• OT - Hospital Bombing - Hamas lies

    From a425couple@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 23 10:24:57 2023
    XPost: soc.history.war.misc, seattle.politics

    Even the NY Times is backing off after being
    embarrassed by being used by Jew-Hater
    propaganda: [1]

    In the News:

    NYT: A Week Later, Hamas "Fails to Make Case" that Israel Struck
    Hospital; UPDATE: "Editors Note"?

    A week ago, the NYT and every other American media outlet swallowed that
    Hamas claim without question while sourcing it from “Gaza’s health ministry. Even after Israel provided video of the failed rocket launch
    by Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and radio communications from Hamas confirming the incident as friendly fire, American news media declared
    that the IDF hadn’t “proven” their case.

    Now, a week later, the ‘Paper of Record’ grudgingly admits that the
    claim came from Hamas and never did have any evidence supporting it. The headline itself is a marvel in the annals of modified limited hangouts
    (via Power Line):

    "Hamas Fails to Make Case That Israel Struck Hospital" [2]

    NY Times:

    Six days after Hamas accused Israel of bombing a hospital in Gaza City
    and killing hundreds of people, the armed Palestinian group has yet to
    produce or describe any evidence linking Israel to the strike, says it
    cannot find the munition that hit the site and has declined to provide
    detail to support its count of the casualties.

    Within an hour of the blast on Tuesday night, the Hamas-run Gazan health ministry accused Israel of attacking the Ahli Arab hospital, a medical
    center in Gaza City where scores of families had been sheltering. The allegation was soon denied by Israel but quickly accepted and amplified
    by Arab leaders across the Middle East, setting off unrest throughout
    the region. The claim was widely cited by international news outlets,
    including The New York Times, before Israel issued its denial.

    But in the days since, as new evidence contradicting the Hamas claim has emerged, the Gazan authorities have changed their story about the blast.


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