• OT - Whoops: Hamas Just Completely Nuked All Its Pathetic Apologists

    From a425couple@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 1 14:43:18 2023
    rom https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/11/01/hamas-spokesman-saws-the-limb-out-from-under-all-its-pathetic-apologists-n2165769

    By Bonchie | 8:11 AM on November 01, 2023The opinions expressed by
    contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.

    AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews
    When someone keeps telling you what they want, it's best to believe them instead of constantly rationalizing what they "really" want. That might
    seem like a simple rule, but it is one that has been completely ignored
    by Hamas apologists across the globe, many of whom continue to pretend
    that the attacks on Israel are just about garnering a two-state solution.

    Here's a good summation of how those conversations usually go.
    Hamas: "We will continue to kill Jews until Israel no longer exists."

    Global Left: "So what you're really telling me is that you want a
    secular two-state solution where everyone lives in peace."

    Luckily, for those still confused, we have a Hamas leader on hand to set
    the record straight. According to Ghazi Hamad, who lives a life of
    luxury in Qatar by spending millions of dollars in embezzled aid money,
    his terrorist government has no intention of formulating any kind of
    peace. Instead, in his own words, they'll just keep slaughtering Jews
    until Israel no longer exists.

    It doesn't get any clearer than that. Hamas, which is the governing
    authority in Gaza, has no interest in the two-state solution being
    bandied about by clownish Western politicians. They are not going to
    suddenly disengage and act like human beings if Israel takes down the
    border fencing and extends a hand of peace. Instead, they would simply
    use that as an opportunity to kill more Jews because, and stick with me
    here, they just want to kill Jews.

    American college campuses and newsrooms, among other places, are filled
    with naive imbeciles who believe that all cultures are the same and
    ultimately want the same things. They simply can't fathom anyone could
    think differently than they do. No matter how much evidence emerges,
    they refuse to believe that Gazans don't want a secular state, living in
    peace with their Jewish neighbors. Rather than living in reality, they
    project their own desires onto a group of people who do not share them.

    This is why, despite the tragedy of lives lost, Israel is not going to
    stop until Hamas is destroyed. All the arguments about a two-state
    solution have been scuttled by Hamas, who has made it clear they do not
    want one. It's long past time for pampered Westerners to believe them.

    Front-page contributor for RedState. Visit my archives for more of my
    latest articles and help out by following me on Twitter @bonchieredstate.

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