• Re: "Christian Nation" Fascists Court Trump

    From David LaRue@21:1/5 to Phil Foster on Wed Feb 21 01:48:06 2024
    XPost: alt.rush-limbaugh, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh.tv-show, alt.atheism.satire

    Phil Foster <bigtrumpfailurex@protonmail.com> wrote in news:ur3icv$2p0ce$11@dont-email.me:

    Given the choice between Biden, Trump, and all others, I will go for
    Trump. He has a vision and a plan. Biden is a puppet at best.

    Trump's plan is to keep his ass lubed for all those prison rapes he's
    facing once he's imprisoned. He has no other plan.

    You have been duped by a crimial liar who doesn't have a Christian
    cell in his body.

    Just a few of Trump's Failures, Bankruptcies, Frauds & Scams

    He's a fighter. Any business person tries many things before finding
    things that sell.

    I'd amend that the current choice between any democrate and other
    candidate, I would go with the non-democrat that has a chance of winning.
    The democrats have been the lefts pawns for a while.

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