to a $42
    million settlement in early July.

    Now, Ettinger is running in an August special election to
    replace the late Jim Hagedorn after the Republican congressman
    died in February. Ettinger has attempted to fight concerns of
    record-high inflation under President Joe Biden by touting his
    time at Hormel—in a July 10 ad, the Democrat said he "know[s]
    how to fight inflation" as his "business was making food
    affordable." He went on to repeat the claim twice in the
    following week.

    The price-fixing lawsuits that loom over Hormel, however, could
    undermine Ettinger's ability to navigate a perilous political
    climate that is driven by voters' concerns over the economy.
    According to a June MinnPost poll, 94 percent of Minnesotans say
    rising gas and grocery prices have made their lives more
    "difficult" or "inconvenient." On a national level, meanwhile,
    Americans view inflation as the top problem facing the country
    and believe that problem is Biden's fault—64 percent of likely
    U.S. voters say the Biden administration's policies have
    increased inflation, according to a March Rasmussen poll.

    Ettinger declined to comment.

    According to the series of lawsuits against Hormel, the food
    processing company in 2009 began sharing sensitive information
    with its competitors about its "profits, prices, costs, and
    production" in an attempt to drive up pork prices. A who's who
    of grocery and restaurant chains have joined the lawsuits, the
    first of which was filed in 2018—prominent plaintiffs include
    Kroger, Hy-Vee, Buffalo Wild Wings, Jimmy John's, and Sonic

    Ettinger, who grew up in Los Angeles, made big money from his
    time at Hormel—his total compensation in 2016 alone was $36
    million, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. The
    Democrat's financial disclosure also shows tens of millions of
    dollars in investments, and half of the roughly $800,000
    Ettinger has raised came from his own pocket.

    Ettinger's wealth sparked one of his primary opponents, small
    business owner Rick DeVoe, to accuse Ettinger of being out of
    touch with everyday voters in Minnesota's First Congressional
    District, who DeVoe said are sick of "corporate malfeasance."
    Still, Ettinger said in his July ad that he understands why
    Minnesotans "feel squeezed."

    Ettinger used his financial advantage to emerge from the special
    election's May 24 primary and will face Republican Brad Finstad
    in November. Finstad, a former state legislator, served in
    former president Donald Trump's Department of Agriculture and
    has raised $614,000 to Ettinger's $805,000.

    Published under: Feature, Inflation, Jeff Ettinger, Minnesota

    https://freebeacon.com/democrats/swine-and-sleaze-democrat- conspired-to-hike-pork-prices-lawsuits-say/

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