• Black Widower effect examples

    From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 16 17:05:44 2024
    XPost: alt.religion.druid, alt.music.s-mclachlan, alt.magick
    XPost: van.general, can.motss

    A while ago I posted about the black widow(er) effect,
    in which a lesbian or gay in a deceptive relationship
    with an incompatible partner of the opposite gender
    causes negative mental and physical health effects
    on that partner, sometimes shortening their lifespan.
    That does not occur in platonic friendship/parenting
    partnerships such as gay--lesbian, gay--straight-type-2-F,
    and lesbian--straight-type-2-M, but does in gay--bif,
    gay--straight-type-1-F, lesbian--bim, and lesbian--straight-type-1-M.

    Memorial University posted today that Allyson Marie McGrane,
    a student in the Faculty of Education, had died, and gave
    a link to her obituary, which said that she was based in
    Vancouver and had died at age 48 of cancer, and that her
    lifelong partner was Shane Birley.

    From his pictures on images.google.com and from my
    matchmaking ability I divine that Shane Birley is gay,
    and that the black widower effect caused Allyson’s
    cancer. Another example of that is the early death
    of (gay) Antonio Guterres’s first wife, though he is
    optimally sexually compatible with his bimT current wife,
    and is currently minor good as defined by Goddess,
    so he has worked off any debt related to his first wife.

    How would a lesbian or gay have sex with an incompatible
    partner? A lesbian could just lie there/fake it, but either a
    lesbian or a gay could think of someone of the same
    gender as them who is not there, and I think that practice
    has more negative magick effects than just lying there.

    I also have divined that Allyson has just reincarnated
    as an orca fetus.

    David Dalton dalton@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page) https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) “Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
    find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)

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