• Re: NYT Writer Urged Activists To Escalate Protests Targeting Kavanaugh

    From legal@nytimes.com@21:1/5 to I suck mango dick on Sun Jul 10 10:44:36 2022
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.abortion, talk.politics.misc
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    In article <t19s1q$2t4l4$60@news.freedyn.de>
    "I suck mango dick" <fdas@rude.zafdsa> wrote:

    Democrats promote homosexual child molesting and do not hold nigger criminals responsible.

    Lindsay Crouse (L) and an abortion-rights activist protest
    outside Justice Brett Kavanaugh's home (R), May 11, 2022. /
    Getty Images

    The New York Times. 620 eighth ave 10018. New York, US. phone:
    +12125567450. www.nytimes.com/opdocs · lindsay.crouse@nytimes.com

    A New York Times opinion writer urged the pro-abortion activists
    protesting outside the house of Supreme Court justice Brett
    Kavanaugh to escalate their illegal protests.

    Lindsay Crouse, who earned notoriety after disclosing that her
    ex-boyfriend is dating Lady Gaga in a 2020 op-ed, said in a May
    8 tweet that protesters should target the Chevy Chase Club
    because that way, she said, their cries "will reach not just
    Kavanaugh but also Justice Roberts—both are members." She
    deleted the tweet, but only after it elicited praise from
    activists who shared the address of the club across the platform.

    There is a near consensus among legal experts that targeted
    protests against federal judges are criminal. A 1950 law
    expressly prohibits any picketing "with the intent of
    interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of
    justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge."

    Times guidelines bar staff from "posting anything on social
    media that damages our reputation for neutrality and fairness."
    Crouse’s posts come just over a month after the paper’s
    executive editor, Dean Baquet, issued a memo to staff pressing
    them to spend less time on Twitter and said its extensive use
    would "damage our journalistic reputations." That memo was
    prompted by internal concerns that the conduct of some staff may
    interfere with the ability for others, such as court reporters,
    to cultivate sources or gain access.

    Baquet also pressed staff in 2017 to exercise transparency after
    removing a social media post and "quickly acknowledge the
    deletion in a subsequent tweet." Crouse did no such thing.

    Neither the Times nor Crouse responded to a request for comment.

    Crouse’s tweets are the latest example of bubbling tensions
    between staff who want to openly advocate for their political
    views and management who wish for the paper to appear impartial.
    The Times, which has been the epicenter of the debate in legacy
    media over objectivity, fired editor Lauren Wolfe last year
    after she tweeted that she felt "chills" after seeing President
    Joe Biden’s plane land.

    Aside from columns asking questions such as, "How do you compare
    yourself with Lady Gaga?" after she dates your ex, Crouse has
    written about how former Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader
    Ginsburg served as her "fitness idol." Her focus for the Times
    opinion section is "gender, ambition, and power," according to
    her author bio.

    Since the leak of the draft Dobbs decision, conservative
    justices have been the target of heated protests outside their
    homes. On Wednesday, the Washington Free Beacon reported on an
    internal DHS memo outlining threats from pro-abortion extremists
    against members of the court and clergy.

    "Domestic violence extremists (DVEs) and criminal actors have
    adopted narratives surrounding abortion rights to encourage
    violence, likely increasing the threat to government, religious,
    and reproductive health care personnel and facilities and
    ideological opponents," the memo reads. The memo later states
    that most of the threats against justices and their staff are
    circulating on social media.

    Earlier this month the Senate passed a bipartisan bill
    bolstering security for members of the Supreme Court and their
    families. That legislation has since stalled in the House, with
    Democratic leadership refusing to provide a date for an expected

    https://freebeacon.com/media/nyt-writer-urged-activists-to- escalate-protests-targeting-kavanaugh/

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