• meanwhile Brian and other BDSM readers, remember an old good source.

    From a425couple@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 22 10:20:11 2023
    meanwhile Brian and other BDSM readers, remember an old good source.

    Looking through old notes, I restumbled upon an old site,
    that is still useful and ACTIVE !


    Most old resources and sites are now dead, but this one still works.
    It is involved with Jay Wiseman.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Brian G@21:1/5 to a425couple@hotmail.com on Sun Sep 24 18:23:25 2023
    I think the problem with web sites has always been that certain
    jurisdictions put so many restraints on content to suit all the old
    Victorians and thos who think we cannot tell fantasy from rl,s views first, that its almost impossible to run an open forum on them any more. Why should
    we really be worried in this wonderful world about what we do in private or even semi public with like minded people? When you think of all the evil
    that is out there, they could spend their time on stopping that not passing judgment on others private lives.


    Mildew_spores@blueyonder.co.uk is the alter ego of
    Brian G.
    Anything goes here.
    Ambiguous statement intended.
    "a425couple" <a425couple@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:g1kPM.209074$%uv8.33714@fx15.iad...
    meanwhile Brian and other BDSM readers, remember an old good source.

    Looking through old notes, I restumbled upon an old site,
    that is still useful and ACTIVE !


    Most old resources and sites are now dead, but this one still works.
    It is involved with Jay Wiseman.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)