• Re: Democrat sex offender Carl Marlinga.

    From Democrats Abuse Women@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 5 11:46:47 2023
    XPost: alt.politics.democrats.senate, free.liberals.cant.tell.boys.from.girls, talk.us.rhode-island
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, talk.politics.misc, alt.feminism

    Carl Marlinga’s law firm, the Marlinga Law Group, solicited accused
    sexual predators as clients and “claimed on its website that
    authorities ‘lead and manipulate’ children in sex abuse cases to get ‘incriminating statements.’”

    According to an archive of the firm’s now-deleted website, the
    Marlinga Law Group claimed that, “in many cases” of child sexual
    abuse or criminal sexual conduct with a minor, “the authorities lead
    and manipulate the children to make incriminating statements that
    might reflect little other than the child’s willingness to please an important adult.”

    “With the assistance of child psychologists and behavioral experts,
    we show how this process can distort the entire investigation,” the
    website read.

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