• Dan talking about the 40th Birthday of the Internet

    From Daniel MacKay@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 4 05:57:46 2023
    Last weekend I ran a big party (in my city it's called a "levee") to celebrate the 40th birthday of the Internet, and this morning I did an interview with the local station of Canada's national broadcaster, the CBC.

    I did NOT get to tell my story of using soc.motss story about taking a very vague description ("it's sweet, it's a big ball, made of little balls) of a jewish snack food from my employer, Mr Rozovsky, posting that to soc.motss, having Mara Chibnik
    identify it as taiglach, getting a recipe and making it for him for the next day. The interview got chopped down to 11 minutes which is the absolute maximum length for that show.

    Here's the interview:


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