• Re: Kamala Harris Fails Again

    From Stupid Black Ho@21:1/5 to Gronk on Mon Sep 5 09:38:07 2022
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.atheism, alt.politics.democrats.d
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    In article <t1nkg2$35f7g$17@news.freedyn.de>
    Gronk <invalide@invalid.invalid> wrote:

    When will this bitch die from one of the STDs she carries?

    National Space Council chairwoman's 'big day' ruined as
    momentous launch postponed due to engine trouble

    Vice President Kamala Harris presided over yet another
    humiliating failure on Monday after NASA was forced to postpone
    the launch of Artemis I, a giant new rocket the government hopes
    will play a key role in putting humans on the moon for the first
    time since 1972.

    "Today is very much about showing the great work that happened
    here," Harris told reporters minutes after the mission was
    scrapped due to an engine cooling issue. The vice president, who
    chairs the administration's National Space Council, was at the
    Kennedy Space Center in Florida to witness the launch. She later
    wrote on social media that, "While we hoped to see the launch of
    Artemis I today, the attempt provided valuable data as we test
    the most powerful rocket in history."

    POLITICO had previewed the "big day for Harris" in its Playbook
    newsletter. "There have occasionally been snickers about the
    fact that the VP chairs the administration’s National Space
    Council," wrote reporters Ryan Lizza and Eugene Daniels. "What
    exactly does she do in that role anyway? Well, today the
    potential upside of that curious assignment will take center

    Alas, like most endeavors involving Harris in recent years, the
    launch failed. The Biden-Harris ticket was a success, to be
    sure, but only after Harris tried to run for president herself
    and ended up quitting before the Iowa caucuses. Her performance
    as vice president has been so underwhelming that many Democrats
    do not want her to be the party's nominee in 2024 if Biden steps

    Despite the administration's best efforts to find a leadership
    role for Harris—if only to help pad her résumé—it has become
    increasingly clear that Harris doesn't really want to be in
    charge of anything. Which is just as well, because she's not
    very good at being in charge. That might have something to do
    with the fact that members of her staff keep leaving.

    After Biden tapped his VP to lead the administration's response
    to the immigration crisis on the U.S. southern border, Harris
    proceeded to embarrass herself by refusing to visit the border
    and laughing about it when asked. "This whole thing about the
    border. We've been to the border. We've been to the border,"
    Harris told NBC's Lester Holt, who corrected her by pointing out
    that she had not been to the border. "And I haven't been to
    Europe," Harris cackled. "I don't understand the point that
    you're making."

    Shortly thereafter, Harris was tasked with leading the
    Democratic Party's push for so-called voting rights legislation,
    which ultimately fizzled. New York Times reporters Jonathan
    Martin and Alexander Burns noted in their book, This Will Not
    Pass, that Harris attended several meetings with activists but
    declined to reach out to Sens. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) and Lisa
    Murkowski (R., Alaska), whose votes were critical to getting
    legislation through the Senate.

    Harris was named chair of the National Space Council in May
    2021, but it wasn't long before she embarrassed herself in that
    role by appearing in a bizarre video discussing the wonders of
    "exploring the unknown" with a group of children who were later
    revealed to be paid child actors. "To think about so much that's
    out there that we still have to learn, like, I love that," she
    rambled as the children feigned excitement.

    WATCH: Veep Thoughts With Kamala Harris (Vol. 1)


    WATCH: Veep Thoughts With Kamala Harris (Vol. 2)


    WATCH: Veep Thoughts With Kamala Harris (Vol. 3)


    Published under: Democratic Party, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, NASA


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