• Re: Why doesn't Biden send Seal Team 6 to kill Trump?

    From Skeeter@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 28 14:49:45 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh.tv-show, alt.atheism.satire

    In article <v0m8vn$17lmk$3@dont-email.me>, privatemail@protonmail.com

    Trump says that Biden would be immune from prosecution if he did that, and >Hartung believes it. So why doesn't Biden do it? Biden *should* do it, and >Hartung must support it.

    Wait until the Supreme Court declares Biden's Presidential Immunity and then you will Trumpites turning up dead everywhere. With Presidential immunity Biden will be able to assassinate anyone he pleases with impunity.

    Bring it bitch

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