XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.republicans XPost: alt.transgendered
Rockville, Maryland – On Saturday, Supporters of the White civil rights organization, the National Justice Party (NJP), protested outside the Montgomery County Board of Education (MCBOE) in opposition to what they
call “depraved” gender identity policies in the classroom.
The protest was launched in the wake of a federal appeals court ruling that forbids parents from challenging the policy or those like it, which some believe may have led to allegations of rape and sex trafficking of a young girl. According to sources on the ground, approximately 20 NJP activists
braved the rain and gathered on the corner of Mannakee Street and
Hungerford Drive, where they delivered chants and speeches in opposition to
the school district’s policies.
“The NJP came out and exposed their agenda to the public,” said NJP activist Lars Rainhart in a request for comment. “There was a solar eclipse behind the cloud cover during the demonstration, so the guys were out there under a black sun, and the major storm that was forecast split around the
area of the action at the last minute. It seemed like the forces of good
were behind us.”
“For the past few years, the Montgomery County Board of Education has been pursuing a policy of secrecy regarding the ‘gender transitioning’ of its students,” said activist Christopher Woolery in a speech. “…Staff, and by extension the children they prey upon, are encouraged to keep this as
discreet as possible.
According to the MCBOE Student Gender Identity policy guide, students who disclose their ‘transition status’ to teachers or other students are entitled to keep that information a secret. Other rules outlined in the
dubious policy include ways teachers can hide official forms, lie to
parents, and even assign a ‘transitioning’ child to a ‘go-to adult’ in order to enable delusions and evade parental intervention.
“The fact that students choose to disclose their status to staff members
or other students does not authorize school staff members to disclose a student’s status to others, including parents/guardians.”
2023-2024 Gender Identity Guidelines, MCBOE
“In 2023, if your child attends public school in the USA, the odds are that they’re being subjected to an onslaught of gender-bending ideology that rejects science, that rejects decency,” said NJP organizer Carson Kilgrey. “Take a walk through any public school in Montgomery County, and you will
see countless displays of so-called gender liberation…It’s an identity sold to them as the answer to their awkwardness, the answer to their loneliness,
the answer to growing up.”
The controversial policy in place at Montgomery County schools—which allegedly gives teachers more control over the development of children than their own parents—is a dangerous one, according to the NJP. Some believe it could possibly lead to the assault, exploitation, and even death of
American youth if left uncontested.
“Death is the policy that has been decreed by the Montgomery County Board
of Education, and death is the sentence they want to impose on the children whose care they’ve been entrusted with,” said Rainhart in a speech. “Children like Sage, a little girl who was encouraged by deranged school counselors to ‘transition’ from female to male as the result of an underhanded school policy designed to confuse children into believing they
are transsexuals while keeping this conditioning a secret from parents.”
Rainhart was, of course, referring to Sage Blair, a 14-year-old girl from Virginia who was sadistically kidnapped by sex offenders after running away from home. According to reports, Blair had changed her name to “Draco” and began transitioning into a boy, a decision that was kept totally secret
from her parents, no thanks to policies set in place by a school board in Appomattox County.
Per a new lawsuit hatched by Blair’s parents, Sage would eventually be sex trafficked across multiple states and held captive by a known sex offender. Despite being rescued by federal authorities in neighboring Baltimore, she
was ultimately kept in state custody out of fear that her parents would not
be “sufficiently affirming” of Sage’s new school-borne gender identity, according to the lawsuit.
The court documents allege that Blair would then be transferred to a
juvenile facility for boys, where she would once again be sexually
assaulted and become addicted to drugs. She fled that facility, only to be
sex trafficked in Texas, where she was “raped, drugged, starved, and tortured” before finally returning home to her parents, the lawsuit claims.
“Was it enough for the public school system to steal the life of just one innocent little girl? Apparently not, because the policies directly
responsible for the tragedy of Sage Blair have been approved and
implemented in Montgomery County public schools, right under your noses, by
the board members who slither across the floors of this building!” said Rainhart.
“At what point is any of this enough?” He continued. “Does enough come only
after it’s your son or daughter who’s been brainwashed, sexually mutilated, and trafficked across state lines? We say enough is now! Enough secrets!
Enough child abuse! Enough degenerates dictating school policy in this
county and in every county!”
Using litigation, American parents in Montgomery County attempted to
challenge the controversial transition policy but were shut down in August
by a Federal appeals court. According to Trump-appointed U.S. Circuit Judge
A. Marvin Quattlebaum, the ruling was justified since parents’ opposition only amounted to a “policy disagreement.”
“And policy disagreements should be addressed to elected policymakers at
the ballot box, not to unelected judges in the courthouse,” wrote Quattlebaum.
While there are plenty of people and institutions to blame for the tragedy
of children like Sage Blair, the men and women of the NJP have decided to
take aim at another organization, the GOP. They insist that Republican
inaction on the issue has resulted in a failure to protect children in an
age of predatory behavior, which has skyrocketed over the past several
“The court’s ruling was decided by two Trump-appointed conservative judges…Democrats openly push transgenderism in schools, and Republicans
allow them to continue when given the chance to stop it,” said Woolery
during a speech. “Parents have no one to turn to in the two-party system,
but the National Justice Party is here to represent the silent majority who oppose these sick, malicious, and bipartisan policies.”
“We stand here today, on the doorstep of our nation’s capitol, just a few miles from the seat of the federal government,” he continued. “Over there are hundreds of elected senators and congressmen, as well as countless institutions who all claim to be against ‘wokeness’ and ‘grooming,’ yet not
a single one of them has come out to protest or raise awareness about this transgression.”
The NJP has marched numerous times in defense of American youth and in opposition to what they have deemed an “anti-White” system preying on the nation’s most vulnerable. In March, NJP Supporters and volunteer activists demonstrated in Nashville, calling for a “trans-free Tennessee” and demanding the release of Transgender mass shooter Audrey Hale’s political manifesto. Hale made headlines when she gunned down six people—including three 9-year-old children—in a private Christian school. In July, the NJP conducted its largest-ever street protest, this time in opposition to a discreet “drag queen story hour” event held in a historic church building, also in Nashville.
“Today, the sky is crying along with us for the many children this system
has already failed,” said Rainhart. “But today, the National Justice Party is here to say enough. And, like the rain, the children of this county must fall. Not into confusion or early graves but into the arms of their
rightful custodians. Their parents!”
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