• Keffals: A Case Study on Internet Terrorism and Mass Media Manipulation

    From Chuck Tamzarian@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 08:44:23 2022
    XPost: free.homesteading.kiwis, alt.transgendered

    III | Who are the Doxxers?

    Let’s be clear: Kiwi Farms is not a happy place. The site undoubtedly collects and organizes personal information about people, known
    colloquially as doxxing, and Sorrenti’s thread is no exception to this.
    She has every reason to be upset with the site, and there is much to be
    said about the accountability that websites should have when it comes to curating people’s personal information. However, Kiwi Farms, is not
    unique in this, and it may not even be the main culprit in regards to Sorrenti’s multiple doxxes and swats. Is it fair that Kiwi Farms takes
    the blame for every single bad actor harassing Sorrenti? What if
    Sorrenti knew for a fact that other websites existed that were involved
    in her harassment? What if she blamed all of the harassment on Kiwi
    Farms because it was a softer target that gave her more of a positive
    spotlight instead?

    There’s another website we’re going to be discussing extensively in this section. I don’t want to give more spotlight to a potentially harmful
    website that hosts personal information, so I’ll be referring to it as website ZERO.

    While it’s true that Kiwi Farms has hosted her doxxes, is there any
    evidence that any of the “swattings” came from Kiwi Farms, or that it
    was even Kiwi Farms who originally produced those doxxes? A careful
    reading of her thread would show that Kiwi Farms users don’t find out
    about Sorrenti’s raid until she’s actually announced it on her GoFundMe. It’s possible that one could think Kiwi Farms users would attempt to
    swat her secretly, but does it really make sense when it’s been claimed
    that users on the site are publicly threatening Sorrenti? It seems
    reasonable that we would need a high bar of proof that serious
    harassment like swatting is actually originating from a website before attempting to wipe it from the internet.

    Sorrenti’s actions have been continuously and needlessly reckless for somebody in her position. She announced that she’d be staying in a hotel
    on August 13th, and then took a picture of her cat on the hotel sheets.
    This hotel is doxxed within hours. Sorrenti then claims that she starts receiving pizzas from various locations to her hotel room, which then
    prompts her to move to a new hotel.

    On August 18th, Sorrenti decided to taunt the doxxers on Twitter after
    moving to the new hotel. Shortly after on August 21st, website ZERO
    hacks into her Uber account and orders 131 dollars worth of food to her
    new hotel. When retelling this story Sorrenti claims that it was “at
    least 500 dollars worth (of food)”, though website ZERO only posts a
    single order receipt (it’s possible they placed multiple orders to reach
    the $500+ price, however) the next day. After the food shows up at her
    hotel, Sorrenti posts a picture ( 1 | 2 ) of it on the new hotel’s
    bedsheets. Predictably, the new hotel is doxxed in a few hours. Note how
    she reflexively blames Kiwi Farms for this.

    The next day, a post on website ZERO is made with proof that it was them
    that doxxed Sorrenti’s Uber account. This post includes phone numbers, accounts, addresses, emails, and passwords of Sorrenti and the same for
    many of her family members. Website ZERO has apparently been working on
    this list since March 28th, with links to 35 different personal accounts belonging to Sorrenti, her mother, and her partner. This collection
    included account names, half completed phone numbers, unfinished
    passwords, and more email addresses. This page was listed as a Work in Progress, with the members actively calling for users to track her down.

    From here, Sorrenti makes the decision to move to Northern Ireland to “flee” from the internet harassment she had been receiving. She starts tweeting out information specific to her travels, with some commenters
    even calling her out for her recklessness. One among many questionable decisions,, is that she chose to move in with a friend who she knew had
    already been doxxed in the past, despite raising money on her GoFundMe explicitly for escaping the harassment from Kiwi Farms. Website ZERO
    identifies the new location on August 26th thanks to a doorknob, and
    takes credit for it once again before it makes its way over to Kiwi
    Farms. It is important to note that Kiwi Farms was down from August 26th
    to August 29th, while this dox took place. Sorrenti’s dox was also
    pinned to the top of website ZERO from the date it was created until
    September 4th. Once more, Sorrenti blames only Kiwi Farms, calling them
    out by name, on August 29th. Still not a single mention or allusion to
    website ZERO.

    So why does Sorrenti never mention website ZERO? It can’t be due to lack
    of knowledge: she tweeted out to another journalist, Jesse Singal,
    asking him to “stop making allusions” to website ZERO because she didn’t want anyone to find out about it. While it’s reasonable to not want
    others to find it, that does not justify blaming Kiwi Farms for the
    actions of another, separate, community. Ironically, it is her refusal
    to acknowledge the actions of website ZERO as the actions of website
    ZERO that necessitates its mention. In a private message she sent to me
    on September 17th, she expressed concern about me reporting on her
    doxxing claims (proof of this exchange will be provided later in the

    “When you started talking about doing a second manifesto stream and
    alluded to my [ZERO] paste, I was scared. [ZERO] users aren't stupid
    like Kiwi Farms users. They simply post the dox and are smart enough to
    know how to hack accounts, collect info from data breaches, and use
    social engineering to get the information they need. [ZERO] retaliated
    against me when I started the campaign to get cloudflare to drop Kiwi
    Farms, and they did a more comprehensive dox of my family and friends
    than KF did.”

    It would seem that she was aware of the existence of this website from
    day one. Sorrenti seemed so afraid of me covering this information she
    falsely accused me of threatening to share her dox multiple times ( 1 |
    2 ), and called for mass reports on my Twitter account until it was banned.

    Sorrenti would also go on to blame Kiwi Farms for the hacking of her
    UberEats account, even directly calling for Cloudflare to halt services
    for the website in response to the hack ( 1 | 2 ). However, her
    UberEats hack was posted, and taken credit for on website ZERO on August
    22nd. Despite knowing this, she places absolutely no blame on the
    website and funnels the attention into her campaign against Kiwi Farms.
    Why is there still no mention or even allusion to website ZERO when they
    are actually known for doxxing, swatting, hacking, and harassment?

    Let’s review.

    Keffals has claimed, insofar as doxxing goes, that:

    August 18th - Kiwi Farms posted a dox of her hotel room and the
    house she used to live at.

    Kiwi Farms did post her old house (parent’s house) on March
    27th, but website ZERO also posted her old house on April 2nd, August
    14th, and again on August 22nd. Her first hotel was posted on Kiwi
    Farms, though the leak was a result of investigations of a picture that
    she posted herself on Twitter.

    August 18th - She is now in between homes because Kiwi Farms keeps attempting to dox and swat her.

    Sorrenti’s hotel was doxxed as a result of her picture, though
    there was no room number posted.

    August 28th - Kiwi Farms doxxed her “entire family.”

    Sorrenti’s family had all of their information hosted together
    on website ZERO on August 22nd, and it had been in the works since March

    August 31st - Kiwi Farms posted a dox of her address in Northern

    Website ZERO took credit for, and hosted her Northern Ireland
    address while Kiwi Farms was down on August 26th.

    September 9th - Kiwi Farms doxxed her for the third time and hacked
    her Uber account.

    Kiwi Farms did post her hotel dox, but the Uber hack was done
    by website ZERO. She also claims that the food showed up “at her
    doorstep”, despite the receipt showing that the food was taken to her
    second hotel, in which no room number was posted.

    September 12th - Kiwi Farms posted a dox of her and her loved one
    and had the police point guns on her.

    Sorrenti’s parent’s address was posted three times on website
    ZERO up to this point and once on Kiwi Farms, five months before the
    raid. Website ZERO posted the full family dox on August 22nd. There is
    no evidence of Kiwi Farms being behind the raid either.

    September 15th - Kiwi Farms has doxxed her and her family, and then impersonated her to cause the raid.

    Again, Sorrenti’s family had all of their information hosted together on website ZERO on August 22nd. Her parent’s address was posted
    a single time, five months before the raid, and three times on website
    ZERO. Once again there is no evidence that Kiwi Farms was behind the raid.

    It is undeniable that Kiwi Farms hosted Sorrenti’s doxx multiple times,
    but they were not responsible for the Uber hack, there is no evidence
    that they were behind any of the swattings. Website ZERO is a far
    likelier culprit, given that it has a reputation for all of these
    things. So why does she act so recklessly in the face of all of this
    danger, and why has she never once called website ZERO out, or even
    alluded to its existence?

    continued in part 4

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  • From Chuck Tamzarian@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 08:43:52 2022
    XPost: free.homesteading.kiwis, alt.transgendered

    Keffals: A Case Study on Internet Terrorism and Mass Media Manipulation

    by Steven Bonnell II


    For the last six years, progressives and conservatives have waged
    vicious war with one another across cyberspace. With cultural,
    political, and advertiser pressure bearing down on these social media platforms, conservatives have slowly found themselves on the losing end
    of the digital battlefield in the ongoing culture war. As their role
    flips from oppressee to oppressor, progressives have sometimes found
    themselves embracing many of the same styles of aggression conservatives
    once engaged in.

    This is going to be a cataloging of the past year, a demonstration of
    what happens when communities fail to hold their own members
    responsible, and what comes of the belief that “there are no bad
    tactics, only bad targets.” This is going to be a careful documentation
    of lies, scams, threats, bullying, doxxing, and an utter lack of accountability.

    Over the years, I have worried about the types of tactics endorsed by progressive communities. The uncomfortable distorting of narratives, the grotesque shape-shifting of facts, and the general inability to hold
    themselves to a decent standard of behavioral conduct. I’ve been worried
    that the right combination of identity politics combined with a holy
    mandate from members of the media may empower deplorable actors to
    become the new representatives of our movements, with no one left to put
    the brakes on their treachery.

    The prevailing narrative circling Kiwi Farms and Keffals is wrong. It is
    not the story of a downtrodden trans-activist supported by righteous
    members of the media battling against an evil empire of militant Nazis
    and transphobes. Rather, it is the tale of an internet bully given far
    too much power on a mission to seek fame and fortune by building a
    career through vicious conflict, borne out of lies and disinformation.
    We have allowed ourselves to gaze into the abyss for far too long, and
    Keffals is the result.

    In this exposition I am looking to upend the prevailing media narrative
    through establishing a clear record of truth with regard to these key

    Keffals’ initial rise to fame was through internet bullying and
    lies, not through righteous activism.

    There is not enough evidence to support the claim that Kiwi Farms
    has bullied anyone to suicide.

    Kiwi Farms was likely not the main culprit behind most of Keffals’ harassment.

    Keffals grossly misrepresented the events justifying her GoFundMe.

    The DIY HRT Directory, which had Keffals’ full social and monetary support, engages in grossly irresponsible behavior with minors.

    I | The Ascension of Clara Sorrenti

    II | Kiwi Farms

    III | Who are the Doxxers?

    IV | The Swattings

    V | The GoFundMe Heist

    VI | Bathtub Hormones & Spy Games

    VII | “Keffals” - A Character Analysis

    VIII | Call to Action

    I | The Ascension of Clara Sorrenti

    Clara Sorrenti, better known online as Keffals, is a twitch.tv streamer
    and avid Twitter user. She is known a bit for her trans activism and a
    lot for her aggressive brigading against social and political targets on Twitter. After a short stint in real life politics, Sorrenti began her
    online career in March of 2020 on twitch.tv to just a handful of
    viewers, streaming games such as Raft, Valheim, and Fallout: New Vegas.
    A wave of anti-trans legislation sweeping through the United States
    inspired her to switch her streaming content over to focus on politics,
    with her eventually raising over $200,000 for the Campaign for Southern Equality to protect trans youth. She now regularly streams to over 1,000 concurrent viewers.

    Sorrenti made a name for herself on social media by directing her
    twitch.tv chat to brigade targets — sometimes even on her alternate
    accounts to get past blocks ( 1 | 2 ) — by “ratioing” them on Twitter (1). “Ratioing” is when a Twitter user interacts with another users
    tweet, either through a direct comment or a quote tweet, and surpasses
    the original tweet in likes and engagement. Sorrenti’s Twitter behavior typically involves her streaming her interactions with conservative or anti-trans individuals on Twitter, encouraging her audience to engage in bullying or harassment against whoever she set her sights on, sometimes
    even asking other larger creators for assistance. On March 22nd she had
    set her sight on Ian Miles Cheong, an active “anti-SJW” famous from
    before the days of Gamergate. For hours, Sorrenti would go back and
    forth with Ian on Twitter while coordinating the brigading on her Twitch stream. At approximately 20:50 UTC, her Twitch stream would get
    hate-raided, or brigaded by a group of malicious chatters, after she
    spent most of her stream fighting with transphobes on Twitter ( 1 | 2 |
    3 ). A moderator of Keffals, Soulio (a Twitch user who has urged other streamers to cut ties with me in the past), would eventually blame my
    community for this. Their evidence? Seeing me quote-tweet a friend of Sorrenti’s on Twitter at 22:56 UTC, over two hours after the raid of
    which I was accused of causing. After noticing my quote tweet, Sorrenti quote-tweeted my tweet at 23:17 UTC in an attempt to get my account
    reported and banned.

    The only evidence Sorrenti would ever provide for the claim that my
    community hate-raided her was that she shut down the raiders by
    auto-banning anyone who followed my channel. I was, at the time, the
    second largest political streamer on Twitch, with over 650,000
    followers. It should be no surprise that auto-banning all of my
    followers would slow down any new raiders, as the same effect would
    likely have been achieved if she’d banned all Hasan or Vaush followers,
    the first and third largest political streamers on the platform at the
    time. Furthermore, it is not the case that every person following me on
    a platform where I have hundreds of thousands of followers is a fan of
    mine. If I were to have directed a hate raid, it would have certainly
    far exceeded the handful of chatters who showed up to harass her.

    Sorrenti would later claim in that same stream that I don’t stand for
    trans people because I support “segregation” between trans women and cis women in college sports. Ostensibly, this single issue is enough to
    erase the numerous supportive debates ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 )
    and conversations ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) I’ve had on my stream regarding
    trans issues. On March 23rd, the next day, my Twitch account would be indefinitely suspended for “hate speech” due to my stance on trans women competing in women’s sports, with Sorrenti later taking credit for my suspension ( 1 | 2 ) on Twitter. My ban would propel her into the
    spotlight, netting her almost 30,000 Twitter followers (Before/After)
    over the next week, making it the single most explosive month of growth
    her account has ever experienced on the platform, doubling her following.

    Sorrenti’s primary strategy when dealing with people online is to
    attack, attack, attack. Her goal is to discredit them as much as
    possible using half-truths or lies in order to mischaracterize their
    views into something unacceptable or associate them with unscrupulous

    Keffals would go on to utter several half-truths or blatant lies about
    me, including:

    On March 23rd, she claimed I “stealth people, which is legitimetely
    a form of rape.”

    I have never stealthed or raped anyone ever, this an absolutely baseless and malicious accusation stated with no evidence

    She softly walks this back later

    On March 24th, she claimed I said “if a trans woman does not
    disclose she’s trans before having sex with someone, they are a rapist.”

    I have never stated that a trans person failing to disclose
    their trans identity before having sex with someone makes them a rapist.
    This claim is in reference to tweets I made ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) saying
    that you should not surprise someone with a set of genitals they are not expecting. During that discourse, I explicitly made a carve-out for
    people who were post-op, so her framing of my take was a complete and
    total lie.

    On March 24th, she claimed I was “literally defending a neo-nazi
    who called [her] a man.”

    I have never retweeted, liked nor endorsed any transphobic
    attacks against her. All forms of transphobia are banned from my
    chatrooms and my discord. I disavowed her original tweet ( 1 | 2 | 3 )
    and my subreddit was critical of it as well.

    On March 24th, she claimed I was “showing support for [Kiwi Farms]
    while [my] chat actively attempts to dox [her].”

    All forms of transphobia are banned from my chatrooms and my
    discord. YouTube chat is a bit harder to moderate due to limited
    moderation tools, but anyone making threats or comments like these are instantly banned by moderators.

    On March 30th, she claimed I “mocked her for being a childhood
    grooming victim.”

    I have never mocked her for being a “childhood grooming
    victim.” I was mocking her for constantly bending stories and narratives (Images: 1 | 2 | 3) to suit whatever she was currently fighting about

    On May 17th, she claimed I “[let my] audience mock [her] genitals.”

    I have never retweeted, liked nor endorsed any transphobic
    attacks against her. All forms of transphobia are banned from my
    chatrooms and my discord.

    On July 18th, she claimed I was directing people to Kiwi Farms to
    harass her with a deceptively cut screenshot.

    I have never directed people to Kiwi Farms to harass her. I’ve linked the site a single time in my offline chat on July 1st to
    demonstrate that the harassment she was receiving was coming from Kiwi
    Farms, and not my community as she’d claimed. I was doing this in
    response to her claiming multiple times on June 30th ( 1 | 2 ) — with no evidence — that my community was the primary one harassing her, despite
    her extensive and quickly growing Kiwi Farms thread.

    Even in the screenshots she shows, “kiwifarms.net” is clearly a banned phrase in my chat.

    On August 21st, she claimed I “actively lurk on [her] Kiwi Farms thread.” and blames me for getting doxxed and swatted.

    I have never made a post in that thread, most of the
    information I receive comes second-hand through Discord and Twitter.

    I have not posted the thread link in my chat multiple times,
    nor have I ever encouraged my viewers to “get involved.”

    On August 25th, she claimed I am “the reason Kiwi Farms found out
    about [her].”

    I am a victim of Kiwi Farms harassment, and have been for 5
    years. It is inconceivable that I could be held responsible for other
    threads created on Kiwi Farms that I had no hand in creating.

    Originally, on August 21st, Keffals seemed to have a completely different idea about what started the feud with Kiwi Farms, and said it
    was because she “started doing Twitter ratios” and that’s why Kiwi Farms is “digging up every little thing in the last 28 years of [her] life.”

    On September 12th, she claimed I am “best friends with white
    nationalist extremists”, using a photoshopped picture of me and Nick
    Fuentes as evidence.

    I have never been best friends with white nationalist
    extremists. This picture is, ironically, an edit done by a groyper, a
    Nick Fuentes fan.

    I have aggressively debated Fuentes in almost every interaction
    we have had ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
    | 15 | 16 ).

    On September 12th, she claimed I “threatened to rape women and
    posted burning Crucifixes in the replies of Black people” in reference
    to tweets I’d made back in 2016.

    I have never threatened to rape anyone. I made an incredibly inappropriate tweet towards someone 7 years ago during a heated
    exchange, but it was not a rape threat. I’ve since apologized for it and recognize it was not an appropriate tweet to make.

    The “burning crucifix” image was posted once, and it was during
    a period where I was fighting with black nationalists, who were
    trivializing historical and contemporary racism, on Twitter. While it’s
    an unnecessarily edgy and obviously inappropriate tweet, it was not done
    with racist intent, which is clear as I was in the comments arguing
    about the disadvantages black Americans faced in the United States.

    Sorrenti has made every effort to inhibit me from covering anything
    related to her. She continuously attempts to discredit me by making
    false claims about my reporting, or repeatedly claiming that I’m
    associated with Kiwi Farms or its owner, Joshua Moon.

    On July 18th, she claimed that “Null has [my] back,” while reading what is obviously a troll post on my Kiwi Farms account. She tweeted a
    similar claim on July 19th.

    Joshua Null has stated “the world would be better off with [me] dead,” that he “will not talk to [me],” that he wished I would be “set on fire,” and showed up in my Kiwi Farms thread to call me a cuck.

    On August 18th, Sorrenti would later admit she blatantly lied
    about this claim on Twitter.

    Also note that while I have posted on Kiwi Farms, my reaction
    score of -875 should give you a pretty good idea of what Kiwi Farms
    generally thinks of me.

    On August 21st, she claimed I had “actively facilitated all of the
    bad things that have happened to [her] over the past several months” and blamed me for her doxxing.

    There is no proof or evidence of any of this. I cannot possibly
    be blamed for Kiwi Farms creating a thread on her when I had no
    involvement in it.

    Again, the only time I’ve posted her thread in my chat was to counter the allegations that most of the harassment she received came
    from my community by proving the existence of a Kiwi Farms thread about her.

    On August 27th, she claimed I was “considering bankrolling Kiwi Farms…[and that I have]...been known to mock trans people who have
    attempted suicide” and called for a mass reporting to get my Twitter
    account banned.

    Earlier that day I’d cautiously expressed an interest in
    potentially donating to Kiwi Farms. The only trans person whose suicide
    attempt I’ve ever questioned is Doe, someone who claimed they’d taken a non-lethal dose of Benadryll in a published Google Doc before jumping
    back into Twitter politics a week later. This questioning had absolutely nothing to do with them being trans. I have never made transphobic
    attacks against Doe.

    On September 12th, she pressured Brianna Wu out of having a
    conversation with me, saying she didn’t “want [me] to make money off a monetized video debating [Brianna].”

    I offered to donate $1,000 to a trans charity if Brianna
    discussed Sorrenti’s claims with me. She still refused.

    On September 14th, she claimed that my subreddit is “the new Kiwi Farms,” and “Kiwi Farms, when Kiwi Farms is offline.”

    I have one of the largest creator subreddits on Reddit. If the
    level of harassment from my subreddit was even a fraction of what comes
    from Kiwi Farms my subreddit would surely be banned.

    All of the behavior that Sorrenti calls out that Kiwi Farms is notorious for (threats, extreme harassment, doxxing) are explicitly
    banned in all of my communities.

    On September 14th, she claimed I was a “Kiwi Farms user…[and she thinks I’m] some kind of Nazi, really seems like it.” She’s also said I’m “very upset that [my] site is gone,” in reference to Kiwi Farms.

    My Reaction score (like Reddit karma) on Kiwi Farms is below
    -850. Getting negative Reputation at this level is considered somewhat difficult without getting banned and is usually only reserved for
    lolcows with accounts on the website. For reference, Near, someone
    claimed to have committed suicide due to bullying from Kiwi Farms, had
    an account as well.

    I have only ever posted in my own thread. I have never
    interacted with any other thread on Kiwi Farms. (Post history: 1 | 2 | 3
    | 4 | 5 | 6 )

    The allegation that I’m some kind of Nazi is patently absurd,
    and obviously so to anyone that has even a passing familiarity with my
    online prescence

    In regards to the bombing claim, it wasn’t just addressed to
    her followers at large, but specifically her “Ukrainian followers.” ( 1
    | 2 | 3 ) When she says she “posted the information” this includes the physical address of the data center. Interestingly, she also neglects to mention how she stated that “I know Joshua Moon has expressed warm
    sentiments to Vladimir Putin and the site has many Putin supporters on
    it.” At best, she takes advantage of a brutal invasion and humanitarian crisis for her own ends, and at worst she engages in an implicit call to violence.

    She claimed on September 15th that I had previously shared her dox
    and was threatening to do the same to her family.

    I have never posted direct links to her dox, nor have I ever threatened to post doxxes of her family.

    As you can see, Sorrenti has a tendency to fabricate facts and events.
    However, her lies run far deeper than the baseless claims she makes
    about me. The prevailing narrative of Sorrenti is that of a fearless
    warrior, fighting for trans rights on the internet while armies of
    transphobic and hateful trolls try to tear her down. This narrative has
    been propagated by her, the Twitter activist community, and partisan journalists (Taylor Lorenz of the Washington Post, Ahmar Khan of Global
    News, and Alejandra Caraballo of Slate and Wired) who uncritically
    amplify her lies.

    I am here to present a truer, darker version of Sorrenti than that of
    what the media has fabricated. Before we dive much deeper into her
    though, we need to take a close look at the malicious and false campaign
    she ran to take down Kiwi Farms.

    continued in part 2

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chuck Tamzarian@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 08:45:12 2022
    XPost: free.homesteading.kiwis, alt.transgendered

    VIII | Call to Action

    Sorrenti is an incredibly divisive figure online. While there are
    certainly malicious and transphobic actors that attack her due to her
    status as a trans woman, she is a uniquely vitriolic individual who has
    built her brand on bullying and harassment. Her entire “claim to fame”
    has been via coordinated harassment campaigns from her Twitch chat
    against individuals on Twitter, and through the mass reporting of anyone
    who stands in her way until their accounts are banned.

    Many of the mainstream narratives surrounding Kiwi Farms are completely incorrect. The media has been asleep at the wheel because they wanted a
    story where a website could be painted in an evil light, and Kiwi Farms
    is, admittedly, an easy target to bully. It is a forum filled with some
    of the most obsessively hateful people on the internet, but there is no definitive proof that any suicides can be primarily blamed on the
    website. No proof has been provided that the original swatting, nor the
    visitor that showed up in Northern Ireland was from Kiwi Farms. Despite
    this, Cloudflare found it necessary to drop Kiwi Farms from its service, leaving the entire Internet wondering “who’s next?”

    Sorrenti has also abused her figure as a representative of the online
    community and stolen over $100,000 in donations on GoFundMe. She did not
    need money to repurchase supplies, she has no intention of suing the
    London, Ontario police force, and she seems to have spent a good chunk
    of change vacationing around Europe. Her move to Europe was entirely unnecessary, especially when you consider doxxing is done by internet
    people in an online forum, moving to another country does not make you
    any harder to dox. On the contrary, she moved into an already doxxed
    friend’s house and immediately announced the country she was in,
    allowing her to get doxxed almost immediately.

    The DIY HRT Directory is also an incredibly sketchy wiki. While it’s
    nice that Sorrenti has distanced herself from it now, it seems it only
    happened due to the heightened scrutiny she attempted to suppress by
    reaching out to me in a private conversation, imploring me to stop with
    my investigation. Chloe has made far too many questionable statements
    about minors to be at all associated with a wiki like this, and any
    website that links you to guides for literally creating your own medical solutions demands an incredibly high level of transparency and scrutiny,
    both things that Sorrenti and Chloe have desperately tried to avoid.

    It would be my hope, after this document, that

    Journalists stop treating Sorrenti with kid’s gloves, and do their homework when researching her.

    Cloudflare releases a more concise statement for dropping Kiwi
    Farms, or else reinstates their service.

    GoFundMe releases a statement regarding Sorrenti’s
    misrepresentation of her situation, or else returns the funds to the
    original donors.

    There are many stories we want to believe.

    There are many facts we want to uncritically accept.

    I don’t believe this is borne out of maliciousness, or laziness. I
    believe this stems from a natural bias all people have that predisposes
    us to believe information that seems more correct because it coincides
    with the view we want to have of the world. It’s our responsibility as rational, capable people to not fall prey to these biases. We can, and
    should do better to evaluate stories presented to us in the future,
    especially the stories we want to believe.


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