• Online Artricle: "Federal Unemployment Stats 'Inaccurate"; New Report S

    From MarcusAurelius@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 21 20:07:34 2022
    The following is the URL of an article dated May 10, 2022 by Blake Stillwell entitled: "Federal Veteran Unemployment Stats 'Inaccurate", New Report Says":


    Military veterans, especially military combat veterans, make up an extremely small proportion of the American electorate. The electoral political spoils system which is now the norm in the USA gives preferential status in employment, education, and
    otherwise to groups (women, minorities, and others) who make up the electoral majority rather than military veterans, especially combat veterans. Affirmative action and similar laws and practices have the affect of discriminating in employment, education,
    and otherwise for these groups and against military veterans, especially white male military veterans. Federal Employment statistics, often contradicted by non-governmental studies such as this one, do not reflect the true status of veteran employment,
    unemployment, and underemployment.

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