• Re: Horrifyingly incompetent Biden official looks poised to fail upward

    From Dumber & dumber@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 26 23:22:15 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.libertarian, alt.society.liberalism XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 25 Sep 2021, Steve Cummings <jthomqfs@gmail.com> posted some news:sio6oi$83s$56@news.dns-netz.com:

    Drop her ugly ass into a tree mulcher.

    In the real world, being bad at your job will get you fired. Yet, in the government, being bad at your job will get you a massive promotion. At
    least, that’s seemingly the takeaway from the Biden administration’s
    bizarre decision to nominate Julie Su to be its next labor secretary.

    “Julie is a tested and experienced leader, who will continue to build a stronger, more resilient, and more inclusive economy that provides
    Americans a fair return for their work and an equal chance to get ahead,”
    the White House said .


    Su currently serves as deputy labor secretary, but she is seeking Senate confirmation for a promotion to replace outgoing Labor Secretary Marty
    Walsh. However, prior to becoming a deputy in the Biden administration,
    she was labor secretary for the state of California — and her tenure was
    an absolute disaster.

    Su personally oversaw the state’s distribution of expanded COVID-19-era unemployment benefits, massively expanded payouts subsidized by federal taxpayers thanks to the so-called CARES Act passed in March 2020. Under
    her watch, the state gave tens of billions of dollars away to scammers, by
    its own admission. At least $11.4 billion and possibly up to $31 billion
    were lost to fraud, local media reported .

    In one hilariously depressing example, California reportedly sent $1
    billion to fraud rings involving prisoners who were filing fraudulent
    claims while actively behind bars. The level of bureaucratic incompetence
    it takes not to realize you’re mailing thousands of unemployment checks to literal inmates is astounding.

    "There is no sugarcoating the reality; California did not have sufficient security measures in place to prevent this level of fraud," Su herself
    admitted in January 2021.

    Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) called Su out for this past failure.

    “The fact that under your lead, unemployment insurance payments in
    California of some $31 billion went to people who were basically receiving money on a criminal basis … $31 billion, that’s about as much as we
    provided in military aid to Ukraine,” the senator lamented. “That’s almost twice the total budget of the Department of Labor.”

    “In this case, your record there is so severely lacking, I don’t know how
    in the world it makes sense for the president to nominate you to take over
    this department,” Romney concluded.

    Think about this for a second. Julie Su woefully failed as the labor
    secretary for one state. She lost up to $31 billion in taxpayer dollars to criminals. And President Joe Biden is seeking to promote her and make her
    labor secretary for the entire nation.

    There’s no other word for it: This is madness.

    And it’s not even the only issue with Su’s nomination. She’s also facing backlash from workers groups for her past work to implement California’s disastrous anti-freelancer law and criticism for her clear bias against business and in favor of labor unions.


    Is this really the best the Biden administration can do? It was supposed
    to “put the adults back in charge” and “restore normalcy” to the federal government. Instead, it’s promoting incompetent bureaucrats and
    encouraging them to fail upwards.

    Brad Polumbo ( @Brad_Polumbo ) is a libertarian-conservative journalist
    and the co-founder of BASEDPolitics .

    https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/faith-freedom-self- reliance/horrifyingly-incompetent-biden-official-looks-poised-to-fail- upwards-again

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