• Irresponsible Behavior and Misogyny

    From Ilya Shambat@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 16 18:44:15 2022
    Many women see men raised in matriarchal settings to be weak, so they dump on them.

    So then these men find their strength in things such as Eminem and Osama Bin Laden. And this does not benefit women one bit.

    When I was on an internet forum called alt.romance, there were young men there who called themselves “nice guys.” These men would befriend and counsel young ladies, only to have them pass them over in relationships with men they regarded to be jerks.
    I watched these men become more and more misogynistic as they went from “women only go with jerks” to “women make irresponsible choices in relationships” to “women are stupid and evil” to “women should be played, controlled and abused.”

    One of these men, Ray Gordon, made a whole philosophy of why women are stupid and evil and should be played. His advice was a disastrous one. He wanted people to found relationships based on deception, which relationships can only turn bad. But when you
    bear good will toward the other gender only to be met with ill will, it is completely understandable why one would hate the other gender. We see the same thing with promiscuous women. They have goodwill toward men, so they sleep with them, only in many
    cases to be rewarded with brutality and mistreatment. So then many of them end up hating men.

    I had a friend from Russia, quite a good man. His wife told him that there are no real men left in either Russia or America. I told him to tell her to check out the scene in Afghanistan. If women know what is good for them, they will know not to act in
    an irresponsible manner. Otherwise they alienate the people who would otherwise be on their side and wind up with men who are misogynistic and abusive for real.

    And you also lead many of the men who would otherwise be on your side, such as Ray Gordon, into the place of actual misogyny.

    American men should know their worth. An employed, non-violent American man is a prized article. You do not have to put up with abuse from feminists. Give someone good from another country a chance at a better life. And give yourself a chance at a better
    life by being with such a woman.

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