Form 90.06
CA. No._________________________
Keynes Ofume v. University of King's College NS HFX No. 446771
Decision Date: 2016/02/22
Court of Appeals Docket:
Registry: Halifax
Respondents _____________________________________________________________________
Notice of Appeal (General)
Messrs Stewart McKelvey
Dalhousie University
Stewart McKelvey
Purdy's Warf Tower,
800-1959 Upper Water Street,
P. O. Box 997
Halifax , Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 2X2
P 902.420.3200
F 902.420.1417
A. Appellant Appeals
Appellant, Mr. Keynes Ofume Appeals from the judgment of the Hon. Justice John D. Murphy as follows:
1. Decision & Judgment issued on Monday February 22, 2016 at 2 p.m. attached by The Honourable Justice John D. Murphy without reason dismissing Applicant's Motion for Extension of Time to file Notice of Petition for Judicial Review.
2. The Honourable Justice John D. Murphy promised to send written Decision in addition to his oral Decision and written Decision purportedly held and sent on March 2, 2016.
3. Hearing was heard on February 22, 2016 in the Supreme Court of Halifax, Nova Scotia.
4. The Judgments dated on February 22, 2016 is hereby appealed and will be incorporated as well as the transcribed Audio CD to see and listen to the drama between Justice Murphy and the Counsels for Dalhousie University and University of King's College.
B. Order or decision appealed from:
5. This oral order or decision was made on February 22, 2016 by The Honourable Justice John D. Murphy without considering that there were meetings heard on March 13, 2015 by the Academic Integrity Officer, Prof. Gary Kynoch.
6. Justice Murphy misled the court by not blaming the Prothonotaries and Assistant Prothonotaries that censored several hundreds of the Notice of Petition for Judicial Review which Applicants brought to Court file within the 25-day statutory
time frame allowed under the Nova Scotia Civil Procedure Rule.
7. In place of the position referenced, Justice Murphy praised the Prothonotaries and Assistant Prothonotaries for their act of censorship under fee. The same thing these Prothonotaries and Assistant Prothonotaries are doing in the matter: Ofume v. The
Great Canadian Dollar Store, Inc.; Ofume v. Department of Community Services; etc. to enable them bring the allegation of "Motion for Extension of Time to file Notice of Petition for Judicial Review.
8. The Hon. Justice Murphy erred when he did not ask about the cause of coming to file new Notice of Petition for Judicial Review.
9. Coming to Court Administration to file new Notice of Petition for Judicial Review was caused by the Prothonotaries and Assistant Prothonotaries that create different new court correction
papers instead of given Applicant and his Intervenors, Representatives and Advocates.
C. Grounds of Appeal
10. As Justice Murphy and Dalhousie University and University of King's College were working under unconstitutional partnership, they excluded Mr. Keynes Ofume and Prof.(Dr.) Phillip Chukwuma Ofume & Associates (hereinafter "Representatives, Intervenors
and Advocates for Mr. Keynes Ofume") and failed to discuss the principal fact in the case.
11. The Honourable Justice Murphy did not allow Dr. Ofume to speak to brief him (Judge) what happened during the one time failed hearing on March 13, 2015; which the Academic Integrity Officer, Prof. Gary Kynoch was trying to put in place but failed.
12. Between March 13, 2015 and June 4, 2015 there was no meeting put in place by the Academic Integrity Officer, Prof. Gary Kynoch. There was no meeting set up by the Academic Integrity Officer, Prof. Gary Kynoch(Former Apartheid Regime prof of South
13. Prof. Gary Kynoch went into secret place to forge meeting decision when there was no meeting head between Prof. Gary Kynoch and Dr. Ofume and Prof. Benjamin Mitchell and Prof. Anthony Anns.
14. The Senate Disciplinary Committees and Justice Murphy did not ask Academic Integrity Officer, Prof. Gary Kynoch where he found the sources of the meeting decision when there was no meeting heard.
15. Justice Murphy did not allow Dr. Ofume to explain what happen on March 13, 2015 because Mr. Ofume did not attend this meeting which was not heard because the Academic Integrity Officer walked into the room where the meeting was supposed to be heard
and while standing he requested for another consent from Dr. Ofume and also while standing and no second consent letter was given to him (academic integrity officer), he walk-away and no meeting was heard on March 13, 2015 and he did not re-schedule
another meeting.
16. Suddenly, the angry Senate Disciplinary Committees served Mr. Ofume a letter accusing of committing academic offence whereas Mr. Ofume was waiting for the hearing of his plagiarism Complaints against his professors.
17. Mr. Ofume told Justice Murphy that he did not attend all the meeting between Mr. Ofume and Senate Disciplinary Committees and Dalhousie University and University of King's College. Dr. Ofume represented him during these two meetings and in-charge
of all the communications or correspondences flowing between Dalhousie University.
18. Appellant's Notice of Petition for Judicial Review ought to have been granted if not the deceitful information given to Justice Murphy.
19. Justice Murphy had frequent eye contact with the female counsel for Dalhousie University and Dr. Ofume watched front and back of the sitting court and observed such corrupt eye contact.
20. Counsel for Dalhousie University deceived Justice Murphy that there was no Senate Disciplinary Hearing Committee decision which was made early June 2015 whereas Dalhousie University's confused and scattered Decisions of the Senate Disciplinary
Hearing Committees was made by several volunteers as follows:
20.a. Longer and main decision dated June 24, 2015 without page number but 4 pages and made by Professor of Law of Dalhousie University (Schulich School of Law), Prof. Bruce P. Archibald, Q.C.
20.b. More confusion because the Decision of Prof. Bruce P. Archibald, Q.C. dated June 24, 2015 was not decision directed to Mr. Keynes Ofume and The Endowed Prof. (Dr.) Phillip C. Ofume & Associates but given to and addressed to Dr. Katherine Harman.
20.c. The Endowed Prof. (Dr.) Phillip C. Ofume & Associates petitioned Senate Disciplinary Hearing Committees that Prof. Bruce P. Archibald should be fired because he committed a fraud of Administrative Hearing without the Respondent (Mr. Keynes
Ofume) because after on/before /after March 13, 2015 when Academic Integrity Officer, Prof. Gary Kynoch walked away on March 13, 2015 without conducting the intended meeting and between March 13, 2015, June 5, 2015 and June 24, 2015 there was no meeting
scheduled by the Academic Integrity Officer, Prof. Gary Kynoch.
20.d. The Endowed Prof. (Dr.) Phillip C. Ofume & Associates researched and investigated, the Academic Integrity Officer, Prof. Gary Kynoch, Department of English and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and found that the Academic Integrity Officer,
Prof. Gary Kynoch falsified the report or decision referred by Prof. Bruce P. Archibald that Mr. Keynes Ofume committee an offence contrary to the academic regulations of Dalhousie University.
20.e. This the reason the Counsel for Dalhousie University was not able to disclose the type decision and date of the decision they were discussing.
E. Issue in the appeal
21. Motion to Extend the Deadline to File a Notice for Judicial Review is not granted because of abuse of the rights of the Applicant and his advocates, representatives and interevenors.
22. Presiding Judge below failed to conduct the proceeding like the Judge in a civilized judicial system.
23. There is visible incident of conducting an administrative proceedings without jurisdiction pursuant to Nova Scotia Civil Procedure Rules 4.07.
24. The Counsel for University of King's college said that hearing are not conducted as done by the Senate Disciplinary Committee Members because they failed to follow the following step by step administrative fair hearing rule at University of King's
24.a. Preliminary or initial meeting consisting of the Professor, Instructor, student and his/her parents or Advocate/Intervenor/Representative
24.b. Department of Arts and Social sciences consisting of the Professor, Instructor, student and his/her parent or Advocate/Intervenor/Representative ;
24. c. Faculties of Arts and Social sciences consisting of the Professor, Instructor, student and his/her
parent or Advocate/Intervenor/Representative
24. d. Academic Integrity Officer consisting of the Professor, Instructor, student and his/her parent or Advocate/Intervenor/Representative;
24.e. Senate Disciplinary Committee Members consisting of the Professor, Instructor, student and his/her parent or Advocate/Intervenor/Representative
25. Justice Murphy don't know when the first decision was given by Prof. Bruce P. Archibald, Q.C. who was the chair of the Senate Disciplinary Committee Members for Dalhousie University.
26. Mr. Keynes Ofume and his Advocate/Intervenor/Representative started coming to court to file Notice of Petition for Judicial Review by Justice Murphy for no just reason believed the Counsel for Dalhousie University that Mr. Keynes Ofume and his
Advocate/Intervenor/Representative did not make effort to file Notice of Petition for Judicial Review.
27. Counsel for University of King's College agreed that Mr. Keynes Ofume and his Advocate/Intervenor/Representative started coming to court to file Notice of Petition for Judicial Review starting from late June 2015.
28. The allegations of Dalhousie University and University of King's College are a retaliation because of the case of plagiarism filed against Profs. Benjamin Mitchell and Anthony Anns.
F. Order Sought
Because the Academic Integrity Officer, Prof. Gary Kynoch forged decision when there was no meeting on March 13, 2015 and other days through June 24, 2015 and August 10, 2015 thus, pursuant to the breach of the Nova Scotia Civil Procedure Rule 4.02,
Applicant request this Court to dismiss the oral or written decision of The Hon. Justice John D. Murphy on February 22, 2016.
Honor to grant Applicant's Application to extend the deadline to file Notice of Petition for Judicial Review and also because Applicant has good case in line with The Constitution Act, 1982 - The Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B to the Canada
Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c 11.
Because the action of his professors and Senate Disciplinary Committees is retaliatory in revenge to his complaint against his professors, therefore the fundamental rights to freedom of speech or whistle blowing is secured under this Act because
Applicant has rights to speak out against the fraud committed by his professors and protect the rights of students in Nova Scotia and Canada in general. (see the Applicant's Affidavit sworn on February 16 , 2016).
In a transparent court and other places of record, this Constitutional and Jurisdictional pathways will lead to the dismissal of the entire hearing and decision of the Senate Hearing Committees because the Senate Hearing Committees did not apply
correct standard of hearing which starts from the Department of English (See paragraph 17 above and attached Applicant Affidavit sworn on February 16, 2016) which comes with preliminary Standards Form to file Complaint at Dalhousie University and
University of King's College.
Applicant request this Court to grant his application because the Senate Hearing Committees have no right to hear the complaint of Prof. Anthony Anns without all the appeal mechanism below.
Applicant also seeks other compensation which this Hon. Court deems fit.
G. Motion for date and directions
The appeal will be heard on a time and date to be set by a Judge of the Court of Appeal . The appellant must not more than eighty days after this notice is filed, make a motion to a judge of the Court of Appeal to set that time and date and give
directions. You will be notified of the motion.
H. Contact Information
The appellant designates the following address:
Prof. (Dr.) Phillip C. Ofume,
The Abigail # 1
56 Jacob Lane, Suite 403
Bedford (Halifax),
Nova Scotia Canada B3M 0H5
Tel. 902-443-4807
Fax: 902-443-5562
Cell: 902-237-0802
Documents delivered to this address will be considered received by the Appellant on delivery.
Further contact information is available to each party through the prothonotary.
(Signed) March 1, 2016
Prof. (Dr.) Phillip C. Ofume
I. Registrar's certificate
I certify that this notice of appeal was filed with the court on ,20
(Enclosures: Oral decision of The Hon. Justice John D. Murphy on February 22, 2016 and the Judge promised to issue written decision about one month effective date of oral decision)
Dated this day of March 1 , 2016.
Keynes Ofume
The Abigail # 1
56 Jacob Lane, Suite 403
Bedford (Halifax),
Nova Scotia Canada B3M 0H5
Tel. 902-443-4807
Fax: 902-443-5562
TO: The Respondent (s)
Stewart McKelvey
Dalhousie University
Stewart McKelvey Law Firm
Purdy's Warf Tower,
800-1959 Upper Water Street, Fax: 902-420-1417
P. O. Box 997
Halifax , Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 2X2
The Prothonotary The Law Courts:
1815 Upper Water St.
Halifax, NS
B3J 1S7
Phone: (902) 424-4900
Fax:(902) 424-0524
Keynes. Ofume Name:__________________________________________________________________
56 Jacob Lane Suite 403 Bedford (Halifax) Nova Scotia B3 Address_________________________________________________________________
Canada B3M 0H5
____________________________________Postal Code___________________________
Telephone: Home___________________________ Work_________________________
Cell Phone_____________________________ E-Mail_____________________________
File Name _____________________________ I am the:_____Plaintiff/Applicant/Petitioner
______________________________ ______Defendant/Respondent
______________________________ _______ 3rd Party/Other________
I certify that the above address is my address for receiving court documents.
I confirm and understand that any court documents sent, mailed, or delivered, to the above address are considered by the court to be received by me.
__________________________________ ________________________________ Date Signature
Change of Address
I f my address provided above changes, I undertake to immediately notify a court officer at this court location, in writing, of my new address where I can receive documents in relation to this proceeding.
If I do not do this, I understand my action, application, appeal, defence, response, or answer could be dismissed, or proceed in my absence, without further notice to me.
__________________________________ ________________________________ Date Signature
PLEASE NOTE: The information on both these pages will be placed in the court file.
Dalhousie University Name:__________________________________________________________________
Purdy's Warf Tower, 800-1959 Upper Water Street, Address_________________________________________________________________
Halifax , Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 2X2
____________________________________Postal Code___________________________
Telephone: Home___________________________ Work_________________________ Cell Phone_____________________________ E-Mail_____________________________ File Name _____________________________ I am the:_____Plaintiff/Applicant/Petitioner
______________________________ ______Defendant/Respondent
______________________________ _______ 3rd Party/Other________
I certify that the above address is my address for receiving court documents.
I confirm and understand that any court documents sent, mailed, or delivered, to the above address are considered by the court to be received by me.
__________________________________ ________________________________ Date Signature
Change of Address
I f my address provided above changes, I undertake to immediately notify a court officer at this court location, in writing, of my new address where I can receive documents in relation to this proceeding.
If I do not do this, I understand my action, application, appeal, defence, response, or answer could be dismissed, or proceed in my absence, without further notice to me.
__________________________________ ________________________________ Date Signature
PLEASE NOTE: The information on both these pages will be placed in the court file.
I, Dr. Phillip C. Ofume of Halifax Nova Scotia, make oath and say that I did on the day of July, A.D. 2015, before the hour of o'clock in the noon , serve ___________________________
with the within Originating Notice and Statement of Claim annexed thereto by leaving a true copy of both documents with him/her personally
at and that I endorsed the date of the service thereon on the day of day of A.D., 2015
SWORN TO at Halifax in the
County of Halifax, Province
Of Nova Scotia this day
of A.D. , 2015 before me:
Received on , the day of 2015
This Originating Notice and Statement of Claim annexed thereto was served by me on the Defendant at
. on the day of 2015, before the hour of o'clock in the noon
Endorsed on the day of 2015
(signed) (Address)
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