• Meet the groomers behind Kelowna's upcoming tranny story time. Boy are

    From D. Ray@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 21 21:58:34 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, can.politics

    I’ll just tell you now, this is going to be one of those stories where all
    of your biases are confirmed except for the pedophilia charges.

    Those will undoubtedly come later.

    It’s a shame I couldn’t get anything going in terms of municipal elections in BC last year, because, while it’s not much, you can at least put an end
    to these kinds of things. In any case I hope there’s a good local protest
    for these things, pass out some fact sheets about STDs and prolapsed anuses
    and enjoy yourself. Remember, for all the positive propaganda these people
    get, everyone hates them.



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