• Youngkin Doing a Better Job Than Biden, Virginians Say

    From Same sporger from albasani neodome@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 3 12:26:50 2022
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.homosexuality, alt.politics.libertarian
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    Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R., Va.) is more popular in Virginia than
    President Joe Biden, according to a recent statewide poll.

    Half of Virginians surveyed approve of the job Youngkin is doing,
    whereas 41 percent approve of how Biden has handled things. A
    majority of Virginians—53 percent—disapprove of the job Biden is
    doing, whereas 41 percent disapprove of Youngkin. The poll was
    conducted by Roanoke College from Feb. 7 to 16 and surveyed more
    than 600 Virginia residents.

    Youngkin bested Democrat and former Virginia governor Terry
    McAuliffe in November, swept into office by parents concerned over
    education issues. In his January inauguration address, Youngkin
    promised to "remove politics from the classroom." He shortly after
    issued executive orders to end "the use of divisive concepts,
    including critical race theory" from public schools and to "allow
    parents to make decisions on whether their child wears a mask in

    In February, though, Virginia ended school mask mandates after 10
    Democratic state senators joined their Republican colleagues to
    codify Youngkin's executive order. Youngkin signed the bill into law
    on Feb. 16.

    https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/youngkin-doing-a-better-job- than-biden-virginians-say/

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